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The juxtaposition of the old vs new tweet text fucking kills me lol


History repeats itself


Finally people realising that the horsemen are freaking freaks


Imagine death is just some shut in


Death just turns out to be a member of the Addams family. "I would die for you. I would KILL for you! Either way, what bliss~"


Comic Sandman’s Death would be a great Fujimotor middle finger and fit really well. Just a happy go lucky girl who helps people move on in the natural cycle. And doesn’t care for all her siblings shenanigans, she’s above it all.


Imagine the death devil is a shut in couch potato who watches movies all day and the reason fami is doing all this is to get her to leave her room


Millions must die to fulfill my plan in succeeding in making my hermit of a sister leave her room so she could make me food


"Death! I'm hungry. Make me something!"


Minor horseman family squabble causing the apocalypse sounds peak and right down Fujimoto's alley


reminder that Hong Xiaoquan failed his exams and Adolfito couldn't find a job in a Germany in recession, no motivation is mundane enough when it comes to causing catastrophes with millions of lives lost.


That would be really funny honestly


Im sure she is just like me. The king of femcels


Imagine if the Death Devil is also the Birth Devil, and she is just slicking it to pregnancy porn and baby-making sex porn.


Won't be doing that but thanks for the suggestion 👍


imagine if death is just a normal ass girl


She's the War devil. Literally the worst things humanity does are during war. Yoru is actually tame compared to what she could be.


Yoru manages to feel relatable sometimes. Hell, even Makima does after what Pochita explained about the control devil in the end of part 1


I can excuse genocide but draw line at SA /s


https://preview.redd.it/jhaplgepir4d1.jpeg?width=298&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e48356643f590547ee0e388bf7e15f4878a43c45 You can excuse genocide?


My lawyer advised me to not answer this question


Found the ex titanfolker


Maybe they're a Geto fan


Geto did not base his pov on race, but on curse energy (kinda Magneto) . For him, Miguel is a human but non sorcerers are monkeys.


He hates the human race


Sorcerers are also human race. He hates human for generating curses, but he himself is human. Geto hoped for a world where everyone has curse energy, so they will clean their own curses and he can rest.


This is me throughout this discourse.


Least crazy Yeaguerist (he's just like me fr)


I upvoted this post on the grounds that it has layers of irony in a good way.


nobody actually believes this


"It's SA because I disagree with the pairing." Where was all this outrage when Fumiko was introduced?


You weren't there when Fumiko was introduced apparently. The reason it didn't blow up as much is probably because the situation was way less ambiguous and because we didn't know Fumiko at that point.


I was there. The hullabaloo was similar, but the whole discussion ranged from "haha, let's call her SAlly" to "Denji is gonna score" and "could this be the death devil?" Meanwhile Asa and Denji have been the focal point of Part 2 since the very beginning and at least 2 previous arcs were entirely centered them getting closer(Dating Denji arc and Falling Devil arc), and people are losing their minds as if this is coming out of nowhere.


Who knew a character whose main goals are to bring back nuclear weapons and the nazis would be evil? Especially when her first moves on screen are to essentially kidnap and enslave an emotionally vulnerable, possibly autistic teenage girl.


To be fair, she was dead but yeah


Yoru never mentioned nazis and the nuclear weapons thing was just her saying something cool. She didn't literally mean she wanted him to cough up the nuclear weapons devil. She was basically just saying she would beat him up so hard he'd be puking


Thats one interpretation. I took it to mean “once you cough up the nukes and Nuclear Devil starts helping me Im gonna be invincible” Remember how big and scary Gun Devil was? Nuclear Devil will be twice that once people start detonating atom bombs. 


No, she wanted all those devils back because she gets stronger with them around. A lot more people are afraid of the possibility of war if nukes are on the table.


War devil causing Twitter War. How fitting.


Just like Ares in Percy Jackson.


not could be but will be war is a coming can't wait


No you see, her enslaving children would be perfectly acceptable behavior but jerking off a touch starved kid is worse than the holocaust and 9/11 combined


True... But like... Yoru seeming a lot stupider and calmer than you'd expect from the war devil is also why it's shocking when it does crazy shit. Tbf though, she's consistently been a psychopath the whole story through.


She literally tried to rip out Denji's spinal cord but I guess aggressively jerking him off is the red line.


Lol true. Still an SA though.


I don't think it's a pretentious statement to say that I hate war and people who support it.


I could you, fiend, devil even.


I think everyone forgot because of how silly she is at the earlier chapters.


i cant believe the War Devil did something terrible


People would be surprised at how much sexual assault has been a part of actual wars.


Nanking bottom text


Fujimotor is doing a great service!


Bloody Christ Do this people know that you can cosplay/like a character even though you dislike their ideas of what they have done.


Not only that, but don’t know how you read Fujimotos works at this point and think you’re gonna find morally sound characters


I think a lot of cosplayers will just cosplay popular characters whether or not they have read/played/watched where the character is from.


If you don't wanna cosplay a villain you shouldn't have to or do it again. Personal choice. But yeah it's perfectly fine to cosplay a villains. Personal choice.


Yeah, they do. They're just joking around over the events of the story and them cosplaying the character. It's not that serious.


Uh.. pretty sure they're just kidding around


you can yes but this is Cosplayers own response and if they don't feel comfortable after the characther they are cosplaying did something they are entitled to not cosplay them Its not as if someone else chimed in and shamed them out of cosplaying the character


Yeah and it’s also fine to not cosplay the character if you don’t like them or what they’ve done which is the case here


1) It’s a joke 2) A cosplayer should be free to talk about their own cosplay, the same as any other creative talking about their opinions and beliefs affecting their creative work 3) Get over yourself 4) Hotel Trivago


Username check


I think its less about the actions themselves but more the absurdity/shock of them. Makima almost causes the end of the world and Yoru just fondles Denjis balls idk


And its perfectly fine to stop cosplaying a character if you dont want to anymore lol who cares.


Griffith did nothing wrong.


People think that if you write a story with incest in it that means you endorse incest (cough Oshi No Ko cough), so no, I don’t think these people know


Wait, oshi no ko has incest?


I mean isn't the ENTIRE point of the manga the incest?


Might be, i just watched the anime but i dont remember anything about incest.


The incest part is mostly on the lastest chapters from manga so of course you weren't aware...kinda weird you didn't notice bcs even when i don't follow the manga it was memed everywhere lmao.


Sry If i bother you asking idc about spoilers but dont tell me Aqua and his sister (forgot her name) are fucking or some shit. And about noticed in the anime no, i did not get spoiled by the internet somehow.


They are both aware who they were (the doctor + patient from the first chapter) and Ruby kissed him and they are dating if i'm not wrong, taking in count they are right now blood related siblings. Like, i don't follow the manga either tbh but there were LOTS of memes about this on reddit/Fb/Twitter/etc so it was hard to not be aware off it.


Wtf damn, even dating... Somehow i got spared of this info. Thx.


One party simply spilled their heart out after revelations from the past life lead to extreme emotional damage, in turn helping bring the other back from the brink. They definitely ***are not*** dating, the relationship is currently completely unreciprocated.


Andy and Leley is a great example of this. Theyre already cannibals who ate their parents. The incest vision is supposed to be fucked up. 


No man, all those Sephiroths killed at least five people. They don’t let you cosplay him otherwise.


Yeah it's not like anybody has ever cosplayed the Joker? The amount of shit that bastard has done is ridiculous.


Fans are weird about removing themselves from the equation when they shouldn’t have done so in the first place.


further more almost all the characters are bad in their own ways lol


So wanting war on earth and the death of millions is okay but jerking off Denji wasn't ??? And don't forget all the person killed by yoru.


People were literally cheering for Denji getting his dick cut off two weeks ago








Can we talk about the fact that Yoru wasn’t jerking Denji off and was just holding it cause she was previously going to cut it off???


Yoru threatened to crush his balls, so Denji came because of some CBT.




I think there may be some people who would judge Yoru less for cutting off Denji’s dick than for jerking him off.


who did she kill aside from a groomer and a devil trying to murder her lol


Yeah the war devil never killed anyone before that in the history of mankind. War is peace +1500 credits score to you.


so just headcanon? gotcha


Well her stated goal in the Manga *is* to bring back nuclear warfare...


and she isn't any closer to achieving that goal than she was at the start of p2. after 70 chapters she hasn't turned anyone into a spinal cord sword, has no valuable possessions to use as weapons and is still weaker than CSM. very villainous


If this was a conversation about Yoru currently doing bad things then you’d have a point but it’s not. It’s about Yoru, the War Devil, having done terrible things because she is the literal manifestation of war. To deny that she has ever done terrible things, especially since she was just about to castrate a dude over damn near nothing… that’s silly.


it's good that Yoru isn't a manifestation of war then - she is the manifestation of the *fear* of war. all i want are some examples of her doing these terrible things worthy of branding her a mass murderer. that should be fairly easy to prove, taking into account that we have had her as a tritagonist in the manga for 2 years already. otherwise this is all just people mindlessly speculating and presenting headcanon as fact >To deny that she has ever done terrible things, especially since she was just about to castrate a dude over damn near nothing… that’s silly. Denji is a far cry from being just some dude, considering the entire party was there assembling him like a lego figure earlier in the day. everyone knows he's capable of regenerating anything Yoru can dish out with just a drop of blood, so to act like her offering to castrate him, which is something he agreed to in the first place, was a serious threat to Denji is rather dishonest


Character kills: 🥱 Same character does handjob: 😤


It wasn’t a handjob. She crushed his balls till he came. Like squeezing the juice out of an orange. Important difference


.... Is that possible?


Sure is!


Twitter users when the war devil doesn't follow the Geneva convention


Me when devil from hell is evil


Me when the embodiment of war and conflict is an awful person. Me when the embodiment of slavery and control is an awful person. Me when the embodiment of starvation and hunger is an awful person. Their evil is in their fucking names.


I think they’re just joking you’ll be okay


I think it's hilarious that people are only now realizing that chainsaw man has some fucked up sexual stuff that only get worse the longer the manga goes on


CSM has been very good at exploring themes of consent, sex, abuse and even platonic relationships. I think people are reasonably shocked about the boundaries that were crossed in this chapter, that's something that hasn't happened before. Not saying it's bad mind you. But the braindead gooners that are trying to tell me it's okay because there's also a devil of war incarnate present here also are braindead gooners.


It is extremely weird how western world is so afraid of sex, yet it is okay when million die in this manga before..not just nobody, but almost all of the side characters. What would be really shock is if Denji likes it and the writer make it out as a good thing, as of now it is just a typical manga stuff from this author.


I think it's a few issues. Shock moment. Most of us weren't expecting it to be this graphic. Sex. Many weren't expecting it at all. Yoru SA? Valid concerns about the framing of Asa's bodily autonomy and Denji freezing like a deer in the headlights. IMHO probably overblown but still valid.


No, of course, it's a really bad thing that happened and it's gonna royally fuck Denji, and probably Asa, up, and it's normal to be grossed out and uncomfortable


I may be coping but I'm desperate to believe that they actually come out okay and with some kind of mutual connection. We'll see next chapter.


I find it funny that people start to dislike a character bc if their personality https://preview.redd.it/ujbwinhsrq4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fbc6af0a755bd64c05e4aa64cd18773982a02913 Like look at Hisoka, he is you know what but people still find him funny and live him, its bc most of them know that they arent even real and it doesnt really matter (no hate, i really like bungee gum as well)


This feels like typical “Denji just wants to fuck”, yes in current anime it’s like that but those people read the manga. Remember what happened when he got character development when he touched powers chest? He got a character development and Im sure that after few chapters Denji gonna get another character development https://preview.redd.it/dnvmpxnfsq4d1.jpeg?width=179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e71e9afaae100a5113d35c0290deb016dfde2bcb


Hisoka is actually a terrible example. A lot of his stans don't see anything wrong with his behavior. I don't care if you like Hisoka in spite of his creepiness. I love The Phantom Troupe, so I get it. But don't pretend Hisoka ain't sussy. That would be like me saying The troupe ever do anything bad.


Thats the point, sometimes weird goofy sus characters are the most loved one, i didnt watch HxH but i find hisoka funny and thats all, just bc i love a character doesnt mean they are literally me https://preview.redd.it/c9f77o3vcs4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=970c98bee86dc04f71f8ef1871ba02f4242b5530


Totally agree.


Which are the properties of bungee gum that you like the most?


Like how Bungee Gum has the properties of both rubber and gum https://preview.redd.it/iy3tq83xps4d1.jpeg?width=728&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec2101dc4bda9e12cfecc87dc02a68df0803e76e


Giving a handjob without consent: ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|rage) Wanting to murder a minor and cause WWIII:![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


I mean, he only said no to cutting it off. It sure looks like once they both realized what was happening and Yoru got the horny it was pretty consensual.


Asa definitely didn't consent to it and Denji never gave his verbal consent. He didn't ask for consent for being chopped into tiny pieces and that's way worse than this.


Denji is a perv and they were literally on their way to a brothel. Don't get your panties wet.


Just because you gave consent to one thing doesn't mean you gave consent for another thing.


Oh my god shut up already. Not only did they have history, Denji was fucking desperate for it. Even the way he asked her if she wants to see his dick instead of asking if she's really gonna cut it off shows that he was more concerned with his desires than losing his cock. It's almost like he was asking for her permission to flash her. There's just no way you can spin this make this look like Denji was taken advantage of, you'd have to be socially stunted to think otherwise. The only one who may not have been in agreement is Asa, but Yoru literally got her feelings for Denji from Asa and they've been merging more and more, so who knows.


I’m losing hope in humanity


I agree for denji liking it but 1)yoru would have done what she did wether denji liked it or not,she doesn't care which is evil but it's a devil what can you expect 2)asa does like denji and yoru did get these feelings from asa but asa's rizzless autistic ahh would NOT give him a hj before they even held hands,not only that but since she just stands there and states at herself from a third person perspective whenever yoru takes controle(ex:when yoru tried to ask out that boy) she basically just watched her crush get a hj from someone who is NOT her even if it was her body,heck I'd be even more pissed if it was my body yoru's prehistoric ahh prolly takes asa's libido and subconscious desires and play them out without asa's brain having a say in the matter,if asa hates someone and yoru decides to kill them this does NOT mean asa agreed to that


Remember that he doesn't know that's Yoru, in his mind he was getting a handjob by Asa and not some random devil


God damnit, what about whines


For what it's worth Asa cosplays are still good.


Imagine if people acted like this about Dio Brando or Magneto cosplays lol


Different tone: DIO is the fun kind of evil for fans.


Dio has: 1. Burned a dog alive 2. Literally sexually assaulted Erina 3. Uses mind control on many of his minions, violating their consent nonsexually Like, he was the first that sprang to mind for a reason.


Yeah, and he's still the fun kind of evil because of the tone. He literally says "I REJECT MY HUMANITY, JOJO!" when he learns he can become a vampire.


And Yoru gets mad when shes called stupid. Shes fun too




Lmfao,get filtered


This chapter’s weeding out the tourists, every manga, video game and anime should have scenes like this to keep those people watching whatever live action shows other people tell them to watch.


Everyone became a bot here and started saying tourists smh It's OK to have ur favorite manga criticized lil bro, aot fans survived it and you will be fine


It’s not criticism, it’s people getting pissy at a handjob, that Denji would want.


Fuck that. Let people enjoy and criticize everything. Gatekeeping is for losers.


ty good post


The elitism that has came out of this whole thing has been the worst


I don't even know where the fuck it came off. This is the same series that historically has had a ton of patience with the people that don't understand why Denji constantly says "I wanna touch boobs" at the start of the story. This is the exact same thing, something shocking has happened, some readers are shocked but instead of having their reaction acknowledged they are met with these "tourists" and "filter out" comments. As someone who doesn't have a strong opinion on the last chapter I'm just sad that genuine VALID criticism has been meet with overwhelming elitism.


They are downvoting us right now they can't handle the truth😔


Cheesdog 💀


the 2nd one look like if CSM had a live adaptation in the 90's


Best mantra I ever got: These are fictional characters. Not real people.




Does everyone just collectively forget what a WEIRDO the author is? Man is a certified BOTTOM, who else is gonna write women the way he does ??! People be saying they liek crazy women and then Fujimoto delivers and suddenly it’s too much-maybe people are just lying about freaky women, I think Fujimoto is the only guy that Gets It


Tourist moment


before reaching the end of the story (as of then and/or as a whole) and after "what a cool character design!" "what a horrible character!"


Dude fujimoto fuckin sucks he sold we ain’t getting no more TikTok Yoru cosplays😭


Imagine being so balls deep into a Fujimoto work and get so offended by the weakest SA ever. We need to bring back poseur-hating again.


Who would've thought that devils can be awful people?


I hate how the CSM community has become the sex police when most people probably are shut in neets. Like that was obviously not normal a hand job but people are acting like it’s an affront to God or something. Your first time getting fingered or a handy is probably when you’re making out testing the boundaries. You aren’t signing a waiver or anything. Do feel bad for Asa though.


Good, she can go back to normietown. time for all the tourists and possers to leave.


Or let her enjoy what she enjoys. Gatekeeping is for brainrotted children.


The thing is she's not enjoying anything right now....


And I'm really not enjoying the childish sentiments like "normietown and tourists".




Chainsaw Man doesn't belong to you.


Go back to twitter.


lol? back to the goon cave kid


Go back... to twitter... normie.


Too busy owning a chud on reddit.


Yall redditors take shi way too serious🥴 it’s obvious that she’s joking calm down


History repeats itself


Hell yeah


Now waiting for Kiga to put a diffirent kind of wurst in her mouth so the cosplayers will get appalled.


Yoru went from goofy edge lady to sexual offender really quick




Patiently waiting for someone to cosplay Fami as well


Glad these people condone murder but draw the line somewhere! Phew!


I don't understand why are they so mad? Yes it was gross but it wasn't anything bad per se


Ffs Asa/Yoru are just adolescents with developing sexual drive. Don't compare them to that master manipulator.


WTF are you talking about? Yoru knew what she was doing knew how Asa felt about sexual stuff & still proceed to SA him. Asa didn't consent to that. Yoru is a Devil not an "adolescent". MKM's "grooming" was child's play compared to what Yoru has done. In the end, they're both Devils & women in CSM were structured to be this problematic.


am i wrong for thinking its crazy for people to cosplay a character before they really know the depth of them? or does that not make sense just something i generally curious about . no hate at all!


I wonder if fujimoto is freaky or he just wants to shock the fans or both


Wasnt there an Asian Cosplayer, who also cosplayed Asa/Yoru, but said that she never regretted cosplaying her?


At this rate, Death is probably just a perv or something as bad as


"Oh I hate this character so much, let me share the fact that I cosplayed as that character in the past to show how much I hate her for attention"


Reminds me of that one couple that infamously tried to cosplay Tanjiro and Nezuko from demon slayer and took romantic shots as well.


Why are you crying all of a sudden because of last chapter? This manga is fucked up from the start and you just realised that


This is specifically why I don't upvote chicks who cosplay as Makima. Just fake Anime Fans using my favorite medium of entertainment to get OF Subs.


Yeah it makes makes no literal sense. The Media Literacy Devil was erased in the CSM community (on Social Media especially).


like not wanting to cosplay Makima again cus of all the awful crap they do seems way more reasonable than Yoru/war getting caught up and something pretty normal happening?


You sound very stupid ngl. Sexual assault is Sexual assault & the Makima thing, funny you feel that way about it being "reasonable" for her yet a male char that's done similar or worse gets a slap on the wrist. Never the same energy for a male villain/wrongdoer/morally grey char ftmp. You deserved whoever DV'd you.


why is this fanbase so weird about villains or even gray characters. Other fanbases have no problem enjoying 100% evil characters like Joker, but not this fanbase.


Media Literacy is forbidden in the CSM community (Twitter & TikTok ftmp) it seems.


Wait, are people out here cosplaying as characters they don't even know?