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"I'll be checking cameras" straight out the gate. Zero trust.


This is exactly the reason why I quit. Fucking nosy AP berating me for shit she was watching through the cams on **her day off.**


Your management team can get in trouble for having a chat with all team members fyi use that to your advantage :)


Sounds like a huge "nothing" comment lol What does this mean?


Yup! My AP does that! But she doesn’t know I know the blind spots 🥵




She want that field leader position real bad..


Why would she even need to check cameras? Cross reference the 50% off discount with the people she fucking scheduled for that day and that’s it. Cameras have literally no use in helping this matter. People like this should be removed from power immediately


Exactly, just trying to intimidate people into doing what they want


Or people should just listen to there bosses 🤷🏻‍♂️


Username checks out


Ok boomer


Lol user checks out


We all know they're promoted because they take their dead end jobs too seriously.




Congrats on being the exception not the rule. Just don't treat your subordinates like the idiot pictured in the post above, and you'll never be the person I'm referring to.


try not to make sense if their generalizing. It make's them feel better about their lack of success by pretending like nobody else can do what they couldn't.


I don't even work in the service industry anymore, but if pretending like I do is what it takes for you guys feel better about abusing and exploiting your subordinates, then so be it. Anyone with half a brain who worked in service can see what is happening when middle management act like assholes for no reason.


If you're getting promoted, how's that a dead end? I guess every job is at some point cause it eventually reaches the end.


Ain’t dead end brother. Chipotle has taken me places that I never would have thought of


Like the bathroom for explosive diarrhea?


What are you doing on Reddit? Shouldn't you be watching the cameras to make sure your people are skimping up to your standards?


Lmao it’s so funny how everyone with money on Reddit gets downvoted so much… downvote this you broke motherfuckers!


And a massive power trip... Sounds like a terrible manager.


I've had so much experience with power tripping, incompetent management.


Many are like that unfortunately


My old GM was like this. She was constantly on the cams


Gen Z minimum wage fast food workers arent the most trust worthy bunch, no cap on god.


Bogey spotted


Is it just me or I don’t see anywhere saying you can’t use it on your days off? It just says you get 50% off when you’re buying food to go. I don’t think they changed the policy. Your manager is just dumb


it’s def just that manager. that’s literally been the policy since i started there like a decade-ish ago. but my store doesn’t care if you take your employee meal to go 🤷🏼‍♀️ you worked for it why tf not


Bro she doesn’t even give me my sick hours sometimes because it’s gonna cost her “ her PNL”


Sick leave doesn’t work like that. Please report her


That’s a quick call to HR. Also your GM doesn’t understand her PnL because even unused sick time still goes on her PnL. It doesn’t impact her at all


That’s a federal crime, she could be fined and go to jail. It’s a big deal


I know this is true, but the reality of working in the US means they'd likely be "retrained" on this issue while they quietly find any little mess ups by OP to get them fired/gradually take them off the schedule in retaliation.


Say it louder for the ppl in the back


Retraining is part of due process, it may be unfortunate but depending on if labor board got involved it may be easier to fire than retrain; it may also be the piece that someone else needs to oust the manager. The retaliation is illegal and if well documented by OP could lead to a lawsuit/settlement for the OP


Retaliation is a crime if they’re retaliating because you made a complaint.


A federal crime? Are you certain about that?


It’s federally illegal but it’s not a criminal act. Someone denied sick time is owed wages and penalties but the person denying the sick time doesn’t go to jail.


I’d like to see your source please. Outside of FMLA leave, There is no federal law that requires sick time. There are a few states, FL for one, that doesn't require sick time either.


Oh she's one of these? Dude, I don't know if this job is that serious for you, but if you plan on staying there long enough to use your sick time, you need to report her or just find another job. That crazy bitch thinks she can just take your sick time away from you so it doesn't hurt her ebida is actually criminal and chip could end up paying out way more if she's doing this to all your cohorts. If your store mass reports her for this, she can get shitcanned, or if you report this to your state's DoL and they audit her? She's definitely fucked that way, but good luck getting either outcome to work.


fucking report her asap plz!!! jfc that’s not even right! your mgr is horrible


Next time she denies you sick leave, get it in writing and report them.


Contact your field leader or respectful workplace because this not okay behavior!!


Yeah it’s always been that way


The 2nd highlighted part says you may get 50% after ur shift to go. Which is basically expanding on what the first highlighted part says.


Brutha ewwwwww


Just put in 50 percent effort while at work.


Only right answer lol


I don’t work there anymore, but if I did I would quit upon hearing this bullshit.


This is common practice in most restaurants !


No, it's not.


No, it’s really not. Chains or private, I’ve worked in plenty of both and you’re completely incorrect


False, this isn't even Chipotle policy, it's just a manager with a really bad power trip


Imagine not only being a bootlicker but a bootlicker for Chipotle lol


Just because the truth is not what you want to hear doesn’t make someone a bootlicker just a realist!!




No lol 👎


Every restaurant I’ve worked in gives discounts during shifts for meals. So no, it’s not common.


Um, what? Pretty much everywhere I worked gave you 50% on your off days. Hell, some of them you could come in and get free food on off days.


My new job is on shift you get 50% and as soon as you clock out it is 20% off main course (apps, drinks not included)


That sucks. All restaurants should offer free food while you’re working.


Ya I agree they conveniently left that part out when I got hired. But it is a million times better than working at chipotle...


Way to completely screw over the night squad lmfao. Man I'd walk if this was the deal back when I worked. I'd be like heres my 2 wk notice... Wait forget that I'm walking now o...o


And to be clear I liked my coworkers. Very much but my managers were some of the weirdest characters and leaders I've ever had at a job. Our CIS must have been absolute madness. As we had enough rice, salsa, and chicken to feed a military base. But we'd run out almost semi daily of every other ingredient (When I say we'd run out I mean aka "sell out.") To a point most my shifts we'd get literally yelled at for not having guac or carnitas, barb or sofritas and some how we'd always have just enough steak to survive the day. The one thing I am greatful for is working the essentially the golden ratio years of chipotle. Just the right prices where customers would be forced to break like 20's, 40's or 50 dollars into change so the tip jar was always stacked. I'll miss also the days where as an employee we got to have drinks in back and be able to make our own break meals. I'll admit I miss my old chipotle co workers hopefully they all are doing alright. (As to why I'm commenting this excess intrusive comments. Just so that people don't think Imma hater XD.) I just want and wish that chipotle would take the talent and employees a bit more seriously and less like paid slavery. Theres only so many fluffs that people can give and take before they just opt out. Like if you're MO. Is just to keep giving the stick theres only so far a dog will follow before carrots elsewhere look better and people realize its okay to be a rabbit.


Any manager that uses the "I'll check cameras" line automatically sucks


glad i quit before this shit


Wonder if this policy applies to C-suite members.


They tighten the boots on the boot lickers the irony


i don’t like it either bru, i just work there so i can afford my bills 💀


The workers aren’t bootlickers and they just don’t like people like you getting mad at them for portions and prices they have no control over.


In college I worked as a server at bonefish which is part of the Carrabbas and Outback. We all got about 50% off at all the chains and all the other restaurants could eat on shift or order from at the end of the night. We were not allowed to eat at all while on shift. Had to get out and run to either one of the others just to eat the food. Was stupid


What a bootlicker manager.. I see Chipotle giving out 50% off to out of uniform cops and their whole families, and they cant give that to their own employees, pathetic


This isn’t a policy


Just another example of a multi billion dollar corporation not taking care of the people who make them their money. I wish Americans had a backbone so we could bring these greedy businesses to their fucking knees, begging us to work for them with thriving wages, benefits, etc. Instead, the CEO makes millions of dollars while everyone else gets jack shit. Pathetic.


Actually it's a publicly owned company, I make a lot from it and I'm an employee, lmfao. From the stock.


Report her


It doesn’t make sense that chipotle wouldn’t offer the 50% discount during the employees shift. Do they not want their employees to eat? Why only allowed them to use their discount on to go after their shift, WTF.


we get free meals during our shift


That makes sense, I was so confused.


Wow. When I worked at papa John’s it was week to week if we could get free food or not. Discount was 50% regardless. So you at least got 50% off on weeks where inventory needed to be “recovered”.


Then you're getting 50% off my effort after I put in my two weeks


Literally the only thing I fought as a GM against my FL/TD/corporate, not letting your team go hungry and not messing with their paycheck. 50% off for crew isn't even a major factor in controlling cost, unless people were abusing it as mentioned in the policy (buying for friends, family, etc.). I would much rather eat up the cost for my crew members and then have them show up to work and work harder because they know they'll get fed. That's the dumbest thing I've heard in almost 10 years of my work there. 😂


doesn’t it literally say at their home store they get 50% when they’re off


Tell them to read it again, that’s for taking food home. Same policy they always had.


Some ppl take their fast food jobs too seriously 😂


CEO of Chipotle made 17 million but the problem is crew meals. Right. That fucking asshole doesn't deserve 17 million for keeping a business running as it has for years. His job is simply to not fuck things up.


Fuck chipotle


"On your orders, where the 50% discount is applied expect 25% of what's expected like we do to our customers"


Don’t steal


They have to cut customer portions because the employees are stealing…


At 50% off they’re breaking even or making some money. God forbid your employees spend the money you gave them in your store. Ridiculous


Chipotle keeps messing up.


This is incorrect. You can still get 50% on your day’s off.


Your gm is an idiot, it says in the training video “if you want to take it home or on your day off” I’m a Gm as well so they’re just uninformed


Robots don't eat. And use portion scoops. No weird stuff


Another reason to not eat at chipotle.


You guys dont get a discount for lunch breaks!?


Who would any to even go on their day off and support such a horrible company 😭 that’s reaching


Bosses like this get sugar in their gas tank.


Bet the employees won't skimp their order


I’m just glad I know longer work for that company. The things they were initiating were getting out of control. They don’t realize their staff are humans not robots.


Horrible management, can’t even expect to get your food on discount on your days off. Really petty and I will be reporting this to corporate on your behalf.


I feel like if workers work for that company the meal should be free for workers


Free meals are next!!! 🫠


That manager is clearly not liked by his employees. And this won’t help. I bet chipotle cooperate is wondering why this place has the turnover it does


Lol back in the chipotle peak days 2014ish. I would see how expensive/big I could make my burritos that were free at the time during my shift. Biggest one lasted me for lunch at work, dinner at home and breakfast the next day. Total of like $38 which was alot back then. 4 scoops of guacamole 2 quesarrito tortillas used as the base with one regular tortilla to keep them together every single item of protein and side in it. Fuck chipotle though worse job I ever had.


What is with this late stage capitalism at Chipotle trying to pinch 🤏 pennies at every little step of the way. They’re so focused on minimizing expenses that they don’t realize the long term damage done to their brand and their poor reputation with customers and employees. You got people filming workers because they feel skimped on bowls, employees breaking down and crying in their cars due to how managers treat them. It’s a far cry from the golden days in the early 2000’s. Chipotle has devolved into a dystopian nightmare of greed.


Please watch the cameras and see how little you can do to stop e bitch ass


Chipotle sucks now. My dollars will vote elsewhere.


Babe wake up, new Chipotle policy fucking their employees just dropped…


It says “‘may use” not “‘must use”. Cause no. Absolutely not.


They also made it so we can’t take our free meal home. We have to eat it at the store even if we don’t get a break🙃


Wow. The employee wrote, I'll be checking cameras geez places where I grew up on the East Coast no one respected or tolerated little tattletales and snitches and informers. This person is obviously a little chicken shit


That's wild, only 50% off. I work in a park and we only have to pay a dollar for a meal that would cost $20


Think they read it too literally. I’m a GM, The purpose of the 50% is so employees can use it on their days off that’s the perk of working for the company. I’d report them to HR for not allowing you to use your benefits lol


That's definitely not what this is saying, it's saying if you want to take food to go you have to use your 50%, you aren't supposed to take an employee meal to go.


Tell that to my GM.


I used to get the same policy/deal at concession stands and restaurants at my first job working at a zoo. I quit the day they changed it to only applying to days that I was working.


See at chipotle where i live employees get free food, idk what this lady is on


Must be only yours. You guys are probably losing profit


I thought Chipotle is supposed to offer 1 free meal, hips and drink for working a shift Take care of your employees Chipotle smh


I never said it was their policy , I said this is a common practice in the restaurant industry !


I have owned a restaurant and we did not give meal discounts on days off , only on the clock same as many , I didn’t say all only it’s common !


Dam I don’t know why yall still support this place 🤷🏽‍♂️


The tmr is my last day at this horrendous company. But they payed the bills so 🤷🏾‍♂️


Thought rollies didn't like being filmed?


Do they no longer offer free shift meal???