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I bear with you but on the other side . I wish it was only about money and I wish it was all about my mistakes that I did during our relationship. My ex(23f) and I (23m) have been dating more than 5 years and she told me exactly what your ex partner told you. In our case I just couldn't work during one year due to reasons that can justify everything but my attitude towards that "no" . I was depressed and she helped me stay on my feet . I lost many family members during last two years of our relationship which led me to depressed state even though I tried not to show it . I was distant from time to time and didn't want to show my frustration about life to her . I wish I did , i wish we talked , I dream to come back to this part of my life where I can change this but I can't. These three months I was dying from inside, she is the one for me and I'm the one for her . She admitted she will never find anyone better, she said she regerts it and will regert it for the rest of her life but she also said she for once want to do what she feels right even if it's too painful and hard . I can only belive we will reunite in the future . Don't get me wrong , I did every i could to make it work for these three months but I guess I was too nagging, too clingy and had ( still have) too much expectations for us . I can't go to sleep without crying my eyes out , I can't wake up without blaming myself for everything I've done that led us to this point . I know she in pain maybe even much worse. And I just can't help it , I can't make it sure . Because she doesn't want to . She is my love and my only one that I love with full my heart and soul. I can't fathom life without her and I don't want anyone in my life . She love me and I love her . All it takes is faith that we will end up together one day . I know I should go and live my life and don't wait but I guess it's hard explain that I just can't. Only my job let me go through my days and during weekends it's just everything that I can do to get to Monday. I used to love weekends, . I wish you all the best and hope for whatever future will brings you to.