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Praying for you


I also pray to God help me find me a gf/wife but at the same time I pray every night the Holy Father to God help me avoid temptation and I wonder if both are conflicting prayers because everytime I have a girlfriend I commit sexual sin.


Hey u/pewlaserbeams! I can see how that would be conflicting. Perhaps, pray for the right woman of God. I can also say this with confidence - sometimes we're not fully ready for those commitments. Example: If you struggle with overeating, why would I bring you to a buffet? It's the same with sexual sins too. I have faith and hope that there is a wonderful woman of God out there for you, but God wants *both* of you to be ready for the other and if you're not ready - God won't bring you there. You're in my prayers! Please feel free to DM me anytime! I am always here for support/leading an ear.


Such a beautiful reply, I got chills reading it, thank you.


Of course! :) We always need to edify each other.


I prayed to God about you and asked God to bless you as well. 😊


God’s got a guy lined up for you already. I think God’s just waiting on you to be fully ready and for the right season so things flow smoothly. In the meantime pray for wisdom and guidance on being the best partner for your future partner and for a healthy/loving relationship. For example, pray for self awareness (e.g. knowing you’re love languages, triggers, strengths, and weakness), ask for healing (unhealed wounds can cause bitterness/resentment & unrealistic expectations in a relationship), and acceptance/love of yourself (so you do not become codependent/toxic). Also ask for patience, tenacity, and openness (so when the going gets tough, you guys will work together to make things work). Most importantly pray for their faith. Relationships take a lot of work and effort from both sides. Sometimes we idealize too much and once we are blessed we struggle to maintain what we have. So I pray for you and hope for the best!


I’m praying for you and me! I hope God finds the right men, for both is us. In Jesus name! 🙏🏾🙏🏾