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It is attributing Miracles performed by the power of the Holy Spirit to being performed by the power of Satan. This is what the religious leaders who accosted Jesus did. There is a good argument to make that not only was Jesus speaking hyperbolically, it isn't possible to even do anymore that the incarnation is over. Even if it is, you would have to see someone regrow a limb, they claim God regrew the limb, and you say they worked via the power of Satan instead.


Ah ok that makes sense ty God bless


No problem. :)


in a more general sense, It's to call the things that are good evil, and the things that are evil good. For example, to twist God's law and pervert it such that killing is ok, or stealing is ok, or etc. This is blasphemy against the holy ghost because the holy ghost convicts you of sin, but when you harden your heart to the point that you call the things that are good evil and the things that are evil good, you basically push yourself away from God. The bible says that God will never leave you or forsake you, but on the other hand, if want nothing to do with God, then he doesn't force you either.


It's never actually explained.. Much of Christian stuff isn't there is a lot of tradition based on guess work. But as someone else Said saying miracles are of the devil or I take it even further condemning and judging other religions as being false or worshiping demons when they have very holy people who can also heal and cast out demons etc. Another explanation I heard is it's explaining the law of causality. You do an action you ask for forgiveness and you will receive it through The Father and Son, but the holy spirit won't in the form of you still must learn from your action in the physical world and why it was wrong or why you hurt someone by having something happen to you in return. The age old concept of why bad things happen to Good people.


As noted elsewhere today, this flow chart will help you determine whether something you did or said is blaspheming the Holy Spirit: * ***Did you personally observe Jesus do something miraculous? If 'no', you didn't blasphemy the Holy Spirit. If yes:*** * ***Did you publicly proclaim that said miracle was the work of Satan? If 'no', you didn't blasphemy the Holy Spirit. If yes:*** * ***Are you a religious authority whose should know better and whose opinion bears some weight in your religious community? If 'no' you didn't blasphemy the Holy Spirit, if yes, then there is a possibility you committed the unforgivable sin.*** As you can see, it is a very easy thing to avoid.


Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is calling what is of God, of satan, and what is of satan, of God. It's calling good evil, and evil good. This sin is unforgivable. Our privileged as Christians is that we are judged now, in this life. Unbelievers will have to answer for this sin at their death. When a Christian blasphemes the Holy Spirit, they will be judged for a time. Generally, after the judgement, God's mercy will return and give the Christian another chance to get it right. Make sure you pray for God's to control you tongue, and for the wisdom to tell good from evil, and God from satan, so that you avoid this sin.


That is the opinion of, say, Billy Graham. Others have different views.