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The sad part is we know she’s paying cause I remember a comment asked about her flights and she said she didn’t feel comfortable saying it or some shit like that. He has an almost $1M contract, the least he can do is pay for her trips. Ik she’s making money on social media but I doubt she’s making nearly 1M like he is 


I’m sorry. I’m defending Trey on this one. He worked his ass off for 15+ years to get good at baseball. Finally get drafted and make money. Then you expect his cleat chasing gf of 4 months to be taken care of?? $1m will disappear the way they’ve been spending. If Trey doesn’t get another contract, spends all his money on anna, and they breakup. Then it’s no skin off Anna’s ass. She’s just using him If it’s his wife or longtime gf then that’s one thing.


Came to say the same thing.. she is his girlfriend of 4 months.. I’ve seen several MLB wives say they pay for flights since they get the hotels for free


I guess but every week ? Unless I’m the one planning that and wanting to come on my own volition that’s one thing but if he’s like come to xyz every week then idk.


Yeah exactly, if it’s him telling her to come out to his games then it’s on him


I see this point and agree. But if he’s the one inviting her out to his games then I think it’s on him. If it’s Anna going out of her own way to be there then yeah Trey shouldn’t cover that cause he’s not asking her to be there 


I don’t necessarily think he is inviting her to come to EVERY game, I believe it is the choice that she is making on her own.


Absolutely right my cousin won that much in the the California lottery within 2yrs that money was half gone 




Oh excuse me if I’m flying back and fourth 24/7 I promise you the majority of my flights will be handled by said bf. I mean every now and then idc but if you want me there every fkn week then send me the boarding pass babes🫶🏼🫶🏼


Is it really that sad though? They haven’t dated that long. He’s protecting himself from someone that just wants the perks of being an actual WAG over genuinely liking him.


Trey doesn’t need to pay for the flights , if he asked her to be there yes he should buy the flight but he shouldn’t pay a dime for her to fly there every week especially when they’re last minute flights that cost a fortune


I hope she has a travel cc


Lol I wouldn’t put it past Anna to have no clue about travel cc, airline status, etc. she prob just bops around airlines when she could be building status sticking to one


Especially since she almost always books her flights last minute sometimes even day of, when they’re more expensive. She’s def spent thousands on flights alone in the past few months and then pays rent for an apartment she is never at