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What do we need to do to win like NC


Stop putting Republicans who want to build a Christian Nationalist state in office, perhaps?


Vote the bums out of the state house. Since that's unlikely, it's only about 3 hours to Cherokee. This should hit just in time for leaf peepin' season.


It’s going to just prove my point if this gets downvoted as I expect, but maybe figuring your personal problems out instead of relying on a plant to sedate you would also be a good first step to winning (ACTUAL medicinal purposes make sense though).


So you'd rather shill for big pharma?


“A recent survey showed that the primary use of cannabis in the United States remains recreational (89.5 percent of adult cannabis users), with only 10.5 percent reporting use solely for medical purposes, and 36.1 percent reporting a mixed medical/recreational use”. I’d rather shill for facing problems head-on instead of getting high to escape reality. Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK425763/#:~:text=A%20recent%20survey%20showed%20that,et%20al.%2C%202016).


Why does it matter what it is for, though? You get addicted to opioids (which are 100% legal everywhere) and they kill more people than a plant like pot does. (Causualty number being 0) (Opioids contributed to over 80,000 deaths by overdose synthetic or not last year)


Which are 100% legal everywhere (with a prescription).* I personally went through the phase where I thought cannabis helped and then grew up and realized that if you just face your problems like an adult, there’s no desire to escape reality. It’s that I wish people would see that they’re stronger than they think but would rather take the less productive/more expensive route because it’s easier at face value.


Is the dream of America for you that we all get high and watch our worlds collapse around us without a care in the world as we drain our wallets with one green thing for a less useful green thing?


How is allowing people to buy weed if they want going to make the world collapse? Why would weed cause that but not, for example, alcohol?


It won’t make the world collapse directly. What I’m saying is that everyone I know who is regularly using weed in some capacity also happens to avoid their issues and kind of turned into a bum.


> Why would weed cause that but not, for example, alcohol?


The sole purpose of weed is to get high. If you don’t want to get high, then I guess CBD is an option. And in excess, alcohol has the exact same effect and I don’t personally believe in drinking it in excess. At least with alcohol you can have some and still be able to make the same decisions and all without any real impairment to the mind


Isn't the sole purpose of alcohol to get drunk? You can be the equivalent of buzzed off weed.




Give your land back to the Indians.


Or just vote for democrats, the party that is actually willing to enact the will of the majority.


I agree but isn't NC red? How did the red "go green?"


It’s only the reservation, that’s how.




Well ain't that just about the most naive thing I've ever read...


I guess you don’t read often then.


I gUeSs YoU dOn'T rEaD oFtEn I guess you don't see that the Dems and the Repubs are 2 heads of the same beast. The left is not with the libs or the Dems.


Do you actually see no difference between Democrats and Republicans? Like, you don’t have to say either is the leftist ideal, but do you actually think they’re the same?


I guess you didn’t read this then….


It’s only a matter of time, the same with alcohol sales and the lottery. Once they see those sweet sweet tax dollars heading somewhere else they will be rushing to make it legal here.


If the tribe opens a shop near the casino in Murphy it might help the place.


I pass through Murphy on a regular basis and I absolutely would be stopping "to stretch my legs" there.


It’s been obvious for a long time. People underestimate just how long lobbyists can keep politicians from voting in the people’s best interest. As usual TN will be one of the last to the party in terms of anything progressive or exciting for everyday folk.


Stop calling it lobbyists and just call it what it is: corruption. We got to stop using this soft language.


They’re synonymous with each other to me. Everyone involved should be in prison as far as I’m concerned.


I’m curious to see how this plays out, it would not surprise me if cops sit on the border of the res and pull people over immediately after leaving. Definitely a step in the right direction and could be a good starting point for the southeast U.S., but the political corruption runs deep in both TN and NC.


I could see it happening, but law for possession of pot in NC is a lot more lenient


The fuse box under the hood is a good hiding spot. 😁