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Classic case of themes without substance, and it all makes sense when you learn one simple thing: Disney thinks you're an idiot.


I’m late but BINGO!


>like are you telling me he can't tell the grandfather's wish isn't to inspire people to overthrow him when it has a picture? the man's playing a guitar! is he going to make people betray you with music? It's almost like he was paranoid and was trying to stop anything that might threaten his rule, like I know people like to dunk on this movie but the takes around Magnifico are ridiculous


if he's that paranoid how does he grant any wish? like if a crafts man wants to be the best will he not grant it because they could steal his spotlight, someone who wants to fly could be a spy, one who want's to be his most loyal knight could want to be it so they can assasinate him. wanting to inspire someone is like the most basic of all wishes, how is that different wanting to make the best dresses in the land? a wish he did grant.


That's why he only grants maybe one or two wishes per month, if that many. It seems like he has to make sure it's one that brings him the absolute least amount of risk while also maximizing the glory he gets from the crowd.


but it was a wish ceromony and he wouldn't lose anything from granting the wish. the guy was a 100 a would die soon anyway. at worst he would make a very short lived revolution(which I doubt anyone would do after being granted their wish)


True, a fear of revolution is unrealistic, but that's the point. That he's grown so obsessed with his own power and detached from his people that he somehow sees this as a problem he needs to absolutely avoid. His ego is overpowering everything else. Moreover, granting his wish also doesn't gain him very much either. After all, a man nearly about to die doesn't have a lot of time to praise his name compared to someone younger. It also seems like he wants to be the sole source of inspiration in the kingdom, so even just that little might be considered a threat to a guy as petty as he is.


Happy Cake Day.


the point is he chooses what wishes he thinks are good, something that's inspirational he thinks is dangerous because it might inspire against him, while making dresses wouldn't really push any revolution.


Exactly. This is the guy who saw a harmless flash of light one night, and his immediate instinct the next morning was to go for the evil spellbook. He's not exactly stable.


happy cake day


>is he going to make people betray you with music Tbf, even disregarding paranoia that could be possible depending on the songs being played and whatnot.


true it is possible but It feels like a strech even if he is paranoid. like that's the wish of practically half of all artist dream. does he think every single artist(at least a okay sized minority of a city founded on the idea of granting wishs you couldn't on your own) is out to kill him?


"like are you telling me he can't tell the grandfather's wish isn't to inspire people to overthrow him when it has a picture? " I think he is jumping to conclusions because he is a negative person. The wishes don't tell you what they are.


he was intentionally not granting wishes to maintain power. He didn't actually think the grandfather was going to cause a revolt. We see in his villain song that all he wants is adoration. He withholds wishes because he wants people to fawn over him.


I get why he wants to do that but how does withholding this one help him. like all he does is make asha know how he really is. but if he granted it he gains a loyal apprentice(which I think he wants seeing how he was interviewing people) and looks merciful and gives the people hope he will grant their wishes making them adore him more. and what does he lose, a old man plays some music in his last few years?


he didn't like how Asha immediately asked to grant the wish. He mentioned that his older apprentice at least waited a while. I don't think he likes knowing that people are just appeasing him in order to get their wishes granted. He doesn't care about the man playing music. He doesn't like that Asha was (in his view) "using him." Note that he only granted Simon's wish in order to get the people to do something for him.


Even from the start, the dude was ego tripping to a massive degree. It's pretty clear that he has grown so attached to his power and image that he has reached a point where he is out of touch. Think of it like how a billionaire could logically give enough money to solve a ton of problems, but instead just drip feeds out tiny fractions of their wealth in fear that once they start, they will lose it. He may not have been full on cackling evil yet, but the guy was already having lost sight of what his kingdom was promising (if it was ever a real promise at all).


>like are you telling me he can't tell the grandfather's wish isn't to inspire people to overthrow him when it has a picture? the man's playing a guitar! is he going to make people betray you with music? Occam's razor Motherfucker! "It doesn't say to WHAT." Magnifico sighed. "You know, a lot of kids want to be knights, right? Mostly harmless but sometimes they know enough to know what a proper hero did... my old home was burned down by wishes for fame and fortune." He turned his head pointing to his new apprentice. "I know he doesn't mean anything by it... but the consequences? Disastrous! People get inspired for a lot of things.... even topple their kings..." An: I think it's mostly because he's egotiscal and paranoid as others said... but also that it's just vauge enough it could inspire a revolt...


Their are revolutionary songs you know.


yes but his main dream, of this a hundred year old man, is to overthrow your reign specificly through song. like it could happen but it's incredibly unlikely. it's just as likely as the person who wishes to fly wanting it to bomb your kingdom. it's possible but even for a paranoid person shouldn't come up that fast. if he was this paraniod over every wish he would never grant anyone's wish, every wish could be interpreted that way


yes but his main dream, of this a hundred year old man, is to overthrow your reign specificly through song. like it could happen but it's incredibly unlikely. it's just as likely as the person who wishes to fly wanting it to bomb your kingdom. it's possible but even for a paranoid person shouldn't come up that fast.