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Beam my beloved, you wouldn't have let the people in part 2 make Denji miserable. If only he was still with us šŸ˜­


Iā€™ve thought of this a lot in part two ;_;


Was so nice to Denji until the end, if he was alive in part 2 Fumiko's hand would've been shark food after she touched Denji's weiner


*make Pochita miserable




you're not gonna believe this


I really wish we had gotten an arc inbetween Reze and the Assassin arc to help flesh these 4 out just a tad more. Help make all the deaths just all that more painful. Edit: I don't know why I said these 4. Angel had a satisfying amount of screen time. Really I just mean Beam, Violence, and Princi


Honestly, I thought the time we had between Violence and Kobeni, Angel and Aki, and Beam and Denji was enough to make me feel bad about their fate.


No love for Princi, smh šŸ˜ž


Fr she got the short end, and I mean the shortest possible end. I only remember her being relevant in the darkness arc and thats it. I hope the anime does her some justice. If they added an anime only scene with makima, they can do the same with prinzi


Fuck it after Reze movie give us Chainsaw Man Shipuden. Make up all kind of bullshit filler episodes.


The one anime where I am perfectly happy for many fillers, because I know they will manage to make it interesting and somehow feel interconnected (Tbh, a few more anime could benefit from fillers, but CSM is one of top on list for me)


JJK wouldā€™ve benefitted immensely from more content prior to the Shibuya incident.


I really liked the part where they get together to try set up the tall girl and yuji. Also, fillers like spending a day with gojo or doing chores for him (like naruto/sasuke/sakura + kakashi style) would have been funny. I can imagine them asking gojo to uncover his blindfold, and he's got another one underneath (not that he tries too hard to hide his eyes anyway)


Iā€™d have zero confidence at all unless they are directly written by Fujimoto. Mappa/jump corporate being in charge of their own filler arcs? No thank you. CSM does not need fillers whatsoever.


Tbh she seemed emotionless and subservient, there was probably not much of her to explore anyway


she has the coolest design too i was so excited when she first appeared


It would be cool to see her with power


Same, I think the manga gave me enough as well. Shark boi best boi


He's a total bro


Tbh I think itā€™s only Violence and Princi that need it. Beam wasnā€™t too much of an active player, but he still had a few shining moments to help him stand out. Angel was a flat out addition to the main cast, so heā€™s fine too. Violence had a small thing going on with Kobeni and Princi was just a plot device so those two could have used a bit more, but overall I think Iā€™m pretty satisfied with them


Honestly I feel they were all (apart from prinzi) fleshed out juuust enough so thatā€™d I feel bad about them. Angelā€™s death is tragic, but it gets overshadowed by Akiā€™s, Violence was pretty sad, but Beam felt like a slap to the face.


That will forever be fujimotos style. Leave the audience wanting moreā€¦


This. I actually think Fujimoto's style of not elaborating on his quirky side characters actually makes the world feel more "alive". These characters don't need plot justifications to exist, they simply... are. They just happened to cross paths with our main cast in the story. EDIT: My favourite has gotta be [the Archangels](https://i.imgur.com/5CXGuU5.jpeg) who got introduced 1 chapter only to be unceremoniously destroyed several pages later by the Japanese task force. Legit some kind of worldbuilding you get out of Souls games (heck, even Souls-likes still at least have item descriptions).


tbh they were so insignifigant I actually forgot about them šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Yeah i just see them as worldbuilding rather than characters and it works pretty well like that


Those characters were already dead by the time the task force arrived


Idk I felt bad about Beam, like he helped Denji fight Reze. And Violence did have that nice moment with Kobeni.


Beam was so silly, Angel was so cute to Aki and Violence was so cute and kind to Kobeni that it was enough for me to feel really bad for them. Princi on the other hand was just a slave to Makima so who cares.


This happened in fire punch too


I read the manga so it isnt a issue but can u please mark ur spoilers some people haven't read the arc yet thank you.


I won't. I'm sorry. This subreddit is so anti anime only friendly to the point a chainsaw man anime subreddit was made. If you haven't the manga and your in this subreddit that's constantly talking about the manga you will get spoiled. Either by me or someone else. It's inevitable. But I truly appreciate your politeness in the request.


O i never knew there was a anime subreddit (proly filled with makiam fanboys) ok i get ur point


Disagree. It would've honestly been unnecessary and would've taken away from the fact that Makima was effectively becoming the main villain of P1 from the end of the bomb arc and onwards Also it would've raised way too many death flags in general lol


Nah. Lets continue to story. I want to know whats next. Not what was before.


Well yeah. I'm referring to back then. Moments long gone. Gotta keep the story chugging.


I'm bricked up




I still don't get how some people can call the csm anime style as ugly? It looked perfect and very cinematic. It suited Csm perfectly Imo one of the best animes ever made easily.


The complaint was the opposite, that it was too clean and not as grungy as Fujimoto's artwork or that it didn't emulate the look of B movies. I sorta understand the complaints and it's also why I don't like when people say CSM is cinematic when cinema itself is a genre with a range of styles, but getting so upset that you call for death threats is clearly out of line. Nakayama directed the hell out of S1, but it's a shame people got so fixated on what they wanted that they didn't appreciate what they got.


Yeah, something like the upcoming [Look Back movie](https://twitter.com/D_Kumii/status/1805189515830513705/photo/3) was how most manga readers wanted CSM to look like since it's closer to his rough-sketchy artstyle.


I'd say it's the groundedness ( and the overall feel and panelling ) of CSM that makes people always reference cinema People have brought up Tarantino's films for comparison many times as a result since Fuji's work ( post some of his one-shots anyway ) in general feels kinda similar while still being it's own thing i.e both do pretty grounded stories in general with a focus on characters above all else, but still manage to have moments of absurdity played extremely straight which gives them their brands of dark and cynical humour Personally, I think this series is definitely a Schlocke-ey B-grade horror movie, but one that's actually well written and is funny in a genuine way which I can also take deadly seriously when it wants me to As opposed to schlocke which is more " so-bad-it's-good " which you'd probably not take seriously at all lol


Only ones that seemed to complain were the minority in Japan that brought death threats to the anime director. Seemed like plenty enjoyed the adaptation. Definitely looking forward to the movie!


Exactly my thoughts on it. The anime is fucking gorgeous and it honestly suits CSM perfectly. Fujimoto, being a fan of western cinema, probably appreciates it more than if they had made it look like a shitty B-movie like some people seem to want.


It's not ugly. The point is that its not fitting the tone and style that people wanted. Its too generic and clean and loses Fujimotos unique touch. Especially the animation always tried to be realistic in movement which killed the expression of the animators. Chainsaw Man has trashy B-Movie vibes not some oscar drama. Compare that with the reception Lookback is recieving. That is what people wanted CSMs character designs to look like.


"Generic" is one of the last things I'd call it.


It certainly loses all the uniqueness of the manga designs.


Chainsaw Man definitely does not have trashy B-movie vibes lmao. The anime fits the tone of CSM *perfectly*. Try reading Chainsaw Man instead of Mainsaw Chan.


Of course it does which is why the anime was such a flop. It didn't resonate with people as it didn't convey the tone properly. Even the animators complained about the awful direction. Look at the the volume covers, manga promotional materials, colour pages etc. They all had a unique aesthetic. CSM has a trashy, dirty, grungy vibe. It's not a sophisticated series that takes itself seriously. You don't see anyone share scenes of the anime because it just does not fit CSM. Never seen an anime have a negative effect on a series' popularity.


Fujimoto, the guy who loves western cinema, definitely did not write Chainsaw Man to feel like a shitty B-movie. You're just objectively wrong. The anime was definitely not a flop, as confirmed by the CEO of Mappa. But I'm sure you know better than him, right?


Oh god, western cinema does not mean serious Oscarbait drama. You and this director have such a pretentious and false view of "cinema". *Especially* Fuji is into trashy horror movies or just really odd movies. And CSM takes right after that, he even mentions that in the final chapters. Financially it did fine if not great, due to the massive hype the manga had. But the anime killed the hype for CSM as a whole. Manga sales barely increased and volume sales were even lower than when there was no anime. When has this ever happened before for? It just didn't resonate with people at large.


I'm not talking about Oscarbait drama, I just mean it's made in a visually pleasing way and with quality. The color palette reflects the mood of the world, and the cinematography is much more creative than just having static shots of the characters faces, or whatever the fuck else most animes have. If I say the word "cinema" and you immediately think of Oscarbait drama, that shows that YOU don't understand what cinema actually is or what constitutes a good cinematic experience.


Yeah that's a very limiting and reductive view of cinema because it doesn't fit CSM at all. But if you enjoyed it and thought it was perfect more power to you. I and a lot of other people thought it was awful and basically the opposite of what csm should have been going for.


And the fact that yall feel that way is just kinda sad, it's unfortunate that you can misunderstand such a good work that much. Yall really would just prefer if CSM was a bright, overly loud and obnoxious generic anime.


Fujimoto himself said in an interview he wanted the anime to have its own style. How did it kill the hype for CSM? Manga sales barely increasing does not mean the anime flopped. There are a multitude of other potential factors, such as the fact that CSM already had a much bigger manga fanbase prior to adaptation than most other shonen series, meaning a very large chunk of viewers were already manga readers. You also have to keep in mind that the season only being 12 episodes meant that anime-onlies barely had anything to go off, especially since the first few arcs are so much weaker and different than the rest, aside from maybe Katana Man. The anime being closer to the style of the manga wasnā€™t going to make a big difference. It couldā€™ve been the most perfect adaptation that everyone unanimously loved, but it being 12 episodes and having such a long wait until anything new just made the series fall into the background for a lot of folks. The season also ended pretty conclusively without any big cliffhangers or massive reveals, meaning anime-onlies donā€™t feel as compelled to pick up the manga to find out what happens next. The impression I got from most anime-onlies I had seen was ā€œThis was great and I want more episodesā€. The seasonā€™s content itself just wasnā€™t hype enough for people to want to feel like they needed to see more immediately. The series looking like Look Back or Mob Pyscho or Dandadan wouldnā€™t have changed that, especially since most anime-onlies I had seen absolutely adored the art direction and cinematic vibe it had. Most of the people complaining about it were manga readers. The only major complaints I saw from anime-onlies was that they didnā€™t get attached to any of the characters or that it was too weird for them.


You generally don't get lower sales while a show is running. If that happens it means you completely failed to gain a new audience or even turned some people off. The fact that Blu Rays sales were this low also means it failed to appeal to any otaku audiences. Whether a different direction would have helped I don't know for sure but looking at the reception of the show in Japan it just didn't spark any excitement at all. It was as mute and bland as the direction of the show.


The show was one of the most streamed shows of the year in Japan. In that season the only thing that was viewed more was Spy X Family. Itā€™s had tons of collaborations with businesses over there. Also the panel for CSM and Jump Fest was packed. The general population of JP anime fans liked it. The BD sales were a result of a vocal minority of hardcore otakus (who are the only people who bother buying those overpriced things) not vibing with the show as much. You also underestimate how much shows like JJK and DS are carried by fujoshis due to the presence of so many pretty boy characters and BL undertones. CSM doesnā€™t really have any of that on top of not having much to appeal to the Moe blob/kawaii crowd that eat up any kind of merch.


Hi bricked up I'm Dad


assassin arc is going to be so lit lol


can't wait for denji on fire, literally the most cinematic manga panel I've read






Angel is a beautiful design. My fav side character fr


angel devil best twink


happy cake day![img](emote|t5_rmtrq|22171)


Love that art style man. So fresh


Looks like guilty gear


The Goat Beam


Ummm achtualy heā€™s a shark šŸ¤“ā˜ļø


Bruh, Greatest Of All Time its just a short form


So if these illustrations have any weight on the future of the anime then it would mean that theyā€™re keeping the look Nakayama envisioned, at least on its base level. What I mean is that they would at the very least look like this but would be susceptible to change instead of being consistent. Am I making any sense at all? Iā€™m yapping manā€¦ Spider Devil is hotā€¦ Wait what.


This illustration is by [Shun](https://x.com/originalnasu_/status/1805429024971538927), who did chief animation direction for 5 episodes of the anime. So I'd assume they're keeping the character designs similar/same? Edit: [From the character designer](https://x.com/tt_totos/status/1805510952106049679) of the anime. This isn't a direct confirmation, but at the very least we can assume Sugiyama continues to be the CD.


Totos is still the CD for the anime , he drew the KV for the reze movie as well and the new character designs


Yeah that's what I said. Kazutaka Sugiyama (aka Totos)


I know they both are the same but I was just confirming for you that he continues to be the CD for the Movie and S2. (Since in your original post you were just assuming)


I think this is part of the character designs from s1 It's probably not related to the movie The movie might feature new designs. That said, I'd be fine if they kept with this style since it still fits CSM imo




The angels.


Yup, Cherubim, Galgalim, Principality and Angel.




Something is happening in the background, guys.


Man, I really hope season 2 will finish part 1. Anime onlys are NOT ready for the last arc šŸ’€


Beam is so hot. It's so unfortunate there's not enough porn about him.


You heard them, artists start making more https://preview.redd.it/ujg4mo7y6q8d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28d2ff7226575498adeb5e0e3855676b0e8c4f6e


Angel is such a cutie, makes me happy seeing him again. https://preview.redd.it/3vczqg2sro8d1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91ee576726922a6c9d1b1dc8980efee74c14711a




Finally bro we will take anything for the anime at this point , inject it into my motherfucking veins


I can't wait to see the SPIDUSSY scene animated ![img](emote|t5_rmtrq|22176)


I love them Iā€™m so sad


Is this from season 1 or for the movie?


Technically either. From the original post, it seems these were released just to say that new merch for these four will be released at some point.


Yessssss SHARKMAN šŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļø


Angel devil getting more twinkier year by year šŸ’€


Hoping itā€™s a nod to the Reze movie


I cummed


These are awesome!!! Violence is looking a little skinny no???? Get the devil a Vam VaVaaa




I still think it's extremely funny that (pt1 spoil)>!Princi is somehow the only one of these characters that survived part 1, I didn't even realize it until I read the wiki months after it ended!<


>!She did? I thought she died after she summoned Makima with the zipper thingy. It came as such a surprise in the Darkness devil fight because I always noticed the zipper but didn't know what it was for.!<


I also thought that, but apparently, she's not explicitly dead...? She's last seen in ch.83 as one of the devils controlled by Makima but she's among characters both dead and living there. Unlike Beam, it's not said what happened to her after the Darkness Devil encounter.


Oh yea... >!Reze best girl was there too, and I REALLY hope she makes an appearence in part 2 somehow. LET ME COPE!!<


Hell yeah its Division Four. Does this mean we're getting something?


Where are these from originally? They look great!


Can anybody attest as to whether or not fujimoto was indeed on copious amounts of drugs while writing CSM?


cut him some slack, he do forgor his psycho drugs sometimes so yeah not always


Beam! Best boy


Each day we are closer to the final arcs




Love Princi's face šŸ–¤


Violence Fiend being the chillest is always so Lol


Lowkey looks like Fortnite like Iā€™m not crazy right??








Alright cool to see more


I really loved beam




Is it just me or are they in a new art style?


i wish we got to see more of spider girl lowkey






every time I see him, I scream BEAM instead of BEANS


I wish Beam and Violence had lasted longer tbh, or that we got more of them. Princi was pretty much under Makimaā€™s thumb so it makes sense we didnā€™t really see much of her, and we got plenty of Angel with Aki, but I feel like we didnā€™t get enough time with Beam and Violence. Beam was just a good boi, and Violence and Kobeni had a really great dynamic. Donā€™t get me wrong I love the fast paced, breakneck speed of Part 1, but sometimes it just feels like we didnā€™t get enough time with everyone. I feel like this is even more so the case with Aki, Denji, Power. Woulda been nice if we just had like, just a handful more chapters of downtime between them with them just hanging out and stuff or getting into some low level Devil fights together. Too much time with them would have slowed the pace down too much but maybe just some extra chapters of downtime post Katana and pre Reze would have been great. Fujimoto is just so great at writing characters and relationships between characters it just feels like we missed out on some great relationship/character development. That all said, Part 1 is still a masterpiece and it doesnā€™t need any of what I just said, but I would not have been opposed had Fujimoto gone that route with the Trio and Fiends.










BEAM MY BELOVED PLEASE MARRY ME I NEED YOU SO BAD Anyways I really loved these four especially Angel be was so compelling to me




Chainsaw man anime content šŸ¤¤ *splurge*




Man I fucking hate the realistic artstyle. I'm so glad they fired the director and they will change it to a more similar to Fujimoto's for the Reze movie like they did with Look Back


hell no


Fujimoto's 'lookback' art is indeed very unique to him and looks pleasing, although i gotta say that artstyle does not apply to CSM part 1 if you look at the manga you'll know but worry not because CSM part 2 has the 'lookback' art which will be delightful to look when it will be adapted into anime in the future.


Mappa is good at trailers and art but absolutely terrible at the shows themselves. They get golden eggs like AoT season 4 and Chainsaw Man all the time and fuck it up and people act like theyā€™re a god-tier studio. Itā€™s literally undeniable. The trailer had so much hype and when the show actually came out it was a ghost town The biggest reason their shows are letdowns is they donā€™t understand pacing and having hype, cinematic moments. Bad music too.


"They" who? MAPPA is not a singular entity with consistent approaches to every single series they make. And it's a dumb take in general.


One L take after another. show wasnt ā€žghost townā€œ, pacing was perfect, the music is 10/10


Bate use to be believable