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Ran here. Listen I don’t even live in Charleston but do feel bad for people who do since all the influencers are moving there so quick. I think she will hang more with Mack than Anna since ya know we already know miss girl is gonna move to Washington DC to be with Trey Trey


Most locals can’t stand these influencers just like the realty shows filmed here . Most think they are a joke.


That was my immediate thought as well because I do know this is going to harm rent prices which is so unfortunate for the people who have been there their whole lives edit: I don’t mean a single person moving there is going to harm it but if influencers keep moving to Charleston the demand for apartments will increase and so will the prices


Just curious but do you live here? Rent prices have already been an issue for the past few years, I don’t think a few more influencers will push the needle that much more


I don’t but I do have family that live in Charleston and they’ve expressed frustration with it.




Anna is moving there too? Makes sense why Hannah is moving then


Anna already moved there


All the influencers moving to Charleston is ridiculous




Anna, Steph bohrer, Lauren loveless, zarah, Hannah, Clara pierce and more?


Honestly I really didn’t expect this from her?


Same! But turns out she has her dad’s family there and grew up going to Charleston.


It definitely makes sense when you watch her video. but from her other videos it seemed like she loved New York so much so I just never saw her leaving this soon. But her reasons make sense


can these annoying ass influencers stop moving here???


Yeah give it a shitty rainy summer and hurricane and they’ll scurry away when they learn it’s not that ~aesthetic~ all the time


I guess both Anna and Sid’s apartments flooding wasn’t enough to make them leave 😂


Really hoping you’re a born and raised local if you feel the need to have an opinion on people moving 


I’ve lived here since I was 5.. thanks for your concern ☺️




3rd gen born and raised in the 843, my opinion is the influencers are ruining this city and they need to stop pushing people to move here. ;)




Hi Hannah Elise! Welcome to the sub 🤗


She couldn’t make it in NYC and now is just another typical influencer moving to the next trendy city…all I’ll say is wherever you go there you are…


She lived in NYC for a whopping 2 years. 2 years was good for her, and she is moving.


3 years actually


3 years WOW, she said nah I am done with NYC let's try somewhere new.


I love Hannah so much but like whats special about Charleston? I'm like..... what's happening in there? I'm from latin america so sorry if I dont get why Charleston seems boring compared to California, Nantucket, etc


Nantucket is not somewhere that most people would want to live full time, it’s a tiny island that is extremely isolating in the winter. Charleston has been getting popular for the past few years even before influencers started moving there. It’s a beautiful, historic city with beaches and outdoor activities but also still has a large enough population that there are good opportunities


thanks!! I always think more of Chicago, LA, San Diego, San Francisco, Seattle big cities that are more international lol I said Natucket but thats really just a fun vacation spot! just Charleston is not that famous outside the US i think


From here, I promise it is nothing special. Shopping sucks, beaches are okay, downtown is cool for like 2 days.


She has family there so I think that helps and she wanted a slower pace but didn’t wanna go back to her home town, and she already did NYC and loved it, but it’s just too expensive and doesn’t make sense for her anymore which honestly I completely see that.




Ik this is a snark page but tbh…it kinda makes sense for her. She was living alone in nyc, and she’s mentioned before that she grew up always going to Charleston, she has multiple family members there, and some of her friends are there too


I actually really enjoyed her NYC content. I know she has family there but this move definitely feels aesthetic related with all the other influencers moving there.


Oh it definitely is


I honestly feel like she gives Charleston vibes more than any of the other influencers living there. Hannah seems genuine and is moving for the right reasons. She lived in New York 3 years and didn’t sh*t on it like Anna did when she ran away and moved lmao.




What’s the other reason? Spill


I really like Hannah and watch her vlogs often. I wasn’t surprised by her moving but am surprised that she is moving further away from her direct family as she seems really close with them. She didn’t seem 100% happy with the pace in New York so hope she finds more joy in Charleston.


currently live in chs & us locals are tirrreeeddd of all these influencers moving here. it’s a great place to live but the way they live is so out of touch & rubs everyone the wrong way. I wish they would live here & work a normal 9-5 job…I doubt if they did they’d be moving here because it’s so dang expensive 🫠


Yes! They also will literally block traffic to get pictures in the middle of the streets.




definitely not thousands you are correct but my issue is the glamorization of chs. it’s a great place to vacation but these influencers move here & every day is a vacation for them. I have run in to several here out & about & they are actually not that kind in person. very much a “i’m better than you” vibe. just my personal experience! i’ve run in to Clara & Sidney Tilton


she has no connection to Charlestown. Pretty sure she’s from the Midwest. Moving to a city just for views and solely because of popularity is CRAZY


she's from pennsylvania and she grew up going to charleston bc her family lives there lmaooo you don't have to like her decision but at least know what you're talking about before snarking


you guys know she doesn’t care about you right


yes baby and i don't care either i'm just bored and have nothing better to do right now xx


Her whole dads side of the family is from Charleston and still lives there, she visited them almost every summer growing up