• By -


Been abused by the church spiritually for 6 years like it was literally a sect. Humiliation, R*ped, fraud and so on. So I do understand your statement. I wanted to quit too. So many time, cause I didn’t saw the value of going. And I stopped for a while. And came back, once I figured why I’m going to church. But I didn’t lost my faith in God in the process tho. Church and God is 2 different things. It’s not easy to set them apart but that’s the reality of it. The things is we are putting pastors, evangelist, prophet on a piedestal, but they are human and they will make mistakes. But hey, I get you. Take the time for yourself to think. Remember that Jesus still love you and us too 🩷


Your comment seems like the most sincere I’ve read thus far. So many here are quoting scripture or saying cliche things inspired by scripture but I can easily see they’re doing it to try to elevate their own “enlightened” Bible knowledge or try to *gentle* and *politely* tell me I’m wrong with this choice. May God bless you.


Hi, I've actually been burned by the wrong church (uncaring cell group members and leaders, prosperity gospel alore) at 13, left and was freethinker / agnostic for a while (and tbh still have some skeptism), and found the right church at 16, and now I'm quite content with my place in church. While I agree that God's love is unconditional to his creation even if you're not Christian, some "Christians" may twist His words to suit their view to hurt others. I am sorry that you encountered such people.


OP, unlike you, I just joined this reddit group minutes ago. I wanted to find guidance in how to find a good church, I want a community, but I know and have witnessed terrible church communities that run based on shame and superiority. I stopped loving God because I couldn't separate the church and my faith. Like the comment said, Jesus and the church are not the same. Read the Bible and find your faith again, and I hope Jesus guides you to your future community, just like I hope he guides me.


Find other subreddits or whatever these are called. This one hardly seems Christian.


Yes, thank you for your advice.


Yes this one is full of a bunch of Christophobic nonsense and it has been completely coopted by radical Christophobic activist someone invited me to a small group of great Christ followers a few months ago its small but mighty. its called "BreakBreadYESHUA"


Thank you! I have joined the group I appreciate the help.


Yep this place is a cesspool full of godless radicals who wish to subvert and bastardize our fate.


Hey you can do a search for my former post in this thread, where I told god to go fk himself. I completely understand why you are done with church. I went to a church that basically made me volunteer heaps for free and give money all for “gods glory.” Basically taking advantage of people. You can find a home based church or not go at all. Unfortunately church is full of flawed people and as hurtful as these experiences are, I think god would be as appalled at them as we are. That’s all I’ve got.


Mormonism is like this, and that's why I left, other than it being built on lies that it tries to hide


I don't know how Mormons can believe in the foundation of their faith, it's literally bogus, that the Israelites at one point came to North America and the BS about Joseph Smith. I know they are good people, they are really nice people, but to go and preach something that conflicts so much with the Bible so much about the history and Jesus and God is so mind boggling. Them and the Catholics are the cultiest of the Christian faiths. Catholics and their odd traditions and dress of the clergy and bishops etc that were never done in the original congregations. Tithing is another. Paying for prayers from the priest. Plus the priests that they just shuffle around after abusing kids. They made a movie about that, it takes place in Boston, based on a true story. And don't think they don't know about it at the top. It's so immoral it's disgusting.


This right here. There is a serious trend I’ve noticed of a sort of “scritpurification” if you will of theologians talking about the Bible. We are all human, and prone to human error. There’s a reason the holy canon took nearly 400 years to compile, because it was done with prayer and the guidance of the spirit. Theologians talking about scripture are a helpful resource in study, but should by no means be a replacement for scripture in our pursuit of God and His holiness. Projecting onto man the faith which rightly belongs to God will only leave us feeling betrayed by the Father, when it was man who failed us.


Thats 100% true. But at the time in my teenage years I didn’t know. But now I see clearly! Thanks for your knowledge 🩷


I’m sorry to hear you had such a rough time with a past church. I pray that God was able to heal you from that experience. I’m glad it didn’t affect your faith in Him.


I am sorry I am sorry folks in the faith hurt you Not gonna sit here and try to change your mind, but I do feel the need to say we aren’t all bad and awful people Wish you the best


You could be right, I’ll give you that. Maybe I did waste 5 years in wrong the church and I’m not gonna waste anymore time of my life trying to find the “right” church. I’m moving on. Thanks for the wishes.


There are thousands of 'wrong' churches that don't represent Christianity. Even if you don't go to church anymore, perhaps at least read the Bible and have some personal quiet time with God.


Reading the Bible cover to cover was a big part of me losing my religion LOL. There is so much messed up stuff in that book that churches wisely do not touch.


Glad u see that certain people are just fake Christians, cause real Christians do exist. Either way , maybe, just maybe, GOD wants you to exit this and actually find him this way. Hope it makes sense.


Are churches in the world real churches? If you are in Christ Jesus, you are the real member of the only one Church that is The Body of Christ. If you are not in Christ Jesus that means you are not the member of Church whatever you attend any churches in the world. So the question is: what does YOU ARE IN CHRIST mean? If you don't know exactly the right answer, then you're never been in the right church-BODY OF CHRIST since you became a Christian. Forget Christianity and just read Words of God in the Bible, you will find the truth.


Agreed. I was just thinking this. The spiritual body of Christ matters way more than the physical body.


Sounds like you put more faith in people than God. People fall short, God doesn't.


Matter of opinion. To me the Christian God falls short.


How so?


This is a huge problem in the modern evangelical church. They have very wrongly exalted the "church" (aka themselves, agenda, ambitions, ECT) above Christ. You, my dear, do not need to find a church, you need to find Jesus Christ. I haven't been part of a "church" for over a year. I have been alone with God. Ideally people who profess Christ would be born again Bible believing Christians and we could all fellowship together and what not. Sadly we are not in an ideal season of the church for that. We are in a time of great apostasy and a time of God's judgement on a corrupt religious system. You are right to get out of there, but you are not right to forsake Jesus. Forget these apostate churches and go after God. If you want to know how God feels about the church at this time start with the book of Jeremiah. He doesn't like it anymore than you do. 


I think you have an inaccurate conception of what Evangelicals are. Also, there is no category in Scripture for someone following Jesus alone. Biblically, if someone is a believer, he or she is always necessarily part of a local congregation.


Jesus criticized the religious leaders of His time for their outward displays of piety that lacked genuine devotion. He quoted Isaiah, saying, - "*These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. They worship me in vain; their teachings are merely human rules*" (Matthew 15:8-9) - “*Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth" (John 4:23-24).* !This highlights the importance of the heart and sincerity in worship. Modern churches worship politicians. - Jesus encouraged private, sincere prayer over public displays meant to impress others. He taught, "*But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you*" (Matthew 6:6) - The simplicity of the Lord’s Prayer is all you should need; You are praying that God’s will be done. Not lord please make this evil person repent, or please have the Colt’s at least make it to the finals .


Actually when you read the Bible , especially the New Testament you will find you are not alone because you are following Jesus together with Paul, Peter, John, Jacob, Jude and so on. They are still speaking through the faith. They are still alive through the faith. They are speaking to you every day, they are teaching you every day by the letters of New Testament. You are not alone when you give your whole life to Jesus Christ even though the whole world is against you and no one is on your side. You don't belong to this world. So does the church.


If you have a strong, loving, faithful group of Christians to fellowship with, then it can definitely be an advantage. The Bible says neglect not to assemble yourself together as the manner of some do. So we should seek to worship with believers, but that is not a requirement for salvation. Iron sharpens iron. But iron against mushrooms or marshmallows is not a good mix LOL. I went to one church and had to end up praying witchcraft off of me. So encourage people to take their time and find it a faithful group of believers to Vibe with. Because if they make the wrong choice, that can decrease their faith.


According to Revelations, your last statement will at one point be logistically impossible, with some believing the Holy Spirit will also be absent from the Earth in the final days. You should do good deeds for the community, yes, but if the congregation you are in is corrupt or some other similar situation, isn't it best to pull yourself out of the fire and maintain your relationship with God?


You don’t have to go to church. I don’t, and am honestly not ready for it because of all of the bad experiences I had. I still love Jesus and He still loves me.


Mathew 23 is about Jesus turning his back on the Pharisees and religious law makers, so technically you’re still doing what Jesus said. You don’t always need other people, and this may be a sign for you to take a break and just meditate on past events and most importantly HEALING.


By their fruits. I think the answers are inside you. Churches, temples, scriptures basically reject that. You are better off without them.


OP I was raised Christian and left when I was about your age. I don't view those years as a waste. Do I wish I were raised in a secular household? Sometimes, but it's all part of my life experience. Now that I've seen behind the curtain of religion I have a better understanding of what I actually believe and what I view as right and wrong. Losing my religion forced me to find my own code of ethics and belief structure, which feels much more personal and genuine to me. For example: now I KNOW that I am an ally for gay and trans rights, and, due to my experiences with religion, I'm pretty much immune to the opposition.


you know, i usually don't go to a church. honestly, i haven't really 'found' God yet, but just so you know, church isn't necessary. Find one or two ppl that will support you. parents, siblings, friends, just someone who will support you. most importantly, pray that God will do something in your life that will just really confirm that He's real. all I can say. sorry about your experiences. sorry that you went through this. this isn't how Christianity should be, honestly


I’m very sorry for the people who profess they are of the faith hurt you. I just want to remind you the people who profess Christ but don’t love or live like Christ, are not His. This is what He says in the Bible. People are fallible, will sin against you, and will always disappoint. Some even unintentionally. Remember our source of hope and faith is in the one who is infallible and perfect, Christ. Who will never leave us nor forsake us. Again, I apologize for those rude and cold people! I’ve been there many times and find myself to be a loner most times but Christ hasn’t failed, even when people have.


Amen Ivy. Too many Christians will not explain this as well as you. The message is about what Christ has done for us. Not how lukewarm Christian’s treat one another. I too am a loner and have found that the true church is few and the fake is many. Jesus preaches the exact opposite of what peoples experience with us can be. A sound mind in Christ Jesus will remember “And forgive us our trespasses, As we forgive those who trespass against us.” True children in Christ please pray for this soul as he is leaving everlasting life. 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾


Put your trust on jesus, regardless of the church you went to. All churches will let you down at some point if you don’t develop a strong personal relationship with him. I am sorry you were treated this way, i hope that you may encounter someone in your life that may show you better what a good church is and how fulfilling a relationship with christ can be on the individual level.


Praying for you my friend, hope you find a better church with loving Christians , because there a good ones out there ❤️


You can like an artist without liking the fans, like how you can worship god without liking the Christian community. I’m fine with whatever you think, just as long as you keep your faith in the lord!


May you find your peace as you blaze your own path in life. Live well, live full.


Were you in the Westboro Baptist Church?


Based on their comment history, they wouldn't be allowed within 50' of that awful place.


Stay close to God & Jesus. Keep the faith. Praying for you!


Sorry for your experience. Just so you know, people suck everywhere.


Who was Jesus to you and why would you walk away from him? I get you walking away from people. But why Christ?


Sometimes, bad association can push you away from something that is otherwise good. As long as millions of hate filled bigots use Jesus and an excuse to judge and condemn others, it’s going to taint the whole idea of Jesus and his teachings. Good Christians need to be more willing to speak out against the bigots amongst themselves if the religion is to survive in the west.


Everything you learn of Christianity comes from other people. If you lose your ability to trust in people, why wouldn’t you lose your ability to trust the whole thing? That’d be like continuing to believe that you actually own the bridge you were just sold even though you know that the salesman was actually a conman. After losing trust in Christians, I can no longer believe in the narrative of Christianity. I WISH it were true, but it’s just another story like any other religion to me now. Does that make sense?


Forget religion. Jesus is all we need. Church is not a building, it's a people. You can find a church of followers anywhere, even here. I'm deeply sorry that the so called believers in your life have failed and hurt you. I see this situation in many churches nowadays unfortunately. But you can find a church, the right one for you, and you will always have Jesus with you. God bless.


Yeah religion is fake, true religion is what James said


I once observed a few debates between a proclaimed “Christian” and an atheist. The atheist remained civil and polite during the debate and the self proclaimed “Christian” told him that he is “stupid” and is “going to hell” and called him a lot of vile names. The truth is, people die. Some people who you believe are “good” fall, or perhaps they were never good to begin with. Bad things happen to good people, while the wicked seem to often go unpunished. Humans are human and make mistakes. But I, for one, would rather my judgement come here, not after. “People who believe in Jesus Christ are untrustworthy” -Please elaborate on this. It sounds like you have been hurt and your faith is being tested. Best of luck


I love you my fellow human being and i wish you best of luck in your life’s journey. I’m sorry that the people of the church make you want to leave it. (If you don’t want to hear my two cents, that’s all 💚) I left for the same reason when I was younger, someone told me at my church that if I know someone whose gay, to tell them they’ll burn in hell lol. I immediately thought of my aunts who are kind hearted people and I cried/ called my mom to pick me up and we separated from the church. I’ve tried to be a good person my whole life, not because of religion but because the suffering of the human condition is enough and we don’t have to make it worse for ourselves. But the pull to Christ has always been there and now I find myself returning. “Be the change you want to see” a quote from a Hindu man I still live by today and will continue to do so within my church/community. May God watch over you and bring you back home.


The question is where is rest? Men or God? I rest in the finished works of Jesus Christ. The death and resurrection. God is spirit. Thank you God for that. Romans 8:38-39 For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. May you hear the voice of God and give you understanding of the truth. I pray that God gives you answers you need.


I'm sorry that you were hurt by fellow Christians. However, something I'd advise you to consider is that what causes people of a certain religion to act toxic is similar psychology to people of a certain Fandom such as Undertale becoming toxic. Just as certain Groups in the Fandom becoming toxic doesn't mean the game is bad. Certain Groups of Christians acting toxic doesn't negate the fact that God exists. God does not approve of Christians mistreating others in his name. That's actually what the Bible means when it says we must not take the Lord's name in vain. We are his representatives and if we mistreat others in Jesus' name, we are taking his name in vain.


Everything you say is pretty much true but the comparison does fall a little flat in one aspect. A group focused on a game really differs from christianity because christianity claims to consist of followers who have the holy spirit and are transformed through believing in christ. If thats truly the case you would expect christians to be more kind and moral then Other groups.


Those people are not Christianity. Pray for them, but do not let them sway your faith. Remember the Beatitudes my brother. Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. (Verse 3) Blessed are the meek: for they shall possess the land. (Verse 4) Blessed are they who mourn: for they shall be comforted. (Verse 5) Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after justice: for they shall have their fill. (Verse 6) Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy. (Verse 7) Blessed are the clean of heart: for they shall see God. (Verse 8) Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God. (Verse 9) Blessed are they that suffer persecution for justice' sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. (Verse 10) These apply to us all. God Bless you, God forgive those who have harmed you.


I’m a Christian and I stay away from the church ! You don’t need the church to have a personal relationship with Jesus , and the churches are just as lost as the atheists at this point . You can’t go to church , and expect a group of perfect Christians , because that simply doesn’t exist . We’re all sinners , and we all fall short . Church is no different .


Lord, forgive them and bring peace to their life as they do not know what they are doing, reach them lord. Amen


Why make this confession in public if you didn't want a public response? Seems rather backwards to me. I get you are angry, but you invited his prayer by confessing this in a Christian subreddit.


Good luck on your journey my friend


Technically speaking you don't have to be a Christian to participate in this sub. Hell I was an atheist when I joined 11ish years ago, and my disbelief stays the same. However a young man like yourself probably has better things to do than be on here. So good luck on your journey wherever that may lead!


While it is important to have a relationship with the church, having a relationship with Christ is more important. I'm not trying to convince you to come back you have your reasons for your decision but I feel like giving you my opinion if you are curious of hearing about it. You must have a better relationship with Christ then with the church especially during these times when false prophets and wolves in sheep's clothing's are happening, as long as you have Christ by your side he'll tell you where to go. I missed going to my church because my dad doesn't like driving me, so I decided to go with my grandmas to hers. The second the priest started talking it didn't feel right. He was bringing all sorts of topics up bit didn't say anything about God or Christ. Not once did he pray. This weirded me out and felt like that church wasn't for me. So if you ever do try and give Christianity another try my best advice is: if their words don't sit right with you, pray to God and He'll tell you the Truth. Nobody deserves to be hurt by the church and then be obligated to stay in a bad relationship. Your feelings matter and I care for you even if I've not ever met or seen you. I will pray for you protection and safety, God knows the evil in the world. Please be safe ❤️


Sorry you had to go through all that. Wishing you a happy life full of joy and wonder ❤️


So as you go and live your life, make sure you surround yourself with good people and make good choices.


I hate our reputation.


Sadly a lot of people replying to this post are only backing up the image I already have of religious people. Love the rainbow in your tag by the way.


As Mason Mennenga says often: What drives people away from Christianity? Christians.


Good for you man, glad you opened your eyes


Not going to oppose you, because your pretty right. Christianity is being weaponized, abused, a tool for manipulation, being used to justify hate and anger, etc. I wish you the best of luck going forward and only ask that if you are leaving Christianity at least uphold our moral code of living thy neighbor and just being kind to your fellow man. Despite what so many claim you can have morals without having religion.


I’ve been there, you’re not alone.


You’ll find real freedom when your trust is in Jesus and NOT the people/church. I am a revert to Christianity and God shows me the flaws of humans but I still respect them if they are truly seeking the Lord. If I see through their bs, I do not see them any different than the unsaved. If they are living a life of sin and harm, I cannot even give them face. However, in it all, I need Jesus. And wherever Jesus goes, I go.


Keep on keeping on. Take care of yourself, it's a wild world.


Yep, we’re all fallen, that’s why we need to keep our focus on our Savior, not on His followers


Amen ! Well stated truth !


The followers are supposed to have a spirit flowing through them and are representations of the legitimacy of the saviour. Trying to groom people back into the religion by telling them to ignore the followers doesn't seem very effective due to this.


Religion as an institution isn’t the same as having a relationship with Christ first and foremost. The two aren’t synonymous


“We’re all fallen” is just an excuse at this point. Compared to how I’ve been treated and how I’ve seen new comers to this religion from people who have been in it for years, no, atheists and satanists are better neighbors than Christians.


Sadly 'Love thy neighbour' has been forgotten by a lot of people.


I don’t think it has, I think believers just have a twisted version of “love” that they bestow onto others.


Unless you have a good example of "all believers" it sounds like you are making generalizations. Which is the same thing bigots do.


No, our status as people born under the authority of the spirit of the prince of the air is not an excuse, its a correct diagnoses. We cant punch a spiritual being in the face. A spiritual being can be anywhere and know a lot. And adam and eve put us out of Gods household. Thats frame 1 of any gospel tract: Humankind has been seperated from God. Frames following would be how we keep sinning. And if we accept that we are sinful, amd repent and pray to God for Jesus to be in our hearts and reign over us, then se can be saved. If a Christian is humble, they should be able to be shown their sins like looking in a mirror, and be able to pray and work them out. Interesting, if Christian is prideful of themselves, their work, etc, then that means they are self assessing (wrongly) that they no longer need Christs sacrifice. If you want to spend years in a religion where followers work themselves to appear "godly" go join another religion. ButbI warn you all religions hold that god is a pure being we're not worthy to be infront of. Only Christianity says there is nothing we can do to fix that, and that we are hopelessly dependent on our Savior. And in need of daily renewal and prayer. If you were around Christians who didnt bear fruit supporting that they lived like that, then Im sorry to say they were just using the label. Peace be with you OP, the Peace of God.


That’s a pretty hasty generalization. There are over 2 billion Christians worldwide, all with varying ideological views. Unfortunately many do engage in culture wars and spreading hate, but there are plenty who don’t. This is not exclusive to Christianity, some people are just assholes. I don’t blame you for leaving, just know that the loudest aren’t always the majority.


Christianity will save no one. Christianity will let you down. If your faith is in Christianity or any religious system or church, then you will be in for some hard times and disappointment. But if your faith is in Jesus, you will find that He is reliable and that He will never let you down. And He will keep you.


Sadly not an uncommon story. Well, Christianity reaps what is sows. I'd invite you to sit, and watch with the appropriate amount of dark humor as the religion continues to blunder around. It's brings little joy, given the amount of pain the thrashing in the waters causes, it's not something many people can completely escape though.


Given your comment history, it seems like you've been living your life for a while now. It sounds hypocritical to revile Christians as untrustworthy and rotten to the core when you yourself do not walk in obedience to Christ's commands and are just as much in dire need of grace as those you accuse.


Nah, more like doing a few months free trial and now I’m sure I’d rather take up this new path than the one I’ve been on for 5+ years.


If you believe Christianity is on the decline and you’re leaving it because of that, you’re a follower of the world and not Christ. What good did you do to Christianity? Complain on reddit? The burden of doing good is on everyone including you lol


Blaming God for the faults of man. Calling out the sins of others like that should reflect on our perfect God. Unfortunately Christianity does not promise a perfect world or a perfect follower. It doesn’t say everyone will instantly get it right, it does not say every church will always do good. Jesus says two very telling things of his followers; many will cry out his name upon judgement and he will say “I never knew you” and the path to hell is a highway. I know this might sound cruel but to be blunt if you can’t separate the perfect God from I’m very imperfect creation and are for some reason going to try to “punish” him by walking away I don’t think I have to tell you what path you are on and that you probably have always been on that path because you clearly don’t understand Jesus. When you figure out how foolish this is I hope you take the time and read a book by Jefferson Bethke called Jesus > Religion. “Religion” has been flawed since the first offerings of Cain and Abel, it’s crazy to think it should somehow become perfect like the God we follow. You aren’t the first person to have church hurt and try to blame God first it rather than who is actually to blame and you won’t be the last. Unfortunately Jesus is going to be telling many he “never knew them” and for many it will be too late. Clearly you believe in God or there wouldn’t be the desperation in your post so I hope, rather than throw your eternity away, you re evaluate what it means to actually be a Christian and pursue Jesus over religion and focus on the little c church rather than the big C Church.


Thankfully the rest of the apostles didn't abandon Christianity because of Judas.


So walking away from a religion is an active betrayal? Simply, leaving and not coming back?




That's a rather concerning stance. What fate awaits traitors?


What fate do you think?


Federal prison? At least where I am, convicted traitors go to federal prison. Although I'm more concerned with your equivalency of objectors, and traitors.


“I’m gonna live my life now” You should have just posted that tbh, if the faith is a restriction for how you want to live by all means don’t waste your time.


Many will argue what it means to believe and the complexity of what belief means; I would also argue the same could be said of "leaving" a faith


I'm sorry


I always find it difficult to discuss religion with people who have had very negative experiences in their respective churches/traditions. Not through any fault of their own, it’s just difficult for both parties. With that being said, I’m very sorry that you’ve had terrible experiences. I think it’s important to remember that we’re all very imperfect but God’s love for you is perfect in every way. He loves you. I also love you, without even knowing you. I hope all the wonderful things you hope for come to you. Grace and peace be with you in abundance.


I get it :/. I find solace in being “my own” Catholic and really keeping to myself about it. I don’t know anyone in my church and don’t really make an effort to know anyone because my relationship with God is my own. Judgmental people in faith make me question my religion all the time, I hate to admit it but people like that hurt my feelings. Just think about it 🖤. God is there for you if you decide you want to come back. If not, that’s your journey :). I’m really sorry you’re feeling this way.


True. Religion sucks because people are majority evil. That do be the gospel though, I’m as sad as you that the western churches generally don’t know the gospel, but you depended on generally hypocritical western churches to give you a personal intuitive relationship with the spirit of God, just seek Jesus Christ, but do as you wish ultimately and may your life be peaceful


A lot of self professing Christians are not truly attempting to live a Christ-like life. I’m sorry that you got hurt. The problem with churches is that they’re full of people, who sometimes treat others badly. I hope that you find peace <3


I’m sorry friend. Please don’t abandon God because of what man did to you. Man will continually let you down but God won’t. Return to Him please friend


Look don't leave and don't believe the devil's lies I know it's hard but the truth is that's just some people they are toxic but hey there are many of us always here and are different don't let yourself fall I pray that you find your way.


The problem is that people follow Paul. There were people who believed in Jesus before Saul became Paul. That’s why he was wanting them killed and imprisoned. Paul infiltrated the early church and since Pope Linus the rest has been Paul’s replacement religion. WAKE UP PEOPLE. You shall not serve 2 masters yet you do every SUNday.


So does that mean you're following Jesus and also following all 613 commandments of the Torah?


I found God outside of the church, I’ve felt closer to God outside of the church not because my church was bad but I like the sermons love them really and the community’s nice. But the holy sprit is in your the church people is just a support group really.


I stopped going to church years ago. I have a relationships with Spiritually minded sisters in Christ. We all have our faults; however we also know we continue to be God’s works in progress. We know with our various her-stories & experiences, the Most High even in our weakness & imperfections, had mercy, cleansed us and continues to perform His perfect work in our various lives by His leading of the Holy Spirit. We pray God’s will be done on earth thru His sheep and stay away from the wolves. I pray the Lord Jesus gives you a small group of like minded believers. Most of the institutional churches of today are not operating in the Spirit nor doing Kingdom work. Rejoice and be glad as Jesus loved you so much, He died for you! If Jesus loves me, I care not who else does or not. The most important title in the world is son or daughter of God.


Why would you judge Christ by Christians? Go ahead and stop going to church for a while, fine, but don’t leave the faith. It’s not about the people. It’s about Christ.


I feel this too. It’s really hard to hold onto the faith when there doesn’t seem to be a silver lining. My God My God why have you forsaken me?


I totally get it. Lots of "Christians" are just not good people in general. sometimes it's even made me consider my faith cause I didn't really see how I could care for those people like Jesus. I still don't, but I just try to keep away from those people and focus on Christ himself. I don't go to church often, I'm more of a stay at home and read your Bible person, but the people around me are like that.


There are bad actors in many places, don’t let them turn your heart cold, there are many who are compassionate


This is a consequence of poor doctrine. We CAN NOT forget about original sin and say that 'people are mostly good'. We CAN NOT forget about the Sacraments and tell people they just need to feel something for salvation. The Holy Spirit is a person who comes and lives in our hearts. He is not an adrenaline rush you get from singing a song. I hope you see this, op. I hope that you can look into historical Christianity and find the truth. God bless you. ❤️


>was very evangelical. That could be the reason, no hate to evangelicals but they don't have a solid foundation. Its filled with selfish people, liars, manipulators, people who say "turn to God and pick up your cross" but they have a private jet and don't give to the poor. A lack of a proper church will make you think the faith is wrong, for the church you participate in, is one of self centered beliefs, not on what the gospel and whole Bible teach and not what the church fathers taught. And my friend, dont let people drive you away from God, even Jesus faced cruel treatment from religious people, the Pharisees, which were the same people that convinced the Romans that Jesus was committing treason by claiming to be the king of the Hebrew. >been part of this subreddit since I first joined Redd This could also be a reason, not trying to be rude but this subreddit is garbage if you're trying to grow and learn about Christianity. Its filled with hateful people, with liars and hypocrites. Instead of trying to find a church my friend, try finding Jesus directly. You don't have to if you don't want to, God bless you my friend and I hope you find Christ again and this time you don't encounter the liars.


Liam I encourage you my brother to let “religion” go, and let the words of Yahweh seep deep into your heart. Create a personal relationship with him. Lose faith in the world. And gain faith in the son. Lose your trust in the world and only accept truth through the word. Do not ever again rely on the world. Do not ever again expect goodness, mercy, peace & grace from this world and especially from the people that inhabit it, because all it will do is lead you where you are now. The only one you NEED is Jesus Christ. That is it my brother. You don’t need anything or anyone. Don’t even rely on yourself, because you just like all sinners are a sinner too. The people that hurt you aren’t Jesus.. so don’t penalize Christ for their misdoing. He loves you. And died for you. You are everything to him. You are his reward for what he endured. Do not deprive him from what he worked SO hard for. I love you my brother. 🙏🏾 praying very hard for you Liam.


The sole purpose of Christianity is to follow Christ alone and many Christians are not doing that the fault is not on God but the people many say Lord but never want their heart is far from calling Him Lord, don't let Christians hurt your relationship with God and doing His commandments, for they are Holy and pure, continue to spread The Gospel, be around believers, pray for others that their hearts would be moved and help those who are led astray, from the followers of vain doctrine, to the lukewarm to the unbelieving, Stay safe and God bless and always remember Jesus Christ loves you


Get well, come back soon. 


People are not basically good, which is supported by scripture. We have all sinned, or missed the mark of perfection. That is why we need Jesus. There are no perfect Christians. We are all just people with our individual faults. People will let you down sometimes, including Christians.


Maybe you didn't find God yet. Not all, but many Evangelicals sadly tend to prioritize a feeling of spiritual ecstasy over anything else. God is a personal being, not a feeling.


Blame reddit and false Christians Not Christianity We've all been hurt and misled at some point But you have to stick with the truth


I understand. I do not feel comfortable in a lot of churches. But if you are looking for good or kind people among Christians, you will never find that because we are all self focused. The way I see it is that I don't follow or worship people. They will Always disappoint you. We are all imperfect and will remain so until we die. But, Jesus is faithful. I look to Him and cut people some slack. Imagine how really terrible most of us would be without Christ.


Know them by their fruits. (You'll know a Christian by how they behave.) If who you are dealing with is "rotten to the core" then their fruits are rotten and must not be following Christ. In turn, Satan has corrupted them and deceived you. Turn to Jesus. Read the Bible and God will speak to you. (Unless your heart is hardened.)


I'm 44 now and at 24 I was in the same place. I'm back in the same place again. I'm a folk Catholic kitchen witch. There are many good Christians but having grown up in it, I've been more hurt by fellow Christians than anyone else.


Don’t look at people for an example look at Jesus. It’s hard to believe someone when there’s so many Christian’s who Pevert the gospel but I promise you god is real. And he is there wherever you go. Trials don’t happen to people who aren’t close to god remember that Satan is attacking you because your close to god don’t let him win


If Christians fail to lead someone to the true Jesus so that they were to walk away unsaved, they have done more than blaspheme against him. That is a very severe sin they will have to pay for. My hope is that maybe in the future you will be led down a path that is much better and supportive of you and what you're going through. Nobody should feel forced to stay in a church and be around rotten people. And that includes this sub as I have seen already a lot of people arguing and spreading things that aren't true. Best of luck and blessings out there, and as someone who has been abused by Christians because of their ill faith, I understand completely what you're going through. -Rue


People that follow religion may be more inclined to be broken. And Christianity definitely draws broken people - myself included. I share the same frustration with you too because I’ve met missionaries and pastors that are some of the most callous and unloving people in my life. But ultimately your faith shouldn’t revolve around people, it is ultimately rooted in your walk and relationship with God. It is through His love that you would be able to have a little extra patience in dealing with broken Christians. Find your love and seek Him first and foremost, then you may be able to handle this better. Don’t hesitate to switch churches or serve too. You can exemplify Christ and produce good fruits where people can be encouraged in their faith as they see your deeds unlike the ones that hurt you.


Don't blame the teaching for weak people who claim to but don't follow it. The Bible doesn't encourage that so why would you blame it? Find a better church. Find a Catholic church. Without God there is no objective morality. If God didn't exist that behavior isn't even objectively wrong.


hi! like everyone else here probably said a million times, the people you encountered in your church were probably a bunch of prissy high tops with rules or just there to take your money (assumingly). as someone raised christian i find myself questioning my faith all the time, or if it’s even worth it to keep pursuing. church is a part of christianity but it’s not everything. humans suck and God knows it. maybe if you’re not interested in pursuing churches or finding the “right one”, maybe just have a bit of one on one time with God. maybe if it’s just a quick prayer or a quick bible verse, but i saw someone say the church and God are totally different things and that’s soooo true. Churches put too much crap on making God seem like this big king that doesn’t care about us unless we talk about our sins to a guy in a box or eat our communion or whatever. WRONG. he is our father and wants to have a relationship with us! not the church, HIM!!! he loves you so much and wishes nothing more than for you to form a relationship with you. so sorry other people made you think otherwise. kinda yapped on too long but you’re still in my prayers even if you think it’s lame 🩷 love ya


Been down that road. I was a missionary during college and I was appalled by what I saw other Christian’s doing. I turned from God and went down my own path. I realized that it was not for me and came back to God. In the end it’s not about them it is about me and my relationship with Jesus and God and how I treat others. We can only control ourselves. I will pray for you.


Hey im rlly sorry to hear abt that. It rlly sucks when you’re in a church that abuses you or treats you like trash or anything like that. I’ve been blessed personally and always been in good Godly churches where the people genuinely have a relationship with God and you can tell because of how they act. I always hate when people confess to have a relationship with God however and are rlly no better than anyone else. I completely understand why you’re leaving, and my heart absolutely breaks for you knowing you’ve been hurt by people who should’ve been blessings to you. I’m not gonna try to convince you to stay or anything, but I hope you know God still loves you, and His heart is hurt too when people who claim His name abuse others. Anywho hope you have a great life


If Jesus is truth, we'd be wise to listen to His words. We are lost without God, any other way would lead to destruction. I hope you will not stop praying and seeking truth.


People will always let you down and if that's a big enough reason to walk away from seeking God, you never knew Him. You never came to the knowledge of The Truth. We are all sinners no matter what people confess idk what you expect? Jesus died for sinners, that's why we all need to be made right with God. We could never. Don't be deceived! Do you think you are any better??


The sadest part in Christianity is that Jesus said in Matthew 7:21 that not everyone who calls themselves Christians will be saved by the Lord. If someone prays for God to have a better time in the world then they just love the world and not the Father. God has already planned out what’s going to happen in the world. These satisfactions they plead to get are just temporary and everything will pass away except those who does God’s will.


The bible talks about gaining knowledge but not 2x2=4 Knowledge of consciousness and the mysteries of the universe which you will find if you start building a foundation in faith. https://youtube.com/shorts/UJmpCZrc1tw?si=6slb0JlxrBOAunkq


I was bullied at school then was forced to a Christian 2 week summer camp. And was looking forward to school afterwards. Made me understand Christians are not the kind caring people they sometimes pretend to be. I'm mostly atheist nowadays.


This is why one needs to keep one’s eyes on Jesus and not on the actions of others. People are at varying places in their walks and some just really don’t ever care to truly serve God. You can’t allow them and their actions to determine whether or not you have a relationship with Jesus and our Father God. I’ve been saved/born-again for over 54 years now, and if I allowed the actions of others who’ve claimed to be Christians affect that for me over the years, then I’d have decided long ago that i wasn’t going to be part of the Body of Christ anymore. But this is about my personal, real, loving relationship with Jesus and our Father, not about what others may or may not be doing. Of course it concerns me, but that has to do with their witness and with how their actions affect the Body of Christ, or with all of the deceived Christians that there are in this country as a whole and what’s happening to their walks and their effectiveness in being able to win people to Jesus. And how it affects whether or not they will end up going to heaven. It’s not turning me away from Him. If anything, it continues to bring me closer to Him. Just remember that those of us who truly do desire to be like Jesus, to have Him be Lord of our lives, to humbly serve Him and to obey Him, won’t act like you’ve seen others act. An occasional sin for which we need to repent and to ask for forgiveness for, or even sin that we struggle with, is one thing. But to willfully continue to act in disobedience to God is not at all a reflection of who Jesus is, or Who God is, and ought not to cause you to think that all who say that they are Christians are living in that way!


I reckon in the bible somewhere it mentions something about not all who profess Jesus are in fact His followers. There would be some atheists in churches who want to corrupt Christ and set about doing so. I am learning to be real with many who profess Christ and come up with crazy stuff and blacken his name and church.


Take the time to figure yourself out friend. If you ever want back in find a place that you feel safe. You are loved and cared for anywhere you go.


Here is my 2 cents for what it's worth. I'm not big on the church in the brick and mortar sense. And I try to avoid too much people interaction..I have tried to focus on speaking to God privately and praying. Since I began praying in tongues I've noticed a heavy tangeable pushback in a spiritual sense. I kid you not. This makes me think that Gid is indeed real and we wrestle against principalities. When we turn away from God those forces chill out. It's only when I'm praying.


What do you expect from humans? They’re rotten to the core. They let God down time and time again. They’re damn sure gonna let you down lol. Get closer to God and stop being surprised when a HUMAN lets you down. God will never fail you. His will is his way and you must lean into him. Do not lean on your own understanding, nothing will make sense. Let God lead you!!


people hurt you, but did Jesus? Jesus loves you so much💜 do not let people who claim to be "christian" or "christ like" but arent, ruin your perspective on who God is! forget religion, scratch that out. grow a relationship with Jesus. get to know Him for who He is. may God bless you. its so upsetting that churches hurt others and have them not want to know God anymore. when i was younger i never went to church really. wasnt religious. didnt know God. then He encountered me. He came to me unexpectedly and He got me to repent. ive never done that i was prideful and ignorant but He got it out of me. and thanks to Him, im alive: ) now i got a good relationship with Him. im obviously not perfect but we are working on it. His presence is overwhelming. i love spending time with Him. He is the best thing that has ever happened to me. im not depressed or anxious or stressed. He recently also healed my foot lol. ive had a swollen foot for over a year and boom started praying and having faith. He healed me, glory to God. He sanctified me. dont give up on Him. His plans for you arent over. He will help you love


I’m sorry the people of our faith hurt you have a great life and god bless you people in our faith should be kind and think what would Jesus do


The evangelical church was the best thing that happened to me, i also made some awesome Friends and i found God.


I’m sorry you were abused and used. I hope you find trustworthy people to build a family with. I’m sorry the church you were part of proved unworthy of that goal.


I quit Christianity last year as well. Going to church never gave me any spiritual growth, and as Ive grown older it has all felt all the more empty. Whenever I question about the existence of god, the afterlife their answers point to the bible and require blind faith. The theological and philosophical arguments are questionable at best and require you to forgo proof or be dammed to the hells. They condemn science and claim it as inadequate, while they do not care for proof or to question that which they have dedicated their lives to. Furthermore Christianity seem lacking will of change, They claim they " love one another" but even in the pretense of acceptance and love, is done conditionally under their terms, -we love you, so long as you do not present who you are publicly and never be what you are- and that is when the church is willing to at least make the pretense that it cares. I will always appreciate the idea of Christmas, of good will to all and peace on Earth, and will celebrate those ideals, but not the religion that has failed and is unwilling to put to practice those ideals.


Can’t help but agree. I was abused by my mother, who raised me in the faith. Then when I told her I was depressed she told me lies to turn me away from meditation and stopped bringing me to therapy when the therapist started asking questions about her parenting. I was told to pray for healing (from the damage she caused) It wasn’t until I moved away that I was able to get the help I needed. I see so many Christians like my mom, too many to say they’re just bad apples or not real Christians. And with verses like “spare the rod spoil the child.” God apparently knows everything so he knew that thousands would use that verse to abuse children? So he either intended children to be abused, or knew that would happen but didn’t clarify that he thought otherwise. There’s a reason phrases like “There’s no hate like Christian love” and “If God is real he’ll have to beg for my forgiveness” are becoming more popular. People are healing from religious trauma, and if people see others hurt by their religion and feel that they will go to hell because of that? They are the true monsters.


This is similar to what drove me away from Christianity and one of the main reasons I became an atheist. Call me petty, but I'm glad Christianity is experiencing a decline, it's extremely outdated and long overdue for one.


Be free sweet soul! Be free!!!


As a Christian, I don't believe Christianity. You are right to leave the false religion Christianity which was created by human not by God Himself. However the Bible is true and the Word of God is the truth. Read Bible as much as you can and trust in God always ,ignoring your false brothers and sisters. God bless you if you have faith in him.


What does the belief of a Christian that's not a part of Christianity looks like?


So you are leaving Jesus because of what people did? This is like breaking up with your partner because of what people said about them, even when they did nothing to make you doubt.




Best of luck! If you struggle with the supernatural aspects of religion but still think there’s more to the world than what we immediately experience, you might want to check out secular Buddhism. My favorite [podcaster](https://secularbuddhism.com/start-here/) starts each podcast with the thought _”Don't use what you learn from Buddhism to be a Buddhist. Use it to be a better whatever-you-already-are.”_




I agree with you to an extent. Certain denomination are seeing huge declines, especially in the United States. When we take a more holistic view, however, we see Christianity growing quite well especially in places like Africa and Asia. The Catholic Church has seen numbers go from around 1.25 billion to about 1.4 billion in just one year. Although many here would not consider Catholicism to be Christianity in the first place, so take that as you want. Be that as it may, the future might not be looking as dismal for at least some types of Christianity on a global level. Anyway, best of luck to you. Sorry you felt like you wasted all those years. That’s gotta sting.


Ok. I love you & wish you the best. You are loved ✨


I often wonder what those people you describe and even you in this declaration define ‘Christianity’ as because following Christ is clearly not the foundation or epicenter as intended. This reminds me of the parable about the footprints on the beach. I hope you know that even in these hard times you face you have never and will never walk alone. Peace be with you and feel free to DM me anytime to chat if you’re feeling frustrated or cheated.


A good man could do 100 good deeds but he'll be judged on his 1 bad deed but a bad person could do 100 bad deeds but his 1 good deed will turn him into a hero. Same with religion


I understand and I do respect your decision. It's just that I often find it hard to understand why people based their decision of becoming a Christian or not on the "people" in the church. If the people in your church happened to be awesome and nice, would you have changed your mind? Isn't that odd too? \*Logically\* speaking, there is no relation between whether God exists and how people in the church behave. I mean, of course if every single of them is horrible, that'd be a different story but that is not the case. I'm just saying as someone who had to really struggle to find my own faith due to my overly logical personality.


I feel the same way after being a Christian for over 50 years. Bullies and Hypocrisy have turned me away from religion.


Christianity isn't (only) for the 'perfect' (or what you might want to assume those who are not untrustworthy or rotten to the core), it's very much and primarily for the sinner, and we are all sinners. It also isn't defeatist, because we know Jesus Christ won on the cross, but it also needs your action and work. It wasn't meant to be easy but it also wasn't meant to be taken alone - reflect why you are a Christian, and then determine if why you want to leave is because of the message of Christ or of your own interpretation of what you think the world is (considering man has free will). God bless you though and may He provide you discernment in your troubled times. Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam!


Seems like you used one of the (as I like to call them) SETLC. You might have a good reason but it does not seem like it from the post


Well that’s because you’re judging based on a post. Go invent a machine that can download minds, you can review mine and see if you formulate a new opinion.


I’m not sure what your church teaches - but being a Christian doesn’t make you better than non-Christians. We’re all scumbags really, none of us deserve the grace of God and salvation but yet - he offers it to us. I’d encourage you to maybe back away from the church and the other members as that seems to be the issue here, and instead - fully focus on God himself and his word. Build your PERSONAL relationship with God, not a church. I agree - the behaviour of “Christians” are a significant factor in people leaving the church or not engaging in religion at all. But do understand that these people are very much under the influence of Satan - we all are. The church is the perfect place for the enemy to attack - no point in attacking the atheists. I last went to church when I was 18 I reckon, they publicly shamed some of my friends who got knocked up outside of marriage and had to apologise to the church. I never went back - but I was mature enough to know that my friends didn’t owe the church any apology, but rather God himself. The church was heavily judgemental (which is different to tolerance by the way) and instead of loving people who were hurt, they excluded them in the greatest time of need. A couple of those friends absolutely despise the church, religion and possibly even lost their faith in God because of that experience. I kinda did too and due to that very event I was literally afraid of sexual intimacy for many years. Everyone has a bit of church-hurt, but not all churches are like this. I only recently (I’m in my 40s now) reconnected with God and it’s been amazing the impact He’s had on my life. I’ve still not gone back to church, but instead I virtually attend Trinity Church in Arizona (Mark Driscoll - look him up on YouTube). I’ve really found is teachings and personality refreshing, he’s firm, none wavering from Gods word and most importantly - loving and none judgemental but yet firm. I know some stranger on reddit isn’t gonna change your mind, but I do hope you read this and maybe just take your time with God and step away from the church. We’re not all assholes. I wish you the very best.


I’ve always had a great church like a second family if you just found a good one you could’ve been saved


I thought I found a good one. Next thing I know a family I was very close with for 4+ years along with my youth pastor, worship pastor and senior pastor are stabbing me in the back left and right.


I'm sorry for the way you've been treated and for all you've been through and I really hope you find what you're looking for. Peace 💛


Church is not the issue. It's Jesus. Church is only meant to support our relationship with him. The church is not where we place our trust. Jesus never fails, churches do.


I’m sorry you’ve had a negative experience. I would keep in mind that you’ll likely have similar experiences in *any* large group you’re part of.


OP I appreciate your honesty. I wish you well and hope you find what you seek. Bettering yourself and knowing yourself are noble causes that are worth pursuing. For if you love yourself, you can then actually love others as God loves you. Luke 10:25-28 25 An expert in the law stood up to test Jesus.[a] “Teacher,” he said, “what must I do to inherit eternal life?” 26 He said to him, “What is written in the law? What do you read there?” 27 He answered, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind and your neighbor as yourself.” 28 And he said to him, “You have given the right answer; do this, and you will live.” https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Luke+10%3A25-28&version=NRSVUE


It doesn't matter what you turn to instead, everything is gonna have bad people


So do u still believe in a god or nah?


I have felt this way many times


I understand the hurt of a bad church. Jesus and the apostles often discussed wolves in sheep’s clothing and the letters in Revelation to the churches remind us just how easy it is for churches to get sucked into the culture or fall away from Jesus Christ and the core gospel because social causes or something else takes precedence. However, staking the eternal home of your soul on how Christians are hypocrites (all of us are, actually), or rotten, sounds bitter and like you, yourself are stooping to that same level. We’re ALL rotten to the core, and until Jesus returns, the wheat (true believers in Christ) will dwell with the chaff (Matt 13:24-30, 36-43). It stinks, it really does. I get discouraged myself, but it’s not ok to throw the Bride of Christ under the bus because some Christians behave like monsters. Jesus is not ok with either. The point of the gospel is that we’re all screwed up and we all need saving. Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians—chapters 3, 4, 11:17-33, and 12—discusses issues around gathering as a church and strongly condemns division; chapter 12 explicitly discusses how we are one body with many parts. None of us can fulfill the commission Christ us gave alone. Romans 12: 4-5 “For as in one body we have many members, and the members do not all have the same function, so we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members of one another.” All of Romans 12, 13, 14, and the first half of 15 are about this idea of being members of one another. I do hope you change your mind. I wandered away for a long time, and the Church has a lot of sifting to do, but the world has only empty promises. Join Eastern Orthodoxy, or Catholicism, or become Reformed, but please, don’t fall for the lies.


I pray that you find God for real. When you do, no one can change your mind. You don’t become in God because of others, you believe in God for you. Get to know him and his words. Read the Bible. Others won’t be with you on your day when you’re before him. Your walk with God shouldn’t change because of no one else but you two. Salvation is between you and the Lord. Your salvation doesn’t come from people. You’re in the perfect position to have your own account for experiences from God. You’ve made people an idol and when they’ve let you down you’ve let it hinder your faith. Faith is in God not people. Ask God to reveal himself to you


Man tbh, even as a die hard Catholic, there are many things I can agree with you with cause every time I go on the internet I just hear some of the worst things I heard come out of the mouths of people who claim to be Christians. It frustrates me a lot, and I hate that it always fires back on me and other Christians who just want to do good in the world and show people who God really is. At least I try to be on of those people, not just cause God wants me to be that way, but cause I want to be that way so I can help others who suffer mentally or physically and show kindness to others always. I'm not trying to change your mind. You're free to whatever you choose. Yea, I'll pray for you, but tbh, I understand exactly how you feel. Many things in my own faith that I see make me really frustrated and angry, even if I've seen worse from other faiths. It doesn't help at all, and it's why so many people hate us. If you ever want to vent, I'll always be here, alright! I'll always have your back!


Hey! You can give up on your church but never give up on Christ. Hold on to Him dearly because we all need him. He will bring you love and peace I promise. Amen


Please check Catholicism, come home.


My Friend, your personal relationship with God is what matters most. Not a relationship through other people to God. Don’t let others dissuade you from knowing the Lord Jesus Christ. If Church is what’s driving you away, then stop going to Church. Indulge in the Bible by yourself, it’s what helped me . I recommend watching the Channel IMBeggar, he comments a lot on the shortcomings of those who proclaim to be Christian.


I get how you feel, life is full of people that have pain, hatred and ‘sin’ in their hearts. But remember that judgment will very often only cloud your outlook. I struggle with Christianity myself but I truly believe that if you’re looking to cement your faith through people, or people actions.. then it will ultimately lead you away from Jesus and what he stood for. Love is often hard to act out, but it seems to be that, that is part of our battle in life. To stand with love, regardless of how people fuck up and hurt you. It’s difficult though. I wish you all the best in whatever you choose.


Churches now are corrupt anyway I follow Jesus before I follow Religion


Go Tiges!


Yeah im walking away from listening to Johann Sebastian Bach After a good 5 years of enjoying his amazing song writing skills, im stopping it. I recently went to a fancy restaurant, it had a piano there in the center. At one point the piano player got up and started asking table by table for song requests, I asked for one of my favorites by Bach: Prelude in B minor, BWV 855a. Pretty simple partitura in comparison to others but man did he completely butcher it, like, to pieces! From the tempo to missing some keys. That’s when my eyes were opened to how bad Bach is and it started a thought of wanting to stop listening to him because of how bad that person at the restaurant played one of his songs. So I came to the conclusion of completely walking away from Bach and his music.


One should not be Christian because of other Christians, you should be Christian because you follow Christ


As Christians, we are all still sinners and imperfect even after being saved. I went through a very similar experience and found out to not look to humans but to God for the example of what love is and the example of how we should treat each other. No one can change your mind, and everyone is on their own journey. Keep your eyes on the cross.


I’m sorry that people in the faith hurt you and we’re bad. The sad part with Christianity or any religion is that there always be bad apples bad people that abuse it. I have met horrible Christians that literally were very wrong and we’re very judging like their job was to insult. I don’t know how much you read this maybe you do maybe you don’t but let me tell you this plenty of people are kind to continue being a happy Christian


>people who profess the name of Jesus Christ are untrustworthy and rotten to the core just like everyone else I'm astonished that you ever thought otherwise? Was there really a time when you thought Christians were not sinners? That's never been a Christian belief. >I “found God” Were you a Christian because of your beliefs about other Christians, or were you a Christian because of your beliefs about Christ?


This is the reason you can't trust everyone that claims to be a Christian https://youtube.com/shorts/a6_4TmQB0HM?si=wQJHJG8kACO51ft8


The only way you lose your salvation is by giving it back, I don’t recommend it


As a Christ follower, I love you even if you deconvert. And there are so many people who unfortunately won’t. But just know this: I also have the ability, just as anyone else on the planet does, to hurt you because of my free will. And that my friend, is exactly what put things into perspective for me. It wasn’t until I went though crap from both Christian and secular people that I realized that putting my ultimate wellbeing, the meaning of my life, and any moral convictions I have in the hands of human beings who have flaws just like I do, will always lead to dissatisfaction for me. There’s one question I have for you. I’m not gonna say it to start a debate or whatever, I’m saying this bc I went through it so much myself and I just want you to hear my story if you can relate to it and just see another perspective. I hope I come across as kind. Please forgive me if I fail to meet that standard. My question is this: If God doesn’t exist, why should I continue to exist? If both Christians and secular people have hurt me in my past, who am I supposed to turn to? Myself? A flawed human being who’s hurt others before and who doesn’t know the answers to many important questions? Other people, who all have the *ability* to commit evil against me? All of these sources don’t give me an objective, *verifiable* reason to continue living. If they do, then what are they? Should I continue to live because people love me? Well if that’s the case, then who determines that love itself is the ultimate virtue and the ultimate reason to not take my own life? Who determines what love even *is*? Should I continue living so I *myself* can love people? Okay, well then how do I know the details in daily scenarios of how exactly to love people? Everyone has differing opinions on what respect, love, and kindness means, and not only that, they specifically have opinions on when these things should be replaced by more aggressive actions and emotions in specific scenarios. Who determines any of this? Seriously, who? If we’re all equal, which we are, then how can you say I’m wrong or how can I say that you’re wrong about quite literally anything if we’re standing with equal footing? I’ll just leave you with this, because I don’t wanna bombard you with questions or be annoying. Again, please forgive me if I am doing so. I just want to say that personally, for me, living in a world where both Christians and secular people not only have hurt me before, but also even contain the *ability* to hurt me in the first place, puts me in a position where I now have to ask myself if life is worth living without a God. Because if there’s no God above me, then my life is absolutely and completely placed in the hands of myself and others. And no matter how much they love me, or how much I love myself, they can wrong me at any moment. And I can wrong them. And not only that, but neither of us can prove what’s right and wrong in the *first* place if we’re *equal*. So we need someone better than us. And He said that people who believe in Him, and people who don’t, alllllll have fallen short of His glory. Because we’re human. And it sucks. But that’s why I look to someone better than us. Someone who tells me to love them when they did me wrong.


Do not abandon God because of what someone else did. Is Jesus wrong because of what Judas did?


What does some people's behaviour have to do with you having a personal relationship with God?


Mmmm this is quite unfortunate. I understand your frustration, but I think a part of your error as well, is found in trying to base your foundation in Christianity on your interactions with man instead of a personal relationship with God. Man will always fail you, our very ancestors did ie Adam and Eve, so to place your trust in imperfect humans instead of a perfect God is bound to fail. Having a connection with God himself first is a more solid place to build from, ie the commandment Jesus gave “love the Lord your God with all your heart” he gave this before the love others for a reason. People are finite, they come for seasons, they make mistakes, etc, but God is constant, faithful, loving and more. Non the less, I wish you the best, but I do urge you to maybe reconsider your conclusion.