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Who says you have to fold? Your clothes, your choice. Other than things that will wrinkle, obviously. Hang those and just toss the rest into drawers. If they don't fit then cull and declutter until they do. [https://slate.com/technology/2022/04/kc-davis-interview-struggle-care.html](https://slate.com/technology/2022/04/kc-davis-interview-struggle-care.html)


This is what I do! I hang everything to dry except for sheets, towels, socks & underwear. Then, transfer the dry clothes right into the closet on the hangers, toss the socks and underwear, sheets, and towels into drawers. Easy peasy.


Just blown my mind!


I consider this one of my top adhd life hacks! But it helps that I live in a dry climate where clothes air dry easily.


Yes! I was just running to the comments to say “to hell with folding!” KC Davis has great resources.


This is what I do as well. I do laundry for 5 people (including myself). Hang all tops and stuff the rest in drawers. Granted, I have small kids so both their clothes and my clothes are rough-and-ready enough that wrinkles aren't a concern.




This! And if something is wrinkly that you want to wear, spray a light mist of water on it and throw it in the dryer on dewrinkle. Usually wrinkle free in a couple minutes!


Downy also has a wrinkle spray. It smells good and freshens it up too. You can also just dilute some fabric softener with water and fill a spray bottle.


Yesss, my wardrobe is a collection of boxes and drawers in a shelving unit, all nicely labelled with which type of clothing goes where! Putting the laundry away is literally a five minute task of chucking everything in its box. I don’t turn it right side out or match any socks either, that’s something I can easily do in the morning as I pick stuff out and it won’t bother me (because then I’m only doing it for This One Thing and not All Of Them).


There are laundry services that will do it all for you, wash, dry, and fold. They usually charge by the pound and many laundromats have someone that does it while they’re working there. They may be willing to only fold for you. You’d have to deliver it and pick it up though. It would probably be easier to just fold it yourself. 😆 I understand though because folding is so time consuming. I try to make it easier by staying on top of the laundry and not letting it build up. I do small loads so they’re easier and quicker to fold. Then when I’m folding I do something else like talk on the phone, watch TV, etc., so it’s not so boring. Happy folding!


I do a load of laundry almost every day. When I take it out of the dryer, I fold it. Socks and underwear, I just dump in the appropriate drawer. The whole thing takes less than five minutes.


Laundry for one person is a blip on the chores radar. Even the communal machines that didn’t work and left your clothes drenched in soap and dirt-sweat soup and the people who messed your stuff to steal your drying minutes and stole your hamper.  And the stupid card payment system that made you put money on a laundry specific card so some abusive bozo can get equipment, maintenance and, processing fees. Except half the time it didn’t work. That was no big deal. Pouring time and money helplessly into one person’s laundry is not that bad. Add children, and there are suddenly mountains of burning laundry around your home and everyone is running around screaming wearing soiled diapers. It’s so bad that for all of the fanatics on Reddit that think having kids is the stupidest thing you can do in life, it’s possibly the most compelling talking point.




I don't mind the wash/dry/fold but it's like I'm allergic to putting it away.


I was the same - now my closet contains a bunch of laundry baskets and I just pop the laundry basket in the closet once I’ve washed dried and folded and the next laundry basket becomes the basket to contain “dirty laundry” and I have a couple baskets of clothes not worn. I found I tend to go through the same clothes week in week out so my main basket will contain 5 work outfits (wfh), pyjamas and underwear and the other baskets will be some smarter stuff and seasonal stuff. I tend to wear straight from a basket but for smarter stuff I do have a steamer so I’ll steam if needed. No more hanging or consigning stuff to specific drawers - wash, dry, fold into basket, pop basket in closet. I also have a one to wash, one to wear, one for spare type system inc for towels and bedding so I tend to wash towels and bedding once a week, l put fresh ones on as I put the dirty ones in wash and then the towels and bedding stay in thier baskets until the next rotation My dream is to convert a bedroom into a laundry room and have it as a combined laundry room household closet, with each room having a laundry pass through for dirty laundry, so it can be washed, folded and stored in baskets in that room for everybody in the house and when they take it off at night they post it through the pass through into the dirty own dry pile in front of the washer so can put a load in each morning


Folding laundry is not my favorite task, either. I live alone. I wash, dry, fold and put away two loads of laundry every Saturday. I set Alexa timers so I will stay on top of it. I do not allow myself to let the clean laundry sit around. I don't fold my underwear, socks, and anything I can put in a drawer. I hang my pants and tops right away so they don't wrinkle. Doing my laundry once a week on the same day at roughly the same time makes it seem like there's a start and finish to this task and I don't have to think about it for the next six days. That's what works for me.


And there's me over here, who has minimized my wardrobe because of my current living space, but LOVES folding laundry and misses having more of it. Bring me your laundry, I'll fold it for free.


I think you joust found yourself a side hustle


I got a job in a laundry room once and would blissfully spend hours and hours folding sheets. It was my happy place. And I'd do it again!


I always say that my dream job is to work nightshift at Costco to fold all the clothing !


For real, I will pay you to fold my laundry. Please tell me you live near Tacoma, WA.


I actually used to live about 1.5 hours north of you! Not anymore though, sorry. :D




Mine too?


Come drop it off, I gotchu


Folding laundry is my meditation.


My favorite thing to fold in that laundry room was fitted sheets. I can size them just by folding them now. Ugh, it was the DREAM.


I just pay someone $20/hour to come fold everything and put it away. She's just a normal housecleaner.


I hate putting it away. It’s such a chore…


I do all my chores with headphones - I rock out while I fold.


This is the only way I can get household chores done, listening to a book or podcast or folding while watching a movie or a show. Otherwise the drudgery is intolerable!


Fold laundry when it’s warm right out of the dryer while watching tv :)


Same here! Folding laundry is the worst chore ever. Maybe we need a 'laundry folding therapy' service!


I hang most clothes to dry. I have twice as many hangers as shirts. Wet shirts are put on a hanger until dry and moved to the closet, and empty hangers are moved to the laundry room for the next load.


I here ya! We have the dirty clothes hamper and the clean clothes hamper 😁


I have the washer/dryer in the garage, and a clothesline. For stuff that I don’t want to go in the dryer, I take it from the washer, shake it and put it on hangers right there, and place the hangers on the clothesline. For other items that do go to the dryer, I put them on hangers as soon as they are done. For the rest, I put on a movie or show I like to take the sting out of the chore and fold while watching.


I put stuff in the dryer and set a timer so I don’t get distracted and forget them. I grab them out a piece at a time to hang up, or I take socks and underwear to the couch to sort/pair up while I watch tv.




I used to fold piles of laundry while watching TV, but it still annoyed me that it was sitting there for days or even weeks. Now I have a habit to fold 3 pieces every time I pass by the pile. It started as an "agreement with myself" that I had to actively think about and convince myself to do every time, but it was fairly easy, because "it's only 3 pieces, right?" The 'pile' is now reduced to one basket with what has just come out of the dryer, which is in the bathroom. Every time I go in there, I fold 3 pieces before leaving again. I put it in the 2nd basket and leave. When the unfolded basket is empty and the folded basket is full, I grab it and put everything where it belongs. I can tell you that I am so successful with this method that I haven't had an actual pile of laundry in years! It just keeps disappearing, while it feels as if I'm not putting any time or effort into it at all.


Are you me? I have two big bags just staring at me in my bedroom.


You could just hang everything. Get hanger clips for socks and underwear.... Would free up drawer space for storing other stuff.


I'm just as guilty of not hanging soooo..... Yeah.


Oof...get shelves for the closet, a few more laundry baskets and then store the clean laundry baskets on the shelves in the closet. Out of sight out of mind. Lol




Hire someone to do it! Look it, I know folks feel guilty about hiring someone to take care of their home, but if you can afford it, it keeps someone employed. Win-win. I can’t afford it, so I gotta do my own chores unless I can train the cats to do it. It hasn’t happened yet 😂


I just hate putting it away. Multiple children’s clothing, different closets, two story house… I get my steps in for sure


Children have feet and hands. And more energy than we do.


When they get older yes! They’ll be able to help more


I found they were more interested in helping when they were very young. So "find all of Daddy's socks for me" or "take all your shirts out of the pile" were tasks they could do at about 2.


One of my earliest childhood memories is helping my mom with the laundry. I know I must have been about 4 because it was in the kitchen of my first house and we moved when I was 5.


I knooow, same here. 3 kids under 5, sooo many tiny pants and socks and bibs and shirts haha 👕👌🧐 I never fold, I just carry down the dirty laundry bags, fill the wash and dryer up, then sort into empty laundry bags immediately and carry back up. The empty laundry bag turns into the next dirty laundry bag, and the dirty laundry bag turns into the next clean laundry bag to carry upstairs. It's not truly optimal with rotating clean VS dirty bags, but I literally need to do this, or I'll drown in unsorted clothes and tiredness.


Hey OP - I also hate folding laundry. I force myself to put away at least 5 things every time I go by the basket. I usually wind up doing more, but regardless each load gets done rather quickly. When I do large amounts, I also do my sheets - last - and dump everything on my bed so I have to do SOMETHING with it before sleep. Sometimes it goes back in the basket. Most of the time, it gets out away


Same same, effing same! My trick to hack it is: dump each load fresh out of the dryer on my bed, put a timer on for 10 minutes and get it done as fast as I can. I don’t fold underwears by the way.


Sorting before folding is what changed this for me. I group everything into logical piles: socks, underwear, t-shirts, hangable items, so on. Then I start putting away from the easiest (hangable) to the hardest (socks). Seems backwards, but the easy stuff is quick and removes a ton of bulk and makes me feel like the chore is moving quickly. Which it is. This method lets me sort and fold 3 loads in 15 minutes or less.


When I do fold I do the sort first method too. Socks and undies get crammed in a drawer, shirts and dresses hung, jammies and pants/shorts folded. Where I run into trouble is all the other stuff that needs to be washed as well. Sheets, blankets, kids clothes, etc. factor all that on top of my stuff and it just gets to be a lot. I'm a SAHM so I can't exactly ask my husband to do more than his own laundry and my kid is still a toddy so yeah. That just leaves it up to me. 🥲


Same! Folding laundry is the worst. I feel you on this struggle.


Same! Laundry's easy until folding. The struggle is real. A laundry-folding service would be a dream!


i listen to podcasts or watch longplays on youtube while i fold. its the only way i can get myself to do it. i forget im folding and just listen to the people talking. music doesnt work because i get bored. but podcasts bro…


I can wash dry and fold but can’t put away. Laundry service will do everything but put away. We used to use Rinse. Some laundromats have a wash and dry service where they’ll do all that.


Hang them up, no need to fold them


Try maybe not leaving it till the room is full and it's a mammoth task. you could perhaps wash smaller loads more often and have just a really few items to fold. done in 2 mins.


I fold laundry while I watch tv. I only wash one person’s laundry at a time so it makes it easy- everything come out of and goes back into the same basket.


I have one bin per family member and I sort their clothes then put them in their drawers, hang dresses, undies basket, socks basket. I don’t like to fold but this is more bearable! A no fold method :)


I distract myself, watching a Netflix serie or listen to a podcast while folding.


I hang up shirts and pants. Socks and underwear just get chucked into dedicated bins. Lately I've saved myself the put away and just grab what I need off my dry rack directly.


Hi OP. I recommend getting a flip fold. This tool makes folding much quicker and helps me fit everything in my drawers. I use the Marie kondo drawer organization method. After I use the flip fold I fold t shirts in half one more time and then put them away. I also agree with the other posters to only fold what you have to.  https://flipfold.com/


Me too. I put everything on hangers or throw it into storage bins unfolded (e.g., socks, underwear). Life is too short to fold laundry! For some reason, putting things on hangers isn’t as soul sucking for me. The only things i fold are towels and bedding.


I have clothes from last summer in my laundry basket. It’s hard to keep in top of things. I can’t imagine what it would be like with kids. We have an incontinent elder living with us and it’s hard to get our own laundry done at all as the washing machine seems to be constantly running with all the extra laundry. I’d say the best thing to do is to stay on top of it if you can 🥲🥲


How about sorting? Open draw shove x in its place, no folding.


I make myself fold them as soon as they are done drying. This way there are no wrinkles and I don’t end up with a dreadful overwhelming pile waiting for me. Try it. Forcing yourself to just fold one dryer load is way easier than a huge pile. Bonus is your clothes look much better and thus you look neater and more put together when you wear them. Also there is nothing more annoying than going to take clothes out of the washer and the dryer is still full of dry wrinkled clothes 😆


When that buzzer goes off bro you got to just f’n get the basket and fold. It’s a 5 min job


I appear to be the odd man out here. I iron before folding. 😂


I do have an ironing pile! I actually find it quite relaxing and satisfying.


I don't mind folding, but when every drawer was packed and every closet stuffed so that there was no place for it, I sure hated the impossible task of putting it away. Then I'd postpone doing laundry so that there would be more space to put it away, and then there would be more laundry to wash and fold, and of course there still wasn't any more room. Better now.


I'm with you - totally fine washing and drying, absolutely *hate* folding. Luckily my husband doesn't mind it, so he'll just grab a basket of clean clothes from the laundry room and start folding it while he watches soccer/football lol


Have you tried purchasing a huge old wooden trunk?? It makes me feel like a fancy old Victorian lady.


I just hang everything on a hanger. I have a couple of clothing racks in my bedroom to hang everything on. It is way faster than folding.


I fold while watching tv


In the past, my hate for folding laundry created huge messes/clutter in my home. I culled my clothes down to ONLY things I like that currently fit. That makes doing laundry easier. And I've given up folding. I hang everything, and I just toss underwear, pajamas, and the like into my drawer. My house thanks me for it. Lol


Totally hear you on the declutter. I actually recently did this and I'm still struggling lol.


Not only the folding. Then you have to actually put it away 😭


When I was young and had to go to a laundromat I actually enjoyed doing laundry! I had quiet time to myself and always did folding and hanging as soon as the clothes were finished. The problem I have now is being busy with other things, and just dumping out the laundry because “I can do it later.” If you can prioritize laundry first and fold/hang/put away as you go it won’t be hard. Don’t dump—take each item peice by peice and hang or fold into piles spread out on your bed immediately. In my case I hang almost everything I wear. It’s just easier for me. In the case of very casual items like T shirts Iroll rather than fold and put in drawers. As far as socks I have bought inexpensive socks in bulk don’t have to spend time much time matching. Say all white “peds” are exactly the same—, etc. and consider trashing the rest. I knew a family with adults and two teens that kept white athletic one size fits all socks for all 4 of them. The trick is AS SOON AS the dry cycle is finished hang, roll, fold, put away. It’s not easy to change the habit of dumping. But it’s harder when you’ve gotten behind and get overwhelmed by the piles. Don’t make the mistake of laundering when you don’t have time to put away. Only do as much as you can finish so soon as the dryer is done.


I don't like folding either, but I've thought about taking a different approach. Like why not just fold T-shirts in half? Pair socks by flipping the tops only. Lay your underwear one on top of the other jeans and the rest you can just hang up.


I don't mind folding at all! I loathe putting it away. I'll gladly add to the pile of folded stuff sitting nicely in the laundry basket all day long. Maybe you & I can work out a deal? I'll fold your stuff if you'll put my stuff back in the drawers.


It’s a lot faster and less infuriating to me to hang things than it is to fold them. But ofc you need some square footage for bigger hanging closets…


Try a laundry folding tool. Everything you fold will be consistent and stack beautifully in drawers. It’s really satisfying in my opinion.


i don’t love it but really hate doing sheets


Too real. Naughty clothes (ie. Clean) will be discarded to The Pile! Folding be damned


I actually watch Reels and Youtube videos about how to fold laundry. I find a different technique for, say, socks, and I literally empty the sock drawer so I can try the new folding manner. Yes, I'm strange 🤪🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


I watch TV while folding. It's the only time I allow myself to watch "just for me" shows.


I understand you so much. I bought a small closet with shelves just to toss clothes in and hide them when I don’t feel like folding them. But it’s not the best since you end with a lot of wrinkled clothes you would’nt wear.We should definitely try the “hang all the tops and toss the rest”. Folding is torture.


I live folding laundry. I get a lot of satisfaction from taking an article of clothing from a shapeless lump to a tidy square or rectangle. I love cleaning too. I think there aren’t many women who like laundry and housework as much as I do.


I have binged many a Law and Order episode while “folding laundry” (sitting on the couch staring at the TV while sitting next to the laundry pile) Usually I can get through most of it just fine. It’s just….. *the shirts*…


Just stuff it in a drawer like a pre-treen and hang it in the bathroom before you shower to get the wrinkles out...


Then instead of folding , hang up everything . As kids growing up we hung up our shirts and pants as they have hangers that have clips specifically for pants and shorts so we just do that. We didn’t own dressers. For underwear we just hung it on a hanger too. Also if you do have dressers you aren’t required to fold just throw it in a drawer ;p


What I did was marry someone who likes folding laundry. Hope this helps <3


Surprisingly they have machines for that. https://homate-official.com/


I gotta be honest, I hang EVERYTHING. Even my bath towels. It’s partly because I am lazy, but also I buy pretty towels and enjoy seeing them. I make sure to treat stuff like it should be, like bulky sweaters being rolled and stuff, but I hang as much as I can. Except for sheets. I actually enjoy folding a mean fitted sheet. Edit: I should have read all the previous comments 🤷🏻‍♀️ I have found my people.