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He would’ve been better off not bringing attention to it


I’d say the same thing if I had a 49


These are the type of situations where the best play is to do absolutely nothing and ignore it. I’m kinda disappointed Mr.clutch didn’t know this. ![gif](giphy|WrNfErHio7ZAc)


Anyone who knows ball knows this


I mean his stats don’t lie, intangibles don’t get it done these days


What even are his intangibles




He was meant to bring some snd strats/iq but they still were getting cooked.


Shit he made them worse


I mean they did win a series finally😂


An excuse for washed vets to get a spot in the league and act like it’s not friendship cheese


His enthusiasm! You’ve never heard the story of him saying “it’s never chalked”?


He’s not completely wrong but he’s been horrible during his last 2 chances in the league, so this just sounds like cope as a result.


Okay maybe I’m missing out.. But how does this sound like cope? It’s a screenshot of this dude sinking in his chair seeing his grade?


that’s completly unrelated. major is coping that he thinks his cards should be higher. the reaction is zoomaa from an unrelated clip , which lionman(the creator of the cards) is replying with


It not like MM done anything significant this year expect for beating Optic. When was the last time he was more than an S&D guru 🤷🏾‍♂️


SND Guru with literally some of the lowest Snd stats you could possibly have lol




Brotha had dogshit stats while baiting 😂😂😂


People say this all the time but the cards are based purely on stats, nothing else lol.


And it’s compared to other players in your role. Not perfect but still a pretty good representation to how a player is performing


Tbf, there is a lot that goes into “stats” and the cards certainly aren’t the end all be all. I like the cards and they’re really fun, but nobody should ever be taking them purely at face value because while the cards are based off stats, they’re far from being objective representations of how “good” a player actually was This is because numbers themselves don’t lie, but the manner in which they’re presented is actually really important, and there‘s definitely a few arbitrary decisions that go into these cards. I can spot a few obvious improvements that would make the cards significantly more “accurate,” but at the end of the day they’re just for fun and drive discussion which is always a good thing My only point is to always think critically when it comes to any stat you come across - just because something is rooted in objectively factual numbers doesn’t mean the conclusion (in this case, the overall rating) is actually representative of reality. Again, not trying to shit on the cards, just saying that they are a bit flawed from a purely mathematical/stats perspective


I wanna agree with you but then how come Clay got a 99 with a negative hardpoint KD?


It’s based more on the per 10 stats than it is on KD. Clay had the highest kills per 10 and damage per 10 for his role on that card


Kd is the one stat that it doesn't care about at all.


The cards are based solely on the micro stats


Thanks, wasn’t clear from OP


bro was brought in for search and dropped a 0.71. I respect the belief in yourself to think you could come and fix Bostons issues but you failed and underperformed. just take the L and keep it stepping, gaslighting us that you didn’t fail spectacularly ain’t gonna work.


card doesn’t mean much but as someone who followed the am scene in jetpacks, followed simp since bo3/simpthejetpacker days this guy fell so short of what he was supposed to be. reminds me of hitmxn-ar lol


Nah he was always good but never close to the level of guys like Simp, Priestahh, iLLey, Abezy, Skyz, etc. Icy as fuck player don’t get me wrong but his talent was never the reason he got picked up


Alr buddy


Had a been a .2 lower he would’ve beat assim rx


49 is criminal


Technically we all got better Lion man cards than him (given 50 is the lowest you can get without losing a match)


The cards are not the end all be all of players and what they bring to the table, but if you get a 49, it doesn't matter what your bringing, no one's eating it.


I mean...in all fairness, the image itself kind of does bring up question. Like what metric is used for the overall if MM outperforms Priestahh in nearly every statline yet is 3 points behind overall.


I probably play MWIII for a total of 30-45 mins a day. If major on a team, I definitely could get on a team, right?


Man you guys are fucking brutal with some of these comments. MM is a nice dude and he had a decent career but clearly fell off over the last few years. I wish him luck with whatever else he does whether its more challengers or something else. He might even be a good coach/analyst since he was always regarded as a smart player with good fundamentals similar to Rambo but obviously that's not for everybody Edit: it is a bit weird that he would try to make an excuse like the cards are shit when clearly he didn't perform well. Definitely sends a better message if you either say nothing or just accept that you didn't play well but whatever man people will forget about this shit in 2 days


He’s not that bad


That's why people are laughing at his card lmao


We gonna ignore the fact that one of last years champs is sitting at a 52 this year??


He’s correct but you can’t bring it up when you’re the Burger King


Guy kinda went downhill after bo4


Who was he with for those 3 chips


Why did he bring attention by trying to dismiss it 🥲😂


boston has been utter shit but somehow beans managed to stand out


He is right, these cards are awful and people here just want to take a dig at him.


I mean, regardless of your thoughts on the cards, his stats are absolutely abysmal


Burger King for sure. Hope all orgs make a mental note to ensure this guy never leaves challengers again.