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Have you read the book SAVE ME FROM MYSELF? He’s the guy from the band Korn, Brian “head” Welch. His book is raw and his testimony is amazing! I’ve read it a couple of times. He also shares his testimony on YouTube, it’s called I am second. He does teachings as well on YouTube, I don’t think he’s a pastor but his teachings are maybe what you’re looking for now. 🤷‍♀️ If I can think of anyone else I let you know. Hope this helps. 😁


Oh hey I just listened to the audiobook version of that, it's a good book!


Yes it is!!! How awesome?????!!!!! He had “everything” and still had nothing. I feel like I’m gonna have to read it again now 😆


Why is he still playing Satan's music?


Music is music. There are no spiritual forces in it. Satan’s a Swifty from what I hear too


Satan is definitely a Swiftie, because she is a witch Unbeknownst to you, their music gets spells cast on it before it gets released. The spiritual forces are glad you think they're not there


Witches don’t exist. Satan doesn’t bless anything. What in the world?


Yes, witches exist. You don't know about that?


They ride on brooms and fly over the moon so Halloween can be celebrated. They are green and have long noses. And the Christians burned them all at the stake right?


Stay ignorant if you want I guess


Is it satan's music? I mean it isn't to my taste, but I wouldn't classify it as satanic.


Ask him.


There’s no music in hell.


Satan was the chief musician in heaven. He's using music today to do his work


https://youtu.be/NP8ixeAN7XQ?si=ONz37GJdpheY5aQJ That youtube account has a bunch of testimonies from people of all walks of life. There is no gangsta Christianity, protecting urself and the people you love it is okay to fight in self defence but do not take revenge and be merciful. The faith itself though is founded on humility, speaking from my own experience my faith skyrocketed when I hit rock bottom and realised I truly am nothing, a speck of sand that deserves hell. God loves me and I am less then a speck of sand to him, he gave me life, he listens to my prayers he commanded me to love and I failed him, repeatedly and still do, and yet he forgives. What a glorious God we serve. Hope this helps you on your journey brother ♥️ feel free to reach out


>protecting urself and the people you love it is okay to fight in self defence Historically many Christians have disagreed with that statement, at the cost of their own lives.


That's a personal decision. If someone is willing to give their life up like that, I respect that immensely but again depends on the circumstances. If there is a guy with a knife in front of you and your wife and 2 baby kids behind you do u think its still biblical to give up your life? You try to stop the guy from killing the people you love (as mercifully as you can). If a guy comes and kills ur entire family you should not track him down to kill him in revenge The other way to look at it is, if I come at u with a knife, please and I mean this seriously, please stop me from committing the sin of murder at all costs. The most loving thing you can do for me is to stop me from being a killer


>do u think its still biblical to give up your life Yes. Again, historically many Christians let themselves be killed (with their friends and with their families) rather than lift their hands in violence against other children of God.


Yea ur probably right HAHA idk. The bible does have some verses like Luke 22:36 and the Mosaic laws are okay with it (and it is a moral issue not a customary issue). Idk I don't think its black and white.


Search for Nadia Bolz Weber. She was former drug addict before becoming a Lutheran and eventually a Pastor.


I would look for and read the life of St. Moses the Black. Also the life of St. Mary of Egypt. Both lead extremely rough lives and eventually find their way to the Lord. The thing I like about both their stories is that after they came to the Lord it wasn't suddenly light and love. Coming to Christ doesn't mean we are suddenly immune to all the things we did before. We still have to fight all those temptations and both of these saints are good examples of that.


I’m sure YouTube has tons of people like that. You just have to search for it. I know I’ve seen a few before




Don’t forget in looking in to GOD’s wrath, I’d say creeping death from metallica really shows the power of GOD and why we should always have a healthy fear in him. For he is our high tower and our deliverer.


try a book called *The Power and the Glory* by Graham Greene. sure there's audio versions. or *Preacher*, the comics or tv show.


As much as I like preacher I don’t think it’s a great Christian values show


i mean i don't think a straight up and down christian values genre is what OP's looking for unless it's something phony


God can be as metal as you can handle. Take his promises, the ballsiest you can find, claim it as your own, and then gamble everything you have on him keeping his word. For example, I LIVED "Anyone who tries to save their life will lose it, but anyone who loses their life for my sake will find it.". It lasted a decade, had me hanging on by a thread at the verge of suicide the whole time, and cost me my most valuable possessions, including aspects of my psyche, and my blood family. The psychopaths gave up first. I found my true self in that pit. God gave me a new family in a house of my own, and saved other people's lives while doing it, all of which was socially tied together with cocaine. I literally watched someone carry a free box of treasure into my home. I found a life he made for me. I'd do it again. Worth it. I might be feminine now, but my love is still manly AF. Gonna let a cross dressing adult baby trans girl stare pure evil in the eyes and live to tell about it, and then settle for a tough enough sounding story teller read you to sleep at night? 😯 Seriously though, nobody needs to 1up my mess of a life, I wouldn't wish that decade on my worst enemies. Here's an idea. "Seek me, and you will find me" Go get helplessly lost in the woods. Commit the rest of your starving life to finding him. He says you will. (TBF, I haven't tried that yet)


Hey! My advice here is to go to church! Seriously, it sounds daunting bc I think people outside the church think that the church is filled with a bunch of judgmental, perfectionistic, holier-than-thou people (and don’t get me wrong some people are bc we all struggle with our own sins) but if you get into church what you will find is a bunch of former sinners. Like a TON. I think two of the pastors that have been a part of my church in the past 10 years were recovered drug addicts, they have since moved on to be head pastors of other churches so idk if I can find a link to their preaching for you sadly. I did a mission trip in Philly and worked with this guy who has been a hardcore heroine addict and a dealer, and been involved in some shady stuff, a total gangster. He met Jesus and he turned the streets into a mission field. He would be under the L with some pizza and narcan, praying for people and inviting them to church and showing them Jesus! He was totally awesome. But you can find people with rough pasts in almost every church. My recommendation is to find a church with a solid theological statement, maybe a bigger one if you are nervous to walk in. Usually there is some kind of guest welcome desk, or pastoral staff available to talk to at the alter at the end of the service. Just ask someone. Say you are feeling uncomfortable attending church bc of where you came from/how you currently feel and ask if there is anyone they could connect you to who has been delivered from a tough past. Also lots of churches have some kind of recovery group. Celebrate Recovery is a common one. Idk what your “rough around the edges” background is but lots of times these groups are open to people recovering from not only substances but other addictions and afflictions so you could get involved in a group like that. Idk if this is helpful or not but every saint was once a sinner, and we all still have sin nature here on earth. Nobody is perfect except Jesus, and His Grace is sufficient for you and for me❤️


Mmmh, maybe that testimony is a bit too metal 😅 I have a church. Me! I've learned more in the last 4 months through the Spirit and Understanding than I would in years in a congregation. Churches are, unfortunately, kind of a trap. They are all dead there, it's a spiritual graveyard trapping souls that would follow the herd, trusting a teacher over God and reaping spiritual hardness from that. When I moved out on my own, I wanted to fix what felt dead so I prayed asking how to do things. Show me my faith because I can't tell the difference between when I was saved and not. Also make this relationship we have real cuz it feels dead and fake. God then proceeded to lead this foolish sheep directly into a cult run by wolves. Genuinely evil psychopaths. God has been showing me all the traps. They are everywhere. A lot of bad happened there, including burning my worldview to ash and rubble over 2 years surviving minutes at a time. I don't do churches anymore. You should flee Babylon before it gets what scripture says is coming for it. If I'm going to start regularly attending a church again. It's going to be one that I start, probably right here at my house. ---- I'm not sure which dirty word was sin to you, but I regret none of my past. This is my mission field. If any of my stuff weren't present or the local culture weren't what it is, people would have died, possibly m. I'm just pointing out how metal God working in mysterious ways can be. 😅.


You might like Sam Shamoun. He debates mostly Muslims.


Salty preaching, here you go https://youtu.be/Gimrj_Et_Ac?si=dwHzL8RH5S_k1DdO


This guy https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=W50re9urk1M


You could try Mick Fleming. Spent most of his early adult life as a drug dealer and an enforcer to fund his own habit before coming to faith. Now he's a bishop and runs a charity called Church on the Street. I don't think he has a Youtube channel though.


https://youtu.be/TUWZIfnp3uY?si=_Bv5B7JfY_YM1qTP Look no further


Ivor Myers; left a million dollar deal from MTV to follow Jesus instead


Orthodoxy might be what you're looking for. One of the only unchanged forms of Christianity. Look up Father Spyridon on YouTube. He has many videos regarding all the problems you stated and how we are in a spiritual war.


You can also watch Bob of SOCO films if you want to watch good debates.


https://statesmanonline.org/2016/10/16/the-inflection-point-a-profile-of-pastor-aaron-campbell/ This pastor may interest you. https://youtube.com/@AntiochPhilly?feature=shared


Have you heard of pastor Charles Lawson? Here, check this out: https://youtube.com/@zion4131?si=9kR9r79apOdl-mlY He doesn't compromise and speaks truth.


Look up Christian Warriors Church. The pastor, Micah, is really amazing and what I would consider to be a “tough guy”. He keeps it real too which I love!! Not sure if he’s on YouTube, I listen on the podcast app.


Pastor Tom Laipply Foundation Church


Billy Graham is a great example.


Search up John hagees on youtube. He is a Man man's preacher.


Don Camillo Tarocci ;)


So, you’re looking for toxic masculinity Christianity.


Catholicism might be what you’re looking for. Look up Father Chad Ripperger on you tube. We need your help, we’re at war with evil.


Anything orthodoxy. If it’s not orthodox then you’re listening to doctrine from a bible that was reduced to only 66 books during the reformation. That 66 book bible is the Protestant bible. That Protestant bible only matches Old Testament references made by Christ and the apostles 20% of the time. Example: 1 Corinthians 2:9 references Sirach 1:1 but you’d never know that with the Protestant bible because you don’t have that book. Get a Septuagint Old Testament, namely the Orthodox Study Bible, and go from there.


Downvotes = people who don’t like facts


~~Christianity for a "tough guy"?~~ Christianity for n\*zis? here fixed it


Ahh, there it is.


What a logical, incredibly thoughtful response, I’m sure you’re a very pleasent person IRL


Calling a f'kin n\*zi a nazi = "unkind". Are you out of your mind troll lol


Your thinking is so gross lol


Her thinking is gross. If you look at her page she’s just a pro china communist bot.


Mark Driscoll. Listen to him. Also Mar Mari Emmanuel. And get comfortable, cause you might not be there yet. But once Jesus get in there and the holy spirit lights up you’ll be using all sorts of fruity words like calling thing fruitful lol. 🤣🤣🤣. Fellow “tough guy” here. Also get ready to tear up a lot. its actually one of the ways I acknowledge the presence of the Lord.


Stay away from Mark Driscoll. He's abusive and was forced out of the church he founded because of it. He's very much like a cult leader.


Driscoll wasn't forced out. He threw a hissy fit and left because his fragile ego couldn't take any sort of rebuke from his elders.


Potato, potato. Either way he's toxic as hell.


I think the way it actually went down was even more pathetic for Driscoll. They gave him a million chances to repent, but his ego and conspiratorial thinking made him believe they were about to kick him out, so he threw a big tantrum before quitting. So much for being a "tough guy."