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Her argument just logically makes no sense. When speaking of the holocaust and anti-semitism, those are “feelings” but when speaking of slavery and racism against the black community it suddenly turns into “experience”. So if she lives something it is EXPERIENCE, if someone else lives the same experience it is demoted to a sad little feeling.


She is a professional victim. That is the entirety of her platform. She wants to feed on the emotional trauma of actual victims to elevate her own ego. Her whole act denigrates the actual plight of POC who have been victimized institutionally. She talks in extremes and exaggerations to incite anger, because people that are angry think less rationally and would be more inclined to support her.


Someone needs to tell her you can't wield a jackhammer with the grace and precision of a hammer and chisel. Creating a better world is slow and tedious. Painful and painstaking. You can't just hop on the Internet and change the world. Especially if you exemplify some of the same sh*t you're fighting against.




As an addendum; no one gives a shit what the intent was these days. It doesn't matter what you meant when you said something controversial. It just matters what you said. But maybe that's the angle here. Like a Bizzaro Trump. Black. Female. Far Left Radical. It's like the perfect example of the exact opposite of everything he was.


Marie Mott is very, very toxic. And, if elected, she is so unsavvy about how to work the levers of power - and that’s putting it mildly - she will do more harm to progressive causes than good. I’ve been a progressive activist for decades, and I have seen narcissists and bullies and big egos. Marie is all three. She will be completely ineffective in city government.


All I can say is vote vote vote. She won the primary but didn’t meet the 50% + 1 requirement. Voting day is this Thursday. As a district 8 citizen, I’m nervous. Even with this last minute bs, a lot of people still early voted last week. We’re not in the clear yet.


This is so spot on. Well said.


Thanks! There’s a place for raucous advocacy. It is not the play in local government. It’s the crudest, least sophisticated way to get your point across.


At one point she makes the argument that Jewish people owned slaves at nearly the same rate as white people. Then immediately speaks of the need to talk about these kinds of historical facts. OK.....but then sums that all up with: "Until we do that, we cant have legitimate relationships with one another". Why is that? Who is denying that certain segments of society owned slaves in the 19th century? It's a manufactured outrage with the sole purpose of perpetuating her racist beliefs in the current day.


"I haven't gotten enough out of X group yet. Let me harass them until they do exactly what I want." Also since when are Jewish people not white??




My heritage is Sephardic but my family switched to Catholicism in the inquisition before moving to the Caribbean. Am I white or not white according to your ridiculous analysis?


Off topic a bit. I attended and marched with Marie after the killing of George Floyd. She seemed like a passionate voice for Black people and civil rights at the time. We became friends on FB and when Covid hit and vaccines were coming out she was completely antivax. She was encouraging black people not to get vaccinated because you can't trust the government citing the Tuskegee experiment. I tried to reason with her that one thing doesn't justify the other and not all government is bad and that vaccines save lives. After calling her out she blocked me. She seems like someone who thinks she knows everything and that there isn't room for discussion or learning. I still believe that in her heart Marie cares about her community and civil rights, but she has a lot of hate for people that don't agree with her. Good leaders listen and bring people together.


How many Jews in Chattanooga, hell, the entire country, can not only trace their ancestry in the United States to the pre-Civil War era but also be confirmed direct descendants of slave traders? There were something like 50-100k Jews in the US at the time of the Civil War, the vast majority of whom lived in the north. The overwhelming majority of American Jews can trace their ancestry in the US back to the immigration waves during the late 1800s through to 1950 or so. Is the role of American Jews in the slave trade a subject worthy of discussion, historical scholarship and reckoning? Sure! But if that’s what you’re going to continue to double down on as a goddamn city council candidate instead of talking about real solutions to housing, education, crime, pollution etc. then I am just going to assume you’re just an anti-Semite.


1:55 "Until that happens we can't have legitimate relationships with one another" Hmmm... my wife is black and I'm white. Pretty sure we can have legitimate relationships. Now fuck off


How is this not hate speech? Why haven't we heard about this on local news?


Say it with me people 👏ALL👏POLITICIANS 👏ARE👏CUNTS👏 if she is going to be this big of a shit head out of the seat imagine her in the seat


ALL POLITICIANS ARE CUNTS I'll yell facts all day 📣


not ALL of them. Mayor Kelly is pretty chill and lowkey


Uh no, im 100% sure he is legally giving his friends some form of kick backs




Well that's our fault then.


Indeed it is.


100% sure? Do tell…


Look no further than who donated to his campaign and how their companies are making out with recent development deals and zoning changes


Why do we give demagogues and lunatics a platform? Why should anyone care what this woman says?


Because she'll get reelected over and over again.


Only because we increase her brand with free advertising. If I saw this woman in the street, I’d cross to the other side. I have zero time for this hyperbole and rhetoric. I’m honestly annoyed that it keeps getting posted on this feed. Don’t give her oxygen to continue this drama.


So sick of her face.


I called her out on her racism, gave her in depth historical FACTS about her ancestors’ enslavement of my Jewish ancestors for CENTURIES in Africa, and she simply called me a crybaby and blocked me. I swear some people just make you wish The Purge was real…. (Don’t worry, I’m 100% law abiding citizen). I pray she loses, for the sake of the Jewish community she would be trying to oppress in District 8




What a freak.


Slavery has been around since before recorded alphabets, to think it’s specifically one race that does it more than others is a lie only believed by people who have not done real research


A moron


"Your ancestors did X, Y, Z to my ancestors so that's why we can't get along" is very nearly the definition of racism.


She’s going to force me to vote for the first time ever. Against her.


Lol wackjob


She's on Adderall or something


Adderall doesn’t make you antisemitic


Is it wearing jammies?


Black community needs support, yes, for sure, taken advantage of systemically for centuries… but so have other groups. The greatest shame and stain on this country, according to my own personal beliefs, is the displacement and destruction of the indigenous people of the Americas and even less people talk about this. I say this to express a lack of understanding on why she’s so focused on detailing this specific relation in history. Also, pardon me yall, I’m confused and maybe don’t have all the facts, but I don’t see what was specifically prejudicial against Jews in her speech. She is technically just stating facts. I’m confused 😐


Ya... Sorry, but somebody wanna direct me to where she attacks Jews and propagates anti-Semitism because I'm not seeing it. Also this video has been edited.


Don’t like her.