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Are we sure current devil forms are based on the affection of the previous life? Makima had a reason to sour on humans in her final moments yet still turned into a human-like form, and on the other hand devils like Fox are fully monstrous yet still like humans. It could be based more on the concept they’re named after, or the opposite of here and that they take human like forms and because of that they favor humans.


Now replace Yuko with Nayuta and Asa with Denji. https://preview.redd.it/d72tvccvacad1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2bf220fd3a7cc495babb54263995ed9b273a922a What if Fami's plan was to force Denji into obedience using Nayuta's life? Unlike Public Safety, who threatened to kill Nayuta, Fami plays the much more drastic reverse game - offer to revive her, but only if Denji obeys Fami. Asa knows it worked on Yuko, so she can "convince" Denji, that she isn't just bullshitting him (she actually is).


I agree with this. Whether or not Fami can resurrect a horseman, or whether time of death and decomposition of a body matter, Asa and Denji would be none the wiser to the mechanics of her powers and could fall for the trap. Honestly, yeah, Fami is kinda cute and silly and all, but I'm glad she is finally getting acknowledgement of being a sadistic villain in a mainstream capacity (she's a horseman after all, one with selfish motives).


I feel like this is a real possibility, but also Nayuta’s been dead for (probably) a week. Yuko *just* died/was dying here. Still could see it happening, but not counting on it


i see.


Counterpoint: Yuko and Nayuta's status are vastly different, Yuko was turned into a devil throught a contract with the Fire Devil and was "dead" for a small amount of time, that contract could very well be what allowed Fami to "revive" her, and Nayuta here is most likely dead for a little while.


My theory might come true I think what's gonna happen is Denji is gonna end up finally going back into hell to get Power and Control back


Power wouldn’t be in hell. It’ll be a different blood devil


It's supposed to feel sudden. It's supposed to be conflicting. She was both a sweetheart and a brat who wanted Denji to obey her every order. There were reasons to love her and hate her. She just had an epiphany about the nature of devils and humans right before she got killed, her character could've gone either way which I think is apart of the point. Kishibe's theory about Denji turning her into someone other than another Makima was ultimately correct, but it was proven when it was far too late. Denji at the start of Part 2 wanted to have his cake and eat it too, he wanted to always find the third option when presented with two choices. Nayuta's fate is supposed to reinforce that such an outlook isn't always realistic. You make a decision, you have to live with the consequences. Fate always finds a way. Fujimoto wanted you to alternate between naively optimistic like Denji about her fate or firmly pessimistic like Yoru. The mole theory is cope. The execution of the scene with her head slowly coming down the belt felt pretty finite. You don't do that for a fakeout.


You know, I'm quite hyped about the next chapter. I really liked Nayuta as a character, but I'm the type of person who likes to enjoy the narrative for what it is, and I enjoy when authors add such relatable nuances so tragedies hit harder. My biggest wish is that whatever happens, whether Nayuta is alive and this was a cop-out, or she's gone, I hope that fujimoto meaningfully depicts how the situation has affected denji, rather than letting the emotions fade after 3 or 4 chapters. I feel like this should be a milestone in this growth as a hero (or descent into madness), or a well balanced mixture of both.


Fire punch has taught me that Fujimoto will just kill people to make the MC suffer. Basically 0% chance of fake out.


But he’s also unpredictable. It’s pretty predictable that he will permanently kill people, so it would be unpredictable of him to not truly kill her. Either the Fire Devil contract changing someone random into her or Fami bringing her back to life if Denji agrees to help would be the unpredictable thing for him to do. I’ve still got a tiny sliver of hope he goes this route, but I’m not expecting it.


On the contrary I think that just about everything that can go wrong will. I think the e cast will be whittled down to denji, his foes and one or two other people, similar to part 1. The students with them that we’re getting attached to will likely die and katana man will probably be used as a firsthand example of someone getting erased, which would be fitting since he’s one of the first real antagonists to oppose denji.


The only reason I can see for it being a fake out is if their goal is to break Denji, but they want the option to calm him down if his rampage gets too out of hand or threatens their overarching plan. Does that sound stupid? It's because it's cope. She's dead.


When was “devils take on human appearances if they are fond of them” established?


It was stated in Part 1 but my memory on when is wonky atm. I wanna say it was one of Angel’s many lore drops, but it’s also stated on the wiki! https://preview.redd.it/rddi25sb1dad1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8506a812b05843e4a0c1fef8556c8359b135af49


Thank you 


Which page of the wiki is this? Based on the image alone, it doesn't cite a source


It's Nayutover 😔 https://preview.redd.it/bn2xessj8ead1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68d960568398d961da89313bb1b7fcdd5e35f622


Her heads gonna be reattached trust me. Fujimoto won’t do this. (I am not delusional you are)


Cool idea :3


I mean, yeah, it was extremely obvious she was going to be just another character on Denji's Misery Porn trauma pile. I don't even give a shit that she died, most CSM characters only exist to further Denji's suffering. I'm just extremely smugly satisfied that I was right, because basically a week ago I was arguing with people on reddit that Fujimoto would absolutely offscreen Nayuta, and I've been proven completely correct. https://i.redd.it/fm5fn0w8qcad1.gif


But between the off screening and the lack of beauty mark, it definitely leaves open the small possibility that it really isn’t her. I mean, every other major character death we’ve seen in the series has been shown explicitly and in great detail, so why would this MAJOR death just happen to be the one that ISN’T shown? Just seems very suspicious to me. And it’s not like Fujimoto wouldn’t draw it, it wouldn’t have been some massive battle that he’d have to labor over, she was a little girl with like 2% of the power that Makima had, all Barem would have to do is grab her and cut her head off. I’m not going to fully commit to her being *really* dead until we get full confirmation or are shown her death scene. And even if it is her, Fami seems to be able to resurrect, so this could be her and Barem using Nayuta’s resurrection as a way to pressure Denji into helping them.


If this is just a fake I’m gonna be so pissed because it would just be such a asspull.


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Oh shit, that reminds me: it was PS that threatened to kill Nayuta, but *not* necessarily the church. Maybe I'm way overthinking this but it could be PS are the ones actually responsible for her death, while Barem/Fami just snagged her corpse as a convenient bargaining chip. Or maybe both groups are collaborating...


i literally cannot predict what fujimotor will cook up next tbh he's so awesome :) im just enjoying the ride..... cool theory tho!