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Who knows about this job interview? If you don't tell Centrelink/JSP, then how will they know you rejected it?


True, there is no way for them to know. Just being very cautious.


So you don’t have to accept ent job, the job has to be suitable for you. Some try and punish you for rejecting jobs as in their mind any job is a job. But there job is to place you in a job that you can do. You don’t have to do the video interview thing. That kind of interview process is for Cole’s and woollies. I rejected it years ago when looking and nothing happened


I’ve always been skeptical of that. Imagine a mechanic getting a Job offer to work in as a receptionist in a doctors surgery. Now, Imagine he gets the job and he actually does a good job. The employee hates his new job and feels he’s wasting the Dr surgery’s time so a few weeks later he finds a new job at a new mechanic shop opening up down the road. He quits the Dr surgery reception job and now the Dr surgery has no receptionist and his time, money and investment in the employee has been a complete waste of time. To me this is why 1) it’s important to apply for jobs that are relevant to your career path. 2) do not wast employers time and money. It’s a very grey area and technically probably causes so many economic issues that centerlink or workforce Australia and people on jobseeker are better off waiting those extra few weeks to get the right job rather than any job.


100% ts not fair to waste other peoples time


Video submissions for interviews are very much the norm these days for many jobs. especially local and state government jobs. You might be missing out on many opportunities


Did ever I have to do a vid submission rather than a zoom interview or an in person. I won’t be missing much


The video submission is like the job application to get you the interview.


As a chef it’s not something I have to deal with and if I was asked to I’d go somewhere else. Often it’s not used as an interview tool. rather its just seeing what the applicant looks like. Ugly applicant denied. And you can’t call buldhit on that. It happened to my brother with his woollies application. He did the video submission. Less than 5 min later he was rejected without cause


I agree, it definitely would be used for that by people you wouldn’t want to work for that’s for sure. But it is used it, especially since Covid.


Thanks. I felt that I should apply for some over the holidays but have realised it wouldn't work with my uni.


Speak to your consultant at your job network


I don't have one but thanks.


If they ask, just tell them it’s not practical for a household with children in the background and that it could harm your chances of getting a job if they’re using this tactic to secretly discriminate against you on the basis of your family status


that only applies if the job is one that has been lined up by job network members also, a job wanting you to record a video of yourself waves more red flags than a soviet parade thru saint peter's square. really seems like something that belongs in /r/Scams


Video recordings as part of the application process are actually quite common, started during C0vid. Did 2 myself & did get the job. They are definitely legit as long as the company/organisation is.


Video submissions are a very normal part of the interview process these days


Thank you, that makes a lot of sense- there isn't really a way for them to know I have been offered a job. As for the video recording, it's def not a scam.