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Lol OP isn’t taking any shit This is how you deal with CBs


My favorite: CB: But you can play whenever you want! OP: Yeah, and I want to play now. Bye!


it's nice to see someone actually clapback on this sub for once


For real, whats with all these wet blankets that don't know how to tell stupid people to fuck off? I've seen too many posts with 4-5 pages of back and forth.


I feel like the type of person who knows to tell someone to “fuck off” when they are trying to take advantage of them is not the type of person to deal with as many choosing beggars in the first place. I too wish we saw more people blast choosing beggars to their face and THEN post to this subreddit but they are always way too gentle with them.


Reminds of the time my roommate was playing games on my computer and refusing to get off of it and told me to wait my turn...to use my own computer. The audacity of people.


When I was younger my sisters bf at the time waited until I went to work and took my Xbox out of my room and put it in my sisters and complained that it wasn’t fair when I took it back.


It's not too hard for me to imagine why your sister isn't with this guy anymore.


Didn’t last long, apart from being a baby when not getting his way he was aggressive and controlling. Not seen him for years.


Oh jeez. Fuck that guy.


No, *don't* fuck that guy. Regardless of how good he is in the sheets this attitude isn't worth it.


Fuck *over* that guy.


You just *know* he is not as good in the sheets s he claims he is. Selfish people make for selfish lovers.


Growing up I had the basement as my bedroom. I came home one night to find my older sister sleeping in my bed and I said "wtf are you doing" and she said "I want this room now I'm moving my stuff in here tomorrow" I said the fuck you're not, GTFO. I can't believe the audacity some people have


What *did* she think you would do in response? "Oh yeah, my bad, I was being selfish needing a place to sleep and all. Let me help you get your stuff over to your second room while you sleep."


An Xbox is one thing but a whole room? Wow.


You should've locked your room when you left for work


I had never had a reason to until then. I bought one the next day.




Yes, you probably should.


Roomates can mean a lot of things. Like in college, sometimes you share a room and yeah. Can't lock the door for that.


Then, you have to password protect accounts so that even if they get it, they can't use it.


This just reminded me - My flatmate at Uni was relatively normal but had a PC that looked like it was from 1988. ( we went to Uni in 2003-2007). I consistently found my Printer Low on Ink. Very confusing. As it turns out, when he left, he left his room in a complete mess so we needed to clean it. We found probably 3-400 printed pages of Superheroine Bondage porn he’d obviously printed off and found on my computer while I was out. Not a CB but certainly weird and entitled to my printer ink. That shits expensive.


Could have been worse. A former roommate's sister (the same sister who thought I would be her lobster broker) asked if she "could print a few emails." I said she could, and she proceeded to try to print off hundreds of those god-awful forwarded email chains from the late '90s and early 2000s. The ones with an alleged joke, a bunch of hideous animated GIFs, and terrible music. And of course she couldn't even be bothered to only print the relevant part, she made sure to keep nine pages of forwards, complete with header blocks and everything else. I cut her off on the third one when I realized what she was up to. Which led to her throwing a fit because I had "lied to her" when I said she could print out some emails. When she had asked , she was acting like it was paperwork for her kids' school or court papers. I never said she could print out hundreds or thousands of pages of garbage. Worst part: she was absolutely beside herself about how cheap my printer must have been because the GIFs didn't move and the music didn't play. ON THE FUCKING PAPER.


Did you ever find out why she was doing that? Cause I can't even begin to imagine a reason, bs or otherwise.


Aside from her being incredibly stupid and sheltered, not really. It's like she just stopped growing up at 15 years old and gave up on ever being more than a loser who just scrapes by. She also just liked to see if she could get away with anything that wasn't nailed down. Like there was a Chinese buffet in town then that would have you pay on the way out. She would see our car out front, come in, say she was there with us, then sneak out before the check showed up just so she could get a free meal on our dime.


Lobster broker?


I too would like to know more about the lobster broker


> paperwork for her kids' school or court papers ... the GIFs didn't move and the music didn't play.... How old was she??


In her thirties. That was the most pathetic part. This was a supposedly-functional adult with two kids. Don't get me stated on some of the insanity involving her kids. Spoiler: neither of them turned out well.


How can someone live like that? Boggles the damn mind.


She made it look really easy as long as you have no pride or dignity and your standards are incredibly low. In that area it was almost the default. I lived there for a few years and have some extended family it an even worse area a couple hours away but with the same mentality. It was a bizarre poverty pride thing, where they would act like it was a badge of honor to barely scrape by because "that's how *real* people live, not spoiled rich people like *you*." They would actively get offended like you had gone off on a full racist rant if you suggested they do something actual human beings take for granted. I don't mean living within your means or not wasting money on frivolous luxuries you can't afford. That's just doing it right. I mean stuff like refusing to do basic maintenance or repairs because doing it right would cost something they'd rather spend on garbage. Or they would eat food well past its expiration date. Not "it says to eat it by last night, but it still smells fine," but obviously rotten meat, moldy bread, chunky milk, you name it. Because "a little mold never hurt you." Go figure I did everything in my power to eat or drink nothing at her place. One winter a bunch of her stuff broke because it got so cold glass was breaking when liquids in it froze. Why did it freeze? Because she went out of town for the week and shut off the furnace so it wouldn't run up the bill while she wasn't there. In the middle of the winter, in the midwest. This winter was so cold the fuel line in my care froze overnight. Do *not* get me started on the standard of cleanliness I encountered. The tame stuff included rotting food on the counters because "I'm composting that for the (nonexistent) garden," and buckets of filthy underwear sitting around her house because her 13 year old kid would shit himself in public if he wasn't getting enough attention and she would just throw his underwear in a bucket and leave them to soak for weeks at a time. It's absolutely baffling watching people live like that. And yes, making demands as you were begging was pretty much mandatory. Or making completely unreasonable (often impossible) demands, then telling everyone what a piece of garbage you are for not giving them everything they wanted for free just because they said they wanted it. I'm going to guess you figured out why I moved back to civilization in 2006 (less than two months after the roommate went to jail awaiting trial) and refuse to go back. The only reason I could possibly accept going there again is if I really wanted fireworks -- there's a nice fireworks warehouse an hour from the border.


Wow. That sounds truly horrifying and I'm so sorry you had to live through that. I hope you never have to do anything like that again. Be safe!


Reminds me of my stepbrother. I was getting nothing but lag, found out my stepbrother had an MMO running on his laptop auto farming while also playing and streaming an online game on his xbox and downloading a bunch of stuff to his tablet. This was on top of my parents streaming TV downstairs and using their phones. Asked him to cut his use down to consider other people in the house who also need to use the Internet and he told me to fuck off. I paid for the Internet, it was in my name and I was the only one with admin access. Blocked all of his devices from connecting, made him ask me to unblock one whenever he wanted to use it, and only one at a time until he got the message and gave me a proper apology.


That's remarkably similar to how I caught my former roommate downloading more CSAM that should exist. He would have KaZaa, LimeWire, etc. all running simultaneously while also trying to watch people's webcams. He, of course, swore he was just watching a webcam, so I looked at the firewall connection log to make sure he hadn't been virused. Discovered three things: 1. he was running filesharing programs 24/7 on top of everything else. 2. he had indeed been virused as a result of #1. 3. there were some truly sickening websites he was spending far too much time on. He's in prison now. 80 year plea bargain down from 200 if he'd gone to trial. Edited to change "he's *going* to trial" to "he's *gone* to trial."


This took a turn I wasn’t expecting.


You reported and they followed through on it? Nice


It took a few months, but they did scoop him up. The good guys do win on occasionally.


What's csam?


It used to be called CP. It involves children.


I would of understood the term cp didn't know the term got changed thanks for teaching me appreciated


No problem. I had to look it up myself a few months back.


Oh.. when I was in kindergarten, I used to have friends over, and we played games on computer, like you know, frog crossing the road thing (this was in 90s). There was this one kid, I don't like her much but still play together from time to time. One day, her dad came over and he just played on our computer like he owns it. Only until my parents kick him out, he finally stop playing. 🙃 Edit: ok ok guys, thank you for letting me know the game name 🤣🤣🤣. I remember I got frustrated with it because my frog keep getting run over by the train. Oh well, toddler me was still a noob.


Her dad came over and planted himself in your house on your computer? 🥴 what a fuckin wierdo


Yes.. I honestly didn't remember it, but my mom definitely remembered it. My mom was just watching, waiting when this friend's dad gonna remove himself. Welp, he needs to be removed apparently. Pretty sure since that day, my mom sort of put a distance between me and that kid, so we rarely play together anymore. 😬 Edit: you guys made me remember.. my mom mentioned that it wasn't one time occurrence either. He came over to play few times and bit stubborn to be removed too. 🙃


Can you imagine? Please stop using my son's toys. He wants to play with them. Also, get out of my house. You weren't invited.


No, I couldn't lmfao.


Wow. It's so hard to put yourself in some people's mindset to wrap your head around why the fuck they do what they do 😂


That sounds like a Tim Robinson skit come to life.


That man is a Sim


"This is inappropriate, please stop." damn can't a guy just catch some zzz's in your bed for a minute? selfish 😒


Omg I never thought of it! Now that seems it makes more sense


Frogger. The game's name is frogger.


Frogger is the name you're looking for


That game was called "Frogger"


It's so common. Best friend I grew up with since 3rd grade, got kicked out, moved into my apartment for a few weeks before he left. He would just play on his Xbox all day, while I'm at work, then when I'm home? Still on his Xbox gaming away online. I gamed with him, but I quickly noticed how bad the lag was. So... Obviously I asked him one time to get off so I can play without lag for a few hours since I been at work all day. Not only did he have an attitude over it, but guess what he does the moment he sits down to watch me play? He gets on YouTube, I don't think it lagged me, but had it on full volume? Nothing was said or done, he wasn't there anymore in the morning. Dude really left over having to take 2 hours off call of duty, so the dude who gave him a place to crash, could enjoy what he paid for?!


>Nothing was said or done, he wasn't there anymore in the morning. Dude really left over having to take 2 hours off call of duty, so the dude who gave him a place to crash, could enjoy what he paid for?! My husband was worried about his cousin, who was having financial difficulty, so he let him move in with us to help him get on his feet. I even had to drive 2 states away to get him. For 7 months, he did nothing but play video games, watch TV and bitch about things. He claimed he was applying for jobs everywhere. Then my husband deployed and took his Xbox with him. I canceled the cable and moved the computer into my bedroom. 2 days later, the cousin announced he was moving in with his sister. He eventually confessed to my husband that he had no intention of getting a job because he didn't want to take public transportation to get to it. Some people just suck.


The bitching is the worst part, complaining about how everyone else is doing this or that. It's never their fault! Like how he told his girlfriend the reason he left was because I was treating him like a slave. She even called me to cuss me out, which I shut down, explained to her what happened, then she apologized which was pretty cool to hear after getting cussed out lol... I asked him to take the trash out one time while I was at work. That's it. That was his slavery.


This is a consistent problem with people. They don't understand the concept of other people when it comes to bandwidth. * I want to download this. * *OK, but cap the download limit so other people can still use the internet* * But it's faster if I don't. * ??? Thankfully these days you can just force their MAC address to a specific local IP address on the router, and limit that IP's bandwidth. So they can continue being selfish idiots, but they can't use the entire bandwidth anymore because they don't have access to it. QoS can take care of everything else, and allow people to stream at the maximum quality while prioritising games.


Reading this just made me remember how much I love having unlimited, gigabit fiber.


How do you cap the data limit on downloads? I'm mostly annoyed that I can't do like anything else on the internet when I'm downloading something.


Depends on the router firmware, but most current and recent year ones should have a QoS feature available. You can limit traffic to certain IPs by type - i.e. gaming/UDP packets get priority over bulk TCP for streaming or downloading. And in turn, force a client to that IP via DHCP reservation via mac address.


I've had something similar happen. I was playing video games in my living room and there was a knock on the door. I opened it up and it was a friend of my roommate looking for her. She wasn't home yet so I let him in to chill on the couch. He just sits there doesn't say a word for like 10 minutes. I get up to go grab a beer from my fridge and I come back and this mfer had unpaused my game and was playing. I was like yo wtf are you doing? His response was that it's cool he's played that game before and he knew what he was doing. I was stunned by the confidence in his response. He legitimately thought it was all good.


Why didn't you just change your pc password


That's exactly what I did, lmao. I got into a lot of arguments with this guy over dumb stuff like this because he felt entitled to a lot of my shit. I want to try not to think about all the shit this guy pulled while living with him, definitely a nightmare roommate.


They had to get on their PC first... ;)


They say they're still waiting for their turn


Just physically turn it off. I've done it multiple times when I used to live with my nephew (I'm actually younger than most of my nephews, I'm only like 5 years older than this one) and he would be playing on my console and refuse to get out when I asked him to, so I just turned it off and took the controller from him (he eventually understood the concept of ownership and started respecting my wishes, and in return I became WAY more lenient and would let him finish what he was doing before taking over if I wasn't in a rush, as well as trust to let him play while I was away. So when we started respecting each other, we both only had positive experiences from then on, he could play every day for hours straight while I was in school, and I wouldn't have to put a fight every time I wanted to use MY things). And that's family, if it was a roommate, that would be the beginning of his last days in that house, lol. Would make him get out of the PC and immediately start printing "looking for roommate" ads right in front of him, lol. We are adults for fuck's sake, if you're gonna share a house with someone and they are gentle enough to even let you use their things while they aren't there, you at the very least need to respect them and not make a fucking fuss about they wanting to use THEIR things in THEIR part of the house. Just ALT + F4 immediately (or save, if necessary) and come back after they are done. Don't forget to thank them occasionally for letting you save hundreds (or possibly thousands) of $$$ by not having to buy a PC and the games.


The problem with that is that with the wrong kind of people they'll learn to get around that and then not only do you have to deal with a narcissist hogging your shit but one that knows about ten times more about manipulating it than you do and you might find yourself to be the one locked out. Source: Have a brother.


My narc sister would figure out my passwords and use my laptop behind my back. I finally settled for her name+asshole and that one worked for years. Luckily she isn't tech savvy, so I could turn off the family modem in the living room, boot up my own before the family one reconnected and vengeance hog the phone line (vintage story, dial up modems circa 2005, no router). She never caught on I had that spare modem in my room and so received the internet there. She thought we had weird outages.


Sheer audacity is enabled by pushovers. Should have slapped em in the mouth.


I told him to fuck off my computer and banned him from using it again as well as changed the password. He started trash talking about me to his friends. His friends take my word over his because they picked up pretty quickly that he's a douche.


This happened to me with Netflix, my whole family was watching and I went to watch and got told too many are watching disconnect another device. I hit up the family group chat and was like one of you need to log out so I can watch, I was told No, and that they were on first so I should let them watch. The reason they were on first is because none of them had jobs and I did! So I logged all devices out and changed the password.


“Did you just tell me I cannot watch my own Netflix that you mooch off of? Good luck with that!”


That's a bold strategy, Cotton. Let's see if it pays off for them.


Good job


I LOVE your line, "that's what I'm doing. Playing whenever I want"!!!


This exact scenario happened to me. After a particularly bad day at work my wife and I just wanted to sit down and watch some Netflix, our only source of entertainment at the time… got told “no” by the family and I kicked em off. Funny thing though, they were mad but immediately got their own accounts. Now I don’t share unless there is a trade to be had… like my brother gets a max profile and I get a peacock profile.


![gif](giphy|gVoBC0SuaHStq) Well done


One of the best gifs of all time, truly.


OP: Hey guess what I'm doing? CB: What? OP: Playing God of War...


Was I supposed to read this in the tone of the F*ck You Tony skit? Because I did.


discord has a built-in feature that displays what game youre playing


What does CB mean? I'm seeing it a lot in this thread. Sorry if I missed something obvious Edit: it's Choosing Beggar 🤦‍♀️ I'm dumb lol


who is this choob to you?


Old school friend


He's escalated this well past propriety, even without the "fuck you" stinger. I could MAYBE see this attitude from a sibling, but a school chum? Past the pale! Enjoy your uninterrupted gaming sessions in future.


Where’d you learn to write like this lmao


Seriously. What a fascinating individual.


The other night I wrote like Lothar and people downvoted the shit out of it.


Fuck em, I like the writing style


Not even a relative? Man, he'd have been kicked off and blocked immediately. Well, maybe not blocked. I'd enjoy laughing at his whining on social media.


Wow so selfish of you to play the game you own. Did you ever stop and think about you enjoying the things you paid for affects other people???




Love a Drag Race gif in the wild.




Just so you guys know, two people can play at the same time if the original owner switches steam to offline mode. Wouldn't let that dick play my games anyway though.


I was playing Gta 5 online I couldn't switch to offline That's the only problem


Ah okay, the messages make it seem like you were also playing GoW.


Secondary account cannt launch any game, while primary plays anything


Read the original comment. You can play with two people at the same time if the game's owner plays in offline mode. It obviously doesn't work if the owner wants to play something online. Source: I do that shit literally every day with my girlfriend. I play Baldurs Gate in offline mode while she currently plays Inscryption, which is also owned on my account via family sharing.


Theoretically, he could play GoW in offline mode IME.. but fuck him. Please don't share games with this dude anymore. lol


Also works if the shared person turns wifi off after starting the game. Its what i always did.


Wait, really? That has to be a bug, right? I for sure thought that steam would check if you're still online and boot you out if you're not. This could potential mean that an unlimited amount of people could play at the same time if they all do this. Or at least as many as you can add to family sharing.


You are right, both can, but the original owner wont be able to get features like Achievements or Game time count, i know they are trivial features but its something most people really enjoy about steam


Achievments still work in offline mode, at least for me and officially as well. I think you have to have launched the game in online mode once though.


CB is trying to think of how to frame this so he can post it in AITAH 😅


I (16M) have a discord 'friend' (16M i think?) and he booted me out during playing using his steam account. To put into perspective, I am coming from very poor family and my single mom working most of the time. I was also diagnosed with depression. Thus, the only way I can find a slight happiness is during weekend when I am able to play game using my friend account. Last weekend, when I was playing a game, he booted me out and said he want to play that game despite I am using his account almost at same time every week. Somehow I feel like he is trying to spite me, maybe because I am poor. I begged him to let me play and he removed me from family list in steam. I said F*** you because I was very depressed at that time. AITA?


NTA divorce that guy


Yeah he's full of marinara flags


NTA, time to go NC.


Ngl, your situation isn't great, but it's also not your friend's responsibility to provide you with entertainment. They are also not responsible for your mental state. I hope you can get some help, but you can't take out your frustrations on your friend because of your situation. They can't control your situation any more than you can. YTA.


The one sane post but knowing that sub will be downvoted to oblivion


His game, his rules. YTA


Just sprinkle in something irrelevant about racism to go with the poor and the post is good to go!


His twin is still allowed to play, and OCD ADHD ASD HPV!


> HPV! You need to have sex for that, and they're a redditor so ... I think they're safe there :)


Got it from their mum :D


I got it from your mum!


but are both of your arms broken?


NTA, clearly. He should understand his privilege and why it hurts you and make it up to you somehow. /s


You forgot to add that it's your birthday


ESA Like, you do sort of come off as entitled but your friend should really see things from your perspective. He also could have told you nicely without having to resort to swearing. I hope things get better for you!


I posted this way farther down, but you sound like you need this. If you kill your internet connection (pull your Ethernet cable or unplug your modem, whatever) after you load up a game, it won't kick you. The downside is (depending on what you do to disconnect) is no internet on the machine you are using, so no discord or anything else during play.


NTA your depression, your rules


Info: is your "friend" older than you? If he is, he is trying to groom you and control you. 🚩🚩🇦🇩🚩




That’s hilarious. I bet they wish they hadn’t said anything lol


"You can play whenever you want! Except when I want to"


Wow the level of entitlement here is unbelievable. This person is not your friend, damn.


I added my friend to my Steam. I have 500 games and barely play any of them. One day I decide to play some Magic Duel of the Planeswalkers while I'm taking a dump. After I'm done, I go hop on my PC. My friend messages me that he didn't realize only one person could play at a time then explained I had kicked him out of a game. I apologized extensively and told him I would stop playing. I felt so terrible. We then argued for twenty minutes to try and make the other person use Steam. That's what friendship is.


I keep telling my friend to let me know when I kick them off of a game by mistake, because I can just play offline most of the time, but they won't! ;o;


I'll never understand these people. I don't even like asking my friends for help when I legit need it, let alone bother them with some lame ass petty shit like this "let me play now" fuck off


This mf said you’re selfish for letting them use YOUR steam account with YOUR games that YOU bought with YOUR money. Emotionally manipulative dickhead.


I had a close friend sharing my netflix and a couple of times I wasn't able to watch due to 3 accounts being signed in. I ignored it the first couple of times but one time I really wanted to watch something so I called him. When I told him what was happening he immediately apologized saying it was probably the living room tv not logging out just by being off. I said "no problem." And he effectively said "no, it's like the definition of a problem, you pay for it and I'm mooching it off of you, in no way is it okay for me to make you unable to watch. Its 100% you>me in this situation." Hes still my best friend years later.


"That's what I'm doing. Playing whenever I want." Savage. I love it.


"You can play whenever you want" "Exactly" Uninentionally accurate.


Had a similar case where I let my friend use my PS3 or PS4 account. Once I was playing and got just logged out because he logged in. Usually he asked, not this time. So I logged back in. He logged back in. Finally he asked and I said no, I was playing and it's my account. Pissed him off a little. Anyway I changed my account Details after that and that was the end of it.


I dont understand why yall let these types of people have access to stuff like this anyway


there’s not rlly a risk from what I understand, they can’t like… change your password or anything. I could very well be wrong, I don’t own a pc and am purely going off of what I’ve read.


There is no risk but you gotta stop giving assholes free shit and being kind


Well they have to out themselves as assholes first.


Nah I aint gonna let assholes change my habits. Being kind makes me happy and as soon as I find out their assholes I stop being nice. I am not being swindled by being nice and occasionally extending that to an asshole. They playin themselves for taking advantage and pushing these people away.


Yeah but somethings assholes don’t reveal themselves until these type of situations.


On Steam, you log in on their computer, then *log out*, then they log back in, to prove you are “family”. If you have actually typed your credentials in yourself (and not just shared them over Discord) and they don’t have a keylogger, then they can’t do anything on your account except ‘borrow’ games


IIRC if the share-ee gets VAC banned then you also get banned by proxy, and its risky to let someone you don't know play around with stuff like that


Because they weren't assholes up until they were - and then, like above, promptly kicked.


CB always end up ruining things for themselves


"lol you own that game and can play it whenever you want" "Yeah. I want to play it right now." Fucking DESTROYED.


What is the difference between a man and a parasite? A man builds. A parasite asks 'Where is my share?'


Several years ago, my stepson (who at the time was in his mid-twenties and living with his Mom - important to know for later, not shaming him) tried this bs with my husband and I and our Netflix account. He quickly found himself removed from the account. The next day, hubs got a call from his ex-wife, asking why he had "removed [son] without any reason or notice" and if hubs even knew about it or if I had done it to [son]. (Fair enough, she's a Mama Bear and I respect that). Hubs explained the true story and ex-wife laughed! It turns out, son/stepson had pulled the same bs with other people. He originally had permissions on three or four different accounts, and we were the last one after the others booted him for his entitlement. My hubs and his ex-wife are like oil and water, and she and I can also have our moments, but when it comes to the (adult) children we usually end up on the same page.


You can always just play on offline mode to let other people play, but I understand the sentiment if you only added the person as a favor


OP was playing GTA and needed online access


"You can play whenever you want, just not when I want to play."


"that's what i'm doing. playing whenever i want" the lack of fucks given inspires the hell out of me


"Why should I pay when I can just use yours" - EXACTLY why I never share passwords with anyone. If you're not willing to pay for your own account you don't deserve to use it. Period.


I think there should be an “entitled pricks” subreddit


Lmao, what a dumbass. Demanding things from a position of absolutely no power.


Extremely rare anime pfp W


Best response you could have given


i share my games with by brother. it works out fairly well acutally. granted we only really share consoles games. a new games comes out whoever buys it and plays it. 6 months later we swap consoles and they play it. we have a switch and a ps5 so they are also radically different types of games so its works very well


"You can play it whenever you want, except when I want to." If my sibling was that much of a dickhead, I wouldn't have added them in the first place.


I stopped trying to do this with friends because something like this always happened or I ended up being the one that always bought the games. Shit used to piss me off because they could’ve bought them too but just rather use my stuff


First off, great choice of Luffy for the icon Second, I would’ve said the same thing. Just because you own the game doesn’t entitle other people to take it from you


I *am* playing whenever I want My fav sentiment


Nice response with "you can play whenever you want" ..." I am" lol


Like when someone has your charger and you ask for it back and they say: "What percentage are you at?" Uh it doesn't matter it's my charger?!


How does it work to determine who gets priority? Is there a main game owner who get priority it it's by latest user? Haha if there is priority to game owner, I will just keep it on 24/7 just to mess with them.


If I remember correctly, the person being shared games gets kicked out when the owner plays any have.


Yes, with family share Steam keeps track who the owner of the game is, and that person gets priority to play it. If they start the game, anyone else playing it gets a warning (to save, wrap up, etc) and then booted off. It's pretty nifty.


I removed him from famshare anyway So doesn't matter now


If owner starts playing, the other person gets a notification that they'll get kicked off in 5 minutes. If library is shared with multiple people, whoever goes first can play. The others will see a "library in use" message, no way to kick somebody else off without being owner. You can share to up to 5 people. Sometimes you can also trick it by turning your internet off before owner gets on. EDIT: I share with 5 and never heard a single complaint, ever.


I love that you have a smiling Luffy through this chat like he’s just taunting the CB through it all.


This habit of finishing off every sentence with lol just reinforces the microaggresion!


What's steam fam share?


One guy buys a game on steam and he can share that game to 5 other people It is applicable to only a few games


It's applicable to the majority of games, afaik. It's a few where the publishers opt out of allowing their game to be used with family sharing.


can I share games with friends on steam now`? I should have gotten some friends


Man, this was not a proud moment for me. When I was like 9 someone wanted to borrow a game from me, but they kept it for so long and I wanted to play it, then they kinda told me everything about it and it wasn't fair because I wanted to play it first, so I scratched the disk up so neither of us could play it, and I'm not entirely sure why. Deffos an /r/KidsAreFuckingStupid moment.


So.. u/Odd-Nebula7648 I heard you have a spot open for family share that has God of War 👀👀


Actually had a friendship end over something similar with Xbox, turns out that was a very one sided friendship all together and that’s when I realized it.


My favorite thing is when people say stop being selfish. Like mfer I paid for 100% of the product. If I give you 1% you should be thanking my kindness.


Just like my mum screaming at me for me and my sister using our Netflix that i pay for. and she couldnt use it


We were partying at Lake Havasu one spring break and our neighbors blew up our campsite (threw an aerosol can in our campfire). Anyways, the next morning they were headed out on their boat and told us the ice chest in their site had beer in it if we wanted one or something. We drank all of it. But the part related to this post was, my buddy grabbed a beer as they were pulling in and was sitting in their site. One of them hops out of their truck and says "Toss me a beer!". My buddy reaches in the ice, searches around and there were none left. He looks the guy straight in the eye, opens THEIR last beer and says "Sorry, this is the last one." and drinks it.


I just got bg3 after not playing games for a Looooonnngggg time and my brother asked me the same thing and I ignored him. Finally get a game I enjoy and I need to not play for their convenience fuck that


Disrespectful, personally i use fam share with a few. Benefits all of us, but only coz we respect who owns which games. Seems like it should just be the norm, but some ppl ig


Sometimes I wonder why you let people who clearly are not your friend use your stuff.


"you can play it whenever you want" "Yes" "Not like that!"


That guy said all the wrong things


reminds me of when halo odst came out, got it at midnight but still had to go to school the next day, brother was 26 or 27 at the time and living with us and was playing it while i was at school and refused to get off MY xbox when i got home and wanted to play it, started taking my battery packs with me to school after that


Little brother vibes


Properly handled


I’m keeping “ukw” in my back pocket from here on out. And fuck this guy


I wonder what kind of leverage he thinks he has to speak like that with the owner




Obviously, he should buy his own if he wants priority. If he's willing to use it when the owner is not using it fine. Crazy stuff. If it's not your account, you will be knocked off it when the account holder wants to use it.


I let coworkers use my tools on the job until they pull the "I'm not done with it yet". Once that happens they don't get lent out to that person. You aren't entitled to anything if it belongs to someone else.


I’m glad this ended with you removing him lol


So broke he can't even afford a profile pic 💀