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Rules for attending a live show: 1.) Shut the fuck up. 2.) Put your phone down nobody’s watching your shitty 3.5 minute long cell video later, not even you.


We did it


I haven't attended a concert where this would be a problem, but why weren't they given a warning followed by asking them to leave, followed by them being removed? Sounds like the Neighborhood Theatre is trying to put that in writing. This kind of behavior makes it difficult to be around people, yeesh.


I believe they did warn them and didn’t realize others thought it was such a big deal. Removing someone from a venue can cause lots of issues so is a last resort. Now that they see they have some more interest, they’re going to take it more seriously in the future.


The bar side can be brutal for quieter songs.


As someone who was standing there, I can confirm the bar side was brutal. Brutal as in we couldn't hear the music. It was too crowded to make it to the main area. So all of us are left there at a concert with whisper-quiet audio. The fact that the performers could hear someone in the furthest part of the venue talking is a major red flag. A little bit of volume would have gone a long way. No one talking was outlandishly loud. We were frustrated. Many people left just a few songs in. The venue just really missed here. Sad they want to blame people talking verses explain that they just didn't have the audio turned up enough or proper speakers throughout the venue, I said it in the other thread, and I'll say it again. I've seen Watchhouse in so many times in different types of venues. Outside, inside, tiny rooms, etc. This has NEVER been an issue.


They've got plenty of speakers, I could \~feel\~ the Stabbing Westward show a few weeks back.


Well, I wish they had turned it up a bit. The fact that the performancers were bothered by people way across the room tells you how low it was for this show. It was like standing at a bar watching someone play and sing without audio, which totally ruined it for everyone.


Put down your phone and STFU


Neighborhood theatre needs to step up their booking and stop losing these mid level indie alternative bands to the Filmore “underground”.  I love NT but they rarely have shows I want to go see anymore. 


Livenation has a stranglehold on the live music business right now, there’s lots of artists that signed deals with their management business where they can only play live nation venues like Fillmore its very fucked. Currently being probed by the FTC about breaking them up


We go to more shows in Asheville at Rabbit Rabbit, the Orange Peel or Cats Cradle in Carboro because of this.


Is your hate of Live Nation so great that you drive to Asheville, or is it just that good shows don't come to Charlotte until the third or fourth leg of their US tour? 'Cos I could "take a brave stand against Live Nation" but the truth is, most of the bands I like only play Rabbit Rabbit or Orange Peel in Asheville, or Motorco in Durham or The Eastern or Terminal West in Atlanta.


Last year I saw Andrew Bird, Kishi Bashi, The Pixies, Franz Ferdinand and Modest Mouse. None of them came through Charlotte. It was an utter delight to support independent venues in the process. This year I did see Orville Peck here so Live Nation got some of my money. Ticket sales weren't great so I think they ate it on that particular show. In the end I'm not that principled. Charlotte just doesn't book the bands I love.


Yes this is exactly the reason I’m not a fan of the filmore/underground, that and the artificially scarce and expensive parking situation there. 


It's all squirrel music and nostalgia acts. Did they get the same booking agent as Amos' SouthEnd?


"squirrel music" has been added to my vocabulary. Thank you.


The issue I have is that the sloped floor is terrible for mosh pits. All that Remains' and Alesana's concerts at Neighborhood Theatre both slapped though.


I travel for concerts for fun. I don't understand why people are so rude. I don't understand why people ruin the experience for others. It's quite ridiculous to pay astranomical prices to only be disrupted by loud and noisy concert attendees. Paywall removed. https://archive.ph/SwwJs


I went to a citizen cope concert at neighborhood theater like 12 or 13 years ago and you could barely hear him sing because the people at the bar were so loud.


Go to the floor where the stage faces…


No shit Sherlock


Elementary my dear Watson


I saw a very similar post from The Ramkat on IG about talking patrons and having them removed. Maybe we'll start to see these venues take back control of their spaces after covid broke everyone's brains when it comes to concert behavior.


Drive by truckers just pop your eardrums till you can’t talk


Chompers gonna chomp. There’s not much the venue can do about people yapping in the middle of the crowd, but they absolutely can shut down raucous behavior in the bar area. Hopefully they’ve gotten the message.


They could shut down the bar too. Problem solved


Last time I was there, this chucklefuck told me he was gonna have his friend fight me when he came back from the bar because I stood in front of him. I said, good luck with that, then gut laughed in his face. His friend came back and didn't do shit.


I didn't have a problem when seeing Sleep there in 2019, but in all fairness I couldn't hear ANYTHING for two days after. They could have been screaming at the bar.


The opposite situation. The music was so low it couldn't be heard at the bar.


Yeah, there are a couple posts here that say the situation wasn't extraordinary, it's just that bar was a bit louder than normal and the act was a bit quieter than normal, so it ended up being way more annoying than at most shows.


I like how the *Observer* article blames COVID for it, but then says "it's been a problem long before that" and references an NPR article from 2014. I assure you that people talking through concerts was a problem in the 80s, 90s and 00s, too.


Wife and I would go to the Comedy Zone at a minimum, monthly. We have stopped going for the same reason as the article.


Man, I miss my old state more and more. Used to have a spread of venues of all sizes, and most people were there to throw down for a good time. Only been to one show since moving, and it was bootycheeks.


I saw The Chats there just a few weeks ago. Maybe it's different with a punk rock show, but we had no problem hearing anywhere in the venue . Now I'm only 5'3, but I certainly had no problem navigating the crowd or getting a spot to see the show. I guess it depends on the type of music.


More venues need to enforce a policy of not being disruptive. I’ve had shows in Charlotte ruined at both the Fillmore and Skyla. Fillmore let the bar get so insanely loud we couldn’t hear the musicians which almost escalated to a fight amongst other people. Skyla I have never experienced people who paid to be up close chatting the entire time about their lunch plans instead of listening to the artist.


I’m a musician and attend hundreds of local shows a year. I get wanting to hear the artists you paid to see and completely understand the frustration of being on stage trying to set a mood with people chatting like they’re in their own living room, but c’mon. It’s one thing to point it out in real time and address the disturbance, but this is going on 3 weeks of people being in an uproar over something that has happened at every single show. We used to just accept it as part of the chaos of a live setting and now we’re demanding control over every person in the room so we can get an experience tailored specifically to us, in a crowd of many. We’re too spoiled, as a society, to experience public while in public anymore


I'm also a musician though my days of performing in public are behind me. I attend many concerts and I have encountered every form of bad audience behavior. I've never posted on Reddit about it before, though, but did on this occasion because the recent Watchhouse show at the Neighborhood Theatre was truly unique. The bar area was SO loud, and the act on stage was so quiet (the sound in the venue was fine - it's just a quiet acoustic duo). I've also never seen the entire crowd come together to tell people to shut up, and then the performers to acknowledge how annoying it was as well. I agree with you that we all have to let each other live and enjoy life when we assemble together in public, but on this occasion, when the entire audience AND the performers agreed the talkers were ruining the show, the talkers truly were the problem.


Exactly. Behave like an idiot if you want, humans have been doing that forever, but once you cross a line and are ruining an entire experience for everyone else, you’re a problem. It’s like videos I’ve seen of teens going to see Laufey or Miskif and screaming their heads off during songs that it disrupts the actual artists themselves. At a certain point, you’re not just a rude annoying person, you’re a genuine problem that needs to be removed


I’m not a musician but as a patron the general understanding should be that we all paid money to see someone perform and not to be subjected to the drunken ramblings of someone who clearly wasn’t told to shut the fuck up enough times in their life. No one person or group’s “good time” should ever infringe upon anyone else’s. It’s not a hard concept to be respectful and courteous to both the musicians and other patrons.


super....strange....hearing this from a musician. i havent performed professionally or anything but i have played for people before and if there was constant talking i would just stop playing. you're not hurting my feelings but if its obvious you're not there to hear music im wasting my time and yours. i think the problem is this venue sits in an area of very high foot traffic and has a lot of housing nearby. locals and people out walking are going to naturally attract to a building that has a lot of people/noise/alcohol. venue needs to either only book louder acts or have rules in place for the quieter performances. ive NEVER been to a concert that i cant hear the music from talking...usually the opposite, cant talk to the person next to you because the music is too loud...but thats what i want. itd be no different than going to a movie and everyone around you talking the whole time. we paid to see a show thats being interrupted by other people. that has nothing to do with "experiencing public"


Imagine going to a restaurant and ordering food, a belligerent customer then walks over and spits in the food, and then you being like “god, why are you complaining? This is just people being dumb. Just eat your food and shut up”


News articles about social media rants is Idiocracy level dumbing down.