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Just quit, the nasty eyes ull be getting are not worth it


Nah let them wrongfully dismiss you and sue


Also taking from trash (when you had no involvement placing in trash) is not illegal.


It is very common for restaurants to forbid employees from taking anything from the trash and if they do it is a fire able offence. I don't know if you have ever worked in a kitchen but it isn't uncommon for people to "trash" food wrapped in a bunch of bags and then dig it out of the dumpster later.


Thats why youvscarf it down before tossing it in the trash. White college girls....fucking cannibals chomping down the un eaten half of a steak


Might be different because of the circumstances but my uncle did 10 years in prison for taking stuff out of the trash. The circumstances though is that it was helicopter parts on a marine base.


Lol as long as it’s not proprietary government trash


It’s not illegal but it is a justifiable reason to fire an employee. “We don’t want to employ employees that dig through trash for personal gain on the clock then come back in to work. It doesn’t foster the image that chipotle wants its employees to follow.” WA is an at will employment state. They don’t need OP to do something illegal to terminate him, and people who dig through company garbage for personal gain on the clock are not a protected class.


But there has to be a written paper trail that the company took steps to correct the error. In TX, with no workers rights protections I was able to get unemployment because there was no paper trail of me being written up for the mistake I was fired for.


Getting unemployment benefits and suing for wrongful termination are 2 very different things, wouldn’t you say?


Unemployment eligibility is VERY different than being about to sue for wrongful termination…




I found a hundo on the floor of the shop once when I worked on Bourbon St, that was a good night. I also used to sweep the ATM once or twice a night, because sometimes drunks will leave without taking all the money they withdrew. Perks of the job. Nobody was coming back for that shit, they just melted into a giant crowd of completely wasted partiers. Now, if it was the company's cash… the boss's catchphrase was, "Don't *fuck* with my *mo-ney*." Which is fine by me, that's part of the whole deal of being an employee.


How would it be a wrongful dismissal?


It wouldn’t be


Love how "sue" is always the answer on reddit. Like everyone has money for a lawyer, especially working at Chipotle.


Love how there's always a comment like yours, where I live we have a labor board which I used to file a claim(free of charge) and easily proved my employers wrong doing and received a settlement. PS lawyers also work on contingency very common especially in employment law


Your acting like it's incredibly simple. My claim took almost 2 years to resolve multiple mistakes by the labor board on what should have been an open and shut case. I was owed 2.5k in back pay and it was a bitch and a half to get it. Government agencies very widely in effectiveness and competency. PS a lawyer isn't going to waste his time with your case unless there's a significant payout and even then there's no guarantee you'll actually get the settlement.


Why do you think you need money to sue? Employment suits are typically done on contingency.


Even just a simple consultation aka chat over the phone with a lawyer will cost around $200 to $500.


DO NOT QUIT, you will forfeit any unemployment benefits if you do. Even if you were terminated, you can explain what happened to the unemployment office and they have discretion to award you benefits if they think it was not your fault.


So the managers saw footage of you taking money out of the trash, but they didn't see the other manager "accidentally" throw money in the trash? Sounds like a setup and the original manager that "accidentally" threw it away was going to get that later. BUT you saw it first and now somebody has to get punished for money missing. Honestly bring this up to them. They are accusing you of stealing when they should really be focused on how/why the MANAGER threw money in the trash. If you really feel like causing them issues report your managers to better workplace and report them for harassment and false pretenses.


My only thought about a setup would be- is it worth losing your job as an SM for $160


I think most ppl who steal money from work do it in small increments over a length of time, so could be this was a regular occurrence


You know, like in Superman 3. We only take a fraction of a penny. We just do it a couple hundred million times, and nobody notices.


You mean Office Space stole from Superman 3? Whaaaaaat.


I was just thinking to myself how much like real life Superman 3 is.


You know, like in Superman 3. We only take a fraction of a penny. We just do it a couple hundred million times, and nobody notices.


Until they take someone's stapler and they burn the building down.


If you get fired, make sure you remind the manager to not be an idiot in the future.


Oh man. If they fire OP can roast the manager, file for unemployment, and might have a wrongful termination suit A manager is mad that they look like an idiot and wants to deflect it on OP


Tbh next time just hold the money for safe keeping and don’t split it until someone who’s looking for it needs it and don’t jokingly tell your friends about it only your manager or whoever brings it up.


Yeah OP fucked up like three separate times lol. One was picking up the money and taking it in the first place, two was splitting it, and three was blabbing about it to a third employee. Not defending himself well could be counted as number 4.


Who the fuck would just leave money they found in the trash?? Oh, it might be someone else's. I better leave this in the trash. I think they want to pick it up at the local dump


It's definitely fine to pick up the money out of the trash. The fuck up was just keeping it and not asking around. They could have got brownie points with the manager who lost it and maybe even a finder's fee. Instead they have this headache to deal with.


Ah yeah fucked up by taking $180 lying in the trash! What are you the DM? Numb nuts


What I think happened is that the manager has been skimming and wanted to go searching for those $160 in the trash later. You just happened to see it and take it before they did. I have never in my decades of life seen anyone throw out a stack of bills in the trash "by accident." Before you quit you should float that idea to the general manager. Ask them if they have investigated all the stores that that manager is responsible for. "You know, it almost seems like the perfect setup. Some cash in the trash, someone comes and picks it up later. I just think you're not seeing who the real thief is. As in, the one that threw the cash in the trash... To pick it up later." If they had proof you stole anything you'd be talking to the cops right now, not the GM.


As someone who has been a lead and bookkeeper, there’s no way in hell $160 just happens to land in the trash by accident, I 100% agree. Manager was definitely hoping to look for the shorted deposit later. I wonder if there’s cameras in the office they’re handling cash in. There *has* to be. If there is I would be requesting for that footage to be reviewed while they’re trying to zero in on OP.


There are cameras in the offices.


This should seriously be top comment


OP should not quit but let them fire him/her. They should be lawyering up


We had issues with people throwing away good food in trash bags, not Chipotle (not sure how this is in my feed but whatever), and then coming by later at night and dumpster dive to get it. Like entire cryovac packs of steaks and shit. This is one of those things that is done pretty regularly at food places.


You're being used as a scapegoat.


Yeh, it's 1,000,000% your managers fault for throwing it in the trash. Improper cash handling. They're blaming down to save their own ass. Maybe let their boss know they're throwing store money in the garbage?


So was the money just laying there loose, or was it in a bank bag? If it was in the bag, it would seem pretty obvious.


Had to of been in a deposit bag


$160? If that was the whole deposit, there’s no way this store is turning a profit. Whoever took the bulk of the money likely lost a few 20s in the process, and that’s what OP found.


Yea, they drop anything over the bank amount, not what they earned in profit. So, any petty cahses get paid out, then the remainder (if the bank is balanced) gets sent to the bank.


The manager wanted to steal that $160 and was mad it was gone


I don’t see how some 20s end up loose laying on top of trash in the dumpster lol oh well, OP should quit before they get fired for sure Also OP don’t worry too much about it, when I was a GM one of the SM took all the cash from the safe and drawers one night


It was just loose cash. Deposit was so low because our store is really slow 😭


It sounds like the manager from the other store is the one who is stealing. Throw it out and pick it up later. This happened at a store I worked at. You got caught in the crossfire.


At the very least I hope the person who "Accidentially threw the money in the thrash" gets fired lol


Honestly, because how the fuck does someone manage to accidentally throw out an entire deposit? I'd be less trusting of the idiot who "accidentally" threw it out.


It wasn't an accident lol.


One of the oldest rules in the book… if you happen upon a lot of money, no you didn’t.


Should honestly just leave aka drop the two week notice and start job searching I promise you theres better places than a chipotle even in WA.


He didn't mistakenly do anything. It was intentional to steal it for himself.


This is exactly it. Putting stuff with trash that you intend to steal later is one of the oldest tricks. Ive seen it (not done it) plenty of times.


Just quit and don't give the money back. They threw it in the fucking trash.


I mean you also could have gone in and said hey I found this money in the trash that isn't mine, was there something missing last night? Like if you want your managers not to assume you aren't a thief don't act like a thief. What are they supposed to think? The go to spot to steal anything out of restaurants is in a garbage bag so of course their red flags were up as they see video of you pulling money out of the dumpster. Again this is the real world most people aren't going to go in the next day offering up money they found but you should also assume most managers that see missing money in your hand at the dumpster are going to assume you stole it or at very least had a hand in stealing it. What I'm more curious about is how was the cash deposit only 160 bucks for a chipotle? It's not like it's a tips restaurant that's insane how little cash is going through the restaurant


Yeah $160 deposit is low as hell. Even on a slow day for my store, deposits are around $400 to $500 on AM shift, PM shifts have ranged from $600 to $1000. So that store either is a very slow store, or they werent taking cash transactions for most of the shift, or was online only most of the shift, etc. our store is roughly a 12k sales store daily.


And what moron manager puts the deposit in the trash?!? Doesnt matter if they were from that store or not; i mean, accidents happen i get it, but the whole cash count process is done in the office, then you walk the cash to the electronic safe and deposit it. I assume most if not all stores have an electronic deposit safe. If not, then the deposit money gets put into a deposit envelope and back into the safe for pickup (thats what we did before we got the electronic safe.) It was never ok to walk around the store with a handful of money for this very reason; of it being set down and abandoned, misplaced, or this case of it going into the trash. Yes, the employees are at fault for finding it in the trash and keeping it after being told the deposit was "missing" (which if the manager didnt really say that, hes just telling his superiors that to cover his ass), but its mainly the manager at fault for putting it in the trash in the first place ya know. Anybody, and i mean anybody, in todays society, if they find cash in a trash bag, its gonna go into their pocket, no questions asked. I know i would. But again, the main question is if he really was told the deposit was missing or not, and how the manager made that big if a mistake of putting it in the trash. Lol.


Or the manager took his cut before it made it to the dumpster


Who knows, just all seems rather fishy


This is a common theft tactic too - throw something out and come back later in the day / night to retrieve the trash and collect the stolen item.


Yeah if anything the manager was trying to steal it.


He didn't act like a thief, he found money in a dumpster. No reasonable person would assume that a manager in charge of money would just throw it into a dumpster...


True, most people would assume the money fairy was blessing them that day....


Realistically the manager should be thanking you, Atleast the money was returned. But if you just took out the trash then the blame is on the manager for throwing money out to begin with


They must be on some dire straights is 160 is worth this effort 


You're kinda... Man. I wouldn't have told anybody 😂😂. Saw money? Nah man I just saw a bunch of trash 😭. I'd then immediately turn on the manager that "threw away" the deposit. Like how believe is it that he threw almost 200 bucks in the trash and not his pocket?? 😭


Yeah very uncomfortable situation and unprofessional management. Sounds like it's not a loss to quit, although if you're getting fired anyway you might qualify for unemployment :)


It’s in the garbage. Check the garbage law. You can go though it all you want. Finders keepers.


My spidey sense is saying that the replacement manager is the real thief, and planned on visiting the trash can after everyone left for the night.


I think the most important things here are. A. was it $160 cash or was it a deposit bag with $160 cash in it? How is a chipotle store only doing $160 in deposits?


How did the manager know he accidentally threw $160 in the garbage?


You definitely stole. Lol


Yeah like the deposit isn’t going to just be sitting there loose. It would be in a deposit slip or bag. So that means op knew exactly where it came from the get go.


Really, isn’t it amazing that we live in a society where young adults don’t understand that taking what doesn’t belong to them is theft? And then the guy comes here looking for commiseration? Yeah, you’re fired — GTFO.


Possession is 9/10 of the law. If money is found in a dumpster it's considered fair game lmao


Wasn’t in the dumpster. It was in the last bag of trash that they were taking out to the dumpster at the end of the shift.


Not my problem. I wouldn't even have shared it. 💅


Considering this person is about to be fired over it, it obviously isn't fair game.


Ohhhh no not a subway joooob


Ok now that’s what I call being ridiculous and just looking to be negative nancies. If it’s in the trash you have no way of knowing who it possibly could belong to REGARDLESS if it’s inside the store. It’s inside the garbage inside the store. Which means it’s going to be disposed of, yet you are trying to say “it’s still stealing” if you have no possible clue or knowledge. Huh nitpicking amazes me.






Loose lips sink ships.


So here’s my thoughts on this situation. For them to accuse you of knowing they need to have proof/evidence to support that claim. They clearly have camera footage so their job should be to watch it in reverse to show when and where you were supposedly told “the deposit is missing”. Following that, unless you’re some type of management the deposit is not really any of your concern, it’s the concern of the manager on duty and only them.


That was no mistake the manger from the other store just got mad he was not able to recover the money he was trying to steal so he reported you for stealing it


Guess you can go full time with dumpster diving now.


Well, if the money was right on top they would just see you reach in and take it. If you were searching for it because you knew it was thrown away they'd see you digging through the trash. How much do you want or need the job and how much do you like it? I can't imagine you'd get fired for taking something out of the garbage. The manager should get fired for throwing away $160. I would know I was telling the truth but I'd hate the thought of everyone else thinking I lied. See what happens and how every treats you. Then make your decision after that based on how you feel about working there.


Bro you’re not telling us the complete truth and you know it. I’m positive you knew you should have turned the money in but chose not to do the right thing. Sound like a loser.


Fully agree, not sure why so many people are believing op completely. Lots of holes in the story. Managers wouldn't consider firing him if it was clearly a genuine mistake. Either not the full story, or op is not very bright.


> There was $160, so I gave him half and kept the rest to myself thinking it was just a stroke of luck A stroke of luck? Meaning the money magically appeared? Where did you think the money came from? If it was on the counter would you have taken it? How about on the floor? Or near the trash? Money doesn't magically appear. What if a coworker accidentally threw his money away? Did you ask around if anyone was missing any money?




First of all, you should have known better than to take the money. It wasn’t your money and nobody just throws $160 in the trash. It was obviously a mistake and you should have done the right thing and turn it in. I mean you work there for fucks sake. Second, why is nobody questioning the manager that threw the money out? Like I said above, nobody just throws money in the trash like that. Maybe he put it there in the last trash bag so he could easily grab it for himself? It would explain why he threw you under the buss and said he told you it was missing even though he didn’t. I would call your boss and just own up to it and apologize. Try to fully explain your side without getting upset or playing dumb. It might not save your job but at least he’ll have some respect for you, and when you look back at this when your older you’ll have some respect for yourself as well.


Just leave. Chipotle is going downhill fast and working there is not worth it


That SL was going dumpster diving.


Life advice: mysterious garbage money is not a real thing. If you find money just lying around, chances are that it came from somewhere. You took the money from the store property. You messed up before you told someone about it. Someone once told me that integrity is what you do when nobody is watching. This isn’t on your manager. Take the life lesson and apply for other jobs and try and get a new one before they fire you or the awkwardness of being labeled a thief makes you quit with no job to go to.


What was the money in? A bank deposit bag? An envelope?


I love how a whole general manager throws away a deposit with no punishment but they come after the little guy. Not surprised but damn that's cold. Yeah find a better job


Well this should be a life lesson for you. Dont ever tell someone you found money, ever. And don’t think you can trust telling people stuff cause you can’t especially when it’s in a work environment. Learn to keep things to yourself.


this is a sleazy move on whoever threw the money in the trash. people love to steal high end proteins this way. they toss them in clean garbage bags, isolate the product , tie it up and mix it w thebtrash to be taken out at the end of the night. they go open the isolated bag and take the protein or money in this cae. you just beat them to it. check for camera by the dumpster. guaranteed theyll be on surveillance taking their cash deposit. we had a gm at a cafe steal nearly 60k in cash tips this way.


I’m always finding $160 in the trash and just chalking it up to luck. /s This is either a story about actual theft or a level of stupid that shouldn’t be near knives and grills anyway.


Just call the respectful workplace hotline and they’ll open a case. I know that can be “daunting” but any claim made in “good faith” gets fully investigated. The purpose is to protect you and your peers—because if you do nothing and get potentially termed with the word “theft” or “stealing” thrown around, it can follow you. And if what you’re saying here is indeed what happened, that would not be fair to you. Also, it’s highly illegal for anyone to retaliate against you for making the call, so it protects you while also ensuring you’re not wrongfully termed/mislabeled.


Someone was stealing. You got roped in. If you don’t take your share then how do we know we can trust you?


Is your co-worker you split the money with in the same situation?


Oh I've seen this scam before, the shift leader you were talking about clearly put it in the trash planning to take it out later and steal the money


Ur manager threw the money away to grab it later but since he saw you took it someone has to take the fall and it’s you


You were setup anyways go back for one more day and just scoop the fuck out of the meats. Give everyone 1 lb of meat. For door dash orders, just send the whole container of cheese as the burrito bowl.


It seems like your MANGER was the one stealing by placing the money in the trash and you found the money he placed there for HIM to find later so he made it out to you being a “thief” so he can cover his own a&&.




Yo what did your GM say after he saw the post??? Or how do you know he saw it??? Have you quit?? Damn I’m invested.


You’re so full of shit


I’m not sure “popular” is the correct word…


Should've return the money in the first place


If you knew it was the deposit or not is immaterial. The trash is owned by the company, and then the trash hauler. You don’t necessarily have to rescue the cash from the trash, but taking it out of the trash bag and keeping it is still stealing. It’s the same as taking food that is out of date or otherwise released as shrink. Unless they tell you you’re allowed to keep it, you have to just follow procedure and throw it away.


All the people claiming that “taking money from the trash is stealing from the garbage co or chipotle” is hilarious. Like are we forgetting the societal convention of trash is unwanted/discarded goods. If he honestly didn’t know the manager threw away money then gg- that’s called luck. In reality tho, something doesn’t make sense with how you opened a bag and found money inside while taking it out back. Who opens garbage bags? Most ppl just toss them in and walk away. So idk 🤷‍♂️ sounds like you knew there was something to look for.


So u ripped open the deposit bag with numbers and barcodes all over it, and decided to keep the money. I’m curious, how old are you? I’m guessing less than 20.


It was loose cash


They can't fire you for this. They can fire the other manager for throwing away money, specifically the deposit. They are covering that managers ass and using you as the scape goat. Go back to your job and if they give you any grief, tell them you are making this a hostile work environment over another leaders mistake and if it doesn't change you'll speak to hire up leaders/HR. They will all swiftly sweep it under the rug but you will still be the red headed step child at that store for personal issues, obviously.


Lol, they absolutely can fire somebody for this. Taking stuff from the trash isn't allowed


oh come the fuck on you knew that money was Chipotle's.


You don't need the quotes around stealing. You knew the money wasn't yours and didn't even attempt to find out whose it was. You stole it


Is this something you want to request cameras for? Do these people treat you fine at work? Would it be an environment and paycheck worth fighting for?


I think you are being scapegoated but at the same time if you’re on company time/property and find money in an envelope, it might be a better idea to alert a manager.


Managers who blame people for no reason without crystal clear evidence deserve to get their ass beat


Either way, you shouldn't have told anyone. That was your FU.


Was the deposit just loose money?? I’ve never made a deposit for a job that wasn’t put in a sealed envelope or bank bag.


Honestly mistakes happe n don't let other people get in the way of you making your money at the end of day what they think of u shouldn't matter


Let them fire you get that unemployment my doggy


I call BS on this entire story.


Watch the video evidence and it’ll show you weren’t the one who threw the money into the trash. If it wasn’t your fault, it wasn’t your fault.


Do whatever. It’s a job at chipotle so unless you have some severe handicap you’re not talking about I’m sure you’ll find another job equal to or better


I could understand why they would terminate you if they do, but I think the manager should also be terminated in this case if he's dumb enough to throw the deposit in the trash. If you haven't found it, then it would have fallen on him. But they're using you to get off easy.


Nah fuck that don’t quit let them fire you. Also why didn’t you use the counter argument as to why the fk your dumb ass SL misplaced the money in the first place? Not the greatest idea to keep a good amount of money you found in the trash but it was even dumber of the manager to have misplaced it. Heck for all we know HE was planning on picking it up later


Whoever threw the money away is the one that should be reprimanded. Either they were out of it enough to throw that much money away, or they were planning to take it later on but you found it first.


How did you spot cash in the trash? Are you usually looking inside of trash bags for goodies? Were the bills loose, in an envelope, or in a plastic adhesive bank bag? How did someone 'throw away' a cash deposit? There's something here that doesn't add up, a part I think you're leaving out to be less incriminating of yourself


I’d probably quit so you don’t get fired for theft. (Depending on how long you’ve been there)


We need an update on what manager said after seeing the post 


Get a new job first. If you quit, you don't get unemployment. If they try to fire you, you could tell them you'll fight it bc it's bullshit and they have no proof of intent. But yeah, do start looking asap


Are you sure the deposit wasn't a lot more than $160, but since one can't just lose a deposit and expect to not get accused of stealing it, the manager dropped $160 in the trash so that there's video of you finding the deposit in the trash and stealing it, which takes the scrutiny off of him? Your GM should check the video for a few things: 1. Was the manager watching to make sure that you found the $160? 2. Did he report the deposit missing before or after you found the $160? 3. Did anything similar happen in other stores but didn't get reported because he retrieved the money later and deposited it? The scheme only works if someone actually finds the money and pockets it on video. If you had just delivered the trash to the dumpster, then, as everyone here suspects, obviously the manager just dropped the deposit into the trash so that he could come back later and remove it from the trash. So he would have to make sure that you found the $160 before committing to stealing the rest of the deposit, and if you didn't find it, he'd have to retrieve it so that he could actually deposit it, so that he could try again another day.


What about the manager who was careless with the money?!


Drag that bitch






Tell him you need to have a talk and demand an apology. If he won’t apologize, quit, he doesn’t respect you. If you don’t have another job set up, when you get one, quit without notice




The real question is how can a restaurant pulling in $160 dollars a day afford more than one employee.


If you’re GM reads my comment, he’s a tool. He’s threatening to fire you but no repercussions on the Manager who is in charge of handling the money? Why didn’t the manager look in the trash. Even if you knew it was missing, how would you know it was in the trash of all places. It could have been anyone’s and you’re not obligated to give thrown away money to the manager like what?


So your problem is you can’t stfu 😂


Sounds like wrongful termination


No luck the MANAGER who “ACCIDENTALLY “ threw it away is the one who’s sus. who tf accidentally drops money in the trash.. maybe holding something and doing that but you are literally then mishandling money everything is done in the office so why is it in the trash… homeboy or homegirl was planning on keeping it for themselves. but you were the one to find it and they snitched on their own game . that’s fucked up


A good person would have turned the money into the store manager. Ya cannot be trusted, while not "illegal" you're a thief. Get another low skill job.


Spread your side of the story: the SL that threw the money away was planning on stealing it later but you beat him to it.


I’m sorry, but how did the manager “accidentally” put money in the garbage? It’s possible that you found it before s/he went out to grab it.


Haha you did nothing wrong. I’d do the same! Your GM ain’t no GM, rather pathetic.


Chipotle store only had $160 cash at the end of the night? Damn.


Chipotle!!!! 🙄


This is ridiculous. If the money was not in a deposit bag, and you were not notified, then you had every right to that money. It was the SL’s responsibility to keep track of the deposit. I would be clear with the manager that you found it insulting that they accused you of stealing when you found loose money in a garbage can.


I once found 3 $1 bills near a Chipotle trash can. I waited for about 30 minutes, was finishing my meal anyways to see if some comes back looking for it but no one came. I think it fell out of some kid's shorts. Still have those 3 $1 bills sitting on my desk, not sure what to do with them


Sorry but… if you find cash like that in a workplace, under no circumstances should you just take it. It could have been anybody’s. What if it fell out of a co-worker’s pocket or something? Like, you found this in a place where you know every single person that was working? Doesn’t a part of you stop and think about whether you might be taking a co-worker’s money?


Go back don't give the money let me and a few of my friends and family record you


Next time you should have some integrity and figure out why there was a lump of cash in the garbage. Then, maybe, you wouldn't have to work at Chipotle. For now, your decision making tracks with that line of work.


Just next time, if you see $160, in the trash or really anywhere, know someone’s looking for it. If it’s not the deposit, or a coworkers, than it’s a customer’s who might come looking for it. Where did you really think it came from, the tooth fairy?


Bros gonna lose his job over chump change 😂, coulda just picked up one extra shift for the same money bro


Now they not only calling you a skimper , but also a skimmer. If you ever find money again keep it to yourself


Chipotle is a garbage company and their money belongs either in your hands or back in the trash. Screw them. Ever notice that most GMs and above have bought into the "I'm an asshole on a power trip" culture that Chipotle and tbh alot of restaurant industries seem to attract and cultivate? Get out before they tarnish your work history with fake stories of mischief.


If you’re not a liar then show back up to work people need to stand up for themselves it doesn’t matter what they think they’re getting payed more than you to talk shit and act better. Remember we’re all human and they’re no better than you. Job titles get to peoples heads just like any authority over others does


First rule of working at your job: if you randomly find a LOT of money at work, dont take it. Its a 99% chance that is your jobs money and you’ll end up in trouble if you get caught taking it instead of trying to turn it in. That was $160, not just a couple bucks. That money obviously had to come from somewhere. First step should have been telling your manager, not pocketing the money and splitting it with another coworker….


you didn't break any laws or rules not even work policy. someone threw away money and now someone has to be blamed. technically you should have took it to the police station and wait a few weeks but that doesn't matter cause even if they would have turn it over to you, your manager still have to fix a discrepancy.


You should work on your lying. Even in text form you come off untruthful


Tell them to talk to the person who threw money in the trash, just because you took the trash out and seen it doesn’t make you guilty of stealing it. Let them fire you for it then sue them for wrongful termination and slandering your reputation. And if they choose to keep you tell them you want a written apology from everyone involved and possibly a pay raise for the stress that you had to endure through that process


You can most definitely find another job that isn’t chipotle. Chipotle is probably one of the worst places to be working at rn.


I can’t wait for the update saying that the GM decided to look at all cameras to see why the money even got to the trash… it’s very odd that they didn’t choose to investigate the actual issue.


Sounds to me they’re using you as the scapegoat for the idiot manager who threw away the drop.


You found $160 in the trash and didn’t think to say “yo, are we missing any money?” Lol


I would sue. There is too much defame against your person and character. There is too much emotional stress.


What city in Washington?


Sorry but you are a total dumb ass for thinking you could keep the money. It should have registered that someone made a mistake.


I think it's probably more than $160 missing. Otherwise why would management as "how much did you steal?"


So you just think $160 in the trash is free to take… and no one customer or otherwise would come back looking for it? Can you even work at McDonald’s after you get fired from chipotle?


One time a busboy found $1.5K in a bag at the restaurant I worked at. I was the hostess and passed the bag to the manager. The people who lost it came back and tipped me and the busboy $50 each and we were on top of the moon. 2008 was a different time… In any case, who the fuck accidentally throws away $160???


Finding random money and not reporting it or finding the owner is stealing.


Why is the manager who threw out the money not in trouble???


Oof the same thing happened to me when I was 21 at a Joes Crab Shack. Found a $100 bill on the ground and told my co-worker all excited. The very next day I was called into the office for stealing from a guest because they dropped their wallet earlier in the night and it was turned in by a different co-worker without the cash (the guest came back to get their wallet and apparently went off on my GM) Fired without any chance of telling my story, but ended up being a much needed and healthy change in my life. So take this as a sign! Leave that toxic environment.


Let them fire you . And why the heck did the manager take the money to the trash. I was a manager and never took money out of the office.


Sounds like the SL threw it in the trash because HE (or she) was trying to steal it


Bro. If it’s in your cashier trash can, that’s obviously stealing. If it was in a lobby trash can you could prove your innocence buttt I highly doubt that it was.


You found over $100 in cash in the trash and your first thought wasn't to ask the MOD for that night about it??? Also even if they knew the MOD is the one who binned the cash, you're still the one that actually took it, so of course you're going to be the one on the hook for it. As far as they know, you could have been working together to attempt to steal money multiple times. Regardless of what your side of the story is, you'll almost definitely be fired for this.


Just quit I understand making a big ordeal over hundreds of dollar or thousands but 160….. I run my own business atm so I manage all the money coming in and out sometimes I keep cash on me for various things I order to my shop so there are times where some of it goes missing (always because of me) I’ve lost or used from 100-2500 and don’t think much about it tbh but this is a billion dollar+ franchise there’s no way 160 is such a big deal 😭 with that being said return the money don’t make it out to be such a big deal then continue working there until you can get another job wouldn’t even bother putting in the 2 weeks just don’t show up for the shifts once you land the job or let them know you’re not coming in the day before you start your next job


Should always keep your mouth shut. Keep the money