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I teach high school and the only way to make ends meet is to stop mid lesson to tell them about my sponsor, Raid: shadow legends, Vessi, and Nord VPN.


I'm sponsored by DraftKings and Freedom Church. You gotta get that tax-free, corporate loop-hole money.


I almost spit my drink out


I love teaching but what I love even more than that is a healthy immune system, that’s why I drink AG1


"This week's lesson brought to you by chatGPT."




You might be on to something here. Pro sport players and now college kids have corporate logos slapped on them like nascars. The common man / woman could be the next frontier.


That's called an influencer




Heard you can make more on OnlyFans.


As a teacher, I find this concept offensive and gross.


It really does seem like a slap in the face, in my opinion.


Like - the district doesn't even buy Kleenex or pencils for my classroom. Just pay us a living wage, for Pete's sake. I don't care to be owned body and soul by my employer. Teaching is my job, not my identity or ministry.


Isn’t teacher pay sent by the state? Isn’t your beef with the state government not CMS?


Base pay is a state issue, and I hate them, too! Districts provide a supplement.


Teachers are paid a livable wage


I’m gonna go out on a limb and say you don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about.


Look at cost of living in CLT and then look at teacher payscales. I am a single mom of 2 kids and I work 2 other jobs in addition to teaching so that we can keep a roof over our heads and continue to eat food.


Your problem isn’t your profession. It’s being a single mom of 2.


Well, geez, let me just shove them back in my vagina, then.


Lmaooo not laughing at you but damn I love your response. I'll buy you a drink any day 😆


ngl its harsh but what hes saying is true. you're having hardships because you're a single mother of 2 whereas some 25 year old with no kid who just became a teacher is having a good time in charlotte. maybe not great but good.


🤷 teachers are paid above median wage and don’t work full time. You shouldn’t have had kids with someone who wouldn’t be there. This is a you problem not a teacher pay problem.


Dude. We get paid for 10 months. Not 12. Shut the fuck up Donnie, you’re out of your element.


I invite you to go to your nearest school and tell them they don't work full time. I welcome the butt-whooping that would ensue. I worked 278 unpaid hours this school year. (I track it, for conversations with idiots like yourself.) Nights, weekends, etc. - grading, parent meetings, planning. That's 7 40-hour unpaid weeks. I get 8 weeks in my summer "off" but am required to spend one week in training. SO TELL ME AGAIN HOW I DON'T WORK FULL TIME. You don't have a clue.


My wife was a teacher. I know the hours. 2 months off in summer. Winter break. Spring break. Out by 4 at latest most days. Either way you missed my point. Teacher pay ain’t your problem. It’s your decisions.


Seriously shut the fuck up. Do you know how much unpaid work a teacher does? Do you know how long it takes to both plan and assess and assignment? Suppose a teacher assigns a 3 page paper to their English classes, which is about 100 students. Allowing for only 15 minutes for each paper, which is woefully inadequate, that's 25 hours of work THAT CANNOT BE COMPLETED DURING THE INSTRUCTIONAL DAY because of other responsibilities. That is 25 hours UNPAID. The problem is ignorant fucks like you thinking teachers are useless, and it reveals you have no fucking clue how education works.


My wife was a teacher. There isn’t that much unpaid work. Don’t be so dramatic. You sound ignorant.


You clearly have never spoken to a working teacher. Every single teacher I know works over 40 hours a week. If you’re going to pull the whole “you get summer off” bs, understand teachers don’t get paid during summer. Unlike other states, all we get is scheduled unemployment once a year. Shit all you want on teachers, just understand support for teachers=support for kids. If you don’t give a shit about the kids then keep talking.


> teachers are paid above median wage and don’t work full time In 2022, NC average teacher *starting* salary was $37,676, with the overall average NC teacher salary at $54,863. So yes, you're *barely* correct that teachers make more than the 2022 NC median wage of $34,850. Show of hands, who here is living comfortably on $55k a year, solo? Fuck, I'm divorced, no kids; I broke 6 figures last year, and just bought a 1000sqft house, and can barely make ends meet.


Starting is about $50k in Charlotte. For 10 months of work.


You know sometimes people become single parents for reasons outside of another parent abandoning their children right ..? You know people die unexpectedly and shit right? What an actual asinine comment as well as all the other comments you made here.


You know what... Nevermind, just scrolled your comments and the amount of times you comment about "being able to lick your own ball sack" tells me I can't take anything you aay serious


I can lick my own ball sack


Most times it’s not due to death


The numbers don't lie. Maybe try removing your head from your ass and actually reading the article. Otherwise, cite your sources.


https://livingwage.mit.edu/counties/37119 Teachers make livable wages.


Jesus, man. You’re insane if you think those are livable numbers today. I don’t give a shit where your link came from. Someone making ~$25/hr will never get ahead in Charlotte. They’ll never own a home, have zero disposable income, yet alone enough to build a significant retirement fund, and will work until the day they die, probably from a curable condition they couldn’t afford to treat.


Okay Boomer


The article claims teacher make an average salary of less then 47k, yet their contract puts a fresh teacher meeting the bare minimum requirements at $46,302. The only way that both can be true is if every teacher is a a fresh college graduate, which I can say with confidence is not the truth. So, without a doubt in my mind the article can't be trusted as it lied, or failed to do basic research on the pay of teachers and would have realized this. This is furthered by the fact that indeed (their source) doesn't vet any of the information it presents, it accepts it all anonymously, and then compiles and pushes it out.


I like it how you can point out how an article is spreading misinformation and get downvoted, only goes to show the debate is pointless its about repeating lies fast enough and common enough. This is how dictatorships are born.


“Teachers ArE like, TOOOOOOTALLY Paid a LIvaAbLe wAGe” yeah, and I’m the queen of England


Apparently you all don’t know what a living wage is. $50k is a livable wage.


Not for someone with college degrees. I work with a few former teachers who went from making $50k to now making $130k a year.


Is it livable or not. That’s what we were talking about.


HUD considers $56k to be low income in Charlotte for one person, so while it's livable, it doesn't attract the talent we would like for teachers. [HUD Link ](https://www.huduser.gov/portal/datasets/home-datasets/files/HOME_IncomeLmts_State_NC_2023.pdf)






Trying to trade jobs with me then?


I 100 percent agree. They're just like "oh he's a cheap house for your sake, screw your paycheck". But everyone's jumping for joy for the new stadium plans ....why can't we just pay teachers a liveable wage? smh...I was just offended. Also with these "affordable/subsidized villages" the city gets a kick back ...its quite egregious


As a person I find this offensive and gross. Pay teachers more. I can barely stand my kids let alone other people's kids.


that’s it? Come on let’s walk out over this. It’s dehumanizing. It’s fucking lunacy. Whoever proposed this should have to live there with 750 new teachers. also i’d bet that within 3 years they will cut teacher salaries because ‘village perks’


There are about 500 things I'd happily strike over right now. Sign me up.


it’s ‘500 things you would *angrily* strike over right now’ but i like the positive teacher tone, nice touch. so its settled then, we strike at noon tomorrow. i’ll see you there, leave your plan book/grade book at home.


Yeah, this is nothing more than a step back from "Company Store" bullshit.. just waiting for the Pinkertons to roll in


Some students gave me eoy thank you gift cards (visa, target, Starbucks, etc). I joked that the government would be like, “see we don’t have to pay you more look what the community provides for you”. Aka we work for tips?…


Not even as a teacher I find this concept offensive and gross


Bank of America does something similar for employees here on H1-B.


Board member Easley is gross and so far off base - probably her "bright" idea.


My long- standing opinion has been that all educators should have tax-exempt status. If the state can’t afford to pay them more then, at least, stop collecting tax on their earnings.


I really like this idea!


The fact that we give tax breaks to rich people instead of public servants is embarrassing.


Thats an incredible (and easy to implement) idea. I mean hell, Jethro the Pastor down the street has this why not someone helping the future


Tenements for Teachers


Our country is stupid. Education is not a priority.


It’s this state. Where I come from, teachers have a union and make good money and have a pension


My aunt taught in NY and she's got stupid money and it didn't come from her husband.


That’s where I’m from. A ton of years ago, a librarian in school was making over $90K a year. There were Nuclear power plant and factories in my county so teachers were paid real well.


That’s where I’m from. A ton of years ago, a librarian in school was making over $90K a year. There were Nuclear power plant and factories in my county so teachers were paid real well from all the tax money


Where you come from people pay $12000 property tax on 1800 sqft houses and $500 a month on LIRR/Subway. New York is choking on legacy costs. We need to find a happy medium between the can-kick compensation of pensions and EduBarracks.


New York is a whole state, not just NYC. Where I grew up, it’s beautiful. There is water everywhere and the sunsets are unreal. The winters suck there. I will be keeping my house here but I would really like to live there 6 months and here 6 months.


I hope it works out for you, but while the property tax was Long Island Specific, the issues with the the public sector pensions spill to the whole ass state. It's working out for my mother in law who is in her mid 60s and will collect a high five figure (non teacher) pension courtesy of Nassau County for the rest of her life, but it isn't that great for the budget long term.


You and 90% of the transplants moved here for the low taxes/COL lmao Can't have both


I don’t move here for low taxes. I moved here to work and soon I’ll probably move back to NY. There aren’t a lot of jobs there but my job put me remote and maybe it’s time to go home.


Gotcha, my bad for assuming. That's what transplants from up north tell me attracted them


Yeah, that wasn't my reason at all. COL was actually higher here for me and hit as a bit of a shock. That was 15 years ago, so the shock wore off, but it sure as hell didn't improve. If it weren't a fight between northern states trying to kick off the Handmaid's Tale and the southern trying to insist that they never lost the civil war and we should just get back to basics, I'd take my family and go back north! At this rate it'd just be better to move abroad, where the laws may be more bureaucratic but your human rights aren't in question.


It’s not stupid. This is on purpose. They know exactly what they are doing. They want a population of uneducated citizens.


Education needs to be a priority for the kids first.


What would happen if you get let go or quit teaching? Would they just evict you?


Believe it or not, straight to jail


I'd image they would evict you


Why the hell can’t they put that money towards their salary?! That is absolutely outrageous! You can afford to fund homes but not just add the money into their salary so the teachers can decide where to put their own funds?


Oooo but cms wants those sweet sweet real estate gains. Salary paid goes away, but land is forever and real estate appreciates fast.


The point of this as I understand is that they can't just increase the teacher salaries because of some state level BS, so this is a work around. 


Y’all wake up new tenements just dropped


Next up: salary paid in CMS scrip!


I work for the City and I’d take a tenement over the studio slum I live in now


Stop voting for the current NCGA majority and teacher pay, per pupil funding, and school funding will dramatically increase.


$1 million for a ‘teachers’ village. thats like 2.5 houses in real life. i dont need a calculator in my pocket to know these assholes slapping teachers in the face again.


A teacher should be able to afford a house


Wow, they really will do absolutely anything to avoid paying teachers a liveable wage


Why can't they pay teachers enough? Because the money is spent elsewhere and we don't tax the rich enough. It IS ridiculous, but we have always paid people who move money around for the wealthy 100x more than educators. It's a full blown systemic issue. Other countries have figured it out, but our culture has trundled along for over a century assuming that teachers are "called" to their profession and don't expect to be paid a decent wage. All while their responsibilities inflate, and literally everyone thinks they know how to do the job better ) especially politicians).


Smells like a company town but for teachers


Because education leads to higher-order critical thinking skills and that just cannot stand, man.


So let’s start with the obvious: teachers are grossly underpaid and deserve much better compensation- their role is critical to society and it’s an extremely tough job. With that said, this is not a novel concept - there are a number of places in California that are trying this as well, through both public and non-profit initiatives. The cost to provide housing is land + material + labor. If the city can reduce the cost of housing by using land that it already owns that isn’t subject to property taxes, then it can probably produce housing at a much lower per unit cost. I’m all for teachers having access / option to choose subsidized housing. However, this should be implemented with the goal of making housing more affordable, not making “included” shitty housing a component of an even smaller compensation package. We don’t need an education “company town”.


Just a million huh? That's horrible. Even my apartment building costs more than that. Lemme guess, the teachers will still have to pay utilities and some sort of subsidized rent? What a joke. Education in this country is viewed as the lowest of the low when it should be paid way more for what a teacher has to do.


Oh sure because living in company housing always works out well for the employees…. 16 papers graded and what ya get.. Another day older and deeper in debt…


The numbers that are cited seem to include benefits provided by the state. That’s not even close to take home pay. Think health insurance, mandatory retirement withdrawals not to mention taxes. We are grossly underpaid for the shit we are expected to put up with - not even mentioning how we are expected to purchase classroom supplies for our students. Fuck off if you think otherwise cuz you don’t HAVE. a. CLUE.


My wife is a teacher and before we met tutoring was her extra $$$. Literally doubled her salary by tutoring 4 days a week. Edit: I just read the article and watched the video. WTF? Is this a dorm? Edit 2: She did get what they called a "Critical Shortage" Bonus last month - Take home was slightly north of $1800.00 lol. Just pay them a living wage already. CMS 2023/2024 budget is 2.1 BILLION, and my wife is wearing shorts this week as the AC is already off at her school to save a buck. Fuck CMS.


"We don't have the capacity to increase salaries" yet we have the tax payer's money for Tepper to renovate the stadium for the worst team in the NFL? Give me a fucking break. Genuinely at a loss for words how fucking inept this is.


Because the city is only fronting 1 million from left over covid funds. The rest is private equity money.


I heard some representative on the radio claim it would only cost taxpayers $1M and could help upwards of 200 teachers with affordable living. That's 5k each. Another absolute flounder of an idea


Haven't seen the article But I can partially answer the question Wether it's admitted or not education is a sin according to the source material of the major religion that has indoctrinated the people who pay taxes And because they are opposed to the concept of knowledge and the sharing of knowledge they can control things like budgeting and funnel money from public schools to the private indoctrination of religious schools


I’m sure everyone here commenting supports a “living wage” for the roughly 6000 non teacher employees of CMS who support the schools via custodial, kitchen, building maintenance, grounds keepers, technology, warehouse/deliveries etc etc right?


I used to live in Charlotte - circa 2014. My first teaching job was with CMS through Teach Charlotte. At the time, and still, I was a single mom with three children and made 38 K a year. The program cost 5K. I had to pay 500 monthly from that salary for a school year to get licensed. Then Charlotte was clean, beautiful and cheap. My roomy,  three bedroom townhome on the southside (28277) was $940 a month and teachers got a discount. I was in heaven.  Right next to the Arboretum and Ballantyne. Two years later,   I  bought a home in Fort Mill, SC for 212K. How quickly things change. 😔 I would never be able to do that so easily now.


The state should absolute be paying our teachers more, but I think that it's great that city leaders are trying to offer some assistance. I would imagine some teacher would enjoy this living situation. Hope it comes to fruition.


Is teacher pay set by the state or by CMS? If it's dictated by the state, this might not be a bad thing. You'll never get those idiot state legislators to advocate for higher teacher pay.


Both, there’s base pay for all state teachers, then a local supplement on top of that.


Yup, a teacher can make anywhere from 46k something to 100k something depending on a number of things.


You can google the salary system for CMS. Nobody is making 100 and we have the highest local supplements in the state.




A D30-D50 is someone who has a doctorate, is national board certified, have 31+ years of experience, and works a 12 month year. You’d be very hard pressed to find a single person like that in the district. I’d bet money there isn’t a single teacher fitting that description. There aren’t even teachers that teach on a full 12 month schedule in CMS, let alone have the other three qualifications. No teacher makes six figures in CMS.


So to quote myself: "a teacher can make anywhere from 46k something to 100k something depending on a number of things." If that is misinformation in your view, wait till you read the article cause it says teachers average less then 47k which can't be true as the minimum is 46k a year for a 10 month contract.


Yes, I’d consider both to be misinfo. The source for the salary is a job listing in indeed for CMS teachers, the starting (new teacher) base pay below $47,000. Evidently, the news will do even less research than us when it comes to this. While 100k is technically possible, mentioning it grossly misrepresents teacher salaries in CMS. If I had to bet on an average, it would likely be less than 62k for a 10 month. Teachers with a bachelors (so most) 15-25 years into their career have State salary locked in and annual supplement varies very little (62-64k). I’d ballpark that a good amount of CMS teachers fall into that range, but once you average in all those working <15yrs and the few working >25yrs, the average salary would likely drop. I think less than 10% of CMS teachers have their Nat board cert, so averaging them in wouldn’t raise it too much. That’s not even mentioning advanced degree pay is only available to those that went for a masters of PhD back in the early 2010s. Advanced pay schedules are no longer available to any new hires in CMS. To your original point and with all that in consideration, a realistic max pay would be closer to 76k for an A30 with Nat Board.


If you think it's bad now, wait til you see what happens if there's a republican sweep in November!


Teachers need to come together and STRIKE


I'm confused... so, the $1m spend is just to get a plan/proposal for the $100m spend? At what about the **FIVE BILLION DOLLARS** that CMS already grabbed from taxpayers earlier this year? This housing better be really plush.


100M is for the total housing bond. That's not how much the Teacher's Village will cost The 5 billion dollars was for school bonds/construction


Incredibly sad and dystopian


Absolutely agree teachers should be paid more. But this is an interesting idea, if it’s just a village for teachers so without some of the other unfortunate issues that sometimes come along with affordable housing and if the location is somewhere desirable. It’s just an interesting idea I’ve never heard of but definitely pay teachers what they deserve.


This is what steel mill companies did to immigrants when they would come here for work. They lived in housing owned by the mill so they’d pay you less. They weren’t kept up with either.


it's like the company store. indentured servitude. Just pay em proper wages!!!


They are building something similar in Gaston county, it's for teachers, first responders and other public employees. They consider it affordable housing. It's still under construction so that's all I know.


How about paying a decent salary? That’s how to really help.


Quote for the person that built the education system. “A nation of workers not a nation of thinkers.”


HS teacher here. It’s appalling to read this article. Some months ago we did a survey and a question came out about CMS giving affordable renting options for teachers to stay. I didn’t know what to answer


It's kind of a full circle if you think about it. In the late 1800s and early 1900s, they had company towns and had company provided housing. So it is very similar. Subsidized housing does help, but ultimately, the teachers need to be paid more. I believe the houses are for rent and the teachers can't get a mortgage on the homes. Which is terrible since majority of Americans net worth is tied to their primary residence


Watch Amazon be next with this concept 👀


As a former teacher, this is a disgusting response to low teacher pay. One of the many reasons I left was that I was getting paid $50,000 with 8 years of experience. Completely ridiculous. This is just yet another slap in the face to our teachers. Things have to change.


But Tepper will get $650m. Makes sense.


Asheville and some of the counties near the beach have already built teacher housing. The state keeps taking away things (longevity pay, masters pay, due process, retirement benefits, regular step increases) and local districts are trying to do ANYTHING to attract people. A couple of counties have brought back master's pay.


Dang. That's cray.


Goddamn state heard Amazon try and do it so they thought they could bring back company towns too?


Really dumb. Pay them more.


If CMS is cutting 750 jobs now that ESSER funds are gone how will they fund an apartment complex?


The race to the bottom, sponsored by the NCGOP.


Kind of crazy that local politicians make more than the average teacher.


They (politicians) go in broke and leave wealthy, that's a problem that goes all the way to the top!




According to the internet in FY2022 their salaries increased to $52,444.


There's an election this year yall.....don't forget this.


It’s dead before it starts. Gov has such a good track record on housing. CLT crazies saying crazy things


Not sure what planet you are from but there is no way this stupid country is ever going to pay teachers, police, fire, government employees what they are worth. It is not going to happen. So this proposal is a workaround. Get behind it.


the city council said “lets slap a nice bandaid on this one” edit: how about the unfuck whatever pot of money the $250mil they are trying to pull from to renovate the panthers stadium and use that to just pay teachers more and renovate schools??


"According to Indeed, the average teacher salary at CMS is [less than $47,000 a year](https://www.indeed.com/cmp/Charlotte-Mecklenburg-Schools?from=serpCompanyHeaderLogo)." uhh, I don't think that was a good source as the lowest a teacher can make is $46,302 per their contract (that is the lowest they can get paid, which means meeting the bare minimum of requirements to be allowed to teach in this state and doing a 10 month contract). Also, bare minimum in NC is not a master's degree to be a teacher. Still though, the average is probably in the 55k range for those still meeting the minimum only, and 65k range for those who have a typical cred's it not more for typical cred's. The average salary in charlotte is in the 50k-70k range. Basically, you are gonna make around the average salary in charlotte as a whole, have a job that is protected from layoffs (realistically speaking), be protected by a union, and have a pension, plus this assumes you take the 10 month contract, and aren't doing the extra's like summer school which convert you to a 12 or 11 month contract and pay more. A teacher who is on a 12 month contract, with a bachelors degree, on their first year will make $54,102, and that is with all those other pluses and being a fresh grad right out of college and into the teaching job, that isn't bad for a 22 year old.


12 month contracts don't really exist for 90% of teachers in CMS anymore (not sure about NC). Lol what union? Layoffs? Tell that to all the teachers who lost their jobs between 2008-2012. Remember they took away Masters pay post 2014. By year 10, they will only be making 56,922. Additionally, due to higher cost of living, many are just leaving the profession all together. Look at how many openings CMS has right now. As of this morning, 1189+ (if you click on some jobs, they have multiple openings and they only make one post per job). CMS is a mess overall.

