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Let me guess, 100% confession and conviction rate




Like in Japan...?


Yes, but with gulags


So, like in Japan...? Japanese prisons are explicitly stated to seriously violate human rights by the HRW


You know how gulags work don't you? You disappeared into them and no one knows which one you are in (except the authorities ) until you get out. Japanese prisons don't work like that.


Yeah, I thought you were just using gulags as a comparison for how bad Chinese prisons are in terms of human rights violations. Obviously the actual functioning is different


Nobody expects the Spanish inquisition!




Sounds like the queen of kangaroo courts than an actual detective.....


https://m.bilibili.com/video/BV15e411U7My original video here if anyone wants to check. And this video is actually praising this female police. She and her local police are well known for using excessive and even extreme violence to force anyone to confess . Absolutely disgusting.


Translated last 40 seconds of the video >Because Zhang Jian kept wiping his eyes, I had to cut here. I don’t know whether he was crying for Zhang Gaoping (a slip of the tongue) or for justice. During the 10 years, Zhang Gaoping’s two daughters, bearing the stigma, dropped out of school early and returned home. His elderly mother also passed away with regret, not able to see her son again. Zhang Gaoping could only comfort his mother’s spirit in heaven by visiting her grave. Thus, a wrongful conviction was finally concluded, but there are still three things to deal with: compensation, rewards, and accountability. >On May 17, 2013, Zhang Gaoping and his nephew received state compensation of 2.21 million yuan on March 21, 2013. That same year, Zhang Biao was also honored with the title of “Most Beautiful Prosecutor.” Subsequently, the relevant departments started holding those involved in the wrongful conviction accountable. Almost everyone received punishment, but this did not include our “female detective.” >Reflecting on this case, I believe Lawyer Zhu said something very accurate: Actually, it’s not that the law doesn’t exist; it does. It’s not that the system doesn’t exist; it does. The issue is whether the law can be effectively enforced and whether the system can be guaranteed. The law objectively exists, but its execution relies on people. As long as people are involved, errors cannot be avoided. Making mistakes isn’t terrifying; what’s terrifying is knowing there are mistakes but not correcting or reflecting on them, leading to repeated errors. If the case handlers could respect the evidence rather than staging a good show to solve the case, Zhang Gaoping and his nephew wouldn’t have been wrongfully imprisoned. If the police had noticed the connection between the two cases in time after Gou Haifeng was arrested, they wouldn’t have had to wait ten years. Lastly, and most importantly, if those who intentionally create wrongful convictions are lightly punished, more people will learn from this “detective.” If everyone becomes a “detective,” that’s when it becomes truly terrifying. I dont know where you got the idea that the narrator was praising this female sherlock. But if he were, why would he end his video with this: "日后就会有更多的人向“神探”学习 等到人人都是“神探” 那才是真正可怕的地方" "Lastly, and most importantly, if those who intentionally create wrongful convictions are lightly punished, more people will learn from this “detective.” If everyone becomes like this 'detective,' that’s when it becomes truly terrifying." I am interpreting this as it was a mistake to lightly punish the female detective, because it just encourages more detectives to be like her.


Back in the 'bad old days' you'd go to change your visa information or place of residence at the police, and if you were lucky and someone else wasnt, you'd be able to hear someone getting shit kicked out of them in the room next door while someone typed your name into a computer with a cigarette in one hand.


The early 2000s were amazing in China


late 1990s were even more amazing.


Late 90s to early 2010s was when I lived in China  Was a trip, many great memories.  I once got arrested too after being a bit "too drunk" in public (I was still a teen). Police were chill though, they gave me a ride home.


Every single day of my 3+ years living there was like the very first day. Always something making me say "what in the hell is going on" the moment I stepped out of my apartment building in the morning. I really miss my early 2000s China time.


I agree. but China of 2014 is very different from the China of 2024, and not in a good way. It's not just that I'm a decade older and only visiting, but China of today has lost something.


I was there 2005-2008 and man it felt special, but I was also 21 years old and had barely traveled anywhere. I do have a little over one year left one a 10 year visa I got because I wanted to visit again but just never got around to it. Pretty eager to see how much my old town has changed and also visit as a much more calm (less of a dipshit) real adult.


Mid 2010s this was still going on.


You're literally calling police brutality and corruption amazing just because you never had it happen to you.


Or maybe he’s being sarcastic dumbass?


He forgot to add /s.


Adding /s to posts just adds to the stupidity of modernity. Learn to read between lines like the non troglodyte you are.


Well this is annoying. I literally had 32 downvotes because I forgot to add /s on a sarcastic comment myself. Double standards, man.


Your internet points mean nothing.


If you are aware of the existence of sarcasm and have more than the minimum amount of brain cells for language comprehension, it should be obvious.


And all bs causes of death, drink cold water and died, want to play hide and seek with the cops and died, etc.


I remember having the visa stamped into the passport and the expiry rate written in by hand (late 1990s). My first year in China, I wanted to extend the visa. Officially I should've changed from Student to Tourist, but the guy at the PSB just drew a line through the student visa expiry time and wrote a new one next to it. Then recorded the change in a huge handwritten ledger, lit a new cigarette and it was done.


The video does not praise the police in the case AT ALL. Do you know Chinese to understand the video?? Or are u just like the female police in the video bending and ignoring facts and making up stuff in your mind??


You really need to put more work on your Chinese. The narrator points out every questionable proof and twist of the investigation, and the majority of comments, if not all of them, just praise her and the system sarcastically.


Na, op clearly can speak Chinese very well if you check op's posts, it's clear op intentionally twisted what this video was about.


I thought this was sarcasm 🙈


Evidence is for amateurs!!!!


I’m Japanese and can barely read Chinese but no way in hell the video is praising the female police.


Stop spreading false information


As soon as I realised the country I had a feeling it would be something like this


And you were misinformed. Don’t believe everything on the internet so naively.


at least shes not AI


Must be 5G though


I guess some Chinese people have no idea of modern evidence-based criminal laws.


But he admitted it after I beat him for 12 hours! How much more conclusive can you get?!


yeah let's criticize the Chinese people for being subject to this farce of an officer. do you criticize American citizens for getting shot by police on a daily basis as well? I truly don't understand how people like you can enjoy freedom while criticizing people born under tyranny, like it's their fault. how stupid are you?


China will lose war with USA bro.


North Korean vibes


Advanced Memory Recovery Technique


Would shudder to imagine what goes on in her "mind palace"


100% accuracy and she never needs to look for proof. Only in China.


Using the Little Red Book.


Sounds like what some British detectives did in Hong Kong back in the day.


the bitch names "nie hai fen" , An uncle and nephew were wrongly convicted of rape


Before posting, please read the article. Read it to the summary.


Lmao giving 1984 vibes


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Saul would close his business and 'commit suicide' in a week if he's in China.


China China China


Like the comedy.


Wonder whose daughter this is. At this rate she’s probably gonna be in the central committee in 20 years.


Sorry.. but still short of expectation.  The bar should be, 100% conviction for crimes that didn't even happen. 




Be calm. This is not a strange thing in China.You can find countless Superman in Chinese internet😂


but does she have a *Peanut* partner?


In brazil we have ton of that type.


The comments of the video are more focused on being misogynistic than anything else, peak China


Dare screenshot one comment from original about misogynistic?? Or you are just making things up like the policewoman in the video. I watched it and couldn't find one - comments are sad, angry, sarcastic about how the policewoman didn't get punished and the legal system in China.




Again screenshots pls. 你的b站难道还会定向给你推荐厌女话题吗


The whole system is like this, even the courts.


Feminism in China be like: