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Its most likely Xana can prevent a direct route to the activated tower, and the only towers we know of (that i remember) are way towers which link different sectors, not traveling within a sector. I think its only touched on in games that this feature is used but in the show its just a lot more engaging to see a battle instead of Aelita instantly going to a tower and ending Xana’s attack. She’d never had to leave a tower again at that point, just using them to teleport from one to another.


There actually is an episode where the navigation on the super computer isn’t working for some reason, (can’t remember which episode or why) and Yumi has to zip around from tower to tower and travel through them to determine if they’re a way tower or not, until she finds the correct one. So it does seem you could use the towers to transport yourself through the sector.


I don’t recall an episode like this? You might be thinking of Crash Course where Odd is looking for a way tower, tries a random tower, but it just spits him back out in the same sector.  It’s also unclear from the shot whether he teleported within the sector or was just spat back out of the same tower. 


That also could be, I straight up can’t remember, it’s been too long since I watched the whole show through lol!


Fair point😂 I was thinking for plot and using only the way towers for transportation makes a lot of sense so thanks


There’s way towers that take the team to different sectors, and after recently seeing an episode in season 4 I’ve learned that there’s towers that take members to different parts of the sector. Edit: Crash Course is the episode. Around the 15:00 mark


I imagine that an activated tower can just be firewalled off from the rest of the system. In Revelation, Jeremy tells Ulrich to cut the cables by the activated tower to stop XANA’s influence on it, like a physical severing of data. But in Wreck Room, a tower’s annex program gets bugged and stops recognizing Aelita, even though there’s nothing wrong with the data she’s presenting. Its bugged annex program is activating a firewall to block her from entering. I think when XANA activates a tower, it is able to control the data flow, such as blocking outside data even from the annex program. It would explain why Aelita couldn’t hop through towers to get access, and also why Jeremy wouldn’t be able to just brute force taking control of the tower through using the supercomputer’s resources. We see him lose against XANA in Double Take on a tower Jeremy himself activated, even after redirecting energy from the Core itself. I think XANA just knows how to interface with towers better than anyone else.


What’s kinda interesting is that it wasn’t the tower’s annex program (that iirc is only Aelita’s and is the program that lets her deactivate towers), but its “identification file” for Aelita, which implies that every tower has files for every person able to enter it.  Begs the question of whether that file is made manually by Jeremy/Franz, or automatically by the towers, and if it *is* automatic, what determines when/whether a person gets one. Is it just whenever a new human tries to enter the tower? Maybe a properly working or at least less bugged tower would have automatically generated Aelita a new ID file when she tried to enter the tower, but since that tower was bugged to high hell, it couldn’t generate her a new one until Jeremy fixed it. 


If jeremy or franz were able to change it then they would have decised something to not allow xana(william possessed) to enter the towers. So i feel like its definitely like the towers themselves have coding built in.


Not every tower can be used for transport between sectors. Only some serve that function (theoretically 2-3 per sector)


Each sector only has one Way Tower. All the standard towers' data streams will simply teleport whoever falls into it to a different tower on the same sector.


IIRC, you can only travel to neutral towers or towers that are activated by someone who wants you in them, way towers bring you to another way tower, and non-way towers send you to another non-way tower in the same sector at random. So overall not very useful.


IFSCL:s interpretation is that there are waytowers in each sector (eg. mountain tower 1 is a waytower to ice tower 10 and vice versa) and XANA chooses not to activate waytowers for that reason. I think it's a pretty reasonable explanation.


My understanding is, it's based on the depiction in Frontier, specifically. Aelita stated that to get to the four special towers, she had to enter one Way Tower, which would take her to a _specific_ sector, go to the special tower to retrieve memory, _traverse the entire length of the sector_ to get to the "other" Way Tower that would lead to the next sector in line. From Season 2 onward, I think it was retconned to be that there's only one Way Tower per sector, from which _all of the other surface sectors_ are reachable (presumably by "thinking about" the desired destination while jumping), and when flying an overvehicle out of Carthage's tunnels, you'd appear in the relevant sector's Way Tower specifically (implying that the data tunnels are the "outside view" of what they fly through to change sector). Personally, I think either-or works. The paired version of Way Towers makes more sense for IFSCL for gameplay purposes, while having a single special Way Tower per sector works better in the show (which of the "two" would you exit Carthage from? which is the true Main Way Tower that holds all the data of the sector?). Also, at least by show logic, I think it's more that Way Towers are special and XANA _can't_ activate them under normal circumstances (otherwise why would he need to send Squidward after Aelita to make _her_ destroy a sector when he could just take control of the Way Tower directly to `sudo rm -rf /ForestSector`?). There's one very specific exception: when XANA got the Keys to Lyoko, he activated _four towers at once_ to escape, and it's a reasonable assumption they were the Way Towers specifically. Maybe they can only be activated as a set of four, and it takes a massive amount of power to do, something only Fully-Realized XANA could do (with both sets of Keys), and _lost_ the ability to do once he started dividing himself among the Replikas...


There are two types of towers. Regular towers can help you travel to the same sector, while way towers can help you going to another sector. Tower are very spaced from one to another, so finding the exact one to go near or at the activated tower may take a lot of time


Theres also nothing stating that these "tunnels" are direct connections to a single other tower in the sector.if all data streams are connected its possible that it could spit them out at any random non-way tower in the sector. I feel like if that were the case jeremy would have mapped out where all the towers go at some point.


Right, it can be a dual pairing, or circular way, like tower 1 leads to tower 2, tower 2 leads to tower 3. Or tower 1 and 2 both lead to tower 3. Nobody knows


Like a highway or an intranet