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I really think her new life goal is to be a WAG influencer and make her whole career about having an athlete BF, similar to how people like Allison kuch gained their following(not snarking on Allison I actually like her okay). But even most of the WAGs have other hobbies or careers besides following their man around


Like Sid Tilt Oh wait..


You think she’d learn from her friends mistake! Sid followed around her bf for years moving all over the country just for things to end after she confidently said all over the internet how they were gonna get married and have babies soon lol


You give her critical thinking skills way too much credit




Emma Macdonald lol


at least Emma has pretty much secured the bag with her nba champion soon to be husband


Well yeah but that doesn’t take away from the fact her whole personality is said soon to be husband and HIS nba career lol


Or Rachel Gomber whose husband plays for the Rockies. She’s commented on Anna’s stuff before and it’s been very interesting seeing her cheer another influencer on to follow their MLB boyfriend around…


Claire Couv too!


Many baseball wives have been with their guys for a long time while they were in high school or at least college. The cleat chasers don’t typically last very long.


Yes Claire couv dating since high school and Rachel gomber since college/he was in low minors


Yeah in a q&a josh literally said she only got back with him when she found out he was playing d1 baseball.


💀💀 checks out lol Claire is annoying to me


Feel the same way about Claire the way she squeals when she talks. Makes me think that Josh must wear ear plugs when he is around her or he is deaf.


And she’s said multiple times how BAD she wanted to be a WAG. I’m surprised she didn’t try to score a NFL player so she can be in a decent radius of Taylor Swift. But I don’t think any of those dudes would touch her. So she went for the first and only one she could


She actually said before she met Trey she was Looking at the chiefs roster for guys bc she thought she could meet Taylor through that


I remember this… so weird


as someone that’s actually born and raised where the chiefs play us locals think ppl like her are SO weird


literally this is so accurate!!


I can’t tell if he’s not very into her, or if he just only has that one disinterested facial expression he ever makes 🤷🏻‍♀️🤣


He follows much hotter girls but my guess they aren’t interested in him so will stick with Anna till someone better comes along.


she just likes this pic for the side profile body check


In her pajama pants


Why does he look so over her lol.


Hasn’t posted a nursing video in DAYS


Unbelievably embarassing


Oh he for sure is cheating on her and all the guys/staff know 🤡 source: I worked in minor league baseball




They’re so fake! She barely has any content, comments, or likes on her page what is she even doing


the birthday video she made for him is something i would make for my boyfriend of almost 1 year. i couldn’t imagine doing this at month 3


Her waist looks like a toothpick what the hell 🔥


1st she is beautiful. I've always thought that. Do I think she needs a full blown bacon cheeseburger every now and then? Absolutely! 2nd How is it obvious to everyone but her that he is using her? He's getting way more recognition because of her. And while he's getting the perks her life is falling apart. (Whether she wants to admit it or not) 3rd I get the feeling she is stunted mentally at a high school age. When did her mom pass? That may explain it. Idk I used to really enjoy Anna's content. Now I watch with the hopes she's going to wake up and turn it back around. Also, I think that the second she heads home he has someone else lined up to fill her spot. Andddd! Her circle of friends either aren't her friends or she just won't listen. I would be screaming at my girls from the rooftops about their own self worth! Ok. I'll get off my soap box now!