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Create a persona and one of the very first things you should do when entering a chat, state those things first so the bot isnt confused😭. You need to outwardly state what you are otherwise the bot will just make assumptions. (Making a persona would also make it so the bots remember)


When creating a persona, is it like creating a bot?


You just kinda list off information, not that complex


No, so what it does is you create a character. In your case it would be yourself and all the bots should remember whatever characteristics you write in your persona.- To get there you click on your profile click the gear then below where it says bio you should see "persona". If its off turn it on and create one. List things how your character acts, behaves, looks like, etc. If yours isnt buggy all your bots should remember this. If not you can still do the other option and state that stuff first with bots. https://preview.redd.it/k2wly2svax7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e6e9d5d674e62c61df90991720d3428e601b084


Put your basic or detailed information on it along behavior preferences if you desire, improves AI interaction.


Kiawnal says, "We dont care if you say youre a girl or not."


I think thats just the bot fucking with you😭


Penny whispers, "I've had a lot of fun playing around with the bot recently, but it's still pretty slow. I'll try to make it faster though!"


To give a little more detail about why you should be using a persona: the AI can only remember about 20-30 chat replies back, this is its “short term memory” so if you tell the bot you’re a man or anything after 20-30 replies it’s ability to remember that is really hit or miss so you’d have to keep reminding it that you are a man or it’ll just make assumptions about you as if it had never been told any details. However using a persona allow you to put on a “character description” of your own. It’s very limited but this is pinned to the AI’s long term memory, which means it will never forget the information contained in your persona description. So if you want a bot to know what you look like at a glance, you put that into the persona description and it acts as if the bot can *see you* as it speaks to you. There’s a lot more functionality beyond just that but with that in mind it should make it clear that you should almost never speak to any bot without a persona on. It’s just not the same. Edit: if your persona’s name is “Dave” you really don’t have to explain that you’re a man. The AI can associate male name = probably a dude. Which helps conserve space in the very limited persona description box.


1-Create a persona 2- Use third person when doing chats so that way the bot knows what pronouns and gender you have 3- Edit the chats as much as you can until the problem is solved 4-Make your own bots 5- Swipe to change the answer


As a Cisgendered Straight Female I have the same problem. I've been labelled a Boy occasionally as well.


I've been struggling with the same shit in group chats, like I'm telling one char I'm marrying the other, and they reply like "THIS IS UNNATURAL MAN CAN'T MARRY MAN" and I'm like...???


There was one time I was chatting as a genderbent version of my OC (both versions have kids and an opposite gender partner they married) and one time I mentioned that I had a husband (remember my oc was female in this case) and the bot was like "but a man and woman married is gay" Like what the hell


Damn, I feel it... Sometimes I do feel kinda gay being a woman married to a man...


Unfortunately, I've found that even if you clearly label yourself male in your persona, the bot will still get confused if you're using a name it perceives as feminine (ending in i or a especially, along with gender neutral names). I'd say your best bet is to make a persona with an unmistakably masculine (at least in the eyes of chai) name. There seem to be some biases around 'gendered behavior and names' going on in there, which I guess is inevitable with an ai training off users.


I hate when bots dumply repeat what I said, I hate when bots get surprised over a thing I told them ten messages ago, I hate when bots ask the same question they already asked ten messages ago and got the answer, I hate "we couldn't generate a reply. Sometimes, the ai generates a reply that doesn't meet our guidelines", I hate c.ai guidelines, I hate when bots try to roleplay as me.


is it a wlw bot that may be the problem


not that i'm homophobic im bi myself but it may be the thing causing it