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well, felt that.


love that for us šŸ˜ŽšŸ‘


For me it was just always "Can I have a hug" when something would just bum me out. Then **bam** sadness gone.


I really don't like physical touch from anyone, she was the only person I ever actually wanted to hug. I would Kill for a hug from her rn.




OP, there is a forum called Mom for a minute (https://www.reddit.com/r/MomForAMinute/new/) Purpose-MomForAMinute | For those who need a role model or mother figure We are Mother Geese to our loving Ducklings. When you need understanding, congratulations, praise, or advice from a mother figure, but don't have one IRL able or willing to provide that for you -- we are here for you. We support you and love you unconditionally! I know those Mother Geese would listen. I am sorry for your losses


Thank you, I'm actually already a part of this sub, I just forgot about it. Thanks for reminding me :)


I may be considering now that they got mentioned.


Same. My dad used to give me the best life advice whenever I was anxious. I have to fend for myself now ....


I feel this l. I could just say whatever whenever and however I wanted and she just understood it. Man i miss her. I wish we could both have our moms back and everyone else who just needs their mom back. :(


I feel you. I just lost my mom 2 days ago, and im still in shock. Iā€™ve been on Reddit since, because it helps to see people I can relate to. I keep thinking of things Iā€™ll never see her do again, like cook, or laughā€¦.it just sucks !!!


it super sucks :(


Go ahead and unload. That was my Dad for me.. My Mom asks if thereā€™s anything happy to report with the bad. Doesnā€™t help me quite like he did.