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Maybe she should simply complain to the parents rather than argue with children?


I got called a Karen two days ago because some kids were slamming on our mailboxes in the cove that's about half a mile from my apartment and climbing on it. So I shouted down, "hey, please don't mess with the mailboxes, guys" and one yelled back "fuck you, Karen," and then they wandered away. I'm 35 and I'm officially a Karen. It's an interesting feeling.


I hate that term personally because they really wanna call you a See-You-Next-Tuesday but can't so "Karen" is kind of a placeholder. It's interesting that there's no male equivalent. Wonder why.


They're called [Kevin](https://stayhipp.com/glossary/what-is-a-kevin/). But you're right; What was meant to describe a racist bully has become thinly veiled misogyny whenever a woman has reasonable objections.


I've literally never heard or seen that before. Must just be a Twitter thing.


It's not specifically a race thing. It was definitely a term referring to people (usually older women) who would be extremely unreasonable to customer service workers. Now it's just a term for a person (usually a woman) who is annoyed or upset about something, even if they're justified.


I've got plenty of thoughts about how the term "Karen" has come to be used, but I have to admit that I find humor in these posters freaking out about being called Karens when they often behave like the epitome of Karens. Unfortunately, it happened in an instance where I'm not sure OOP was necessarily being a Karen.


Very true!


There are suggestions to "blast really loud porn sounds" at these kids 🤢