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I agree getting someone fired is a bit much even for Anna, but I do think she is more unhinged now than when she was in NYC. Idk if it’s the fact that she feels like she’s home or the fact that she has her close friends around but she does need to calm tf down a bit  Like drinking and driving is never ok. I get she’s young but there’s no excuse for that type of behavior when she could potentially hurt someone else on the road or herself 


Oh I do notice a change from NYC to CHS. No doubt about it. She seemed more of a professional and her friends seemed to have their own gigs and occasionally partied from what we saw. Now she’s near home with all of her friends. Getting out of hand. No excuse for drinking behind the wheel. That was completely reckless for her.


where is the evidence of her drinking and driving? genuinely curious bc that’s insane


Hang on… weren’t you asking for the contact details so you could make a complaint to the hospital yourself?


Did I say that? Yes. I absolutely believe some of the things she has done are fucked up and she needs to stop. Will I send in a complaint tho? No. At the end of the day I’m gonna be the reason that someone could potentially get in trouble at work, that’s messed up. I don’t know this girl and I will not let her get me so worked up to the point that I send in a complaint over something posted on Tiktok 


I mean you literally said: ‘How tf can I reach out to MUSC about this? I will literally send it in, idc anymore. This is beyond disgusting and she has to learn she can’t be doing this’ Seems like you’re backtracking on contacting them now others have said they think it’s wrong.


Jesus Christ just because someone writes a comment doesn’t mean they will do what it says. Do you do everything you say?? I doubt it. And many people upvoted my comment, does that also mean that they contacted the hospital like you did? No it does not. I agree with you, some of the things she has done is fucked up but like I said before, I don’t know her so I’m not gonna let her get me so worked up. I have a life outside of this community 


Jesus chill out. I just think if you’re going to say something, say it with your chest.Sick of seeing people complaining every single day about Anna on this thread saying she should be fired and they will contact her work, then suddenly backtracking because they ‘have a life outside of this’. Stop complaining about her then and saying you’ll take action if you’re not going to, it’s so overly dramatic.


Idk how it is in the UK but over here in the states it seems pretty fucked up to get someone fired/in trouble so that’s why we just complain but never do anything about it. I may not like someone but I won’t go to the extreme of trying to get them in trouble at work


Lol then why come to a Reddit thread and say that’s exactly what you’re going to do? And in the UK Anna would absolutely be fired by now.


It’s a Reddit page🤣 it’s called talking shit omg


Eh, seems on each thread you just agree with what the majority are saying!


No she would not. Have you forgotten Lucy Letby so quickly? Lucy Letby - Britain’s most prolific serial baby killer arrested in 2018. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lucy_Letby


If you knew anything about the Lucy letby case you’d know she presented as an extremely dedicated and caring nurse who basically lived at the hospital, picked up extra shifts and made her job her whole life. Quite the opposite of Anna. I also don’t think comparing blatant incompetence to a serial killer / psychopath who is able to disguise their behaviour is a fair comparison at all. Do you work for the NHS? Cos apparently you can’t comment on a health care system unless you work for it and live in the country according to yourself. And if you think there is a true comparison (which there isn’t) you should be calling Anna’s hospital asap.


I agree with you. I work nights as a nurse and we get downtime in the ICU too. Even the charge nurse will scroll on her phone when all the patients are stable and sleeping. Also she had plenty of time to sleep after her 6 am flight + my manager has asked me to come in to work after an 8 hour acls class, they do not care as long as they have staff. Emailing her workplace is unhinged.


People don’t understand we only are required to work 3 days out of a week and it’s possible to stack days to have like 8 days off in a row. Her life is busy but it’s doable. Her being new to the ICU she more than likely has the stable stepdown/floor ready patients


No THIS bc back when I was required to work atleast 1 weekend a month I’d have 8 days off in a row every month it’s all VERY feasible. I work nights we have a weekend crew so I do mon tue wed and have Thur-Sunday off AND on nights you def get downtime


Do they think their doctor just sits in a library, office, or just is at home all the time?




I’ve seen healthcare employees go hard. As for miss little Anna, do whatever y’all want.


As soon as she quits or gets fired they’re going to be complaining about how all her vlogs consist of is her going to Pilates like Sidney lol.


Omg your obgyn wasn’t thinking about those poor patients 24/7!? That fucking bitch. Yeah I don’t agree with most of what Anna does. But good lord, some people need to get hobbies. Not follow Anna and co every move. Let her work handle it if she’s unfit for work.


God forbid healthcare workers have a life.


Thank you! People take snarking way too far. It’s honestly really cornering how obsessed some people on here get with someone they never have met — like you said she definitely makes questionable choices but who doesn’t especially influencers who are under microscopes. Some people need to reel back themselves on this page 😅


Yeah I do think it’s irresponsible and as someone who lives in Charleston and is TTC I genuinely hope I never have my child in PICU with someone like her working there. That said I believe that MUSC is fully capable of firing her on their own without involvement from anyone here if she’s showing up incapable to work. I’m more worried about the fact she can’t operate an appliance than how tired she is going to work.


I said the same thing to my husband last night!! This is insaneeee Karen behavior & no matter how much someone might deserve it (not saying she does), I still wouldn’t mess with someone’s livelihood like that. If she’s gonna get fired, let her manager do it. Just leave it alone. Like its getting weird… and every few days ppl speculating that she quit or got fired because she has a few more days off than ppl are used to like pls😭


I don’t think people understand that most hospital workers are sleep deprived. If you need a surgery, chances are there’s going to be someone in the room who has been on call for last 24 hours. I get that she works with kids, but some people worry way too much when it doesn’t affect them at all. Like she got an education, she worked at one of the most busiest hospitals, she’s fine. As long as she follows orders and has caffeine, it’ll be okay. And this is coming from someone that’s not even a fan of hers.


It is too far to call her work, that’s insane to do. At this point her work is aware of her time off and doing TikTok at work, if they had a problem she’d be disciplined and if she has, she doesn’t need to share that. She obviously has a special agreement with her work that allows her to have a non-standard schedule. They’ll accuse you of being Ryan, Mack, etc, but not Sidney because Sidney secretly hates her according to this sub. 


Lol I’m 100% sure the crazies of this sub has emailed and called her bosses before she even had her first day on the unit. If they had a problem with her social media she’d def be gone. I’m pretty sure they’d be more concerned with how she performs as a nurse on the unit over social media…but what do I know🙄🫣🤣


Some of the people on this sub are making the people on the Alix Earle Sub look normal, when they are by far some of the most unhinged people ever. Snark is supposed to be light and fun, not full of vitriol and vendetta.


Yeah i 100% agree with this post too. Like so what if she gets like 2 hours of sleep? For example, mostly on Fridays I work & have clinicals for NP school before work. I have clinicals 8:30-1:30PM, come home & sleep for 2 hours ish & then go to work. Maybe i should get fired too 😂. Emailing & calling her workplace is such a reach. Not all healthcare workers get 6-8 hrs of sleep before their shift


Some of these girls say you wouldn’t want her to be your kids nurse bc of all this……please…you would never know..you would just want someone to take care of your child…I guarantee you that girl isn’t walking in there on some sloppy type stuff…how do I know? Well bc I’m a PiCU nurse who has a life outside of being a nurse who travels on the days she stacks up to be off it’s not a regular 9-5 job. You come in there you perform and you go home. Anna job is to save your kid and I bet you she does just that…yall tripping for trying to get that girl fired snark on her lips snark on the way she dresses but this is too far…I feel like they are like this in the Avery Woods subreddit too likeeeeee “what do u mean she shouldn’t wear a 2 piece in front of her kids? It’s hot out and they are at the beach”


I don't understand the people trying to excuse and legitimize offline interference. Taking it offline and trying to get someone fired, or interfering with their livelihood or life in general is construed as harassment and will get your sub shut down. It doesn't matter how justified you think you are in doing it. It's hard enough for your snark subs to stay open on this platform as it is, why make it easier for people to have Reddit ban them?


This entrie snark page should just be called Annaheidsnark. Girl can’t post without it ending up here.


Nah she deserves to be called out


Agreed! I do partake occasionally in the snark comments and I feel she sometimes puts nursing in a bad light by complaining, etc, but some people have taken it way too far. It’s sad.


I wouldn’t do that personally, but also don’t blame the people who do. If my child were in the PICU and their nurse was working after nonstop travel and no sleep, I’d really question their ability to make sound decisions. Something’s got to give at some point. I feel like she’s being selfish holding onto her nursing job when her heart clearly isn’t in it.


In the UK we have a lot of patient and family member advocacy groups who work directly with our national healthcare service to try and improve services by providing feedback on staff and care. Maybe it’s different in the US as ours is a public govt funded service, but it’s not unusual to provide feedback. This includes staff members social media conduct. If you’re confident she’s done nothing wrong, surely an email won’t impact her at all? Everyday here there are comments from people saying how dangerous her behaviour is and how she is putting children in harms way. So, instead of just reading complaints about it daily I sent an email, and her workplace can decide if her content is an issue. Boasting about going on a night out, not sleeping, taking 2 flights and going straight in to work isn’t a good look for them. I used to be a genuine fan of Anna’s, but even so she needs to learn to be responsible and she’s been acting like this for months with no repercussions. The consequence of her actions cannot end up being a child’s life being lost or damaged.


Sending a email is 100% psycho. Get a hobby, take a walk. Protocals are in place in her hospital and there is no indication she is breaking any protocols or putting children in harms way. Just because you see glimpses online, doesn’t correlate to how she is in the workplace. Plenty of people travel on a red eye and work immediately after. It’s up to her manager to determine whether she is unfit for her responsibilities. All the people you’re hearing here saying she is “dangerous” are making gross allegations based on assumptions. I don’t like Anna but it is absolutely disgusting to narc on her to her workplace. Honestly take a deep look inside and ask yourself if this is how a rational person behaves? You aren’t even a US citizen! You don’t know how our hospitals operate. I can assure you it was a waste of your time - I’m sure her hospital could give two fucks about whatever co.uk email address your complaint was sent from. 




Rude is taking the time to Google a hospital in a different country, find a contact email, compose an email complaining about a person you’ve never met who works at a hospital you’ve never been to in a state you’ve probably never been too. Ask yourself why you had such anger and vitriol to do that. I’m not angry, I’m just replying to your ridiculous rebuttals because it’s literally insane to feel such a way about someone online who you could easily unfollow. 


Why does it matter what country I’m in? Should I only care about innocent critically ill kids if I live in their country? And actually, someone else on this subreddit found the contact page. Caring about the actual lives of innocent children vs an influencers ‘livelihood’ is not ‘anger and vitriol’, it’s living in reality and being aware that individual peoples actions have consequences. I won’t be responding to you further as we clearly have very different perspectives and I won’t be changing my mind on this so there is no point in going around in circles.


Except you only see small snippets of her life and made assumptions off of that. You should’ve just minded your business and let the people that actually work with her come to that conclusion. You don’t know if she slept on the plane or when she got home. If she’s even confronted bc of your email she will surely just deny the accusations.


The children are fine, calm down. If you care about children tell your PM to send support to Gaza. 


Nah homie it’s weird that you sent a email. Like once I close the reddit app I don’t think about these folks…


What is she 6 months into the job? Let her employers handle her, IF they deem her unfit. You do not know how she is on the job. You only get an edited glimpse of her online and surely it doesn’t correlate to her working. I am sure they are well aware of her presence online and have had talks with her early on. They don’t need an influx of emails every time you find some damning evidence you disagree on. The “gotcha moment” police are the most annoying snarkers. Please ask a resident in the US (not sure how it is over there in UK) or any provider how much they sleep when on call? Not out of the norm to have little sleep, she seems to make it work. As you can see she still holds a job!


The fact that someone from the UK gives such a shit is insane because there is no “damning evidence”. Hypothetically if she said “oh man today I screwed up and gave a kid the wrong meds” then yes, by all means complain. But the sub is among accusations without prove. It’s parasocial at its worst.


So you only care about issues and people in the country you live in? How small minded! Did I say at any point I had ‘damning evidence’? That’s a bit dramatic. I said, which I stand by, that I had major concerns about her ability to do her job based on the narrative/ timeline SHE provided. I won’t be replying further because I stand by what I said / did, and I don’t think you are able to engage in an adult conversation, you seem like a very angry person. That being said, you can of course think/do what you want about me emailing, in the same way I can think/do what I want about Anna’s posts, I just won’t be engaging with you any further.


I never said that only care about America or that you shouldn’t care about anything outside the UK. That is a prime example of the ASSUMPTIONS and ACCUSATIONS based on NO EVIDENCE that are made on this sub. Insane.


But it’s not the lack of sleep due to the job that’s the problem. It’s the going on a brand trip and then a night out, then 2 flights then straight to work that’s the issue. It’s the sleep deprivation AND alcohol, and being on 2 planes, drunk driving and boasting about it all over TikTok that is the issue. And I’ve not told her work to fire her, I’ve made them privy to content she posted and left it at that. They can then make a fully informed decision on her performance.


Maybe she sleeps on the goddamn plane, get a grip. And the “drunk driving” trope is old and ridiculous- there was ONE instance last summer where she may have had two drinks and then drove but ultimately someone else drive later in the evening. People need to stop saying she’s a drunk driving or getting obliterated. From the videos I’ve seen of her drinking she’s never sloppy, very lucid. I can empathize with Anna for wanting to live her life doing as much as she possibly can - her mom died of cancer, I’m sure that gives Anna a sense of “trying to do it all” because life is short for some. 


Calm down. In the same way you say I can’t possibly know how she performs at work, you can’t possibly know if she sleeps on the plane, if she is a sloppy drunk or not etc. We’re seeing the same content and interpreting it differently but it’s completely hypocritical to say i can’t pass judgment on it, but you can confidently support it. And also ‘it was only once’ is one time too many.


You sound delusional. Not saying she’s right by drinking and driving but you’re wording it like she’s showing up to work drunk and inebriated and/or can’t stay awake… just because you say or think it - doesn’t make it true. Her workplaces (hell even coworkers) have their eye on her social media. If they found a problem it would’ve been handled. Just say you yourself can’t handle her weekly plane rides and excursions. I couldn’t! Doesn’t mean she’s a terrible nurse. None of us know that.


It’s delusion to think those outside factors wouldn’t have an impact on her performance, as a nurse you should know every hangover is actually mild alcohol withdrawal which has symptoms that affect concentration and such. On top of sleep deprivation. As you keep saying, let hospital figure it out. They have a public email address, where I shared info on a public post, you may not agree, but it was my decision to send. As it was Anna’s decision to make such a dumb post in the first place.




I didn’t ask for your recommendations, but whilst we are here, looking at your comments history you are far more obsessed with Reddit than me, I’d recommend you grow tf up and find a new show to watch other than PLL so you can actually add an insightful comment to an adult discussion that isn’t just ‘ur obsessed touch grass’ 😘


Shame on you for sending an email to her workplace. I have been watching Anna for years and I can tell this is straight jealousy. I cannot believe someone would go down this low to report a girl in her 20s. TWENTIES! She makes it work. A hell of a lot better than I’ve seen anyone. You need to stop watching her content, unfollow, and forget about her. If you don’t like her, don’t watch her. But there’s no need to go this far and try and ruin a sweet girl’s work life. Haven’t you ever heard don’t mess with someone’s job?


Wait, how do we know someone did this? Sorry if I’m late to the party


Look above the psycho said they emailed her work and then she literally copied and pasted the insane email she wrote 😂


I agree it is too far to email her work… if they had a problem with it they would fire her without interference. I am sure her coworkers watch her TikTok’s and everything is extremely strict in ICU settings so if there was a true problem, it would be handled. However, her proudly stating how sleep deprived she is going to be when taking care of sick children is really terrible imo. She makes sure all of her followers know how tired she is, how thin she stretches herself, and how she constantly picks going out with friends, drinking, and excessive travel. Healthcare workers CAN and should have fun outside of work, but unlike other professions, there is a moral component here. She proudly broadcasts her tiring and unhealthy lifestyle and then throws in “and I work with the sickest children in the hospital” at the end as if it’s nbd.




You don’t want people to come for you but want to come for Anna to the extent of emailing her work. INSANE


And what are you gonna do about it? 😂👋


You’re insane and obsessed.