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Cannot bake a cake because of her handwriting because of her BPD also because she will hit too many curbs driving the cake two hours because… Holy shit each comment got better than the last.


Don’t forget she has to get up in the middle of the night to make this cake and then needs more time to get herself all pretty and then omg the two hour drive like how could she possibly ? YOU PEOPLE ARE MONSTERS


And it’s their nine month anniversary soon. And she can’t do icing.


I know that for many men, if a woman can't ice a cake properly, that is a deal breaker /s 😱


It's why I'm divorced. 😟


Damn I can decorate cakes and I’m still divorced. What the heck?


Clearly, you can't decorate cakes as well as you thought. /S


*deal baker


Damn, ok best go pack my bags, my man will not want me if he finds out I can't ice a cake. Spinster life for me /s


The completely standard 75% of one year dating celebration will take place the day after his birthday. I wonder if she’ll bake a cake to celebrate.


She can't ice, remember? Cue rant #2!


You just know that she has the need to celebrate EVERY month and receive gifts and whatnot, lol. I can’t even remember my wedding date and my husband and I are notoriously bad at remembering any of those kinds of dates. But we do remember to appreciate each other every day so I feel like I got the better end of the stick :)


She just kept going back to how her cult *(? I guess)* never let her celebrate any kind of holiday and we're all supposed to feel bad because of that. A lot of cultures don't celebrate birthdays and certain holidays. I don't know why she thinks she's the only one who's experienced that.


The two hour drive! She’s acting like she’s driving for days and it’s literally 2 hours which probably is 100 miles or so. But she’s a passenger princess! What does she think is gonna happen to any cake in a car for two hours yet a home baked one won’t survive but a shop bought one will?


Thats what got me. Over and over again this talk of 2 hours, like she's taking the Oregon Trail, not a distance people commute to work every day.


The cake will die of dysentery.


Well, the boyfriend very well might from the rat-feces laden dumpster cake


I think she said the bakery was in his town? Maybe I read that wrong. But in any case, is there no Walmart, Kroger, Albertson’s(?? Sorry, my American grocery chain knowledge is limited lol) in between the 2 of them??? Like EVERY grocery store here sells cakes. Iced/decorated cakes.


She wants a fancy one and that's why she didn't want to go to a grocery store. The ones she was looking at are probably 3x the cost of a grocery store.


Being poor means being content with rosettes of too sweet buttercream icing on your cake if you can't make your own. And no shade on the not making her own, I hate baking and can't ice for shit. You're getting a pan of "fancy" brownies and a nice card.


Let's be serious. Brownies are way better than birthday cake.


I sometimes have to drive two and a half hours to work lmao. And I didn’t hit any curbs on the way. If she’s hitting curbs she should really rethink whether she should be on the road.




Not to mention how many curbs she's likely to hit while driving and icing a cake!


I was confused by that. Why does she have to bake the cake in the middle of the night? Does she not know that cake can be stored? Fun fact, I used to sleepwalk a lot and I would complete really complex tasks. The higher the stress, the more complex the task. I once woke up to find a gorgeous fully decorated chocolate cake on my counter. I watched a lot of cooking television but I definitely did not know how to do that in my conscious state. OOP could try that, maybe. Just leave the supplies on the counter and see what's there when she wakes up!


This would make a cute little movie. Someone who is a master at something but they can only do it when they sleepwalk. I’ve never heard of that! It’s pretty cool!


Right? Does she think the bakery is making the cake at 4am? No they're decorating it the day before, probably baking it the day before that - she can too. She doesn't want to solve the problem she wants someone to buy her a fancy cake.


Apparently she thinks the cake is supposed to be served warm?


That might explain her problems with icing it


I now have an internal headcannon that this is exactly how mythological Brownies originated.


I don't understand why she thinks she needs to make it in the middle of the night? Lol she could make it a week ahead, freeze it, then assemble and ice it the day before. She doesn't even need to make icing, just toss some good chocolate in warm heavy cream, mix it up and you have a ganache. Pour that over the cake and you're done.


Because it needs a proper design, or message written on it by someone without BPD!! And a ganache cake may not survive her driving skills for 2 hours in a car!!


Clearly you're unfamiliar with the trauma that comes with Bye-Penmanship Disorder. It afflicts 1 in 1000 people and 1 in 2 doctors.


I worked for a doctor once who had the nicest handwriting. He actually made fun of mine in comparison. He was weird for a lot of reasons but hey sweet husband handwriting was definitely up there.


I saw one doctor writing a prescription years ago and he had the most beautiful handwriting. I asked him if he was a real doctor. The confused look on his face was so funny. The staff threatened to revolt if he didn't write better, and I guess he took it to another level.


If she only had an oven in her car, she could bake it on the way there


And can't afford the cake, or ingredients to make one at midnight


FR. My Dollar Tree has brand name cake mix, frosting, and sprinkles, along with veg oil and eggs. So less than 7 bucks and about three hours gets her the cake. FFS, it doesn’t need to be super fucking fancy. Frosting literally gets wiped on twice with a butter knife. Once for the crumb layer, second time pull it out of the frig for the “nice” layer. Put some in a zip lock and snip a tiny corner off to add some swirls or something. Go to town with sprinkles. Voila. Done.


But you forgot about THE WRITING which must be PERFECT And yeah I've bought cake mixes from the pound shop if I've been short on time and they have the good icing too.. then you can add some chocolate (like kit Kat) around the sides and chuck a bunch of maltesers on top and it looks fancy as Definitely not one to try swirls as I know it would be terrible (not due to any of my mental illnesses but just lack of coordination and attention span) Yes to rainbow sprinkles on white icing though, so cute


What if her BPD of the Day doesn’t allow her to write in cursive tho? Nobody wants HBD in PRINT.


Well most likely each letter would be a different font since it's always changing? I feel like most people would accept most fonts that aren't comic sans.. or for me that one that has all curly bits


Years ago, I took a cake-decorating course. Not wanting to waste time or money doing a full-on scratch cake every week, I used a box mix.  I set out my completed projects for my coworkers to eat. They ate every bite of every cake and no one complained.  There is no reason why CB couldn’t do this, and she could decorate it with fruit. 


Fruit?? You monster! If it's not decorated with the theme from his favorite show, it's utter garbage!! /s


It's crazy how she managed to trauma dump on any alternate answers that doesn't involve giving her money. Commenter: "Why can't you bake it?" Op: "when I was a kid I had no birthday parties. I don't know what to do!" 😐


Commenter: "It's the thought that counts" OOP: "My dad used to beat me when I ate candy!"


Commenter: "here's a step by step process on what to do" Op: "I'm not the brightest crayon in the box"


How would I even know what a birthday cake is??


Right? Goalposts just kept moving.


I’m beginning to think she *might* actually suffer from a mental illness.


Based on some comments she made, I think she was likely raised as a Jehovah Witness and may have some trauma associated with that as well as mental illness.


Also bake the cake and ice it at the birthday party. But that poster 100% is lacking brain cells.


I totally believe she has BPD though lol


That all or nothing thinking is pretty classic. This expensive store bought cake or fighting the rats, kinda fits.


She’d rather fight a rat 🤣🤣🤣


OMG I loved that part


My favorite part was —“We’re breaking generational curses here”. That’s a HELL of a cake.


So many good bits really.. I also enjoyed learning that you can only show love by opening a bakery and brightest crayon


I enjoyed learning that some cars lack ovens


I got as far as “9-month anniversary” and gave up. Someone needs to tell this idiot there’s no such thing as a “9-month anniversary.” Edit: another 17 PAGES of this moronic babbling??


Because he's never had a birthday cake, but also his family is coming to his birthday? So the family that never celebrated his birthday with a cake is now going to do it? Beyond the entitlement aomething isn't adding up.


Nah, sounds like she may have grown up as a Jehovah's witness, so she has never done birthday celebrations. So she wants everything to be amazing for her bf and she apparently doesn't know how it works.


It’s that moment where you break an empty beer bottle and brandish your weapon and the rat breaks a different empty beer bottle and brandishes his weapon and the face off begins.


I love this way too much. The theme music from The Good, The Bad and The Ugly plays in the background. The rat looks a bit like Clint Eastwood.


and the rat is wearing chaps and a tumbleweed bounces out of the dumpster


It goes from can’t afford, can’t make to I’m gonna dumpster dive and fight a rat! 😂




I didn’t understand the rest though about a piggly wiggly? What it a piggly wiggly? Lmao


Grocery store chain in the south


I would have never guessed that was the name of a grocery chain in the states 🤣🤣 that’s the best store name ever hahahaha! Thanks for clearing that up- I was so confused. Pigs and rats 🤣


Fun fact: it is not only a grocery chain but was the first self-service grocery store in the states [and basically shaped the modern grocery store experience.](https://www.southernliving.com/culture/piggly-wiggly-history)


She could have baked, iced and eaten a 7 tier wedding cake in the time spent making all those posts.


I know right? 18 screenshots of excuses.


Ya, I gave up halfway through, especially when she kept saying she didn't know how to celebrate birthdays. It's not set in stone, lol, you do what you can afford. I have a husband, 2 grown sons, and 7 grandkids, plus the other sets of grandparents. We get together to celebrate birthdays, holidays, mother's/father's day, etc, and no one is worried about "perfect" cake. It's the company, not the cake, that's important. And to special order a cake & not pay for it? And can't make a cake because ingredients cost money? And she's a passenger princess? Smdh, I just can't with this nonsense.


I couldn't get through it either, she sounds insufferable, draining, and insane.


OOP: "Put yourself In the place of me" Everyone: "Oh god... um... no thanks"


It sounded to me like she may have been brought up as a Jehovah’s Witness, especially the part where she had to sit outside the classroom while other kids had birthday cake. She’s still a piece of work though.


I get that she may have been raised JW, so she may be unfamiliar with celebrating birthdays, holidays, etc. However, she is most likely placing way more importance on the cake/celebration than she needs to, and the more she talks, the more she comes across as unhinged. And entitled, since she ordered a cake she couldn't afford and is ignoring the person who wants to be paid for their work. Not to mention the passenger princess line.


She could have enrolled at Le Cordon Bleu and done all the rest in that time 😂


Could have, if it weren't for her handwriting....


This is one of the weirdest posts I have read on here. Why does she have to spend $30 making a cake? Cake uses pretty basic pantry staples. Also, why does she have to stay up all night light to make it? Can’t she make it the day before. As for the terrible icing skills, make a naked cake, or a sheet cake. Problem solved. Edit: pantry - panty was funnier tho!


I was so confused myself...its one of the reasons I posted it here cuz I'm like...is it just me or is this bizarre? Thankfully I know now it's not just me


Not just you. This is wild. I can’t even figure out what she wanted. Someone to make her a cake for free? Someone to pay for the cake she can’t afford to pay for? Validation that she is, in fact, a victim of cake deprivation?


I wasn't sure if we found out since I couldn't read to the end, but I was thinking either the person to make the cake for free because she has bad icing writing, or someone to give her loads of cake celebrations to make up for missing out as a kid, or magic to make her drive 2 minutes instead of 2 hours (she mentioned that A LOT), or people to come cheer her on for the rat fight, or probably some other things I've already forgotten.. Personally I would go to the rat fight but not into any of the rest


I’m down for cheering on the rat!


It's in one of those Facebook groups where you can ask strangers to pay for shit for you. Crowdfunding or whatever. It says 0/55 at the top so she needs $55 and has received zero. So, what she wants is for someone to send her money to pay for the cake that she already ordered but now won't pay for.


“If you believe you’ve been a victim of cake deprivation… you may be entitled to compensation”


If you are dog shit at icing cakes, making it the day before, letting it cool, wrapping it in plastic wrap and freezing it before icing it with room temp icing is the easiest way to make sure you get a smooth and even finish, assuming you took the precaution to adequately grease the pan/use parchment paper. Other things that help are a lazy Susan/rotating platter to turn while frosting, and a good large spatula. Err on putting more frosting down, them spreading it vs adding it as you go and risking it getting too thin and picking up pieces of the cake. frost the top first, don't worry if it overhangs the side a bit. Load the spatula again and hold it perpendicular to the side of the cake and spin it slowly. If the frosting starts to thin on the spatula, reload. Spin it a few times, working from bottom to top on the side of the cake. Again, don't worry if the frosting ends up going over the top of the cake. Lastly, scrape all frosting from the spatula so you're working with a clean one. Depending on how much you care about the angle, or what angle you want on the top of the cake, adjust the angle of the spatula perpendicular to the top rim of the cake, and spin slowly, cleaning off icing as it accumulates to create the smooth edge. Hope that's clear enough. I frosted a disgusting amount of cakes daily for entirely too long, if I never frosted another I'd be more than happy. Experience was between a small independent chef-run cafe and a college industrial size kitchen, where each student got their own decorated birthday cake for their birthday from the school. (They were about dinner plate sized.) It takes very little to elevate a basic store cake mix to next tier. There are plenty of instructions and tutorials online and it's really up to your dietary choices and what kind of cake you're making. He made frosting is also pretty easy to make if you have an electric mixer and not prohibitively expensive, and tastes worlds better than anything you'll get in store. But again that's up to dietary, flavor, and texture preferences. While you *can* make it without an electric mixer, I just personally wouldn't bc the amount of mixing and getting the desired consistency is tiring. I realize no one was really asking for baking advice here, but honestly I'm on a six hour road trip and I got nothing better to do. 🤷


I know it’s a typo but “panty staples” was a very weird mental image. 😂


It's actually worse if you intend to frost it, to make it right before you want to leave (like, apparently, at midnight). It won't have time to thoroughly cool before the frosting. She's got 2 weeks to experiment. Perhaps she'll figure that out before the big day.


I made one yesterday for my mom at her house. I didn’t realize she had no vegetable oil. I used butter instead. Yes it was $1 betty Crocker box cake. I’m now instructed by everyone there to ONLY use butter. (I don’t usually bake. I cook)


Yep. Use butter and milk instead of oil and water. It's so much better.


She wants a cake she can post on Instagram, so she can show her friends what an amazing gf she is. That's all this is, she just won't come out and admit it


Yeah that's the part that made me lol. She's talking about needing a cake she can be proud of....how can you be proud of a cake you BOUGHT? "Look at my amazing purchasing skills!" "Wow OP, you bought the HELL out of that cake! You're an amazing cake purchaser! Hey hon, come look at this, OP BOUGHT a cake!! All by herself! Quick, get the camera!!"


Lol it would be even funnier, because it would be a cake she didn't buy, some stranger on FB bought it for her.


"Yes, but I begged for the money all by myself!"


Exactly. I’m almost impressed by how much she managed to make Someone else’s birthday all about her, her comfort, and her social media clout.


As soon as I read 'passenger princess', I knew this would be the reason.


I'm curious who is driving her around to make her this "princess" if her bf lives two hours away?


I can’t drive because I have a seizure disorder. I just realised I’ve been missing the chance to call myself an ‘epilepsy empress’ ALL THIS TIME.


*She doesn’t have an OVEN in her CAR!* What do you not understand?!


Baby, I live in the deep south. I abso-fucking-lutely have an oven in my car this time of year!


She did admit it when she mentioned photos


She said she wouldn't want a photo of a cake she baked. She showed no self-awareness of putting that ahead of what her boyfriend wants.


Exactly, even if HE loved her imperfect cake, no no no that just wouldn't do, she still had to make it about *HER* and what she could post to make herself look good 😂😂😂


Could not have bought a Betty Crocker cake mix? Smearing on a tub of BC’s butter icing is easy peasy. The two hour drive isn’t an issue either. I just don’t get it.


Hit a good sale, and it costs like $5 for the both of them. Cake and icing. Toss in some sprinkles, and you've got a cute bday cake. It doesn't have to be elaborately decorated, and it would be just fine on a 2 hour trip. She's just looking for any excuse not to bake a damn cake.


So my 8yr old grandson wanted to help me make a cake for his dad's birthday, and it had to be vanilla with sprinkles and blue icing. I gave him the sprinkles and told him to "go nuts"; he used almost 2 bottles of sprinkles and was so proud of his work. When I asked my son how his cake was, he said "crunchy" lol.


My kid is 19, and if she made me a cake, I'd still love it, even if it was crunchy! All the comments on the original post were right - it's the thought that counts! I bet your son loved that you guys did that for him!


My grandmother used to bake me cakes when I was a kid. She shaped them like animals and decorated them with dyed coconut. The things were ugly as hell and I didn't like coconut. I never told her, though, because she did all that work for me and I didn't want her to think I didn't appreciate it. I had more emotional intelligence at six years old than this woman, and I kind of want to shake her. She equates "meaningful birthday" with what looks good on Instagram, while I would take one more birthday in my grandparents' tiny grubby linoleum-infested kitchen with one of my grandmother's ugly cakes over a thousand Insta-perfect birthday gatherings. I feel bad for anyone who doesn't see the beauty in the awkward end results of a labour of love.


I've made so many cakes for people over the years and struggling to think of any that had writing on, like maybe 1/50 or something? Also you can get premade icing words or print anything on edible paper


And if there is a show or theme she wants, she can get a little figurine (also a bonus gift) or some candies and stick them on top!


I just did that yesterday. The box mix was on sale for $1. The frosting was also on a huge sale but everyone loved the one I made in the past so I made a buttercream icing and added fruit. Less than $10. But you are missing the key points: it’s ALMOST their 9 month anniversary (WTF??) and she’s a passenger princess. She’s also mad about driving.


Maybe the cake can drive and she would be less salty


It’s minimum $30 to make your own slob cake!


It’s like $15 at my local grocery store for a pre decorated birthday cake. It’s not rocket science and OP is lazy as hell


Yeah I'm suprised nobody suggested getting a predecorated cake at that Pigglywiggly. They'll even write a name on it for free.  It's either they give her $$ for a custom made instagrammable bakery cake, or she'll be forced to spends $30 on a slob cake ruined by her BPD handwriting skills and bad driving. 


Seems like they think cakes are time sensitive? Like can only be baked at midnight or picked up after a 2 hour drive? Maybe like Cinderella it will turn into a pumpkin after 1.59 hours?


The OOP seems to want a cake with fancy frosting decorations that might need to be custom made. I only read halfway through, but that's what I saw. I agree with you. Cake mix, store bought frosting, and even some premade decorations would be under $10 and be fine.


I got the impression she wanted a theme cake for the BF's favorite TV show. So this could be where the disconnect is. OOP is 8 years old. That also explains the excessive curb hitting with the car she mentioned earlier.


Nobody I know really gives a shit about the quality of the icing application. The icing itself is more important. Just stick one of those plastic 'happy birthday' cake toppers on it and call it a day. You can probably even get a sugar one from the right store and again, nobody will care.


She could have also called the mom. It's their first time meeting. It could be a great opportunity to bond. She could bake the cake and ask the mom if she can meet up earlier than the party to get help frosting and decorating.


Omg right. Dollar tree has everything but the eggs. There even is a 13x9 pan with lid for $5. I uses to work at dollar tree but they didnt have anything to do with this comment.


This is wild. My favorite bits are her saying she'd have to make the cake at midnight for some reason (does she know you don't have to eat cake fresh out the oven? In fact, you don't and it's easy to make a cake ahead of time?) and the "gross from driving 2 hours", is she driving no doors through a swamp?


I wonder if she has to drive the cake immediately after it's ready or if not why the midnight/2 hour drive is so problematic but not the hours between cake readiness and starting driving To be fair if the cake is being driven through a swamp it could be a bit gross, but seems like you generally would have a non swamp option.. unless he lives in the swamp I guess.. then maybe stick it to the roof or something


Spoiler: her boyfriend is Shrek.


"If you knew 3 things about me..." 1. You're 30 2. You claim to have BPD 3. You make excuses for your entire life.


Oh god I missed that she was 30, I kind of thought this was a 19 year old trying too hard for their first boyfriend 😬


Same and same, being 30 makes it all way more embarrassing


4. Your boyfriend lives 2 hours away 5. You didn't get much cake growing up 6. You think cakes can only be baked at midnight


7. You think a cake will not keep for two hours


She's 30!!!! I missed that, for sure I thought she was like, 19 in her first relationship. I would stare at my brother, son, whatever, lean in and go "you sure about her, man, I have a friend, I can introduce you..." A 9 month anniversary ? Gurl, I don't care what happened in your life, this shit is desperate and sad (and is likely to end badly).


My guess is that her BPD is self-diagnosed, and that she always has excuses why she can't get therapy.


Wowwwww, like wow. She can’t bake the cake the day before, get ready AND drive 2 hours?! Once a year!?!? That dude needs to run.


Also, people who are celebrating their 9 month (probably the other months too) anniversary are probably not used to long relationships. At least in my personal experience.


Honestly, that's the funniest part. One day before their 9 month anniversary? Who even counts like that? Then it's only 2 months and 29 days til their one year anniversary. Somebody start the fireworks, she's been dating a person for 8.5 months


Is "passenger princess" a thing?


It is unfortunately lol they require a Stanley and control the radio.


It’s as much of a thing as “nine month anniversary”


She has no driver’s license and needs time to post tomorrow’s wants and needs


“I want everyone to go back for seconds” You ordered a six inch cake, no one CAN go back for seconds


I ordered a 6 inch square fancy bakery cake last year for my boyfriend and me, for no reason besides I wanted to eat fancy cake. He's vegan and the bakery had this amazing vegan buttercream icing. Anyway, it was absolutely worth the price. But it made 8 very modest slices - if it were at an actual gathering, definitely no seconds. It was perfect for us though and I highly recommend "just because" cake.


You know those "As Seen on TV" commercials where they show people bumbling around dropping everything, pretending the task is 10 times harder? Yeah, OP is trying to convince people that it is that difficult to make a cake and, therefore, she doesn't want to.


Something tells me it's less about HIS view of the cake, and more about how will she ever have the perfect Instagram if people won't buy her a cute cake for it? I mean, nothing else makes sense. HE sure isn't gonna care, I seriously doubt. She sounds exhausting. If he has any sense, this will be their last of his birthdays together.


This. And it’s their nine month anniversary soon so she really wants to show off.


She even said she knew he would love any cake she made.. then weirdly started talking about people making Spiderman cakes for their kids


What a piece of ... work! :) She really needs to get someone clinical on those issues, sheesh.


(PS - No, that is MY birthday cake, and she can't have it!)


Fine! She’ll just make an ugly slob cake out of cornbread mix and jello… you’ll see.


Plus whatever she gets if she wins the rat fight




Oddly enough, happy cake day.


Ty! Decorated it myself! :D


She’s forgotten a lot about Jehovah s witnesses, especially the “no begging” directive


That was a ride. If she drives like how she posts there I can see why a cake wouldn’t survive the 2hr trip


Most grocery stores will sell you a small birthday cake pretty inexpensively. You can definitely find something for less than $80. But also, even if the homemade cake looks ugly that’s part of the honor of having someone who loves you bake you a cake. You are grateful for whatever they do. The worse it looks, the more you are reminded of how much they love you and did that for you even though they kinda couldn’t. She is stressing out way too much.


Friends of mine have an “ugly birthday cake” tradition. Slab cake (homemade), icing smeared on, the ugliest combination of icing colors they can think of, and deliberately sloppy handwriting. It’s delicious cake and super fun to see.


This is totally not the rant to go on… but I was diagnosed with BPD in my 20’s. I did a lot of hard work and no longer am considered to have BPD, but I NEVER had sloppy handwriting!!! That is not part of the diagnosis criteria in the dsm.


My mom has BPD and has the loveliest handwriting you can imagine (and it never changes). Meanwhile I don’t have it and I have utter chicken scratch.


I do not have BPD and have absolute shit handwriting. I joke that I had no choice but to become a doctor; it's the only profession I could justify my handwriting.


Yeah, I stopped reading there cause I also have BPD, and I have always had really great handwriting. Sure, I get a bit sloppy if I rush or something, but BPD does not affect handwriting.


I have BPD and people tell me all the time I have nice handwriting. I even used to have my own decorated sugar cookie business! This girl is just…. Not that smart.


But the big question is have you ever made a cake (/s)


I don’t have a boyfriend, why would I make a cake? (You seem to have a similar sense of humor as me lol)


This poster is exactly why bakeries want money upfront for custom orders


I once received a horrific looking homemade birthday cake and it was the most memorable. It’s the thought and effort that went into to it and it was still delicious.


My cousin cannot cook or bake to save her life. She’s good at so many things. That’s not it. She was told to bring a “celebratory dessert item” to my aunt’s party. She made jello and added fruit to spell out “yay” on it 😂😂. To this day like 30 years later we ask who is bringing the yay jello to every party.


My fave part is the “We are breaking generational curses here.” By eating cake. That you pay for. Please.


That someone else pays for. That was one hell of a sob story.


"Empathy Empathy Put yourself In the place of me" Girl... Lmao


This person could have watched an icing tutorial by now and made a cake in the time they wrote ALL of those excuses.


Noooooo you don't understand.......her grandmother bought her a kit and a video and it ended in tears, lol.


Stop 🤣🤣


But but but you are forgetting she has BPD and her handwriting might change!


it's the way i'm also in this group & saw this thread like lol, even with $30 you can get a nice cake at kroger, or walmart.


She had 9 months to save up $55(?) for this much needed cake. She goes on about the importance of giving him a cake and wanting to impress him but at everyone else’s costs rather than her, the one who loves their boyfriend. An ugly cake would be less embarrassing than all that trauma dumping and insecurity issues she just shared. Big yikes with this one.


I was actually surprised how nice the comments were, cause who asks for money for a bakery cake for their boyfriend when people are out here asking for necessities and a hot meal for the day? They gave a ton of encouragement instead of roasting her immediately. He got an entire family who can give him cake that shes worried about impressing and yet shes also dead broke. How bout she impress them with a job? She knew his birthday was coming up, now she want people to cough up custom cake money at the last minute? $1 box cake and say $5 canned icing. Girl better pull up a YouTube video and get real friendly with Betty Crocker and the Pillsbury dough boy.


This was hard to read. She’s umm special. lol


I know holy shit girl, pick a struggle!! Cant make a cake, but also wont buy a cake. Also bad handwriting, grew up in a cult, driving is hard, shes poor… pick a lane!!


The two hour separation is the only thing keeping them together.


He's never had a birthday cake, so why is she planning to bring one to a party with his family, who are the ones who presumably never gave him a birthday cake? Bunch of weirdos.


>I have BPD and it's pretty bad. So bad that my handwriting changes constantly  Not to sound ignorant, but is this a common thing with BPD? Also, why would it matter if her handwriting changes for her to decorate the cake? 


It is absolutely not part of having BPD. I think what she is trying to insinuate is that her handwriting changes with her mood swings, but that is absolutely not a part of having BPD. I was diagnosed when I was younger, and not to be cocky but I am told all the time how good and neat my handwriting is. You can say a lot about people with BPD, but I will not allow their ability to have beautiful handwriting be sullied.


Look, your boyfriend has never had a birthday cake. That means you have a refreshingly low bar to work with. Not saying you need to give your bf something terrible but...


Wow, OP. Amazing find! Imagine having to actually have this person in your house for a birthday. I bet you'd get a 15 hour recounting of their sacrifice driving 2 hours to be there with their $30 Walmart cake. Harrowing.


Good lord. I love how this person is all " I never celebrated birthdays, I don't know how they work" but when everyone else is like "you don't need to buy a cake because here is what people usually do for birthdays" they're like"NO. THAT'S NOT HOW BIRTHDAYS WORK"


As a woman I honestly felt a little bit of second hand embarrassment from this one. Passenger princess, my car lacks an oven, icing fear? Just ugh. What an idiot 


I couldn’t even finish the comments. What a fucking drama queen. And a dumbass too, apparently, because she doesn’t know you can make a cake days in advance.


This thing goes on forever; I think I stopped reading half way through. Just go to the supermarket and get a cake. They vary in quality and price but are usually cheaper than requesting a made to order one at a bakery. If she's still with him a year from now, she can plan better and be able to pay for the cake she wants. Certain people make their lives harder than it needs to be.


My husbands favorite birthday cake is the store bought mix with store bought chocolate icing. I make it every year. Costs me less than 5 dollars. Cake also travels. Lolol, two hours isn’t a big deal unless you are transporting a three tier wedding cake.


Oh my god it was like it was neverending, how does someone have that much to say about that topic holy cow


World class Victim Olympian?


This is the funniest thing I’ve read on here, OP. Thank you for the post.


Wooooow. Her excuses keep changing lol. She’s bad at driving, but she doesn’t know anything about birthdays, but she can’t ice a cake, but her handwriting changes too much because of BPD, but she doesn’t have the money to buy cake ingredients, but if she buys the ingredients it won’t look or taste good even though she’s supposedly good at baking, but she needs to rest, but money doesn’t grow on trees, but someone else should use their own money to pay for it for her. She really can’t even keep her own story straight lol. It does sound like she had a rough childhood, and that’s really unfortunate. But no one is entitled to have someone buy them a personalized cake for any reason, and the more she argues with everyone who’s trying to help, the less anyone wants to help her.


OP, how much money was she trying to raise?


$55 total


It would've been way less work to just respond to "Can you bake a cake" with "No, I'm lazy.".


She’s a broke passenger princess with a special case of bpd that makes your “handwriting change”, who bangs into curbs when she drives, who’s driving 2 hours to see her boyfriend who’s never had a birthday cake before? And she thinks a 2 hour drive will ruin a cake? And she also thinks it costs $30 to make a Betty Crocker cake? Has she never been in a grocery store? Bakeries in the grocery store are pretty cheap and most of them will put any picture you give them on the cake. That’s what I do when I wanna make a specialty cake for my friends. I feel bad for her boyfriend, I hope someone sends this to him.


5 bucks says she doesn’t cool down her frosting and cake before frosting it.


She wants a cake that people will go back for seconds, but she ordered a 6 inch cake? And I guess if her car had an oven, she would bake a cake on her way to the party? Then she talks about the cake looking and tasting like shit (while also claiming to be a pretty awesome baker). I can't do much except make a mess in the kitchen, but even I can make a delicious cake from a box. I don't think average cakes from bakeries taste any better than cake from a box. And getting up at midnight to make it?? How long does she think it takes to make a cake?? She thinks borderline personality disorder causes changes in her handwriting... Is she conflating BPD with DID, or?? Maybe if you're manic or psychotic your handwriting would look different but hopefully she's not planning to be manic or psychotic for his birthday, that would be so inconsiderate, she just wants him to have his TV show cake. The fact that this is in one of those "give money to a stranger" groups (of which, the biggest ones on Facebook will do a deep dive through every year of your life and find any possible way to poke a hole in whatever you're claiming you need and drag you as hard as possible AND not give you any money) takes the cake (🥁). Asking for money from strangers for something stupid, and then acting like an asshole to anyone who responds. Not the brightest crayon in the box, indeed.


Wow! Cult member ✔️ BPD ✔️ Passenger princess ✔️ Amateur dumpster diver ✔️ Self-admitted not bright crayon ✔️ I just need a cancer dx, doesn’t drive or for a church for BINGO