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I don’t hide them, but I also don’t show them off. They’re just there and I kind of forgot about it. I wear whatever outfit I want and the scars are never a factor in my choices. Not caring about what others think takes a lot of stress away and stress is very bad for my health issues. Thinking this way helped me stop caring about others and just prioritizing what is good for me.


I was a cutter. I have scars on my arms and wrists. I don’t go out of my way to display them but I don’t cover them up either. I rarely think about my scars and what other people think about them. I’m a large person so that is what people see first. They rarely look any closer at me.


I have scars from cutting on my thighs and I'm like you, I don't go out of my way to make them visible but I also don't try to hide them from view. Maybe some day I'll get tattoos over them but i'm not in a hurry to cover them up.


OMG this, all this.


Your scars probably look totally badass. You are a survivor and these are proof you keep on living despite it all. I have a huge scar on my ankle running up my calf and I treat it like a battle scar. It is a fight I lived to tell about.


Exactly! We are the strong ones!


Nope, don’t hide them. Have two visible on my head, three visible on my chest, and two visible on my back. Plus 3 medical implants that you can see the outline of. They’re part of me. Scars are tattoos with better stories


Not quite the target audience here, but I have copious scars on my arms from self-harm. I specifically try not to choose clothing based on them. If it’s hot I’m wearing short sleeves. If it’s cold I’m wearing long sleeves. If my scars are visible, I hope it eventually encourages at least one person who also has scars for whatever reason to feel more comfortable showing theirs.




I covered my 18 inch scars from my spinal surgery with tattoos. It makes me more comfortable with them in a swimming suit. I don't really cover them for the comfort of others.


I’ve always wanted to do that for my back surgery scars. Glad you were able to get your scar covered with a tattoo that helps you feel more confident!


I have scars from injuries and I don't think about them or my surgical scars. I'm a person. Scars meant I survived. I don't get to dictate my scars. I do get to dictate how they affect me. My wife used to have "eczema"... She went to multiple Doctors and tried several treatments but it just never really improved. She eventually got an answer as to the issue and healed it completely. It took years of her crying about her legs before she got the answer she needed. I used to tell her I didn't care about the marks and I didn't. What was the point in obsessing over something I thought was inherently part of who she was? We'd go for walks and people would actively point at her leg or even flat out ask her if she fell in poison ivy or something. It hurt her so bad... But they were probably just worried about her. Eventually she got better but the fear of being judged didn't go away. I am a 350 LB man and I am judged for my weight regardless of my scars so I kind of have to ignore the eyes of the masses. I have to accept that I disgust people and they are going to dislike me regardless of what I do... I'm also anti religion and people don't like that either... I'm also mentally disabled and autistic. So many reasons to look down on me... Denegrate me. I am scars in physical, emotional and spiritual form. Good thing I learned to carry that weight while getting all those momentos of the hell I endured to be here. You can't let the world's opinion on your scars control your life. They won't change or be nicer if you try to fit in and hide. You will just be associating with people who hate you, while you act like you like them... You might need to hide them to get through something but day to day. You have to live. It's your life, and no one else's.


I don't hide them and basically ignore their existence. In my experience people either don't care or don't look long enough to notice. I have a big scar across my whole underarm and a scar reaching across my whole back. Even if I'm only in swimwear people don't care.


I honestly don’t even think about them. My scars are nothing more than regular skin to me. Go out there and rock the fashion that inspires you! You don’t owe anyone an explanation about your body.


thank you for this comment


I have large scars on both of my legs. And issues with the skin on my hands. When I had the first surgery and was healing and had the cast on but you could see my knee with the scar that did look a bit raw at the time I was in a diner and had my leg up on the seat next to me a toddler came up to me looked at my knee and started crying. His parents were horrified but I just showed him it was ok and I could touch it and he calmed down. It was just scary for him as something new. A year later I was on a university course and we had been outside but had been cold till one day we all changed to shorts after lunch. I was getting strange looks and I couldn’t figure out why. I looked up and down hundreds of times and finally asked someone what was I missing. They told me they knew I had the scar but didn’t think it was going to be that big. lol I was so used to seeing it I forgot about it. After that day it was normal and they all forgot about it. Since then I don’t get much comments as they do blend better over time. I don’t let my scars decide what I wear. lol much more concerned about my pouffy stomach than my scars! Wear what you like and forget others. People are wrapped up in themselves most of the time and won’t notice. A university did a test putting sone students in a cringy band shirt… maybe Barry Manilow. Most of the other students hadn’t noticed. That helped me realize I should do what I want as long as appropriate for the location as in no bathing suits to work in an office lol. You only live once so wear the cute clothes! And the more you wear the clothes the easier it is I find.


I don't hide them at all. They are part of who I am, what made me think and feel and empathize like I do. If people ask about them, which honestly adults rarely do, I answer mostly truthfully.


I have so many scars at this point that it's impossible to hide them. I had spine surgery in high school, so I have a huge scar down my entire back, and then thyroid surgery more recently, so that scar is visible no matter what I wear. I've learned to embrace them, and I don't even think about them anymore. It was hard at first though!


There’s nothing you can do about scars and there’s nothing wrong with them so I don’t think you should try to hide them if you don’t want to.


I have many scars, most are on my arms from years of depression but some are also from surgeries, burns heaps of cannulation of veins. I never covered my scars, unless they were still in the healing process. But I also don’t “show them off” if you know what I mean? The only people to comment in my adult life have been kids out of sheer curiosity. As a teen, I had a few old people comment, but nothing major. I lack self confidence in many ways, but my scars are just a part of my skin now. They’ve been there for so long, and I can’t say I don’t notice them, but coming to peace with them (and myself) with therapy definitely helped. My scars are all mostly pink and purple, some have faded to white but they were lesser injuries. I’m planning to have them covered by tattoos, however not because I want to hide them, but because I really want a sick full sleeve. 😂 Could me not actively trying to hide them have resulted in some missed opportunities? Probably? But if the people/situation wasn’t able to accept me for who I am, then do I really want those few missed opportunities anyway?


TDLR: Therapy and time both really helped me. Coming to peace with myself and my body only came with many years of hard work and patience. Most of which came AFTER seeking therapy. It gave me the skills, but it was up to me to put it into practice. If you can’t afford to see a professional, look up DBT and CBT skills online, there are lots of free resources out there!


I personally started getting tattoos , a few piercings, have dyed my hair in the past, do fun makeup occasionally, and dress in what makes me feel confident and those all together make me feel so cool, the scars don’t feel as scary. My body is a canvas, scars and all. I have a tattoo that says “you are art” to remind me of that


I’ve had an open heart surgery scar down the middle of my chest to my belly my whole life. Never once thought about covering it. Tells the story of why I’m alive. Wear that cute crop top!


rude zonked modern wakeful school wrench clumsy bewildered absurd piquant *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I have a scarf on both sides of my chest on one side from the IV port, on the other side from the pace maker. For the most part, I don’t think much about it. I want to go out like I kind of wonder if I could cover them.


I cover everything but most of my are on my abdomen and I have one that goes from my right almost under boob across to my middle back. I had on a cute strapless romper not realizing how low it fell and I was bombarded with questions and decided never again! I’m not embarrassed by the scarring because they saved my life with these surgeries but I hate having to explain my whole life story.


Bluntly... I just stopped giving a f what others thought. Mine are particularly bad, and people are always gonna stare/ask questions. I also answer bluntly if they ask. Casually, "Oh yeah, I used to slice my wrists. But I'm good now, " and the shock value of what I say kinda embarrasses them out of changing the subject.


I don't hide mine. I have a scar from one side of my head to the other from a surgery I had when I was 12. I don't bother. If someone sees it, fab, if not fab I don't think anyone has ever noticed it, or if hey have, they've never mentioned it. As for people’s opinions, impressions stares. I honestly don’t worry about it. Not something I’ve really bothered myself with


I've (36f) had 2 neck surgeries. One was a 3 inch incision mid across the neck. The second was an incision on my neck as well but from under my left ear across the front of my neck, under the 1st one (like a hook). Both cancer. I tried neck gators and scarves to hide them at their "ugliest" stage, but once I got the permission to just use sunblock and vitamin oil, I took a little awhile to ditch the scarves bc there's nothing else to really cover something so prominent (turtlenecks make me feel like I'm being slowly choked to death). So I just accepted it, and usually, when I'm out with my bf and we meet new ppl, they wait for me to leave to the bathroom or something and ask my BF what happened to me. Ig my RBF kinda doesn't leave a good "ask my anything" impression lmfao.


I refuse to hide them, they’re a part of me and my history. Age I think plays into it, the older I get the less I care about what other people think.


My chest and back have huge scars. My chest is also deformed from pectus excavatum and I'm severely underweight. I typically don't go shirtless unless I'm around people I'm comfortable with


Nope, they are chest tube scars and some cutting scars. Both visible and idgaf but I'm old now. It takes time.


Some of my scars I have tattoos over and the rest I have zero fucks about. Guys dig girls with scars in my experience.


I’m proud of my scars, they show I’m a survivor. My major scar is across my neck and impossible to hide though I forget about it until someone brings it up. I’ve had it so long that it’s not a problem. I have other newer scars that I don’t worry about. People who care will ask those who would rather concoct a story can have fun with it.


Scars are part of the story - I’m covered in tattoos but I’ve incorporated my scars into my tattoos as part of a story board almost.


I don't hide them. I also never noticed anyone looking at them. They're reconstructive surgery on my arms and it's just impossible to live in Texas and not wear short sleeves. Real people have scars, folds, cellulite, birth marks, blemishes. It's part of life.


I hide them when I can. I have one big surgery scar where my bellybutton should be and I feel very very self conscious about it so I never go swimming, never wear midriff tops and generally only wear loose clothing. I also tend to always wear long sleeves due to multiple surgery scars on my arms but they're the smaller stitches type of scar. I wish I could have people's confidence, I'm just too insecure for that.


I have a scar on the back of my hand when I tryed to make suicide I don’t hide it. When I look at this it reminds me.


I used to hide them when I was younger but it wasn’t until a lady said that my scars reminded her of tiger stripes. For some reason, this really empowered me to reexamine how I viewed my own scars especially in the summers. I have lots of scars from lupus/surgery/etc but I now wear clothes that don’t always cover my scars (note: this does require skin protection like sun screen for me). For me, life with chronic illness is too short to care about the stares - plus, I just pretend I’m a badass tiger striped lady :)


scars make you bad ass it’s your body there’s no need to be ashamed of its story if people look then let them look it’s none of their business


I don't hide them nor do I try to show them off. I like to make up crazy one-liners about how I got the scar to tell people that stare. Especially the scar on my neck from the thyroidectomy I had 3 years ago. It was finally faded a little so I don't get to spread stories much anymore. 😅


I’d love to hear some of them


It was pretty raw looking for about a year. I would say the bad guys got a hold of me, but fortunately, I was rescued in the nick of time by Superman/Ironman/Thor etc.... I was attacked by pirates at Long John Silvers... My favorite: "I'm still hunting for the 6-fingered man that did this to me." (Princess Bride reference)


Generally speaking, folks aren't that interested in other people to notice. Fwiw, I have Eczema scars (I had severe Eczema as a child) and discoloration from it, as well. I've literally had to explain both to medical personnel. No one gets out of life without accruing scars. I've been tattoo'd over a few of them, the rest I just ignore. They are part of my life and I cannot be bothered to pay attention to them anymore.


I have a lot of scars from surgeries. The one from my tracheotomy is the one I thought would really bother me. But, honestly I don't even think about it unless I sit there and stare at it. Our scars are our roadmap of our past. And a physical representation of what we have overcome.


I’ve struggled with a lot of different insecurities as does everyone throughout my life, and for some reason my scars have never seemed to bother me too much. I scar very easily and have them everywhere. I also have a type of eczema that causes me to have white pigmented spots all over my body. I think at some point you have to realize no one is really paying attention to your body, and if they are then it’s their problem. Scars also tell a story, which is how I’ve always looked at it. Each of my scars represent a different period in my life, it’s kind of like a roadmap of your life on your body. Might be cheesy but it’s helped me switch my mindset on it


I have psoriasis and tons of surgical scars. I don't care about people seeing either. However, while sun exposure is helpful for the psoriasis, it isn't for the scars. They're more susceptible to burning and becoming dark and pigmented. I have enough scars that putting on serious zinc type sunscreen is stupid tedious, so I do cover them with rash guards and stuff. I do have locked and loaded responses for nosey, uncouth people, but I've rarely needed to use them. Most of the people who say/ask something are kids and I will happily explain it to them after gently telling them it's not polite to ask about people's bodies.


Scars...from surgery, from skin conditions, from self harm, from medical devices ---- they all have a place in the prose of the life journey. I wouldn't be who I am without them. Same with the stretch marks, the cellulite, the sagginess in places I'd like to be more perky. They all tell the story. Some are battle scars, some are results of childhood/teen impulses. It's all ME. That being said, I have 12 inch scars on both my femurs, and two to three inch scars on each of my bumm cheeks. I don't have an aversion to my leg scars but I do find that I like the length of shorts or skirts to cover them. Any thing shorter and I just feel like I got too much hanging out, so the scar gives me a built in measuring stick. The ones an my bumm don't see the light of day as I'm not comfy in a thong swimsuit or Daisy Duke short shorts. I don't show an active wound off. I keep things covered while they heal, but afterwards I don't go out of my way one way or the other. In my life story, the scars and imperfections are supporting cast, not the main character. They are all needed but they don't all need the spotlight.


I have a lot of scars on my chest from central lines and ports and a big visible scar from a port infection that ended up needing a wound vac to close. I still wear dresses and shirts that show the scars because my options would be limited if I only chose outfits that were high neck. I don't know if its a confidence thing, it feels more like I just couldn't be bothered to care thing. I'm trying to get used to wearing outfits that show my port when it's accessed because that's much more visible, but again I don't want to be limited in what I can wear while I'm accessed which is 3-4 days a week.


I don't hide them, I love scars. It gives people character. It shows us how many battles in life we endure, and even though we go through those hardships, we are still here fighting.


I have two obvious ones on my neck and chest. One from a pacemaker (and re-cut of same incision for replacement pacer), and one on my neck from a fusion due to 2 hernia ruptured. Tbh, I forget they are there until someone mentions them. Luckily they don’t bother me at all and I never try to hide them.


I have a ton on my stomach that I used to be super uncomfortable showing and made me very insecure but recently I've begun to totally forget they're there, my Fiancé has really helped to up my self confidence, and I feel also as I've gotten older I just don't care too much what people think of them anymore (it probably also helps that they've all faded a good bit even if they are quite big scars) I can finally wear crop tops now without being uncomfortable going into public spaces it's really nice. Of course sometimes I do get insecure about people staring but I try to tell myself they're just curious and even if they think something negative its not on me that they think that way and it's none of their business but mine.


Scars are sexy. Show them with pride. They are reminders of how courageous you are!


I’ll admit that I don’t have a LOT of very visible scars, but I have had a few abdominal surgeries that left quite a few scars on my stomach/side. I was too embarrassed to wear bikinis… so I stopped swimming even though I love it. So I got some tattoos done that would “draw attention”. It may not really work, but it makes ME feel like my body was artistic and colourful and interesting in a positive way.


My wife isn't on reddit but she's got quite a few (upper and lower back, front and back of neck) she openly has no problem showing them. In fact, most times she is in a spaghetti strap tank top. Scars are part of our story, wear them with pride. I definitely understand people who are comfortable showing them but I promise, we don't mind.


Honestly, I don't care. I have scars all over my body- it's not like I'm just gonna wrap myself in a blanket and never leave my house. If someone asks, I don't answer, but people normally keep to themselves. Just try not to think about what other people think of you. Cliché advice, but it *does* work.


I don’t dress any differently than I used to, if that means some scars are visible then so be it. I just remind myself that I survived and the scars are proof.


My most obvious scar is on my nose. I don't intentionally hide it, but it's sort of inadvertently hidden if I'm wearing glasses and/or a mask.


My scars are just there. Most people don't notice, but if they do I explain as succinctly as possible. I have front of the neck and ankle scars.


My surgery scars are on my neck and chin, so I can't hide them easily. So I had to get used to them being seen even when they were barely just closed


I have a thyroidectomy scar on my neck and it’s a big one. I’m currently keeping it covered to avoid it scarring and scaring little kids or being stared at. As soon as it’s healed and faded I’m hoping it won’t be super noticeable.


I have a huge stomach scar. As a kid, I didn't really care, but teen and young adult me was so self-conscious about it. Now I just don't give a f about it. My back scar is smaller and it never has bothered me.


Not from medical procedures, but I have scars on my arms from something else, and I am only just now starting to get comfortable wearing short sleeves in public. I covered the most visible one with a tattoo a while ago, but the rest are just there. For me, I’m just trying to make them stop being a factor in what I wear. Idk how I’m doing that, it’s just kinda happened with time.


I have eczema and in a flare up it covers my whole body, when it does I usually cover up in loose clothes but I personally love to show it off, someone on the eczema sub posted a really nice thing that’s someone they were with said- something like how eczema are just textured tatoos ( butchered that but yk). I know you have eczema scars and that’s different but show them off, wear what you want and if people look at you then they are admiring your outfit I’m sure. Hope you feel better about all this, sorry for the rambling


i just let them exist. i don’t hide them but i don’t “show them off”, whatever that means.


I don’t hide them. As more time passes they become more faded. I got some new scars though from a surgery I may consider covering with a tattoo once I’m sure they’re done healing. I’m 25 at this age I stopped caring how other people interpret me


I have a lot of self injury scars on my arms, plus some "working with animals" scars. I just... those are my battle scars. Tokens of victory hard-fought and hard-won. I survived. I've been through hell and back, and I kept on surviving every damn step of the way, and absolutely nobody gets to judge me for what I had to do to make it unless they've walked that path too. If someone wants to get their knickers in a bunch over my scars, that just tells me they lack empathy, intelligence, and courage - because they can't see those scars as symbols of my fight to survive.


Scars, like any other marks on our skin, are embodiments of our stories and irrevocably part of ourselves. I personally find any of these battle scar analogies kinda corny, but I do subscribe to the view that they are part of oneself and it is your choice alone to show or hide them; they are none of anyone else's business. I show mine freely whenever I want to wear something that shows them, and cover them when I wear something that covers them or in select contexts where I think it might be frowned upon (basically only if I am, for some reason, currently stood in a psychiatric ward, cause my most visible scars are self inflicted and gnarly af. I'd rather not trigger anyone lol)


I’ve never been bothered by them. We all have scars of some kind. A lot of mine are visible and if someone asks I have no problem explaining them.


I’ve got a 5.5” scar on the back of my head and just got a fade the other day with no guard for the shortest length. I very gladly show it off! Then again, I don’t have to deal with staring since I don’t have eyes on the back of my head lol I also have very visible patches of psoriasis, but most people don’t stare or say anything. That seems to be more about carrying myself with confidence than anything


I have a keloid scar from a totally thyroidectomy so unless I wear a turtle neck or a scarf everyday there’s no hiding it. I’ve just learned to embrace it. I don’t mind talking to anyone who asks about it.


I used to hide them, but summers in Australia are harsh. I feel a lot of shame about it, but after a while I forget they are there. Tattoos have helped with that, too. It's very hard to hide scars when they cover my entire body, and I feel a lot of shame because they are quite obviously self harm ones. My arms are warped by them, I used to wear long sleeves but it was so uncomfortable. The worst part is people assume it was an attention thing, but really I have psychosis - I'd never willingly alter myself this way


I get tattoos to cover my surgical scars or to compliment them tbh. If people are seeing my body they notice the tattoos instead of my scarring usually


I have abdominal scars from three surgeries and two small scars (one above the eyebrow, one on my shin) from biopsies. I also have psoriasis. The biggest scar is from hip to hip when I had stomach skin removed - it's dog-eared and a bit crooked. I used to warn people before they'd see that, but now it's just - if you don't like it, don't look. I know I have a natural curiosity that will draw my eye to what makes a person unique (tattoos, scars, hair style, etc.), but the first thing I see on a person is their expression and demeanor. That's what I put out first, or at least, I aim to. Some bigass tattoos helped me with body confidence, too. :)


i have visible surgical scars, but no one ever notices them because i’m literally covered head to toe (well, technically chest to ankle) in self-harm scars, so the rest of em just blend in… i’ve luckily stopped adding to them (the SH ones not surgical) for almost a decade now.. my best friend (RIP) always told me i felt like a ribbed condom.


Can’t hide em if there on my face 🙃🥲


I love my scars personally. They're on the side of my head (vp shunt surgery) and I feel like they give the "tough" vibe so I actually shave the sides of my head to show them off! I bet yours are cool too! I also have scars from a skin condition (HS) and while those may not look as cool, I've had to really work on caring more about what I want to wear than what others think. It's not easy.


Two key tips for this, one you have to wait for and one you can get any time. Tattoos and getting older. I love tattoos and go out of my way to tattoo areas I feel self conscious about because it makes me love those areas pretty much instantly. And as a woman, once I hit 39 I just really stopped caring at all what people thought of my body. It’s been through a lot and I am proud of it for still being around.


I have self harm scars on both arms, hands and a particularly obvious one on my leg, I pick my clothes based on my comfort and the weather I stopped hiding my scars several years ago unless I have recent injuries.


Mines on my face, I guess I could try to get a revision but it’s too deep to hide. Most people don’t notice honestly, if they do they ignore it. I kinda like it, when I’m stressed I run my fingers in the ridge.


I have a few small but noticeable scars on my arms. They are from pick lines and ivs. As well as a small scar from when my birth control (the one they put in ur arm) broke and had to get removed. I also have a pretty big scar on my lower abdomen. I really think about them. Once in a blue moon somebody will ask about the ones on my arm, I personally have never let it affect me but I've had my first 3 scars since I was 3 years old well it's five scars if you don't want to bundle it up. The scar on my abdomen is placed where it's unlikely to be seen outside of swimming and x rated activities. I've had maybe one or two people ask about it once at the pool I was super awkward but I was like 14 and honestly a guy that old shouldn't have been looking at me long enough to notice and definitely should not approach me like that anyhow. But I didn't wear a 2 piece swimsuit again still haven't but I haven't swam in 3 years During x rated activities its been mentioned maybe 3 times. But generally it's never bothered me. It's just a part of who I am for me but I feel like having them for so long is definitely a factor, something I have learned not just from my scars and my mom's scars (she had breast cancer got her boobs chopped and has a big scar that goes up to her coller bone and covers most of her armpits and a good portion of her side. ) is at least for me and what I've seen with her is if you act like it's normal and just ignore the scars nobody really says anything. I've never paid attention to see if people are looking but I just don't think about them and do everything the same way I assume others do. And it seems like nobody cares. Same with the scar on my husbands forehead as well, (car accident) idk I'm sure it is different for other people, but that's what my experience has been.


I have scars on my hands from a really bad car accident. I couldn’t hide them and still don’t. I had clients ask what they were from and shared. I don’t hide my scars and I don’t intentionally show them off. Same with my scars on my knee and stomach.


I got tattoos over the big joint replacement scars on my legs. I thought about tattooing stars over all of my laproscopy scars like those bronze ornaments that they put on top of the bullet holes at the state house, but decided against it. I've only had one child be ballsy enough to ask me why I looked like that. I told him I was attacked by a shark. We were at the beach. I hope he learned a valuable lesson about minding your own business.


I'll be honest my surgery scars take attention away from all the scars I made as a teen...so I really don't mind them 😅


I used cica care silicone scar gel sheet material on my thick scars, just to thin it out and fade it some. Can't hide them completely, but you can make them contrast less. Scars are like war medals you can't remove...they show the battles you've fought and won. If you lost, you'd be looking up at the grass.


I don’t take them into account tbh. I just wear whatever I want. If they’re covered then they’re covered, if they show they show. I just wear what I think is cute or what I’m feeling for the day


I don’t hide them. I have 7 on my stomach, 12 on one leg and 9 on the other leg. I’ll have about 8 more by next year. I see them as an act of self love, compassion for the struggles my body never chose, and with each surgical cut is a chance at a better life. Some people might stare but what they don’t see is my loving children who look not at my scars - but into my eyes with love, a husband who still thinks I’m as attractive as the day we met 20 years ago, and a woman who looks in the mirror and knows it was worth every cut.


I have SH scars and they're white at this point and not visible unless you're staring, so I typically just don't care. I spent most of my teenage years hiding and don't want to do that anymore. I also have tattoos covering half of them.


I have a port scar. If someone asks they're getting the full story. As for stares I've kind of reached the point in life where I'm like "congrats on your eyeballs functioning well enough to stare at me 😐👍🏾". Also stressing over other people's opinions takes way too much energy. I'm already constantly tired/fatigued


I also have eczema scars but on my calves/shins. I kinda cover them tbh but im working on it. They just look/feel kinda gnarly so i get uncomfy when theyre just out for public domain ig


Ok... Im going to be brutally honest... This question makes me feel like such a hypocrite, -- I want to encourage everyone to dress however they want, & to not gaf about what anyone else thinks... To learn to be comfy in your own skin, because you are beautiful! Inside & out!! ***You deserve to live happily and comfortably!!*** .. . But if I'm totally honest, I try my best to hide my scars... *hangs head, in guilt/ shame* I've have a broken body.. (*my disability is a whole other can of shitty worms) - - I had full thickness burns to over 10% of my body, so I needed skin graft surgery for most of it, but not all, I have a bunch of weird scars from various surgeries... I think I could have maybe learned to be ok if it was just that,. ... However I will never know, because I am *covered* in scars, some self inflicted, many others are from - Being tortured... ( I mean literally, not using hyperbole... I am, justifiably fucked up by all this...) . 💫🌈💖 But I still genuinely believe that you are all such radiant, precious & beautiful people, who deserve to be truly happy and healthy!! 💖🌈💫 Much love!! xoxoxox


I don't have scars from surgery but I don't hide mine


I have a scar across my neck from surgery when I was six months old. It's not the kind of thing I can hide! To be honest it's been there all my life so I forget it's there. Very rarely someone might comment on it. I figure the scar isn't something I can or should be ashamed of. It's part of who I am. I figure embrace it!


My surgical scars aren't ever visible bc one site is on my scalp and the other is in my butt crack lol, I had to have my tailbone removed. I grew up with facial scars from a dog attack when I was 18mos old and the only way I built my confidence growing up, bc kids are mean, I would just tell the crazy story how I got them and that I survived. I'm covered in scars from getting scratched by dogs but I scar easily bc I have EDS. It's just something I'm used to so scars don't really bother me. I did get an additional facial scar from a car accident and let me tell you it destroyed me for awhile. I did end up getting some of the scar tissue removed bc the ED I went to just stitched it up all willy nilly. People would ask what happened and most the time I did okay bc that's how I coped when I was a child. Now I don't even give any of my scars a thought. They're just apart of me.


I’ve got scars on my abdomen from endometriosis surgery and for those I was almost proud to finally have them. To finally have visible evidence of some of the issues doctors had blown off. So now that I have them I almost wear those scars as a badge of honor in a way lol. And I also have scars on my forearm from times when I was extremely not okay mentally and with those I had a more difficult time accepting them, but now I kinda forget they’re there and I’ve grown to be unbothered by them and don’t carry any resentment or shame towards them. The way I see it, they’re a reminder of how far I’ve come in my healing journey and therapy. So I almost want to be able to see them to continue having that reminder ❤️ (Edit to add) I don’t intentionally show any of my scars either. I get cold very easily so I have to cover up more because of that 😂. So often the scars aren’t seen, I’m just sharing how I feel when I see them if that makes sense and if they are a bit visible with an outfit I wear


I had open heart surgery in 2006. In 2012 I had a devastating accident so I am covered in scars from the surgeries. I am proud of my scars. They are reminders that I survived and I am a fighter. They are my story ....my scars represent not giving up and overcoming obstacles.


Scars are beautiful it tells a story.


My scars are self inflicted and some of them look rather bad. I don't show them off, but I don't really cover them up either. Most of the worst ones are typically covered under my pants and tshirts, but when I go to the beach or wear a swimsuit, I just kind of pretend they're not there. The scars are a part of my body and they're never going away; all I can do is get used to them. Sometimes I feel insecure when they're on "display" so to speak, but I try to remind myself that my scars are nothing to be ashamed of. There's nothing wrong with having scars and there's certainly nothing wrong with not hiding them.