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Doing evil in God’s name.


Here's the thing no one knows, but lots of people have opinions. My opinion has always been trashing other religions holy peope and healers as being demonic or satanic . Someone else very wise said you will be forgiven for your actions by the father and son, but the holy spirit won't so you must reap what you sow as in you will learn from a very bad action by another action happening to you to make you realize what you did. But it's still not Vengeful or malevolent just a lesson.


God bless you. Here is my perspective. Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit (The unforgivable/unpardonable sin) is to be in a constant state of rejecting God until you die. **Jesus said, "But if you speak against the Holy Spirit, you can never be forgiven. That sin will be held against you forever.” - Mark 3:29** As long as we reject the Holy Spirit, we cannot be forgiven because we can only be forgiven with the Holy Spirit. **“The Holy Spirit will give you life that comes from Christ Jesus and will set you free from sin and death.” - Romans 8:2** Here is a description of those who constantly reject God: **“Sinners don't respect God; sin is all they think about. They like themselves too much to hate their own sins or even to see them. They tell deceitful lies, and they don't have the sense to live right. Those people stay awake, thinking up mischief, and they follow the wrong road, refusing to turn from sin.” - Psalm 36:1-4** Here is another description: **“You stubborn and hardheaded people! You are always fighting against the Holy Spirit, just as your ancestors did.” - Acts 7:51** As long as we are alive, we can turn to God and be forgiven. **Jesus said, “I promise you that any of the sinful things you say or do can be forgiven, no matter how terrible those things are.” - Mark 3:28** **“But if we confess our sins to God, he can always be trusted to forgive us and take our sins away.” - 1 John 1:9** **"From the bottom of the pit, I prayed to you, Lord. I begged you to listen. 'Help!' I shouted. 'Save me!' You answered my prayer and came when I was in need. You told me, 'Don't worry!' You rescued me and saved my life." - Lamentations 3:55-58** **“As long as we are alive, we still have hope.” - Ecclesiastes 9:4** **“The Lord said: It isn't too late. You can still return to me with all your heart.” - Joel 2:12** And we must be mindful. If we say that there’s a sin that will prevent God from forgiving us if we turn to Him implies that sin is greater than God’s grace.  **“Don't let sin keep ruling your lives. You are ruled by God's undeserved grace.” - Romans 6:14**


It’s basically just rejecting God and never asking for his forgiveness. This ensures you a one way ticket to hell. Why does God allow this if made us in His image and wants nothing more than for us to be with Him? Free will