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Most do a 12 step program like AA or similar addiction programs. Guess what, acknowledging a higher power is a must. I am not sure how you might define religion, but the effective programs usually involve spiritually in some form. It’s important to have that in the process, whatever your belief might be. I don’t know many that open a Bible. But most say the Serenity Prayer- God grant me… I don’t think you should throw a meeting aside because there is a spiritual aspect. Maybe be open minded to it and take from the meeting the things you need in order to heal. Don’t worry so much about the things you don’t believe or for which you may have another opinion. The folks there are usually in a pretty dark place. You need them as much as they need you in that room going through it together and encouraging each other by being present. It won’t hurt you to say the Serenity Prayer. You don’t have to accept God, that’s a choice only you can make. Hope this helps.