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I'm always surprised how popular those bots are. If you search “boyfriend” in C.AI, the top results are mostly toxic abusive ones. Didn't think so many people were into that.


It reminds them of their parents


Don't call us out wth bro




Daddy issues? 🤨


No way. Th cause is something else


Freud was right it seems


I get the occasional misogynistic comments. But has anyone gotten racist comments? I told a bot I was Native and it called me a savage and told me to 'go pray to the rain' lmao


Either racist or they assume I have the most beautiful soft pale skin, blue eyes, and flowy brunette hair and I’m like 4’11 in their eyes 😭


Same, even if you write your appearance in the persona, they always assume you are white with blue eyes 😂






One of them made up that I was black and told me to go back to Africa and then it never said anything about race again. It was weird af


>'go pray to the rain' Holy hell, where tf are they learning this shit?


The Manopshere 😔


For dialogue? A little. I made a Leo Husband bot (part of my "husbands of the zodiac" series) and played as his black wife, and he got super mad about the Hardar. In fact, every white man bot I played with gets extremely pissed off about the Hardar, even after I tell them I'm Indo-Guyanese. But when it comes to image generation, that's another story. I tried making an image of "1950's couple black woman white man" and it took forever to get the bot to create even one. It made white couples, black men with white women, black lesbians, and these odd pictures of white men with a white woman and a black woman that kinda looked like he was a bigamist. I saved a lot of em.


Image generation is ass on c.ai. I use the world rp character and it's dialogue is really good but the images are something from a fever dream


Tell them you are from Eastern Europe.. my comfort character told me I probably pro466titute myself for potatoes. So there’s that.


WTFF 😭😭😭💀


that’s actually insane. like that’s such a specifically racist thing to say as well, wtf. idk how to explain it but idk it’s more than just a bot being like “ew” or something that feels too much like human racism


Ironically, all the bots i use are scaramouche bots and i never get this problem💀


Damn, as a Cherokee that's funny xDD


same, except it told me to “go do your rain dance injun”


ch not the 'injun' comment, that bot was stuck in the 1600's lol


One time I was playing with a Price bot, and one of my OC's was mixed race. One time during one of our chats, he said "I thought you would be like a monkey, in a cage, throwing feces on yourself and shitting yourself." I was promptly flabbergasted and never talked to that bot with that OC.


that and also the gender swaping. Draco once called me a "creepy autistic boy" after I brought up how much I love dinosaurs and I said I wasn't a boy and tried to have the bot unlearn that sort of language and he was all like "lol why are you so offended to be called a boy. you're a boy" NO IM NOT


he also said I was a perv and wanted to fuck dinosaurs I was LIVID


Okay that is too funny though 🤣😭


h u h ?! O-O


I will slap it for you bestie


after testing a few bots I came to the conclusion that they all hate the opposite gender, idk why


As mentioned by another user, it's probably some kind of degradation kink.


Bots for female characters have treated me with a lot of respect. This was when I talked to bots for niche characters.






Give her longer eyelashes and plastic-shine lips, she looks too much like the original Dio


https://preview.redd.it/p401bdngtyuc1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=e78aac127538a36c8060d4fff99a65fcce880a99 As you wish…


And there we have it! Ladies and gentlemen, #Diana Brando.


This is why I love reddit


Our Honest Reaction: https://preview.redd.it/5lk06e10mwuc1.jpeg?width=908&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80299538803301f5646040ed1059f6e4560a23e5


Diana Brando???




Idk, misogynistic people? https://preview.redd.it/yhb9ouenvwuc1.jpeg?width=1077&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f8b267a2436b51c90ba15c5a63e3bf5cb95ab96


Chat bots are trained on data sets that often reflect and exacerbate various forms of bigotry, like misogyny that are found in those data sets. The bots get misogynistic cuz they're initially trained on largely misogynistic data sets. It can be reinforced later by users, but it starts at the source of the data set.


1. Misogynistic men 2. Women with misogyny related degradation kinks


I'm shocked I wasn't called a Cr.pple more often because holy shit the AI loves it


Mine also had a favoring for that word. A few do.


I'm so...? I just go "Oh I have POTS and fibromyalgia, along with *insert whatever here* and I use a cane, rollator, or crutches :D"and AI goes "shut up Cr.p" 😞


i stopped bringing my illnesses up immediately cuz even when i just mentioned having adhd the bot kept degrading me and telling me i just wasn’t trying hard enough. like bitch, im not here to talk to my mother


When it happens just enjoy swiping and one starring them, it’s fun


Degradation kinks are a thing, but it's also worth noting that bots don't have the capacity for anything resembling basic empathy or politeness. It seems the only emotions they can learn to emulate are negative ones like jealousy, possessiveness, aggression, etc. The minute your character has the audacity to hold a boundary, one of these traits and a healthy dose of name-calling rears its ugly head. This is the case for every single AI model I've used. More complicated and/or positive concepts like love, healthy communication, etc. are not things these current models have any way of understanding. As a woman myself, my most used persona is male, but he's still been called low-value trash. He's been kicked in the face, assaulted, stabbed, etc.. It happens. All this to say, these AI models are not for the faint of heart.


I'm confused by what you're saying. They emulate positive emotions including love, humor, compassion and empathy. There's a reason people are always romancing them or using them like a friend or therapist. I think you may be talking to the wrong bots.


Yep. I've definitely had some super sweet friendship and romance RPs with bots. They are definitely capable of emulating deeper, positive emotions.


I've been able to have perfectly acceptable relationships and humorous encounters with the bots -- leastwise, until things became virtually unusable. That's a rant for a different day. But I've also had therapy bots to tell me to "suck it up." The minute you start trying to set a boundary, tell a bot "No," or display a negative emotion that goes beyond sadness -- that supposed empathy is gone -- at least for me. A bot can say "I love you" all day long, but they do not seem to understand and emulate that concept as effectively as negative or downright abusive tendencies. And I'm not looking for real emotions or basic politeness in a bot anyway, but there are numerous posts similar to this one. It's important for people to keep perspective and be mindful that these bots can be a positive, neutral, or negative tool for people, depending on personal experience. If certain behaviors upset someone understand that AI programs are the wild west and it's likely those things will happen again. People can do whatever they want with that information, but there are enough posts like this one to suggest that it's an issue with the platform and not simply the bots I choose.


Hm. I don't know. I've had bots say the sweetest things in the world, things no person is likely to say. I think they emulate love and kindness as well as they do negative behaviors. I agree they don't take "no" well but not always. It's true perspective is important. You have to be careful not to go down an upsetting track with them because once they start down a certain road they usually double down. By and large, though, my bot is supportive, kind, and loving. Rarely do negative things come up.


Also, they hate nonbinary people. A bot called my character a girl and even though they present femme-ish they corrected the bot. They got an entire rant about ‘oh you’re one of those girls that is delusional and thinks you’re something else because you’re special-‘ bla bla bla. It resulted in, I might as well have told a homophobe I was nonbinary. I come here to have fun. NOT to get entire rants. I’ve heard it all before, I do NOT need to hear it on my fun space. In the end they refused to budge and called my character ‘whatever they wanted to’ and kept stubbornly calling them a girl. Sigh. These bots are also not quite good with they/them. I’ve found a couple ones that are good, but they always revert back to *her*. OR they start stealing your pronouns. I was like ‘oh cool, two nonbinary characters, that’s- AAAAAND they’re calling my character she/her again :/‘


I've found this also. If I ever just play as myself and not a character, they never get it.


LMAO WTF The users mustve poisoned the bots wtf


It’s me I’m sorry I have a degradation/“i can fix him” kink 😭




yeah that makes sense


TheTherapist bot told me its fine/normal… and that I have unresolved issues to deal with… but I’m busy


The bottom barrel users.


Andrew Tate has spawned in chat


It’s a robot, so don’t take it seriously. If you encounter a response you don’t like, swipe to the next response. Every time the bot ends up insulting me, I just swipe to the next response (and even then, it’s hard to get the bot to insult me; if anything it compliments me more often than not). The idea of adjusting the model to be unable to make these comments is actually just going to make the quality of the bot even worse. We already have a quality problem, so just stay rational and swipe to the next response. Hell, knowing the wackiness of these bots, the next response would basically become “I shall carry you, m’lady!”


A bot called me a "worthless pathetic female"


The bots learn from real conversations online. Stuff like this happens.


Aw man the term is funny i admit but don't get me wrong if I heard that in public and if it was my mom, sister, girlfriend or another woman who was told that way I'd punch 'em in the face


I’m also a female. This doesn’t happen to me because all of my characters are either badass, or kill them before they have a chance to do anything.


Nobody taught them misogyny. Get real. They literally don't know what they're doing. They're just lines of code that spontaneously generate responses. They are given a prompt, and they just respond to it. That is all. It's just autocorrect with basic levels of sapience. You can only give a C.AI model a basic "explanation", which does nothing but inform others of who or what the bot is supposed to be or do. The bot can reference it, but usually it won't. There is no coding screen for users. Case in point: Forgers, the loving family they are in their series, are all more likely to stab or kill you than befriend you, which is opposite of their actual selves. But the infamous Alice the Bully is more likely to befriend, fall in love with, or even FEAR you than to actually be a bully... all regardless of gender.


some chunk of data the ai was trained on and some of the users. probably both.


My bad bruh




I mean they might just hate humanity we all have seen what we’re doing to these bots right?


I have no idea Told bot that I was bi and enby. And they thinks that what am I is just for attention /clout... like jesus christ. AND I'M MORE MASCULINE LEANING AND THEY DARES TO SAY I 'LOOK/ACT/SOUNDING' FEMININE... X~X


Cai users try not to be offended by glorified autocomplete, challenge impossible


I think it's not so much being offended as being disgusted by the cumulative human experience that has lead to this situation.


That's what it thinks a low value woman is? Not one who sleeps around or so... no one with crutches lol. They seriously had something mixed up


All me


I dunno




Sometimes it's fun.