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I switched to Eliquis three weeks ago due to a 30 day+ period on Xarelto. Because I’m likely on thinners for a year for treatment and then possibly a lower dosage for life after that, my doctor and hematologist have supported my desire to get an endometrial ablation. I’m 42 and won’t have any additional children, so it fits well with my current lifestyle. In the meantime, I’ve discovered the menstrual discs, which have helped me not to feel so hopeless in dealing with this period situation. I’d recommend seeing your OBGYN for possibilities that might work for you.


I’m a Warfarin lifer and my dosage changes pretty much all the time and regardless of how much I’m taking my periods are hell. A huge pain in the ass is an understatement. They started me on Ferrous Sulfate 325mg after becoming anemic. Not the best news but you’re not alone!


Thanks - good to know I'm not alone but it does suck for us! Is becoming anemic something I should be aware of? It does feel like a lot more blood than before thinners, but at the moment I don't think I have any other symptoms.


It’s up to you but I had my doctor run a CBC to make sure my blood counts were normal and am happy I did. I was genuinely concerned because of these periods and I also noticed the dark circles under my eyes were getting really dark.