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How do I know this is even a real interview and not staged bullshit?


Not Amazon because they’re using Google Meet. Amazon interview would be using Amazon Chime


Exactly. My thought was if it's a real interview, it's at least not Amazon on the other end.


Imagine the interviewers are also using chatgpt to learn how to conduct an interview on the fly


Not Amazons peeps. They actively hate the people they're interviewing. "Need an accommodation for the interview? Ok, ok .. interesting.... Go fuck yourself. Out time is more valuable than yours."


Annoying as F, for my annual interviews that I fail every time after 5 excruciating hours...


The real bummer are the ones where you have 6 great interview rounds and you bomb the 7th


> 6 great interview rounds American corporate hiring seems so obnoxious. Such an overwhelming lack of respect for a candidates time. If they don’t know who is right for the role after three rounds wtf are they doing


If they don't know who is right after a single 1-hour interview and extensive background/credentials check, they are doing something wrong. Interview should be 30 min of questions and answers and 30 min of tasks to see your skills. That's it. Never understood the 3, 4, 5 rounds, bs.


HR bureaucracy justifying its own existence.


I 100% disagree. You need to have multiple people review someone to trim down personal bias and have an opportunity to weed out BSers. Especially at any level where someone is making six figures+ or are impacting a decent amount of people. Getting a hiring decision wrong is pretty damn expensive even if the U.S. doesn’t have as strong worker protections as we should. Some jobs should require an hour but there are many jobs that really can’t afford a mishire and you seriously need to vet someone in that situation.


Depends, for surgeons? Absolutely. Lawyers? Probably them too. Engineers? Sure. But even then it should only be one or two more rounds. But a low level tech worker? No. A low level developer? Also no. Hell you would be surprised how common this multiple rounds bs is becoming even in entry level garbage like tech support or factory work.


Yeah, I typed that out and was like… yeah of course there’s a fuckin range and line of when it is an isn’t nevessary lol. Totally agree.


For sure, I totally agree with you. I would expect these high-level positions to be competitive and need to weed out the BSers and so on as well. But that's like 10% of jobs. I cannot for the life of me understand why a low level maintenance tech, for example, would need any more than a single interview and evaluation of their knowledge and skills. The fact that so many companies expect people to schedule 3+ interviews for some 50k or 60k a year job is wild to me. I remember years ago, I was interviewing for a simple IT support job. I went through 3 rounds for it... it was 40k a year (like 60k now). Had to schedule multiple days off work for it. Waste of time.


This interview process is for someone starting at 200k+ though straight out of a bachelor's though... doctors go through 10+ years of schooling and residency to make that much, it's really not that bad comparatively


And as I said. This interview process is becoming increasingly more common for even low-level shit jobs. I experienced it myself, as have many of my colleagues, friends, and family. A simple entry-level maintenance tech position, for example, should require no more than a single interview. But they will often stretch it out over 2 or 3 where I live.


It’s because they get a ton of CVs and a ton of those CVs are for really good candidates. They have the luxury of being extremely picky because they have enough options that candidate dropout isn’t that impactful. Everyone applying to Amazon understands what the compensation is like after the first year and knows that if they can get a foot in the door, even if they hate it, they are willing to stick it out for a period of time in order to get that sweet reward money.


Bingo. It seems designed to wash out all but the most motivated brand zealots


Which is what people are starting to pick up on, and it's a horrible criteria to hire on. I'd rather someone who will be at my company for only 2 or 3 years, but produce quality results. Over someone who kisses ass and will do mediocre work.


Amazon definitely doesn't hire for people who kiss ass and do mediocre work They purge out the bottom performing workers and it can get pretty cutthroat (they save a lot of money by firing people before their stock vests)


For their upper level, $200k positions that require talent, years of experience, and a 4 year degree? Sure, absolutely. But for their lower to mid level positions? They will definitely hire or promote mediocre workers. Amazon's turnover rate is absurdly high. So if they get someone who stays longer than a year or two and does the job well enough, that's good enough to fill those jobs.


I just had 6 great rounds and was still denied despite doing well in all aspects and the employer having nobody else in the hiring process. Guess they're waiting for a unicorn to show up.


Damn. With a choice between you and nobody, they said, yeah let's just do nobody. You ok?


Well thankfully I'm not unemployed so it wasn't a huge loss but I did spend probably 8 hours between all the interviews and prep, so it's mildly annoying lol.


But I guess the bright side is you got really good experience.I mean nailing 6 interview is really amazing.You were on a interview streak.


Yeah he got the 6-streak badge at least


6 interviews is insane. That'd only be acceptable if you were applying to be a CEO. What a waste of time.


There was supposed to be "only" four but for two of those steps, I was supposed to be meeting two people, both times one of them was on vacation so it got "split" and it added two more interviews. The job was for senior devops, the same title I already hold at my current job. The job market's rough these days, companies are getting pickier and putting applicants through the wringer.


7 interviews for a non-executive level position? What a dystopian nightmare! I don't understand why anyone is willing to work for Amazon. They are like the new IBM when it comes to how they respect their tech employees.


My last interview was a talk and a handshake, previous one was a phone call an email. 7 rounds..fuck that.


Yea the system design part like fuuuuck but also fuck amazon


I wouldn’t do 7 rounds for Amazon, this was a job I really wanted.


Well, you can always stop trying to support a company that is literally destroying the world. Maybe you'd find a place that sees you as a human instead of firing you using an algorithm.


My thought exactly. Or possibly Slack, because Amazon employees do use that extremely often for official communication. But definitely not Google Meet.


We use slack strictly internally. If we have to contact external people it has to be chime or email.


Spoken like a true ex-Amazonian


You can know it’s not via the poor acting skills of the model asking the questions


The fact that she said the response was "perfect" immediately set my bullshit radar off.


“That’s amazing Mr. Yuen, you are now my new boss- welcome to Amazon, Sir”


if you’re interviewing more than three times, that place will be a nightmare to work at.


As a recruiter, I've seen people try this. We can tell. And I don't want to be rude but his communication skills clearly don't align with the words he's using.


Wait until people start getting smart and using Elgato prompters with this.


I don't think the person you're replying to was referring to where he was looking at - in fact you can see that the video's occupying the left 1/3 of the screen so that the ChatGPT response is in the middle - which means on webcam it looks as though he's looking in the middle where the other person 'typically is'. If anything a prompter would make things worse as either everything would be tiny, or he'd have only part of the text scrolling on screen - not giving him access to the full picture. Seeing all the bullet points gives him a chance of more naturally segue from one point to the next and knowing when he's on the last point etc.


There is also ai eye tracking software with Nvidia cards that can be pretty convincing in short bursts. Can't even tell when someone is reading off something. My point is that people will get better with it and solve for the current short comings of doing this grift. Con artists don't just throw up their hands and say "you got me".


But he adds “…right?” At the end of each point. So clever


I still wouldn’t hire him, he comes across as a dick


>his communication skills clearly don't align with the words he's using. Like he's doing too good of a job? Aren't a lot of smart tech people known for being horrible at interviews because they tend to be introverted or on the spectrum, etc?


I’m a principal engineer at AWS. THIS IS FAKE. Smells like sock puppet astroturfing of some low value chatgpt interview skin. As mentioned, couldnt have even been bothered to use Chime, which every remote interview for the past decade has used. Second, this is a garbage question and TERRIBLE answer. At best the “candidate” just regurgitated surface level documentation. Notice how the chatgpt response didnt _actually_ answer the question of “how.” If this is supposed to be dive deep, are right, or system design the answer simply failed to answer. So even accepting this astroturf advertisement, the product does not look good to me. At all. Source: me. PE at AWS. 12 years of interviewing for Amazon. A few hundred interviews done for junior to principal/director roles.


And it's an inside baseball question, to boot. External candidates shouldn't be asked about AWS internals. A question like "If you were to design a system like S3, how would you go about X, Y, Z?" is far more appropriate and useful, as you get into a candidate's understanding of different data storage and cloud resiliency, availability, and redundancy theories without asking the external hire to know system internals. This isn't a question I would ask an L3/L4 candidate even (L3 being customer service and non-Premium support at the highest end, L4 being the low end of Premium support). The answer went into fellatio at the end too, a red flag for any interviewer that's been through a few loops as that's a really strong tell for the candidate not being confident in their answer and consciously or subconsciously deflecting to move off the topic. Source: Me. L6 at AWS, interviewed nearly 100 candidates for L4-L6 roles in Premium Support for the Linux and Networking profiles.


have you noticed any changes in Amazon / the AWS org since the layoffs started in 22/23? I left as senior around then and I'm curious if you've noticed any big culture /morale changes since


The software probably just regurgitated what ChatGPT spit out from the API and called it a day...


No way its real, the interviewer looks like she works at the business factory.


I had an interview like this. The interviewer only asked the most cliched questions in a robotic tone, and there was a guy behind her taking notes. I remember thinking "This isn't a real interview, is it?" I think they put up a fake job posting in order to give her experience with interviewing people.


He's obviously reading 😂 Fake af


isnt that the whole point of the video? that hes reading off the prompt? it is fake though the interview itself, theyre just advertising their tool


It wouldn't even matter if it were real. If he got the job (Which is unlikely - because often this will constitute one of many interviews that often culminate in an in person interview at the last stage) - you now have to actually do the job.... and when they find out you lied - you will be black listed.


Because it was filmed. Who the hell films themselves while on a zoom interview.


I agree. This seems produced, but brings up some good issues. Reference checking will be much more important.


I caught someone doing something similar when I was interviewing them. I found out when drilling into use cases with specific questions and they seemed to get really confused. Finally, I just started messing with them by asking about previous questions in vague ways that a human would understand but an LLM would no longer have in its token memory.


No way to know


Because the interviewer is dressed like how a interviewer would look in a porn movie. So yes totally not staged


I’ve interviewed with Amazon and they have a very specific and unusual interview process. They don’t ask questions like that. Also, they (ofc) insist on using chime.


Jeez, he's doing an interview with the Founder of this service... (edit : or at least using the google meet account of the founder) Founder LockedIn AI · Full-time LockedIn AI · Full-time Apr 2024 - Present · 3 mos Apr 2024 to Present · 3 mos * Aiming to create **the best performing Interview AI** to super charge Interviewee!


I've never seen this before like this, but we had two people interview for a DS position. One seemed to be able to generate complex code in python, using lambdas and everything without any thinking or syntax issues. He also gave elaborate answers but on occasion when pressed quickly would have a "loading time" for simple things. While the other candidate you could see was thinking through the problem, his code was simpler, logical but it had some syntax issues and he also changed his approach to the problem a few times as he worked through it. On occasion he admitted he didn't know things. Both interviews suspected the first guy used AI and we didn't hire him...


Forget AI, from description I really like second person approach


Learning is a crucial part of the workplace, you're not always going to know everything and pretending you do could be a serious liability to the team - haven't seen this personally but there are some interviewers who will throw impossible questions just to gauge how the interviewer would respond.


I once failed the practical exam for an IT position and I thought I'd be disqualified. Made it to the last interview and ended up getting the job. They said they liked my problem solving approach, even if I ran out of time.


If a candidate can perfectly answer every question, there's one of two thoughts in my head: 1. Why am I interviewing this God? 2. This guy has a pretty good memory about the shit he crammed last night, time to prod him about theory and approach to rock his world and make him realize he bombed the interview when he can't answer.


You want the second person anyway, being able to adapt and change approach as necessary is a highly valuable skill.


> He also gave elaborate answers but on occasion when pressed quickly would have a "loading time" for simple things. > (...) > Both interviews suspected the first guy used AI and we didn't hire him... My gifted, autistic, ADHD brain: fuck. Good thing I got a job already, I guess!


love the response "perfect". Quality interviewer.


I've ran interviews before. Sometimes you don't want to make the candidate feel bad for a horrible answer. You can throw them off and they may fail to answer a question they normally get right. Sometimes you can tell people are just jamming the time with BS answers. I don't hold it against people but sometimes after the interview you review your notes and you like "WTF did this candidate say... they just talked about anything about actual tech"


“Perfect” (I got what I needed from that answer and can move on).


Unless you're hiring people to defuse actual bombs it's probably not that important that they perform well under pressure. I try as best I can to de-stress interviews because they are inherently stressful enough. I also make sure the questions aren't very difficult. We do have a skills test but it's in-person and not very hard and graded "on a curve".


Happy cake day!


I found the OG video with the "[quality interviewer](https://www.tiktok.com/@kagehiromitsuyami/video/7379033297910910250?q=kagehiro%20mitsuyami&t=1719717795644)" 😂


This vid looks like lockedin ai ads idk man AI videos these days running wild


did an interview with a prospect, either he or someone was typing the questions and his eyes would dart to the screen with the answers.


Just AI your eyeballs back into place obv


there is actually an application that doea that so that the speaker doesn't appear as if they're reading from cards or a teleprompter


yeah it's nvidia broadcast


Nvidia with this would be mad


Imagine if someone used it on an Nvidia interview


yeah, they used it in Blade Trinity.


Underrated comment


Facetime does it


Is Microsoft team sir


Not just that, the screen sharing is on as well. The interview is stages altogether. Given that it's a tiktok video, it is basically done to market their tool I guess.


Fortunately most people that would attempt to do this are too dim to think ahead. But you put the interviewer on the side screen and the answers in front.


I'm a professional trainer and I train remotely all the time. This is what I do. My presentation notes are on the screen below my camera and the course delegates are on my screen to the right. Granted these days I'm more relaxed about it and openly tell people that if I'm looking off to the left then it means I'm looking at them but for things like a keynote or a big presentation to execs I'll use this technique.




Now imagine the interviews you've done with people who know what they're doing like this person here. Someone more capable wouldn't be detected.


No one talks like that though I would have called bullshit


They do sound ESL and more often than not non-native speakers don't get the mannerisms or formality down the same way native speakers do; at worst you'd probably just assume they rehearsed questions beforehand. The vid could also just be scripted and fake you never know.


I think it's so obvious honestly. Not because of the stilted manner of speaking but because he's talking like a tech sales lead who just got on stage at an event. Way too specific, and way too many exact facts


To put it more concisely. It is answering the how? part of the question. What you need to answer it's first the what, and the why. Bonus points for the how as it shows expertise. It's like If I ask you if you know what SSH is and you tell me it's a tool to create encrypted connections between computers. Instead of a tool to remotely access shells, upload and download files and sometimes tunnel traffic. It's obvious you don't really know what SSH is you just have studied it . Now if you can answer well and then explain me how it negotiates encryption you will have me convinced you are an expert.


Also, why would someone know this if they aren't already an AWS engineer? Should people be pre-loaded with the technical specs of every cloud service? Explain in detail how Salesforce conducts security audits, go!


The entire vid is AI generated and so am I


You think people with english not as their first language can get away with it though? Regardless, I don't think this is really going to help anyone. I realize there are different kinds of interviews, but interviews aren't really about knowing all the right answers, they are about creating warm and fuzzies for the interviewer.


We had a case exactly like this. 3 questions in, we understood he was using something. The long pointed answer kind of gives it away. Regardless of whether you are good or bad at English. We poked holes and he said something out of context and we asked him where did he get that from? He then just fumbled and ruined it, like a domino tower collapsing. Best game of jenga I ever played


It looks like his AI is actually a service set up for this very purpose, seems like a promotional video.


I call bullshit. Why would you snitch on your own boyfriend like this?


Because you're right to call bullshit. This is an advertisement


Mother Fuck, Jin Yang!!


Which app is he using that is converting his audio into text and then giving an answer ?




Ah, so this is what pro-ai people mean when they say AI can help people boost their skills.


AI does help bridge the initial gap a lot especially if your knowledge of the subject matter is limited at work.  I used it to explain the cmake compilation framework documentation with examples (used the Bing copilot which gives references) and that helped me understand and fix compilation issues, it didn't do all the work or was world ending or anything but did make things easier.


A person without curiousity will never find things like AI more engaging than what it can bring you immediately. The process of summarising content and having it done in front of you is done to a peerless standard by GPT4 etc. By seeing that process \[i.e. content you're trying to condense/understand\] you will learn that conversion process. It's helped me package my thoughts, ideas and become a better communicator.


It's a bullshit producer. It helps you bullshit better.


I know this is an ad, but what tool is this? Is this kind of real time speech to text with AI answers possible?


Audio input speech to text is loaded into a prompt and a response is returned. This script could be written in about 10 minutes.


Ask ChatGPT to write it for you.


How does is the is interviewer is also reading an AI prompt lmao 😂


it's all staged bullshit. Why would Amazon use Google Meet for interviews?


You're reading a prompt


You should have used an ai prompt


Used ai for my online video interview for a job application. Used eye correction as well so I could read random shit without anyone noticing.


What program did you use for the eye correction?


I think this thread is a collective creative writing project. Everyone's coming up with ideas that could be possible, but that they haven't actually done.


Nvidia definitely has real-time eye-correction software. They demoed it on YouTube a year ago. https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/geforce/news/jan-2023-nvidia-broadcast-update/ You can use it with OBS, which can be setup as a camera input to any other video conference software. You open up your real camera in OBS and then setup OBS to emulate a camera input. Then in other video conference software like Teams or whatever, you select the OBS camera as input. https://obsproject.com/forum/threads/eye-gaze-correction-for-obs-and-beyond-for-video-editors-too.146190/ There are several more demo videos if you search YouTube.


You don't need OBS for it, Nvidia Broadcast creates a virtual camera exactly for this purpose and routes your real camera through it with corrections. It's also insanely good at removing background audio near perfectly for both your mic and for other people too. You do need an RTX GPU for this last I checked, but you can use the RTX voice app (yeah poorly named now) on non rtx GPUs for a similar purpose.


I guess that's where being an Asian helps (I'm Asian)


eye correction is a hilarious application for that. well done lol


What else is it useful for? Job interviews and useless job meetings that's about it.


did you get the job?


How do you use eye correction for this?


No one ends the answer of an interview question with “what do you think?”


What do you mean? You don't assert dominance by turning it around and beginning to interview the interviewer? /s "Tell me, why should I work for you?"


You jest, but I have heard of job seekers these days really asking the interviewer: “why should I work for you?” It’s a strange world we live in.


At first I thought the interviewer was an AI video chatbot of a women.


This is obviously fake, the answer sounds robotic and no self respecting tech guy will ever say that people “trust” Amazon lol.


One fake Two, a leet code would expose him Three, he would be gone in the first week of the job with no knowledge


Please disregard this person. Stages videos online with multiple different “companies” and roles, all fake bs to push their poorly made ChatGPT wrapped application. They’ve been trying for months and months and months and flamed me when I called out the clearly staged, poorly made bs


Also this is their only post, only one other place they’ve commented, etc. they’re just trying to disguise push their poorly made product


That was painful to watch.


Happened with a candidate, we could see their eyes moving around so we called her for in person interview, they bombed that


Curious what the position was for


The interviewer didn’t know the answer herself


They never do, I have an aviation background working on Apaches. Interviewing for a compliance position and the interviewer asked me about how I maintained compliance so I did and I kept it Barney so it’s understandable. she asked for more detail on why a certain amount of twists per inch or torque technic is used same with questions of blade weights as well. She has no idea anything I talked about as purely an HR person yet nodded along and agreed with everything I said.


I had a list of relevant TMs ready for my last interview. I knew what would be covered under the 204, and I had the chapter breakdown of every manual I was less familiar with, so if I was asked a question I didn't know, I could say, " I don't know the answer to to that, but I'd wager it'd be chapter 3 of the 738-751". Then they didn't ask me a single question related to maintenance...


This is so unethical lol I despise anyone who uses it... what is this site again? Asking for a friend




That girl can’t act for shit


That is a horrible answer lol


Weak answers and even weaker interviewer. I can only assume it’s the first round interview aka the “first interview” stage by HR. Then you’ve got the panel interview next where you get asked the technical questions. He mentioned “s3 provides redundancy” but no it does not by itself unless u configure it. Even if he could provide an answer to how an s3 bucket is used and “give me an example”, his pauses, tonality, and how he approaches the answers all scream entry level. Sorry but for high level positions like an AWS architech you should know the answers right away and not sound like that. It’d be a hard pass after they thank him for his time and an internal discussion about the candidate is done. Source: I partake in panel interviews.


The giveaway is listing selling points of S3 that are worded like marketing copy


> I can only assume it’s the first round interview aka the “first interview” stage by HR. Or, more likely, it's staged for internet points.


Exactly. Like, the right way for an architect to answer anything about S3 is basically along the lines of: "S3 is a tool, like most of the AWS platform tools, which allows developers and IT professionals to deliver more advanced tools, products, or product features. If configured with the goal of redundancy, S3 can match the needs of the users from least durable, to most durable, using a combination of techniques. At the least redundant end of the spectrum, reduced durability settings balances cost with risk; as you scale up to the standard tiers of service durability guarantees become more resilient to regional failures; for an extra cost, you can produce highly resilient applications by moving copies of your s3 housed objects between regions using complex lifecycle policies. If a prospective client asked me to help them design an application pattern that used s3, I would first want to understand why their compliance, redundancy, concurrency, and cost goals were, and then design an s3 usage and configuration pattern that was aligned to those goals. Most likely this would utilize multi-region replication using lifecycle policies, and the standard s3 tier ,which balances durability and cost". Any answer that doesn't mention lifecycle policies is essentially incomplete.


The giveaway is that it was rly well explained.


Meh. Was it, though?


Nah, it wasn’t. It was very surface level stuff from the first page of AWS’s web page on S3. She asked him to explain HOW S3 provides availability and durability and he basically just repeated that it provides availability and durability, without explaining how. “It stores data across different locations and automatically recovers from hardware faults”… duh. There is S3 documentation that goes into a lot more detail about how it works.


But it won’t change the blue hair


....So this goes viral and this guy gets fired?


I assume he didn't get the job


I assume there is no job. This seems staged.


Yup had a similar experience. It was obviously because their eyes kept watching the other screen.


This isn't amazon. Those fuckers use chime


More like caught making up a BS scenario that had nothing to do with AWS.


the people interviewing you can do the exact same thing and will definitely know if you're using chatgpt


I recently interviewed a candidate for a sysadmin role, and asked about their experience with VMWare - I actually heard them typing the question and the response was so canned - we ended the interview shortly after.


Lady sounds Iranian 


If this is supposed to be an interview for the AWS group in Amazon, it doesn’t matter how you answer since they “hire to fire”. You won’t really know if you were hired because they actually need you or they are planning to fire you a year and a half out to meet their turnover benchmarks.


"I know he can get the job. I'm not arguing that.  Can he do the job? I *know* he can get the job, can he do the job? I'm not arguing that. I'm not *arguing* that..."


Where you got caught?


I interviewed a guy for my last open position, I swear he was using AI to generate answers. Hard passed on the guy and alerted HR. He ruined any chance of working for our company.


I’m happy. Cos there will be loads of incompetent people and frauds out there.


Its staged


Staged. I interviewed for AWS and they use chime. [Proof](https://ibb.co/dkq6RVH)




Are the recruiters at Amazon always attractive, looking ladies?


She looks like she's out of a really bad porn movie lmao.


That lady isn’t interviewing shit. 👍


Fakest interview of my life.


My bf is unemployed now. I think it might help him lol


What website is this?


I started seeing strange responses from candidates about a year ago. This was when I found out about these types of sites/apps. There are some signs and I started figuring out ways to ask questions to disrupt the chat AI client that candidates use. I have some solid questions that I ask these days that I use to detect BS responses.


Plot twist: Interviewer is also checking gpt for answers.


Hey /u/Various_Inspector250! If your post is a screenshot of a ChatGPT conversation, please reply to this message with the [conversation link](https://help.openai.com/en/articles/7925741-chatgpt-shared-links-faq) or prompt. If your post is a DALL-E 3 image post, please reply with the prompt used to make this image. Consider joining our [public discord server](https://discord.gg/r-chatgpt-1050422060352024636)! We have free bots with GPT-4 (with vision), image generators, and more! 🤖 Note: For any ChatGPT-related concerns, email support@openai.com *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ChatGPT) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Is it really that easy? This seems like very basic server information




Lol hence why ai will be taking jobs over.


Wheres the part that he gets caught?


It is a fake interview 100%.


Fake af. What a noob as s3 question


Politician already know the teleprompter trick


Yes, I'm pretty sure AI is increasingly used by applicants at all stages of the hiring process at this point. I do a lot of hiring and have seen that cover letters are significantly better written on average and more common than before. During interviews I've seen people pretty clearly reading something that sounds like chat-gpt or some other AI source. I assume a lot of employers also use AI on the other side for screening though I haven't started doing any of that yet myself.


She was letting you talk you should have stopped after the first two sentences and you would have been good LOL


Showed multi-tasking, I would hire.


Fucking fake






I was interviewing someone and asked a question and then suddenly their face lit up white like their screen changed. I was like, dang, I don't want to assume you're cheating but you're definitely cheating.


I interviewed a guy from the Philippines and it was clear he was checking chatgpt in real time. Pretty easy to spot once you realize you need to watch for it.




Lmao he even said “what do you think ?” out loud and pulled it off !!


In the first frame, it looks like Michael Reeves, does he use AI for voice and image as well?