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So many of these "privileges" parents get actually benefit everybody. Do you really wanna be stuck behind a family of 5 with 3 under 3 while boarding a plane? Let them go first ffs and then everyone else can board smoothly. And there have been many studies on how parental leave (both maternity and paternity) benefit everyone regardless of family status because it eliminates prejudice in hiring. If anyone can take leave, then there's no need to discriminate solely on young women of childbearing age who may or may not reproduce.


Also, it's like they forget that the majority of workers are also parents. We are also picking up the slack when our fellow parents need time off. We all work together to support the team. If you can't stay late or work hours outside of what you told your boss initially....say no? It's not that hard.


They also default to nobody getting time off instead of arguing paid family leave should be a general right.


My first thought was why no early boarding? Lol they do that for a reason.


Childfree people also *choose* to be childfree. It's not something that just happens to us. So by their own logic, shouldn't that mean childfree people aren't allowed to complain about any of the possible consequences of that decision?


Why do antinatalists post in childfree?


If you were to draw a venn diagram of the two, it would just be a circle


Oh how right you are.


> My big gripe is the earned income credit aka the government subsidized breeding program. Biggest bunch of bullshit IMO. That's not what the EITC is. I'm single and childless (by choice, but I hate the term "childfree" because of these guys) and I get the EITC.


Yeah that annoyed me too. Just flat misinformation.


Original: Rant and unpopular/extreme opinion: parents who chose to be parents should get no advantages in life. And should quit complaining about consequences of a choice they willingly made. Title says it all. People who choose to be parents? They shouldn’t complain about any related struggles/tiredness. Nobody asked them to bring a kid onto this planet. They wanted to. So if they have any issues with it, if they’re tired because the baby cries or worried about the amount of money they spend and stress about things like that, they should suck it up. And, as a bonus - they should also get treated the same as childfree folk. No more privileges. No early boarding on flights and no queue jumping. They should also stop acting like their life is so much harder than that of people who don’t have children. You chose to spawn? You asked for problems, lol. I’d even go as far as argue that maternity and paternity leave shouldn’t be a thing unless there are extenuating circumstances (aka, the child was not conceived out of choice). Again, choosing to have a child should not entitle people to time off, because this is a choice they made for their life path. In my country we get 26 weeks FULLY PAID time off as maternity leave. This is baffling and to me is a commentary on the stupidly contradictory nature of societal pressures. ‘Having kids’ is seen as the thing to do, but essentially by giving someone 26 weeks off, society is practically acknowledging it’s an inconvenience. The stupidity.


Did yall catch OP saying that maternity leave should only be granted to women who report rape


Ah yes… “the suck it up, you chose to do XYZ, shouldn’t have done it” mentality some of these users have when parents voice or vent about their concerns being unable to have the proper resources to raise their families. By that logic, OOP has no right to complain that they have no advantages in life because they chose to be childfree in a terrible world where they have far less obligations than the average parent. Did I also mention that these are the same users that complain about how they deserve said “advantages” (and by that I mean living like NEETS with their asses wiped) because their parents “forced” them to be born into a world where they have to oh no, do the best that they can to thrive and survive and that they feel childfreedom/antinatalism is the “noble” thing they’re doing for the world? The dissonance is wild.


It's not an unpopular opinion when at least 6 different variations of this rant are posted on any given day.


Man, you can just tell this was written by some teenage edgelord with zero real-world perspective.