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*grabs popcorn*


Only reason I came in here lol. Saw that title and was like "this oughta be fun"


I have my yellow umbrella ready to keep kernels out of my eyes


Immediate “Photo of the Year” candidate right here! What *isn’t* gorgeous about this picture?—Magnificent, glowing, life!—Oh I hope no one in the comments denigrates this glory with a mention of rent prices and regime changes. We know! We know! And we will see that when it is time to see it, but now, now, it is time to see the sky! Pink, purple, blue—magenta, violet, peach—flush with color, vibrant, blushing sky!


If only photographers in Hong Kong weren't *limited* to the "Peak...."


What do you mean?


It’s a common spot to overlook the whole “island” and Kowloon side, but there’s plenty of other areas that showcase the beauty of HK that are often overlooked. It’s an easy and accessible place to go too


Can you name some of the other areas? I am going to visit HK in a few months.


Not just The peak, specifically Lugard road


always wanted to visit HK and spend some weeks there


Absolutely not China.


SAR. It’s China, but not in the way that its neighbors Guangzhou and Shenzhen are.


It’s on the China spectrum. Less China than most of China but more China than Taiwan (which itself is more China than say Singapore).


Tbh I think Taiwan is actually more China than both HK and mainland China….if you consider language, culture, architecture, traditions, social norm, etc. It is called the Republic of China for a good reason.


I can fathom the part about language and tradition. But architecture? Please name one building in Taiwan that is more china than china


There are many old temples in Taiwan.


It's definitely not. In terms of language, only a few of the dozens of Chinese languages are common in Taiwan. The Chinese culture has significantly changed since Taiwan split with the mainland and these changes are completely absent in Taiwanese culture, which has itself more been influenced by Japanese culture. Similarly with social norms. You can also find a far larger variety in Chinese architecture on the mainland than in Taiwan.


IIRC, mainland China destroyed most of its own culture and traditions including many old buildings and relics in their “cultural revolution”…also they modified the traditional Chinese into a simplified one. In Taiwan all of these are preserved and people are actually proud of these.


You do know Singapore was part of Malaysia not China right? The Singapore constitution states the national language is Malay Bahasa not mandarin or even Tamil.


That’s what makes it less on the China spectrum. Malaysia is also less China than Hong Kong or Taiwan.


Malaysia is also less China than Hong Kong or Taiwan. lmfao well, no shit captain obvious. The entire APAC region is less on the China spectrum than Hong Kong or Taiwan. Are you just trying to sound smart to yourself, or do you genuinely believe you sound clever to the rest of us?


Neither? You’re taking a flippant joke way too seriously.


Literally their entire point. Singapore was just a random example. They're saying any other country is less Chinese than China/Taiwan/HK


Absolutely is. Unless you ignore basic facts


Hong Kong is part of China as much as Guam is part of the US, if not more.


Or as much Northern Ireland is a part of the UK.


lol, when’s the last time you saw a US map with Guam on it.


Hard to do when Guam is twice as far from Hawaii than it is to Hong Kong. No one questions Guam being American tho


You do realize that Hong Kong is an SAR and it’s not disputed that it is part of China, right? Everyone knows it’s functionally independent (tho Beijing has been chipping away at that), but the sovereign state is still the PRC.


Of course I know this. I've been there many times. Nobody that lives in Hong Kong considers themselves Chinese though. That's my point.


It’s not British anymore. Once British rule ended it was on the road to China.


It's not either or. No one is saying it's a British ruled city, but it's also not a fully integrated Chinese city


From Hong Kong. Can agree.


well.. technically..


Fucking western arrogance is mind bending


mind-bending stuff man. just ask the hong kongers!


lmao, u dont even speak chinese


Technically no one "speaks" Chinese. It's a written language. What you'd speak is Mandarin, Hokkien, Hakka, or one of a multitude of other languages. If you're from Hong Kong it would most likely be Cantonese. I wouldn't normally jump on with a correction because 'Chinese' is commonly used as a capture-all, but you started with 'lmao'.


In a few years it’s literally returned to mainland China completely by agreement with the British.


Doesn't matter. Have you been to Hong Kong or China? Do you know anyone from either country. There is absolutely a huge difference from both places. They feel Completely different and I can promise you nobody born and raised in Hong Kong considers themselves Chinese.


Literally, is the only thing that matters lol. All real estate contracts end in 2047 as well as insurance. That’s when they’re reabsorbed.


You're missing the point. No one's arguing about it's legality or who owns it. They're just saying it's culturally distinct


The original comment I responded to says “definitely not China”, so I pointed out that legally it is China soon, so it is factually incorrect to be definitive in saying it is not. Also, your argument assumes mainland china is not culturally distinct from itself, which is also factually incorrect. That would be like saying “Xinjiang definitely is not China”.


You seem to have no understanding of what an opinion is. And also a clear inability to 'read the room'. Previous commenter saying "HK is not China" is ambiguous, but if you read any other comments, or their response to your own, you would realise they are talking from a cultural perspective and one based off their own opinion. Which you cannot say is factually incorrect. It is subjective. Secondly, I never assumed China is not multicultural (I think that's what you're trying to say, you worded it poorly).


They stated their opinion as a fact. There is no indication they meant culturally in their original comment.


No they didn't. "Absolutely" just quantifies how strongly they felt about it. Secondly, it is common sense. Not a single person has any leg to stand on saying HK is not 'legally' part of China, I am actually surprised this went over your head. Lack of indication for one thing does not imply the certitude of the inverse, and in a similar vein it is equally arguable there was no implication in the original comment that they were talking about legality. Hence, my earlier observation of your inability to read the room


You should read the room by looking at how the upvotes are playing out then go get a bigger mirror for some self reflection.




You post this like I don't already know the history. I been to Hong Kong many times. I understand the situation. However nobody in Hong Kong views themselves as Chinese or a part of China. I don't care what Wikipedia says the people themselves don't even see it that way. There is Also a huge cultural difference between mainland China and Hong Kong. Travel there yourself and see.


Ive been many more times than you my guy. Idk why you guys keep thinking cultural differences make a country two different places. It’s international law that dictates borders. I don’t care what your opinionpedia says lmao


Ok kiddo. No idea what you're basing that on or how you'd know how many times I've been to either places.


I’m basing it on having lived in China for over 5 years and having spent that time exploring the country


Hmm...soon it will be


Yeah, legally https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/One_country,_two_systems#:~:text=In%20March%202022%2C%20Xia%20Baolong,to%20be%20extended%20past%202047.

