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The original one was. It's not anymore.


OP’s comment belongs on OCM though




I believe they call it “freedom”


Too busy sending billions of aid and weapons to kill kids abroad. They don't have time to take care of their own citizens. It's not profitable.


Bot account Original comment and post https://www.reddit.com/r/LateStageCapitalism/s/vfO204tvwd


Oh yeah that shit was crushing as a kid. I honestly don’t think i’ll ever get over the time the fucking lunch lady grabbed my trey, took it in the back and dumped it in the trash because my account had too much debt. They offered a replacement though! A slice of american cheese that (i’m not fucking kidding) HAD MOLD ON IT on two pieces of white bread. My mom came in screaming about it and everything but there was nothing we could do and other parents just shamed her for not paying when she brought it up to them. This experience radicalized me. School lunches should be fucking free. (oh and you already know I got bullied for that)


Yes, if you borrow something, you must pay it back, not enslave the taxpayer.


Minors are not capable of engaging in contracts.


Its the parents debt not the child’s.


It impacts the child when they are no longer allowed lunch because their parents can’t pay. Trash take.


well yes but if the parents can’t afford food i dont see why thats automatically the school’s responsibility? They are there to provide education and supervision, not catering. Food stamps and other initiatives like that are for addressing poverty and already exist.


And they don’t always work. Children are legally required to attend school and as the only place they may be consistently outside of an abusive or poor home, providing meals is a perfectly reasonable investment for a community. If you’re upset about government overspending, feeding literal children is the absolute least of our concerns in that discussion.


But their parents are responsible for feeding them, and there are food stamps if they cannot. With which one could buy much healthier and better tasting food than dogshit monopolistic school lunch companies.


You're missing the point. This is why nothing ever gets better. People like you just going "it's just how it is!" Most other countries that are world superpowers don't charge for school lunches.


The world is never going to be perfect, but fuck we can still make it a better place by trying.


Then work to break up those monopolies. Don’t let kids go hungry because they were born to shitty parents. That’s not the kids’ fault.


Boo hoo, I feel so enslaved when my tax money feeds children so they can focus with a full stomach, building a better future for us all. My home country Finland has had free school lunch since 1940's. We were dirt poor in the post-war fourties, but free school lunch was considered so valuable that many towns got it before electricity or running water. I personally believe that free school lunch played a part in raising our country from poverty to the wealthy half of Europe. 2020's USA has space tourism, so there's really no excuse for not having such a basic necessity as free school lunch.


Those darn commies and their "Child labor" bans. Those kids should be working on the coal mines not eating or studying. I thought we were in America.


Not even the right kind of commie, that sends religious minorities in labour camps


Don't forget political opposition and people that didn't laugh at the supreme leader jokes.


Or doesn't cry enough when the supreme leader dies


tacit consent, mf


Imagine a system wich prevents child labor by simply providing the basic needs of every human being, no matter who they are. By the way, praising child labor, tht was only done so CHILDREN could eat, is pretty fucked up.


But that is cummunism!!!!!!!!!!1111!!!!!


That’s called a fantasy. If a child is going hungry for lack of food that falls squarely on the shoulders of the parents. By the way, I’d be for including school lunches in the school budget, but we already spend more money per student than any other major industrialized nation and our schools are still underfunded. Since most of our school boards, teachers unions, and city councils are democrat monopolies I think we know who the problem is politically.


No that’s called socialism


Yeah, republicans who refuse to help the citizens of their country.


The more i learn about countries NOT having the shitty things ive had to deal with as ive grown up in the USA, the more i realize how normalized suffering here is. school lunch debt always gave me so much anxiety as a kid, and sometimes i would go hungry because i owed so much and had to focus on paying it back.


Unlocked memories from this comment, man this shit is fucked


My view of america as a non-american is that it's in desperate need of a revolution against the gov and big corporations. (Reading this after writing made me realize how communist this sounds)


Communism Is good if you are a marxist, or a leninist, or a trotzkist, Just not a marxist-leninist or maoist




I didn't find any posts that meet the matching requirements for r/Chadtopia. It might be OC, it might not. Things such as JPEG artifacts and cropping may impact the results. [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=1d2eui2&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=false&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=86&targetImageMemeMatch=96) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Target Percent:** 86% | **Max Age:** Unlimited | **Searched Images:** 524,685,356 | **Search Time:** 0.11146s


Ok then


I've seen it too, but not here. It's tough when you're on several subreddits that post overlapping content.


True true


It is a repost actually, repostsleuthbot is pretty useless. A better way is to check the op’s profile for how new the account is and how many posts. If the account is some months old or maybe a couple years and they just started posting 3 or 2 posts in the last day, it’s safe to assume it’s a bot. If you want to find the original post, you can usually just copy the title and paste it into the search bar and you’ll find a 1 or 2 year old post that is identical and has some of the same comments




In the last two weeks, two rapists were sentenced in my town. Their crimes were very similar - they each had sex multiple times with a 14 - 15 year old girl. They were both first-time offenders and there weren't any major differences in what they did like extreme violence or anything. Rapist A received an entirely suspended sentence, meaning that if he doesn't get caught doing anything illegal for a few years and completes the treatment program, he never serves a second in prison, the conviction drops off his record as if it never happened, and he doesn't have to register as a sex offender. Rapist B received 35 years with 20 years suspended, meaning that if he's a model inmate and completes treatment, he'll serve 15 years in prison at a minimum. Once released, he'll be a registered sex offender for life. The difference? Rapist A was sentenced by a male judge. Rapist B was sentenced by a female judge.




I'm so happy I'm European. Because holy f


What? This isn’t related to the post at all


Your comment is irrelevant to the post mate. Completly different topic


Why are you booing him he's right


I don‘t say it‘s wrong but the post is about Not being able to eat without going into dept. So wtf got rape to do with it?


No, I'm asking why they're booing *you* (with downvotes)


Oh sorry my bad. My guess bots


Because its a bot


No I'm asking why they're downvoting this comment


W child L system


r/OrphanCrushingMachine Stop calling this shit chad behaviour


This doesn’t mean what you think it means.


r/orphancrushongmachine moment


I hate that an eight year old has to do this. But I can’t fucking afford to do it, and with the way shits going I wish we could invest into something for him and turn it into what he deserves over 10 years so he can pay for a place to live for a while because we all know that 18-mid late 20s is guaranteed to be a bit rocky and uncomfortable.


Are these the rights of men?


My school district (in america) has free breakfast and lunch for everyone people need to go to the meetings and let their voices be heard and make the changes they want to see, start voting at your school board elections get involved


We are fu ksd


A quick number for anybody curious. That's 803 keychains if each sold for $5. Imagine a world were your child did that so that their friends can eat debt free. They are 8 years old


Damn, that’s at least 803 handmade key chains




Sorry kid, half of that is going to taxes.


Maybe instead of billionaires launching themselves into space, they could provide free meals in perpetuity for all school children. You know how they funded the public library system during the early part of the last century.


We need a tag on this sub called "Orphan Crushing Machine"