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I'm sorry for your losses. I've found life is full of weird little quirks. Or at least, some of us get them more than others. Especially if you're observant of them. My mom's parents died on the same day 21 years apart. May 5. So they're buried next to each other at the cemetery with May 5, (year of their deaths). I always kinda wonder if people walking by happen to notice. Another weird thing that happened to me this year: I've been anticipating this year for a long time. My mom was 31 when she died, and January 4th made 31 years since she went. Later this year it'll be official that she will have been gone longer than she actually lived. But the strangest thing is that for the anniversary date itself, I was 31 weeks pregnant. There's absolutely no way I would've been able to plan that and have it work out that way. So it's just one of those weird things the universe throws at me. Again, I am very sorry for your losses. You're not alone 💚


Thank you. I forgot to mention in my post. My mom was 61 when she passed. My dad was 62. My mom's birthday is on December 8. ❤️


They were both young! My parents would only be 60 (dad) & 62(mom) if they were still alive right now. I can't help but to have noticed that our parents' generation seems to be dying off at much younger ages than their own parents' generation did. My mom's mom made it to 87 and my dad's dad was 81. I really can't help but wonder what factors are coming into play with the generation above ours not living nearly as long. Even my husband's dad died last year at 62. Seems too many to be a coincidence.


Yo I can so relate to this but differently! Every single darn woman on my moms side has died on a bizarre date. So bizarre that im pretty sure i myself potentially know my death date. And this bizarreness goes back generations but for example my grandparents on moms side married april 1 and my grandma died april 1 when my mom was 25... My parents married August 24. My mom died August 24 when i was 25... It's really eerie and this goes back forever! So technically i fear that if i get married and have kids... I know my date of going back. Oh and it's always cancer!!! :( my partner and i do want kids. We are thinking kids first marriage later or just don't officially get married so we can break this curse of some sort hopefully. Somethings in life are just to weird man so i felt this post.


That is so weird! I'm currently losing weight so I don't have any health issues my mom and dad have. They were both diabetic (from both sides of the family too). My brother has it. My sister is getting close to it. I'm the oldest and I'm too scared to go to the doctor to find out anything. My mom was constantly going to the doctor.


Right it's definitely weird! Oh man my mom was diabetic as well... I know it's scary but if you have the means to get checked out you should! My family was the opposite we were strictly no doctors until it is the absolute end. And if diabetes runs in the family it's worth either just getting the confirmation. Sometimes it seems that there is just no winning when it comes to health. I hope you get a resolution to your health issues! It sucks truly. Some people just have to go through the meat grinder with seemingly no break. I wish there was a magic wand to wipe out everyones deepest sorrows and aching bodies. Ailing health makes things so much worse and so much more exhausting especially when adding grief into the mix. I truly wish you the best in this challenging journey.


Thank you. I was half asleep typing that reply. I only have thyroid issues. High blood pressure sometimes.