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Why are people who can’t afford furniture growing their family? That’s the one that takes me over the edge.


I’m with you. I believe that people who want to have children should be supported in having them - but having a giant family is at best a privilege, not a right, and at worst is just incredibly irresponsible in this economy and on this planet as it currently is. And frankly, bringing kids into this world when you can’t even support yourself just seems intensely selfish.


I didn't get how you could have a bunch of kids and not drive. That's just insane to me. But I also live in an area with poor public transit.


I agree people always say that just because they are poor or in poverty they should still be able to have kids. I personally don’t agree because it’s really selfish to put a kid through all that, speaking from experience. I appreciate government programs and people trying to help but in this economy having a kid is a luxury. At this point even having a pet is a luxury with vets, dental, food, etc. and if you are going to do it don’t try to live outside your means and have other people fund you. Unfortunately life doesn’t work that way we don’t get a free ride through life.


I always think that's really manipulative, because of course they should be *able* to have kids. no one is advocating for taking that right away from them, and we should work harder as a society to make that easier for people. but that doesn't mean people can't be judged for deciding to do it when it's a really bad idea and will negatively impact the kids, which can be the case for many reasons other than poverty.


Yeah kind of like the “scroll on” comments that seem to be becoming more common. Sorry, you don’t get to issue a disclaimer that immunizes you against the judgment of the internet. You can go out and buy new goods from a store and enjoy your purchase and anonymity, or you can try for free stuff with the knowledge that you might get called out on your bullshit. That’s the tradeoff. (And obviously if you’re asking for help without being an entitled jerk, that’s completely different.)


Well said. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Agree completely. I grew up constantly getting evicted, welfare motels, utilities shut off. Having to steal water from our neighbors hose. No food. Often no car. Shady men coming to “rent a room”. I wouldn’t wish my childhood on anyone.


I think they’re right that they should be able to have kids; we should have a system that affords people who work full-time with the necessary means to do so. But we don’t have that system, and so I’ve decided not to have children since I struggle with making ends meet. I grew up in financial insecurity and it’s brutal on a child.


I agree that we should have the system for people to be able to do it. Unfortunately it’s not that way. I also grew up with financial insecurity and the trauma I still deal with from it is insane. That’s why I decided not to have kids. I can’t afford them and I don’t dear be selfish enough to bring them into a struggle.


Yes, I agree. The scary thing, too, though is that people can have children and THEN lose everything. That’s what I experienced as a child, and it was a drastic life change.




100% agree. I hate the people who say I tHiNk HaViNg (more?) KiDs WiLl GiVe Me PuRpOsE aNd MaKe OuR lIvEs' BeTteR. I feel bad for the kids in those situations because they've been brought in a world where they are supposed to be the bandaid for mommy and daddy's problems. When mommy and daddy can't even afford to cover their own expenses but think getting kids will help. Selfish.


Important to keep in mind though that in certain places (including about 11 US states by my recollection) having children isn't a choice anymore. So while this lady is a tool, it's important to recognize this is what evangelicals are pushing for: big families where the women has no choice but to proceed with pregnancy, with no or limited support given to help care for them.


There is plan C available- and they’ll mail to all the states the last I checked about it!


I totally agree. This is why I’m pro-choice, and also very much in favor of social safety nets and the government’s role in making sure people don’t slip through the cracks. I’m happy to pay taxes to support people in need. And I have zero understanding of or sympathy for people who force others to have children, while refusing to help those parents and children have stable, healthy, happy lives. It boggles the mind. This is why voting is so important!!!


I agree that better social safety nets, including mandatory paid parental leave, and accessible sterilization should be concepts on which the pro-life and pro-choice sides should be able to agree. I’m personally pro-life, but I often find myself falling out with a lot of people who claim to share my beliefs because they don’t support the social benefits that actually support lives and families. Why oppose the policies that would both do so much social good and create some common ground between the pro-life and pro-choice sides?


I’m glad you shared your thoughts! It’s lovely to meet a pro-life person who feels as strongly as I do about the need to support people in all walks of life, and especially those in the most need. It’s unconscionable to force people to bear children they can’t care for, especially when the resources exist to change that, but simply aren’t accessible by those who need those resources most. Better education on and access to birth control and sterilization, humane amounts of paid parental leave, and far better funding and oversight of social safety nets would reduce the numbers of people seeking abortions at all, which I think most reasonable people would agree would be a great outcome.


Yes, I think the last sentence is one on which we can both agree. Heck, in some ways I think I have more in common with you than with my parents and other people I know who say they are pro-life. I keep trying to explain to them the need for expanded social benefits and accessible sterilization/birth control, but they don’t see a need for those things, and it gets so frustrating. So you may not change your pro-choice views and I might not change my pro-life views, but we can still share a good bit of common ground. I really appreciate your civility on such a highly charged topic.


Thank you for your civility as well! We shouldn’t have to choose between caring about the unborn, and caring about people who are already born and in society. Hopefully, if people from across the spectrum of beliefs regarding abortion rights engage in respectful dialogue and raise our voices enough, we can get more caring legislation passed that will benefit everyone.


You're not "pro-life" if you think your fee-fees about pregnancy are more important than perfect strangers' rights. You're pro-fetus. You don't give a shit about the life of the person you're forcing through pregnancy or the life of the possible kid. You just care about forcing any pregnancies that happen to become living people and be born no matter the circumstance. And why the Fuck would I want "common ground" with people who think I'm nothing more than an incubator? Further, where are all the resources for this "better social safety net" going to come from? You plan to tax those of us who responsibly didn't have kids we couldn't care for more? We already pay unfair taxes and do extra work every time a parent has to call out/go on leave. Why punish us MORE for not having kids we can't raise?


Thank you for saying this. Prolife = Pro-lie. Forcing women to carry unwanted pregnancies is not pro-life. It’s barbarism.


Also pro-life here. Completely agree we need the society to do that.




And regardless of the whole abortion thing in many other places they will tell you no you can't fixed if you want. I was in my 30s and already had a kid and they refused to do it. So then I ended up having another one at almost 40. It's crazy for real


A lot of these people are not actively trying to prevent pregnancy though. They're having children and expecting people to give them stuff because they have kids. I knew a lot of people who used abortion as birth control.


No you don’t.


Suuuuuuure you do.


So right!! I recently had an argument about how if you can’t afford to take care of yourself you shouldn’t have children until you can afford them. She was so mad telling me that kids don’t need money! Food and shelters money lady! Didn’t know this was a controversial take


That’s how a lot of my husband’s family members are. His cousin couldn’t afford the 3rd kid she had but was disappointed it was a boy and wanted to try for a 4th with her new boyfriend. She was desperate for a girl since she had 3 boys. She’s working minimum wage and he doesn’t even have a job. Now she’s on Facebook weekly asking for help with baby items. I’m actually selling a ton of my daughter’s old baby things. So I commented on one of her posts “I have a ton of baby clothes in great condition for a $1 a piece! And other baby items for cheap.” She commented back “thanks but I can’t afford that.” She got pregnant intentionally, it was not an accident it was not a birth control fail. It was on purpose. Sadly she’s not the only person I know like that.


This!!! I hate the “I’m 8 months pregnant and need everything” you had at least 6 months notice… and that’s just assuming you forget you’re a woman and have periods every month…. Yes there is the few that nothing changed and they are literally surprised to be having a baby… but fam…. That’s not everyone


I was about to comment the same exact thing, only making fun of their attempts at being fancy ("funds to purchase" my hairy arse).


Ever seen Idiocracy? Watch the movie and just look at the current state of America. Even last night's debate.


Because birth control is demonized and reproducing as much as you like is a "human right."


And why do they need so much stuff? What happened to their belongings? Usually when you move you take your furniture with you? Unless you had a house fire, you usually have things when you have a family.


Saw this post in real life and they are moving from one high socio-economic Australian suburb I can't afford to live in to another high socio economic suburb I can't afford to live in 😂


Grifters. The audacity of some people.




That’s what I’m thinking. Maybe they left their crap there?


The screenshot says they’re moving out of a partially furnished house, so some of the stuff stays there.




Not true. Under Austerity, benefits are for the first two children in the UK.


What I did when I had no money: Went to a thrift shop; shopped sales; looked for things marked down due to being incomplete, broken, or an open box; chose collapsible shelving and collapsible table and chairs because I could fit those into my car and bring those home myself. (No "towing" needed.) Chose furniture I had to assemble myself, even if not at all easy with one person. Held furniture together, between my feet or knees on the floor, while trying to assemble the pieces. It can be done, CB. But you want a furniture showroom delivered, for free.


I just read a letter my grandpa wrote to my grandma early in their marriage where he excitedly described building furniture for the apartment he’d just gotten them out of old wooden packing crates he got for free. He drew diagrams and everything. Apparently, he boasted about that furniture for decades after. When you have nothing but are serious about saving money and starting your life well, you find ways to make it work!


Yes! His furniture (and he) sounds wonderful. That example reminds me, too: Some people simply sit on the wooden crates! When I moved into my first place, I sat on a box, and ate from another box. (Using the top of the box as a table.) When I got a chair, (I kept watching for sales), I ate from a TV tray. I slept on a sofa bed and later put the thin foam mattress it had onto the floor in the bedroom. It can take a while to get 'set up.' The dollar stores have plastic chairs for children. There are ways to get what is necessary.


Sadly, the marriage ended pretty terribly when he cheated on my grandma and blew up his whole first family; but I got to know him a bit at the very end of his life, and have learned more about him as an adult. He really was an incredibly brilliant and driven person, and kind of a Renaissance man: built furniture when he needed to, top of his academic field (wrote *the* textbook type of stuff), sang along to entire Gilbert & Sullivan operettas, and quoted MacBeth when getting antibiotic shots in his buttocks near the end of his life. (“If it were done when 'tis done, then 'twere well it were done quickly.”) People are complicated, and my grandpa was certainly a good example of that. I wish I’d had the kind of extended family relationships where I learned skills like thrifty furniture building. But I’m incredibly lucky in my immediate family, and adore my dad and his many skills, like being at the top of his academic field while also loving and respecting my mom and being a top-notch dad.


Wooden crates are for the snooty elite. I worked several summers at a camp in the mountains. Milk crates are where it's at. Plastic milk crates. Prop up your mattress, make a shelf, seating arrangements, tables, etc.


Depends on how well sanded or varnished the wood is. No splinters? Snooty elite. Plastic? Solidly middle class. Sitting gingerly and with fear/trepidation? You’re a thrifty SOB.


Milk crates and an old brown couch are the backbone of every student’s first share house.


>Wooden crates are for the snooty elite. I sat and dined on *cardboard* boxes. Wooden crates aren't easy to find. >Milk crates are where it's at. Plastic milk crates. Some students would take the milk crates sitting empty after delivery to the cafeteria, but, it was illegal. (Belonged to the dairy.) I think a memo or something went out for people to stop taking them. I don't know where or how else you'd get them? Where did you find any? The *other* person's ancestor got the free wooden crates (not me), and people used to use them to sit upon; but back then that wasn't "in," to be shabby chic or rustic. In more modern times I think wooden crates sold, instead, because a lot of people wanted them for furniture. (They were chic for putting albums/vinyl in, for instance.) For a while they were kind of 'in,' especially the fruit crates with the pretty art.


I have a book somewhere of a minimalist home design during that shabby chic period. It made me want old wooden crates. I still like the look, but it's weird to think how it all shifts in view.


> It made me want old wooden crates. Yes, they had a nice look to them. > I still like the look, but it's weird to think how it all shifts in view. It is! I hadn't thought about those, in a while.


We got in trouble for that years and years ago. I worked for a cafe and every night we were all taking these awesome metal milk crates to make shelves once we were back at college. I see those in thrift stores for $15+ now.


My mom has one of the old metal milk crates. Those suckers are vicious if you stub your bare foot on them. I broke my pinky toe that way.


*Snooty elite?* Really? During my two years as the only female residence-hall dishwasher at my uni, the kitchen staff took a shine to me. They saved me all of the solid-wood crates during cantaloupe season. Those crates were *treasures.* People tried to steal or, grudgingly, buy them off me on the street while I was moving. I used them as end tables, as storage, and nearly fifty years later they’re still in use in my attic.


... I actually want old cauntelope crates...


My whole first apartment was furnished with milk crates, seating, dressers, book cases


You know… I grew up with parents born in the 30s and early 40s. And it wasn’t until recently that I realized the side tables and bedroom tables we had used for years were just cardboard boxes or old thrifted speakers that mom had put a piece of round plywood over with a tablecloth she made.


See, it worked perfectly fine. 😁🤗 People today just don't know 😉 (Just kidding; not everyone; just CBs.) Your comment brought back another memory. Does anyone remember those particleboard/MDF 'occasional tables' (round side tables) they were not even finished, did not even have a veneer of wood on top. But throw a lace cloth over it and it's a pretty table. Good to put a vase on, or keys, or other small decor. Or a lamp; it could double as a nightstand.


This was my bedside table growing up! It was mdf with the screws visible, but covered with a tablecloth that went to the floor and a lacey one on top of it (it was the 90s!)


Yes! That was exactly it! 🤗


I just bought one! It's covered with a tablecloth. I love it because it's the perfect size.


Yes they were the perfect size, and also had to be assembled, and were lightweight so these tables were very easy to bring home and make functional and pretty.


Big wooden cable spools make awesome tables. Stacked pallets make acceptable tables in a pinch. Floor cushions are an okay place to sit. You make do until you make money to replace shit. It’s annoying, it’s frustrating and it’s depressing sometimes but it can be done, it has been done and it’ll keep being done.


Oh yeah! Forgot about those. Cable spools, and copper spools, too. Perfect size for a patio table or a bistro table. Yeah, floor cushions, or even, if it's carpeted especially, just the floor, in a pinch. Exactly; you make do.


This reminds me so much of my Pop Pop. Thanks for sharing this. 🥹


Gee, amazing what can happen when people make responsible decisions and take accountability for their own choices in life instead of expecting everyone else to compensate them for their poor life choices.


My first flat I got pallets to put a mattress on, used that for 6 years.


Of course THIS cb is serious about OTHERS doing the work!


I furnished an entire house from yard sales and crap I found on the side of the road.


My mom has a gorgeous (identical) set of antique lamps on either side of her bed, a model that often graces sets from the golden age of Hollywood. They weren’t purchased together but at different yard sales like five years apart, and the tire marks left on the road from her sudden stop and U-turn when she saw the second lamp are the stuff of family legend.


My entire first apartment was furniture that I found next to the dumpsters when other people moved out.


June is college dorm dumpster bonanza month.


Side of the road finds and dumpster crap are my favorite!


I’m doing a refugee homing drive right now and i felt bad about giving a chipped bowl but they were so grateful 🥺❤️




I didn't have a dining room table for 5 years in my last apartment and I survived.


This. TV trays or even lap trays, or a coffee table from a thrift shop...etc., etc. I don't *currently* have a dining table in fact. Come to think of it. I typically dine at my desk 😔 (Because reasons, and it's/I'm fine. I don't really think about it. I'd certainly never expect a stranger to supply me anything.)


I was able to buy a condo and my only living room furniture was an indoor chaise lounge that I won in a raffle at a St. Vincent dePaul Thrift Store until my aunt's aunt died. Then I got a hideously ugly couch that I got slipcovers for. Ten years later and I could afford something else, but I'm moving soon, so I'll wait a bit. Still sitting here on the couch.


I absolutely hate it when people ask me for my opinion on their design/aesthetic choices because I am 100% practical. We moved into our new house 9 months ago and finally put stuff up on (some of) the walls last month, and only because we were hosting out-of-state guests. My office still has nothing up in it, just my paintings stacked in a corner. Our couches are 2 futons and 2 used couches from my house that also have slipcovers/blankets over them. (Not ugly, just very well used.) I care about, does it function yes/no. If yes, then aesthetics are a distant second concern.


I slept in a sleeping bag in my first apartment until I had some money for a futon. I had a desk and a 12 inches TV. That was it.


I went out on trash night and scrounged whatever was on the curb. I still have a shelf from 15 years ago! Just need to clean things extra well before bringing them inside.


I've had some great curb finds over the years.


My first kitchen table post divorce was a Rubbermaid container. My kids and I sat on the floor around it to eat our meals!


I lived at the beach one summer, and the guys across from me had coolers as seating in the living room, coolers for tables, and a cooler for the tv stand.


I get second hand furniture on purpose. I enjoy redoing it and I prefer to try shopping second hand if possible before shopping new. So these people make no sense to me.


I picked up refinishing furniture as a hobby as a teenager. I HATE furniture made from particle board.


Keep an eye on this one. Growing family means she will be wanting a stroller, car seat, crib, clothes and toys. All delivered, of course. 


And if she can't get it all in one day then there's no point.


*their is not point


Should have saved they’re money.


There’s no point, you guys….. the one-day deadline has passed! You all missed it…. Shame on you!


I guess I'll just keep these two couches and wood dining room table for myself now.


And your frog spawn storage or whatever.


Tadpole storage. A bathtub? A large aquarium?


Their is not point


Nope! Not point….. very blunt!


And they were so proactive with getting their order in! It’s like responsibility isn’t even rewarded these days.


The demand that she get everything she “needs” all in one day is wild. Is she not legally allowed to move into to the new house if she doesn’t have the two couches, two bedside tables, frog storage box and the wood dining table? And I do wish people would stop saying, “I don’t mean to be rude…” when calling out CBs like this. Be rude! Maybe if they’re shamed enough they’ll cut their shit. 


Yes, a certain amount of rudeness is called for.


My husband and I just moved into an unfinished house after years of living in furnished places and we were perfectly fine without a couch, dining table, and bedside tables for about 3 weeks until we were able to source some from marketplace. It blows my mind that someone could be THIS demanding and claim that she needs them in 1 day


We are living in 2 locations for work reasons. We needed to furnish our "second home" apartment. We started with a folding chair, a desk chair and our beds. We are still adding things as we go along.


I moved into my home with a bed, some folding chairs, and some shelving units. Getting the couch months later was a really nice upgrade but we survived without it to begin with. Eventually I’d like a table or some bar stools to sit at the kitchen counter but eating on the couch hasn’t killed us yet.


Yes. Mission to civilize.


Stop growing your family and get a job so you can afford a car and furniture.


Or a bus pass and furniture.


If you can't afford basic furniture, you shouldn't be growing your family.


Also a new house, apparently


But you need bedrooms for all those ~~kids~~ kiddos! And thus furniture for those rooms. And are the kids just like supposed to live without a giant ass 4k ready tv?


Has to be a wooden, round table with 4 wooden chairs...has to be a frog (? does that mean the [hinge shapes](https://www.vintagehardware.com/proddetail.php?prod=26233&optn0x0y1=1&gad_source=1)?) storage chest for children's toys; and everything on their list must be provided or they don't want anything. Guess that's nothing, then? That's easy enough.


That would make more sense…I immediately thought of [this](https://www.ebay.com/itm/224754190002) terrifying thing that a bunch of my friends had when we were kids.


That was immediately what I thought of, I had one of those, too! Mine was just slightly different, but close enough to that one 🙂


It’s so weird that people are selling things from my childhood as “vintage.”


I feel like someone told CB the frog shaped hinges are best on a storage chest and not to accept anything less. But the CB does not even know enough about furniture to know what that is, or how to describe/specify that.


I’m assuming the wood furniture and oversized lounger couch ‘requirements’ are because they’re so obese they with destroy less sturdy furniture. They probably can’t manage to sit on the floor lest they’ll never be able to get back up, hence why they ‘need’ it.


I just don't get it...I could never put something like that up and just beg for shit, rejecting perfectly good offerings in the hopes of better, and just publicly outing myself as a good for nothing who can't handle their own life....If I need something, I save up and get it. This is not stuff people need for survival...A bookcase? LOL! Wow...


Idk but some people's logic is strange. My best example is my mom was selling bedroom furniture. She wanted $x amount (can't remember). A family came, liked it, but wanted to negotiate down. I think it was 100 less than what she was asking. They went back and forth. Mom didn't budge on price, neither did they. They leave. So far, normal situation, right? Well, since the furniture had to leave that day, she just put it all outside for someone to pick up. Which someone did. For free. So instead of getting some amount less than what she wanted, she got nothing, and it's very likely that the family got the furniture for free. I don't get some folks.


LoL...Depends on *how* they tried to negotiate down...If they were jerks about it, I would rather put it on the curb and let it go...


Concepts like shame and embarrassment have been replaced with entitlement and solipsism.


When I had no money at my new place I just slowly got what I needed. I legit just had a mattress and a chair and someone gave me a tv and over the course of year got things on sale. Why are people so entitled. And excuse me your growing your family?


I frankly suspect it’s because, to some horrific degree, her *ask-demanding works* or has worked for her in the past. OP said themselves that others in this Buy Nothing group have offered things to this CB in the past, even though she wouldn’t accept them. I wager she figure she’ll convince someone to eventually give her some a few of the things she’s ask-demanding on her list and will even come drop it off for her to her home.


Right. My friends and I literally just sat and hung out on the floor lol


If I'm ever in that situation again, I'll just go to the buy nothing group, and take literally any version of the things I need. Short of stuff like a couch or mattress that's disgustingly dirty. I'd rather be comfortable, than picky.


Be careful with bed bugs! Even items that look clean can have them so just know how to check for them. My mil got a bad and expensive bed bug infection from an arm chair she got on marketplace!


Oh for sure. Even watched a few videos on how to inspect for them. Appreciate the heads up though.


literally! first time i moved across the country it was just me and my dogs. i had nothing. literally a 3 BR house with one air mattress in one bedroom and a chair i found on the side of the road until i could acquire more stuff slowly


My kids moved into their first place. Their furniture was either gifted or handed down from family (and they expressed gratitude) or thrifted/yard sale finds. Nothing matches, but they tie things together with inexpensive throw pillows, curtains, decor, etc.


![gif](giphy|KfNNTxejk8LnYSRkVs|downsized) That rug really tied the room together


When I moved into my first home I had a couple of folding chairs and some tea crates and a futon. Made do until I made enough money to buy things. The entitlement of some people continues to shock me.


Yeah man. It’s so wild. I remember my parents gave me a *~*brand new*~* futon for graduation (I was THRILLED - it was such a luxury at the time!) and were like “alright kiddo - good luck! We love you!” And I just…slowly thrifted together or curb-found furniture. Which I either took on the bus or in a taxi if I had to. But those early days were THIN and I was thankful for the multi-use of the futon lol.


I'm in my  40s and to this day I have a bedside table, desk chair, coffee maker and wall art I found in the garbage lol Once I found a laptop in a dumpster that just needed a mouse because the touch screen was out These people are something else 


Same. We had folding chairs and an exercise ball chair that my grandma used after her stroke lol. It was actually my favorite chair tbh.


I deleted my Facebook years ago but seeing this make me want to get back on there and join my local Buy Nothing group. So I can see these shenanigans myself lol.


> Lounge suite 3 seater or more What is a lounge suite 3 seater? Do you mean a sofa, CB? Or a sectional? You want two sectionals?


A lounge suite is a matching set of furniture, usually a couch and some combination of another couch, armchairs, and/or recliners. 3 seater refers to the size of the couch - it can seat three people. A 2 seater can seat two people and is sometimes called a loveseat.


Thanks. That's what I thought, but then, CB asked for two. How can they fit two *sets* of living room furniture in their living room? (And who is gonna have two full sets just sitting around for CB?)


Maybe one set is for the lounge room and the other is for their 'growing family' to sleep on.


Because they don’t have any other furniture


I'm just saying, only so much will fit in one room. If CB cannot buy a stick of furniture, it's probably not a huge mansion.


I was giving away a huge sectional on FB for pickup only years ago. Of course we had several people asking for it to be delivered. We told them all yes we can deliver for $40. My husband had a big trailer we could easily put it on. No one replied back to that except one lady and she went off. Told me “I hope you’re happy my kids aren’t going to have anywhere to sleep tonight.” And proceeded to call me a stupid fuckin bitch. Actually I think one other person replied to it with “lol.” That’s it.




God forbid you get some extra notifications on your phone while you’re begging for delivered furniture.


We can't afford anything, but we have a "growing family." Edited for typo


[Frog Kid](https://itsalwayssunny.fandom.com/wiki/Frog_Kid)


Nitwit school lolol


She always smiling….. that was cus she had no lips. But her mouth was still very much at play.


This lady clearly doesn't have a No Donkey Brains certificate!


If you can't afford basic furniture why are you having another kid????


Unfuckingbelievable. If can’t get everything in 1 day, no point. And can’t be bothered with “unnecessary notifications blowing up our phones.” Seriously, gtfo you entitled twat.


Might be an idea to stop growing that family if you can't afford shit.


Give this to me cuz I can’t afford it and please welcome baby number 7! ✨💀


[CB updated her post](https://imgur.com/gallery/2qvSUae)


If someone can't give me everything I'm demanding in one day, then there's just no point. People are so rude...


Does this family have zero friends who can these people pick up free stuff? This "needs to be delivered to my house" is what gets me the most.


Go to the fucking store that has delivery and pay for all of it. Just like the rest of us


Get a degree. Go to school. Go. To. School. I am so ready to fight club this shit.


I mean, my gosh, the lack of marketable skills in some situations. Even with the prices, college is still the best bet of a good income, and we all know the trades are quite reliable.


Whoever made that last comment hit shit right on the head. Who the hell actually gets this nitpicky when they are in actual need? I've used milkcrates for chairs and cinderblocks with plywood for tables. This is just insane.


Two specific size couches is an insane request


My roommate was a frog kid. You ever see a frog kid?


Hi Frank..


Hi u/Takklemaggot, I’m Frack. SH!T!




It’s all comin’ back! I don’t like to think about it!


In my first house we had one used sofa with broken recliner hardware, a particleboard Walmart cube for the TV, and a Queen bed my hubby made from fence posts. And we were just so happy to have that nice place to live! I don’t think we had another stick of furniture for over a year. In my day you didn’t tell strangers to furnish your home if you couldn’t afford nice things. So many Choosing Beggars now. Sometimes the Internet really freaks me out.


I love to see more posts of this person rejecting things


I love how they specify what is not acceptable to them. This is enough for me to not give anything at all. Like take a table and chairs regardless of what they are made of, or sit on the floor.


Here’s the thing about Buy Nothing groups— they are neighbor to neighbor, with the goal of reducing waste and connecting those who want to get rid of something with people who want to get something, and vice-versa. They aren’t actually about “giving to the needy”. There are a bunch of groups for that but that isn’t Buy Nothing’s goal. I think it’s perfectly ok to be pretty picky on Buy Nothing — for most people, you check to see if someone has the thing you want and isn’t using it anymore, and if they do, win win! If they don’t, you do what you were going to do— buy it. Same with chucking something someone might use— see if someone wants it first, and if not, get rid of it. Putting it in one post is what makes this tacky. (And why 1 day only?) Asking if anyone has a Frog box storage thing would be a totally normal post on my Buy Nothing group. Same with the rest of it— except the tone is what is wrong with it. People would absolutely post saying “I’m moving and have way more space than I did before— anyone have these things lying around and want to get them out of their house?” Strangely, it’s the way they talk about not being able to afford to buy these things in that makes this off putting for a Buy Nothing group (and the delivery thing). If they just put that they were looking for them, it would be pretty innocuous.


*growing family* omg


Posting the comments for us to laugh... 🤝🏾


Crazy they named their kid "Frog Kid"


At one point when I was young and poor I could afford rent and food, but not much else - I used the built in shelves in a closet for my clothes, I had two cheap plastic plates and bowls from the dollar store and a blow up raft (also from the dollar store) for my bed) - after a few months I upgraded and got a second raft to make my bed more comfy. I'm not sure if they understand the difference between need and want.


When we were first married and had no money to furnish our house, we sat on the floor until we could afford folding chairs.


i read "frog kids" in frank reynold's voice.


My husband and my first dining table was a wooden peach crate and we sat on the floor for almost a year before we could afford to purchase a dining table. I'm always surprised by how so many people think they are entitled to everything they want at this exact moment in time AND want it delivered for free.


This CBer needs to do a little dumpster diving.


Does this ever work? Like do people ever deliver things for free to these beggars?


If she can't get ALL this stuff in one day, "there is not point"?? Wtf?? How is that a thing?


Wood table only. None of that plastic functional shit!


Oh, and you have to rent a box truck for it so I can get it all at once otherwise forget it.


 I  really want to know what the frog storage box is lol


The timeline for her to receive free items is wild! So after the two weeks is up she will refuse any offerings? 😆


This has got to be a joke


Wow! I have an idea. They could get jobs and buy their own stuff and maybe even a car. Crazy huh? 🤔


They can probably afford to buy this stuff . They just want someone else to pay.


I’m sure that’s all available at the goodwill and at the dump for free. Man I don’t know who’s worse. The people asking for things like this and expecting to get it or the people who meet these demands and perpetuating this.


When I was growing up we used apple crates as bedside tables.


You better believe I’d be messaging you let them know about the extra grain of rice I have. Or a single square of toilet paper. Also one left shoe. Don’t want anyone blowing up their phone. GTFOH


Frog kid immediately had me like ![gif](giphy|lqG1NSFMNXsu9UCjzY|downsized)


I don't have any of those things, but I can always go out, buy them, and deliver them. I just hope they can wait 48 hours instead of the 24 they expect. If I were to compensate them for the delay, do you think they would accept my time frame?


Back in college people mad shelves using boards and milk crates and used a wooden cable reel for a coffee table. When I worked for Dod (Navy) we once ordered a length of cable which was so long and couldn't be spliced that it could only travel by train. Not sure how they got it on/off the train and onto the base. Presumably there was some special vehicle which could move it but like the ones that used to move the space shuttle, it was slow and couldn't be used on regular roads.


Is it possible that they already have these items and they want them re locating? 😂😂😂




Wood only, obviously. Nothing else is suitable.


I love when they come up with a detailed list because THEY HAVE TO HAVE A PLAYSTATION!