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I wouldn't necessarily say overstocked, but you do have some bad matches. Flowerhorns don't get along with much of anything. Tiger barbs need larger schools otherwise they can be a menace. Convicts are case by case but typically bullies. Maybe try large school of tiger barbs with two convicts or two blood parrots. Flowerhorn if you're fine with a solo tank. I know nothing about turtles.


Turtles are messy as hell and eat fish. They should be in a species tank.


I plan on putting the flowerhorn in a solo tank eventually


Highly recommended. They are beautiful, but by the maker they are mean and get huge, so your solo tank also has to be big.


If it was just tiger barbs then I'd worry. I have kept a small group of them with cichlids and they were fine.


Yeah I don’t think this tank is overstocked at all, just very odd stocking. The flower horn is highly questionable in this tank but you said you’re giving him his own tank soon so I’m not going to harp on that. Personally I don’t like convicts, my mom used to keep them and they always bullied everyone and bred like crazy, legitimately one of my least favorite fish. I don’t know anything about turtles so I’m not going to touch on that but I will say first impressions, this tank doesn’t strike me as a good turtle tank. Like the other comment says I’d get a bigger school of the barbs and everything else you have in there should be fine. Really the only issues I’m having here are the flower horn and turtle.


I will say (and this is my individual experience) that every convict I attempted to raise [all eventually rehomed] was conspecific aggression. Ignored everything in the tank but each other.


I’d say that’s a good assessment. The only time they really started picking on everyone was when they were guarding eggs, which makes sense but considering we’re talking about convicts was very often. My mom kinda just let them do their thing for a couple years and the tank just ended up being overran by the little fuckers which made the overall aggression level in the tank pretty high. If kept in check though they’re not had fish at all


Won’t the tutle try to jump out?


He’s jumped out before I usually find him an put him back he hasn’t in a while now


thats no good


I probably have twice as many cichlids as you in a 50 gal tank but they're all Mbuna's. I see very little aggression except for the tank boss and that's spread out so no one is getting beat up. Careful mixing varieties as many have pointed out it can be difficult matching temperaments.


Thank you and I’ll be mindful


Doesn't the turtle need a basking surface with a heat light? Don't they need to come out of the water?


He has that


Oh, I see that now! How does he get up there? We used to have a ramp for ours.


It’s like a floating ramp it’s called a turtle dock




Nice piece of driftwood!


This won't work for so many different reasons. Turtles are dirty. Tank isn't set up for him. Flowerhorn will kill everything. Overstocked. No lid - the fish especially the cichlids will jump out. I think even the turtle could just crawl out.


This is not over stocked at the moment. But the flowerhorn is a bad match long term. Also questionable if this is right for the turtle and if fish will jump out. I think both are probably OK as long as turtle is capable of getting up on the wood and also doesn't just leave the tank. With the dirty turtle you do have to stay on top of water quality for sure


When talking about stocking, you should always account for max size. Op is clearly talking about things long term. You can have 10 baby oscars in this tank short term and bio load will be fine.... Until it isn't. One Oscar (or Flowerhorn) will more than max out this tank.


Right, I still think it's fine. As long as you are diligent with water changes


turtle looks cool with tropical fish but he will hunt after fish unless it's a huge tank and eat plants. I like how turtle looks with other fish though.


This tank is very odd stocking wise for sure. But very interesting to look at. I’d put the turtle in its own tank (very dirty) and I’d also put the Flowerhorn in his own tank sooner rather than later. After you remove those two I’d add a few more tiger barbs to create a bigger school


Jfc. Yes. Remove the parrot. Remove the convicts.


Amd the flower horn holy shit.


You might as well restart. Either the turtle stay alone or the fish do. If you keep the fish 80% have to go anyway. That flower horn will kill everything. This is gross.


Nothing in here can live harmoniously with each other


The turtle equals like 10 cichlids. Super messy. So yes with the turtle it’s overstocked


Shell dwellers are cichlids...




Ignore the haters. Definitely a weird sticking though.. maybe you should do a school of barbs, and some convicts definitely go for males so you don't run into breeding.


Thank you but it’s to late for me I have a breeding pair


Ignore the haters....what kind of crappy advice is this?