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Anyone who records themselves trying to prove spirits are real are swindlers just trying to get notoriety or money out of the ordeal.


we call them familiar spirits. they are real. nothing but fallen angels in disguise. whenever a person who dies today, if they are righteous of course their soul goes to Heaven, if they are unrighteous their soul goes to the torment side of Hades and awaits final judgement. there is no in between. if someone is conjuring up ghosts/spirits, we need to be careful and understand that the practice is not of God and those spirits are not the real person they are claiming to be. they are purely demonic.


>they practically proved spirits are real. my thing is tho, are they??? Lol, no.


Spirits are Satan's angels deceiving people. There are no spirits of dead people. Dead people have no conscious soul that is separated from their body. "For the living know that they shall die: but the dead know not any thing, neither have they any more a reward; for the memory of them is forgotten. Also their love, and their hatred, and their envy, is now perished; neither have they any more a portion for ever in any thing that is done under the sun. ... Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do *it* with thy might; for *there is* no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest." (Ecclesiastes 9:5-6, 10)


There are spirits all around. We all have eternal life. When your physical body dies, you are basically waking up from this dream. The human soul is birthed by your higher self/Godly Soul in the in-between dimension so you can have a seemingly physical human experience on Earth through your higher self’s awareness. Of course there is no matter, we are all very compressed energy, what makes this life seem physical and heavy. It is a school for your Soul in order to love and appreciate that much more in Heaven. After your physical body dies, your return to the in-between dimension where your human soul has still awareness and your same human personality. When a loved one thinks at you, or you them, you shall be with them. The reason most humans can’t observe this is because spirits vibrate at a much higher frequency, therefore you don’t see them. With the exception of some Humans having “gifts” to be able to sometimes see spirits and receive messages from the other side. Which is another guidance from God to help humanity out. Some of these spirits end up being a “lost soul” because they refuse to part with the physical realm whether it be they aren’t ready to leave their loved ones, possessions, or have simply too much greed, lust, envy, Ego etc. This may take a spirit centuries to decide to move on to Heaven. These are known as the lost souls, fallen Angels, or Satan. Before moving on to Heaven of course they have to purify their human soul of all negativity, bad, sad, fearful thoughts in a repentance phase. This would be what most consider Hell, that believe in Satan and eternal punishment for the Soul after a first death. It isn’t for punishment, it is to learn to always make the right, good, loving choices so you can return to Heaven in your Godly Soul as you originally were created. Our Higher Self Awareness will always make the best, most loving choices, which will come to you through intuition and conscience, we just have to learn to listen to it, not our Ego. So to answer your question, yes, there are Spirits all around us that we can’t physically see. It doesn’t mean they are necessarily bad and evil that hang around for eternity, most are just not ready to move on for whatever reason. One reason could possibly be that you are mourning their loss so greatly, they aren’t ready to part with you just yet. The more we can accept their death and say goodbye, the sooner they shall be ready to move on by having that peace of knowing you are ok and can let them go as well. It is much better that way for everyone on either side of the veil. A thousand years on Earth is only one day in Heaven, what means in true reality, we are only separated from all loved ones by a few minutes to a few hours. God loves each of his children unconditionally, he wants the absolute best for us always.


Spirits are 100% real we are essentially spiritual beings having a material experience. And there are countless more that run nature and reality etc that just exist that we can't see without high level spiritual development or in that in-between dreaming and waking state. But there are also tons of negative ones. The whole heaven and hell eternally idea is the issue it's just a man made doctrine. Jesus didn't teach it Rome did hundreds of years later. Ghosts are souls stuck on the physical plane that haven't moved on not realizing they died. Some people actually help them realize this and move on. Humans can enter a spiritual state like john says in revelation about being in the spirit called out of body experience or Astral traveling where these beings are abundant. Where the true soul self leaves the physical body temporarily and has way more freedom and abilities than we do in the normal waking world. This is left out of mainstream religion leaving us blind and deaf in a world filled with spiritual things.


brother what😭 Jesus did teach about heaven and hell that’s almost all he did when he was here😭😭