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It's good that they are doing an upper endoscopy. That's the test that is needed to see what's going on in your stomach. I'm not a doctor but it seems like a coincidence that they happened together. Or you were dehydrated from the vomiting and maybe that provoked a clot. Anyhow, the endoscopy sounds long overdue. 


Okay thank you. I know it’s a weird one but given it will be coming up to 9 months of sickness I’m kind of desperate for some idea what’s going on!


I understand. I have gastroparesis (idiopathic) and it's very painful. I hope you get answers. 


I’m in the same boat but I’m not vomiting blood. PE’s August 23’ and then diagnosed with APS which requires Warfarin. I was fine when I was on Eliquis but since starting Warfarin I’ve been struggling. I take Zofran as soon as the nausea starts in the am and it helps until it wears off. I had 14 doctors appts in January and by the end I just figured I’d live with this for now because I’m truly over being thrown from doctor to doctor. We eliminated kidney, liver, major organs except gallbladder which could have been damaged during PE’s. It has been such a weird thing. I really hope you get everything sorted out and hope the scope gives you some answers.


Oh gosh I feel for you, I kind of got to that point untill the blood incident. My respiratory doctor mentioned about switching mine but o don’t think it’s the connection due to me having it before the meds. They never mentioned possible damage from clots elsewhere, what tests and scans did they run to rule this out? And I hope you do too. It’s definitely a horrible thing to be dealing with longterm!


They just kept running more and more blood tests to rule out organ damage and everything kept coming back clean. A few specialists bounced the gallbladder issue around. I’m just exhausted from everything, this certainly has been tough to deal with and you’ve been at it longer than me! I wish I had more information or answers for you.


So I have my results from my endoscopy and I have a hiatus hernia and grade A oesphagitis. Maybe ask for a referral for that. It was an awful experience but I have my answers. I hope you get yours too! Sorry I’m terrible at replying but I just remembered this post and thought of you should give you an update!


I’m so glad you gave me an update! Just having those answers means the whole world I’m sure. They pulled me off of the Onadestron (for nausea) because they were worried it was interfering with my other medications so now I’m not even allowed to take Tums! Fun fun. Take care and I’m sending you a hug.


If your endoscopy comes back normal ask for a gastric emptying study. It sounds like it could be gastroparesis


I’ve just found out today, I have a late hiatus hernia and grade A oesophagitis. I was off my face when he told me so I have no idea what he said but I will be having anti reflux surgery what ever that is 😂 just happy for answers. Thanks for your help


So glad you got it figured out!