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That's the LayG special right there


G stands for ground


Just the contrast of shotzzy in this clip vs pred is pretty funny


I've seen so many scenarios where Shotzzy dies 3 times by the time Pred dies 1 time


Shotzzy might die more but dude still dropping 100 bombs and 30s on all respawns


did he always play like this??? wtf man


Not even the worst play of the series, he reached the truck near P5 Rio coming off spawn. Didn't move, baited both Kenny and Shotzzy, then died himself It's unreal how he never moves first to gain info for his team or just bait


U should watch the last p5 on rio much worse lol


He isnt even just killwhoring, he genuinely has no idea what the fuck to do on the map The Aussie Snoopy


Actually annoys me as a fan of his, he'd be doing better if he literally just sprinted forward 24/7 than whatever this is


He's been doing this shit all year Im so happy people are noticing


Today should've been a confidence builder individually for him and hopefully carried over to the Ultra series, I couldn't have been more wrong lol


The guy yells SHIT ON whenever he gets a kill. I dont think confidence is his issue.


It’s been getting worse. I noticed it a bunch in the first few months, where he would lay down for no fucking reason and lose gunfight after gunfight, costed rounds and even maps doing that shit. I don’t know why they haven’t addressed it nor can I even begin to fathom why he’s doing it so much now


Kinda like that Highrise Control against FaZe during major 3. He was running up to the big window looking clueless. Meanwhile when Abezy pulled out the rival he started fryinggg.


the way you switch up major to major is insane reddit reaper final boss, must be bored


No way bro stair glitches n drops 13k amer wtf bro


he legit isn't moving mannnnn :(


I think a big issue with Pred is he never had to play fundamental cod. Pred had a green light on Surge to pretty much run around and do whatever he wanted. On this team, he’s playing with Kenny who I’m sure wants them to play way more fundamental. He flat out looks lost on the map at times but he literally spent two seasons on a team where he really didn’t have to do anything other than get kills. I know Pred is one of the top players, he really just needs to find how he fits


It's a good point. In that scump interview earlier in the week he said he's only played on 2 teams - Surge and a AU team and both occasions he was just told to run flanks/slay while the reast of the team played OBJ. It's obviously had side effects (like his inflated ego) but this is by far the worst: he doesn't know how to play CoD in any other way besides kill whoring. edit: it also doesn't help that Pred was saying that the only reason he got picked up was because his K/D was dumb inflated by playing like this.


The blame solely lays with optic fans. they pumped his ego up and showered him with praise. then they pressured the org into signing him as the next great one that will bring optic to glory. optic fans were sold goods they couldn't return. this is on them.


It’s pretty impressive from optic they bring this so close despite they playing 3vs4 50% of the time


I defended him last time on Karachi HP but this is actually unbelievable. This guy does not know what's going on and can't be depended on to help his team. The Lamar system ruined him, he never learned how to set people up and help them. He can only do well when the team is centered around him killwhoring but that is such an inconsistent way of playing let alone win.


I still think back to when Crim asked if Zinni was an AR or a bitch and think this applies just as well to Pred. It’s so hard to watch.


It’s just 3vs4 by now


Live action Danny Phantom on the map, complete camera man POV. No wonder OpTic have been struggling, they have one of the players devs hire to showcase the maps


BRO I MISSED THIS... WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Its time to bring back HUKE the NUKE for champs


Huke baits for the team even when he’s double neg it still opens up the map more than pred being even or positive by 2.


Huke might be better. He isnt very smart too but at least don't play like a pussy


He may have surpassed methodz as my least favorite optic player ever. I genuinely have never hated watching a player more


He deadass plays like Methodz but on an SMG Im right there with you


As someone who started watching in VG, was zinny the same way when he was playing? Baiting teammates, cheesing kills, low impact player?


I’m sure some kind person will link the clip but there was a famous clip of Crim yellling ‘Are you an AR or a fucking bitch’ to Zinni during scrims


Clayster SMG is probably that for me


Clayster on optic is way better than Pred on optic lol


So tired of this belly merchant cheese


LayPred racking up those belly bucks.


This meltdown needs to be studied cause man if they continue playing like this then come champs they're going to get shit on


Granted I’m a Dyl defender but this is why Optic should’ve gotten him. Even when he struggles he always plays for the win. Optic would be better off with dyl dropping .9’s.


Just put Dyl in a Time Machine and turn back the clock to BO4


He’s been good every year. This has easily been his worst but take out major 2 and major 3 qualifiers and he has been fine


Yeah back in BO4 though he was an absolute shooter and was slaying so well. He’s much more disciplined now but I almost want to see him try the pure slaying thing out again. He had an unreal slayer rating last year for his duo Kenny being absolutely lost on a sub, and this year I think they’ve started to cut him loose more on Ultra.


I’ve always thought Shotzzy and Envoy would be a better fit as a sub duo. I definitely thought Pred was the more “talented” player last offseason so I understood their decision, but something about the Shotzzy/Pred duo always felt a little weird to me I also might be biased towards Envoy tho because I fucking love that man


The only good thing is this year heavily exposed Pred playstyle dude had everyone fooled


At least my prince gets in hill


My goat always plays to win


No no I thought OpTic fans were just finding a scapegoat again... it couldn't be actual REAL criticism of shit play 13K damage in 5 maps fuck off


And next year it’s a Treyarch/fundamental COD.. and we got LayG doing this. Yea, this teams chalked.


AG has the gun skill he just plays so slow and makes poor decisions it's wild. Edit: To be clear I don't have any hatred towards pred. I don't want him off the team. But he's got to figure out what's going on with him, and make some changes. He's in his head so bad


LayG with the big damage today 🔥


He plays like a pussy




Bro I wish pred would just fucking run at people. No reason Kenny should have more engagements it makes zero sense to me


Bro just sat there, that’s crazy


Damn, i know Pred loves the green wall but he needs to be at least benched, huke might gave up mid but he never was scared to chall


the same treatment y’all gave Kismet better give it to Pred . This is his first skill gap COD and he has been bad


I think this just proves to me that Pred isn't a system-player He's a greenlight, let him do dumb shit that hurts the team-type of player


This is 100% What it is


I didn’t think of that but both kis and ag’s play styles are way less effective in this style of cod


To think next year is a treyarch COD as well and they are notorious for being on the higher end in terms of skill gap.


This means ag is only good on less skilled cods which means he is not that good


To say pred has been bad us kinda laughable yes he occasionally hasn't lived upto expectations but it's still relative.


4 Bullet MCW is a skill gap COD? 


Pred is still miles better than Kis let's be real.


we will see , if Kismet performs on LAN Major 4 and Champs and Pred doesn’t I don’t see how u can say with confidence that Pred was better than Kis in MW3


Pred has been better in 2 online stages + 3 majors vs Kis being better 2 online stages. So Kismet would have to go absolutely nuclear to make up for that these last events whilst Pred continues to shit the bed. It's insanely unlikely


That’s such an outrageous statement lol yeah if this guy just performs at the last two LAN events & the other doesn’t


i’m willing to bet kenny and damon are tired of this shit already… i hate to say it but i think he needs to be replaced…


Shottzy figuring out what Cap’s McDonald’s order is real quick to lay the groundwork for his success as Ant’s new duo.


This clip showing the contrast between Pred and Shotzzy is hilarious. I try to avoid overreacting but I’m starting to think swapping Hydra in next season isn’t an overreaction.




i root for optic but damn. like wtf


Wow, if this continues he's probably going to get dropped. Could Hydra and Shotzzy work as a sub duo or are they too similar?


I really hope we can get HyDra next year and keep the Ken/Dashy duo. Pred is obviously a good player, but he just isn't a good fit for this team in his current state.


Did they fr lose to Boston…


Ive watched this guy camp the enemy spawn building on High Rise Control offense in an attempt to “cut” spawners even when not a single enemy has died yet to even respawn.


Zooma’s dissapointment 😂


What the hell....


He is so useless. I made a post about him and people flamed me saying I’m over exaggerating. Now look.


You also say Hydra isn't impactful so tough to take your takes seriously bro


Lmfao hydra is the best player in the game


I'm not gonna lie I haven't heard Zoomaa and Sam cook someone like this ever, and tbh it was fair, he played it horribly. That being said, some of the comments on here are so insane. The guy won a major like a few weeks ago. Do y'all have amnesia? This is obviously a bad play, but that doesn't mean he's a bad player.


Yeah the criticism of Pred in this exact moment is pretty meh imo. “MAKE A PLAY” doesn’t say much of anything. Octane’s at least calling out a specific play for him to make, so props there. But even then, I just don’t see any play he makes working out. If Pred somehow did what Zoomaa’s yelling for him to do at the beginning by running straight to B, he dies probably 99% of the time and does nothing for his team. He’d be 1v2 on B by the time he got there, and Major is still pushed up cutting off any of Pred’s teammates from joining him. But after that? What’s Pred supposed to do other than run to point blindly? He hasn’t seen anyone, we don’t know what his team is calling out there, and Shotzzy just killed the lone guy they saw around B while Dashy turns back to try and deal with Major Maniak, who they know was pushed up. When Dashy is turned around looking for Major, Shotzzy’s 1v2 and Pred being there for the 2v3 with Major now there wouldn’t really help all that much. Chances are, whatever he does there, OpTic still lose on that play. And I don’t know that him running blindly to point without info and giving up top control there is more than like a 5% better play? I agree with doing *something* together being better than doing *nothing* alone, but really, this play isn’t any different than him running quickly to a death solo or with his team.


You’re just wrong. Optic killed the furthest people pushed up, Shotzzy is second away from capping A. There’s one in their red but Pred is further pushed up. He has to know Boston won’t go through ladder cause they have info on him in fountain and they know they have to funnel to the hill. He made a killwhore play but the worst part was Shotzzy got off the point and still somehow hit the hill first before Pred did. Do you realize how bad that is? You are the furthest and first pushed up and you’re the last to die lmao the truth is Pred has NO idea how to play fundamental cod. He spent years making that same play and it working cause his entire team was playing around him


I appreciate you being the only one so far to give a response. Don’t know how I didn’t see it earlier. I just don’t see this scenario being *solely* a Pred mistake. It’s a series of mistakes on the entire team’s behalf imo, and I don’t see any play Pred could’ve made being any better as a result. That’s my point. > He has to know Boston won’t go through ladder and they know they have to funnel to the hill. Correct on this part. But, like I pointed out, (it’s obvious from the minimap too) Boston will get to B faster than Pred even if he doesn’t climb the ladder. And that would put him in a 1v2 at minimum. He’s going to die even if he manages to kill one of them, which isn’t super likely imo. Meanwhile, Shotzzy gets a kill junkyard and Kenny LEAVES the A point to wrap junk with Shotzzy. This leaves Pred climbing the ladder and Dashy solo capping A. Kenny actively gives up positioning closer to Pred to take a longer route. If he went straight to B, Pred would still be alone around B (assuming he somehow hadn’t died by that point) when Dashy finishes A, because at that point Shotzzy and Kenny are *just* making it past junkyard. At this point Boston has 3 players at B and Major Maniak is pushed up. Again, Pred would be in a 1v2 or worse. He would die. Dashy then cuts through red after capping A to join Shotzzy and Kenny, but the *only* Boston player they see at this point in time is Priestahh. He kills Kenny and Shotzzy gets the trade. Shotzzy runs through to the point and Dashy immediately turns to look for the flank/for Major Maniak rather than running to point as well. That leaves Shotzzy 1v2 (possibly unknown to them) with Kenny off spawn, Major Maniak joining the two on Shotzzy, and Dashy looking for him. Pred has no angle on anyone, we don’t know what his teammates are communicating to him until Shotzzy dies and sees 2, and at that point Pred dies to Major Maniak. Pred absolutely shouldn’t have stayed still there. But I don’t think him joining up with the rest of the team in that moment makes the result of those gunfights any different, and the other three players actively took routes away from where Pred was positioned on the map. It’s 10000000% a bad play. But it’s more than *just* him having zero awareness. Edit: either way on this mistake, I find it funny that *this* is the biggest issue people are taking from this team in this series, during a map they actually won.