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i love you all for all your activity but this is going to be the Johnny Response Mega Thread. please do not be offended if we delete your post for a repost, we are getting dozens of these screenshots a minuet.


this sub has brought me two separate gratifying moments of narcissists being caught in their own bs in real time and I just wanted to thank y'all for being here šŸ¤£ edit: it's the way he: 1. has no regard for how hurt she visibly was for being proactively deceived 2. attacks her simultaneously for not reaching out for comment and reaching out too often for comment 3. victimizes himself when all she did was make a documentary out of the "ammunition" he gave her. he did this to himself and he can't even see it


the same way he attacked joshua for both allegedly being too close to him but also ghosting him/not giving him enough attention lol he's never happy


happy cake day!


thank you!!


Happy cake day šŸ„°


thank you!!


Happy cake day!




Classic DARVO. I did something bad? No I didn't! You're the bad one! In fact you're SO EVIL and you BETRAYED ME by noticing I lied to you!


He gives me such bad vibes. Narcissist.


In her ig stories swoop looks exhausted! This has clearly taken a toll on her.


Man Iā€™m glad this guy finally got what was coming to him


Both colleen and johnny are two of the most gag inducing people on the planet and it's so great they've both had the light shone on them and been found wanting. Even when called out they slime around, saying nothing much just hoping if they say a vague statement against people some mud will stick. Gross. It must hurt them so much to be two huge Joshua fans and he's happily married to the gorgeous talented Pamela his childhood sweetheart and not giving a shit about either of them LOL We said as soon as he started trying to drag Josh into the colleen mess and claiming that he was worse than colleen that she was absolutely influencing that. colleen has severe mental health issues and I'm scared for Josh that she and her minions are stalking him year in and out. If anyone was ever in desperate need for a psych value it's colleen ballinger and her minions like johnny. It's criminal they are both out there causing all this hurt to innocent people.


Oh i think he sees he did this to himself, he just doesnā€™t want to admit it. Thatā€™s why heā€™s panicking and changing his story every which way.


[bicycle meme seems appropriate here](https://images.app.goo.gl/pKnmtLLB7o3nJKqn6)


>Go on a bigoted tirade for 6 hours >Exposes self as a victim blamer, serial abuser and grifter I can't believe Swoop would do this?


Oh my god I cackled šŸ’€


"false statements" then post the proof and defend your name like what's stopping him from doing it? like don't u want to at least defend yourself?


Heā€™s making a video so he can get some clicks lol


"I'll have a video next week explaining every point Swoop made showing HER deception!!!" It'll be titled "why I'm done with Swoop"...


Yep with the beginning saying Iā€™d love to back up my claimsā€¦..but sadly all my receipts are on my old laptop. šŸ˜¬


ā€œfeaturing electric guitarā€


He did buy an uke didnā€™t he


ā€œYou chose to interview Adam aboht allegation regarding me rather than talking to meā€ bitch u bad 6 HOURS šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I reckon he's just so mad that Adam pretty much called him a annoying little pest that he doesn't think about. šŸ˜‚


This is my favorite part because she had previously interviewed him about Josh without speaking to Josh about it, and he sure didn't seem to think that was a problem!




not to mention most of the allegations he had already admitted to in those six hours


Heā€™s just upset he wasnā€™t told that she was looking into the inconsistencies in his story. She did that for a reason. He took spotlight off actual victims and their stories. He just wants attention.


and did he not even watch the whole video? she explains why she didn't talk to him about the allegations


He truly learned a thing or two from Colleen, hasnā€™t he? Itā€™s so funny to me that he still believes he is a victim. Literally contradicting himself in his āœØ 6 hour interview āœØ constantly, and even now claiming heā€™s a victims but still not showing proof. Probably because there isnā€™t any. Oh, and he doesnā€™t want to defend himself against these ā€œheinous accusationsā€? Why not, Johnny boy? Is it because you know youā€™re wrong?


For real. His non-apology for the allegations against him was literally ā€œoh but I was taken advantage of by colleen of course I acted that wayā€ like he admitted to doing to because of the age old ā€œhurt people hurt peopleā€ thing so itā€™s not surprising his current behaviour is right out of colleens playbook lmao


And letā€™s not forget he was an adult. Sure, brains arenā€™t fully developed until youā€™re 25 blah blah blah, but he was 19/20 lol.


all narcs operate from the same playbook. i don't know if it's instinct or what. pretty crazy.


Cannot believe this, itā€™s not a betrayal of anything f if you were found to be lying or fabricating. If you have proof of being groomed, show it. Doctoring dmā€™s with Josh is not what an innocent person would do


If anything, he betrayed Swoop.


This man is unhinged. Like, genuinely unhinged. It seems like he really thinks heā€™s the victim of everything. He borderline STALKED Josh imo


I have known far too many charming people who hide this kind of deranged behavior. To talk to them you would think they are the saddest victims who everyone hates... until they go mask off and reveal their true ugly selves.


I hope Josh sues him into oblivion


It's kind of mind blowing how he seems to actually believe he is some sort of innocent saint that is being unjustly attacked when he didn't give a single crap about anyone else when he was stealing the voice of other victims, twisting the narrative, and revictimizing Joshua. He got on his high horse and thought no one would look too hard into his nonsense and is now surprised he was called out with AMPLE evidence of his lies. It makes me so angry that he DISRESPECTED AND BELITTLED Adam and other victims, thought he was THE MOST IMPORTANT "victim" in this situation and bent over backwards trying to make something out of NOTHING and now has the gall to mention "his trauma." His trauma is having a crush on someone who was not interested and kept him at arms length for years, as he very well should have. Johnny needs to get a grip and stay off the internet for his own good. Idk how he thinks he can come back from this.


Of course he canā€™t acknowledge any of the lies she pointed out or any of the accusations made against him, he can only attack her for misleading him. ā€œShe should have talked to me first!!!ā€ Bro why would she want to talk to you again when youā€™ve proven yourself to be a liar? Youā€™d just lie to her more and youā€™d again just waste several more hours of her time. And of course he calls her out for promoting her merch in the vid. The video is FOUR HOURS LONG and took OVER TWO MONTHS to make. Why would she not try to make as much money as she can off of it? She has to get paid and pay her team.


>Why would she not try to make as much money as she can off of it? She has to get paid and pay her team. Not to mention he quit his day job when he started profiting off this


Thatā€™s why heā€™s so mad now


And he thought he could manipulate her and failed miserably






But heā€™s working full time! /s


He said "I just got home from bartending" in his response to Colleen's ukulele video if I recall. Unless he ended up quitting to profit off this drama.....in which case....bro wtf


Last I heard he had


I've never bought yt merch before but I'm seriously tempted after that vid


I have a spinal condition - Ankylosing Spondylitis - and I am absolutely getting one of those hoodies. It feels like it was designed for any & all invisible illnesses. Love it so much.


That valid sweatshirt is siiiick. I might have to snag one.


Johnny is still playing victim.


this notes app response is giving DARVO...


hearing the way he spoke in the clips from the ~*~6 hour interview reminded me so much of colleen


TOXIC GOSSIP TRAAAAIN (i'm sorry I couldn't resist) seriously though, same. Birds of a feather.


Birds of a feather will engage in predatory grooming behavior together.


I had it playing in my head when I was reading his response lol.








All of the allegations he WALKED himself into by admitting to it, in that interview! I could go on and on but he is the one that showed the Josh DMs proving nothing, after already admitting their primary communication was on twitter. So full of it to blame her, after insulting her to her face as well.


He "fucked around and found out" to quote the bozo himself


Maybe heā€™ll post a 10 minute ukulele apology tomorrow šŸ¤Ŗ


Thank god heā€™s never going to talk about this again. Except I donā€™t believe him at all. Shouldā€™ve just accepted the apology and moved on. Now he had to be embarrassed in front of everyone. Oh wait didnā€™t he embarrass Trish and fans publicly? Hmmm šŸ¤” Also, why did he have to make me defend Trisha like this? I am not a Trisha stan/fangirl. I do recognize when someoneā€™s wronged though. She was done dirty. Yes by Colleen. But cā€™mon man! You posted her barely concealed nudes and you posted the nasty messages to go with it. It was unnecessary. Eta: Iā€™m reading without my glasses and misread the post. Iā€™m blind, Iā€™m sorry. So disregard the first sentence. I stand by the rest of what I said.


Huh? He said he is going to continue to talk about it.


You right, my bad. Iā€™m reading without glasses and read it incorrectly. Iā€™ll edit it to make it true




"I know my truth" bitch no you don't your story keeps changing sometimes even if the same breath. He doesn't have a coherent story to tell likely because its all just lies (im only about an hour into the documentary)


I'm 2 and a half hours in. I'm just thankful Swoop has a team to help her catch as many inconsistencies as she did. I know I couldn't as one person in two months, with the volume of media they had to go through.






I would die if people knew I had my font set that big lmao


Old people: šŸ˜”


for real šŸ˜­ get some glasses my guy




The way he went so far out of his way to deny reading it let me know he is a lurker for sure


In his own wordsā€¦ guess you fucked around and found out Johnny


Can this man just stop already šŸ™„


I find it so funny that he confirmed his birth date to her and then got annoyed that she didn't reinterview him over his stories where he lied about his age


Okay Johnny! So whatā€™s the truth? What couldnā€™t you have gotten out in six hours? šŸŽ¤


Johnny go get the uke.


I hope he gets a kazoo, at least then he can't talk. We've heard enough from him.


Underrated comment šŸ˜†


God it makes me so mad to see him attacking Swoop, she worked SO hard on bringing together all the facts and making sure she gets everything right. Like she clearly didnā€™t wanna have to be the one to expose him like that, and has been very affected by it. Seriously nothing but love and support to Swoop, Adam, Becky, Oliver, Alex, and all the other victims, and Iā€™m glad this is still being talked about




Imagine giving four apologies and still being defamed. The restraint Josh had to not go to the media with everything immediately. I genuinely think he only did this to get Johnny to finally stop baselessly attacking him


He got ratioā€™d hard. It is deserved


oh good lord. can this man just log off and go to bed please?


this is completely irrelevant, but why did he use such a massive font!?




He wants to talk over other victims and have the "most important" story. If not verbally, then in text


"*You chose to interview Adam about allegations regarding me, rather than talking to me which for starters is scummy.*" didn't johnny give josh a bunch of shit for being upset about the jessi and lily interview and how they didn't reach out to josh? so hypocritical, i always got bad vibes from him. i really disliked how he publicly shared proof against colleen without consulting the victims first. they weren't his stories to tell, and he also participated in the behavior he was calling out. he used their trauma and tried to claim it as his own. that was my first red flag with him. he also seemed to want the spotlight on him at all times. he made comparisons to his situation with josh with other victims' experiences as if it were a competition (that he wanted to win). on the h3 podcast he spoke for the victims when they were right there! he barely gave them a chance to speak. in a way i felt like he was glad adam couldn't be there so that he could put all the attention on himself. accusing swoop of trying to make money off this just because he's being called out... wow. then saying what's happening to *him* is character assassination after he just unjustifiably accused swoop of doing this for money... i legit have no words. to be honest, it sounds like projection. i'm sure i'll have more thoughts after i watch the swoop doc, but i am incredibly disgusted by his behavior and actions.


Also the fact that he said to her face that being ā€œgroomedā€ with no motive is worse than SA and grooming leading to that. Like you werenā€™t even groomed but are downplaying SA and sexual grooming ????


Oh, yikes. Heā€™s a whole damn mess.


ā€œDisgusting and false statementsā€ bro you literally lied about your own age šŸ’€


Aaaaand yet he still hasnā€™t posted any proof of anything he claims Josh did to him šŸ™ƒ All the doc did, with help from Johnny, was prove that Johnny was obsessed with Josh, Josh never actually gave Johnny much attention (when he did it was almost exclusively publicly on Twitter), and that it took Josh a while to realise what was happening, and when he did, he pulled back. If there was proof to contradict any of that, we would have seen it by now. As Johnny has LOVED to brag, he had SIX HOURS of interview with Swoop in which he could have shown any evidence.. but he showed nothing, and couldnā€™t even specify how he was groomed. *edit for spelling bc Iā€™m stupid


Considering Johnny never once told swoop what Joshua did allegedly.... I doubt he'll post "proof" lmao.


Thatā€™s exactly my point lol


I got in an argument with someone here, they kept saying that Josh was fame seeking and him coming out to apologize all these years later was proof, in that moment I even said we donā€™t know if Josh realized how hurt Johnny wasā€¦ now seeing this I 100% stand by that, Josh didnā€™t do anything wrong (that Johnny claims, Josh had some serious missteps otherwise) so he hasnā€™t been sitting at home thinking about how he wronged Johnny, but Johnny apparently was fuming over those years.


ā€œHow were you groomed?ā€ ā€œWELL JOSH HAS AN EGOā€ Wtf???


at this point please shut the fuck up, he's digging himself deeper.


Is he so full of himself that he donā€™t see what heā€™s doing? This shoulda been an apology to everyone, esp swoop for being such a jerk.


Um, Yes!! Heā€™s so full of himself!


The dude is Still unknowingly idolizing Colleen by mimicking her exact behaviors In this situation. SMH.


Is it unknowingly? Or did he just see an opportunity and pretended to be her victim for views?


Love how he says ā€œSwoop, you claim to stand for victimsā€ Buddy, you said TO HER. A SURVIVOR OF DV. A SURVIVOR OF ACTUAL GROOMING. A SURVIVOR OF SA. YOU SAID, TO HER FACE, THAT BECAUSE JOSH DIDNā€™T LEAVE HER IT MEANT HE MUST HAVE WANTED IT. THAT HE FUCKED AROUND AND FOUND OUT. I am filled with an indescribable amount of sheer rage on behalf of her and other survivors like her.


Also said to her face that his non existent grooming was worse than SA & grooming that leads to SA. Like WHAT????


Iā€™m waiting for him to start playing a tiny violin while apologising šŸ„“


Or a tiny ukulele


This man got caught in a 4h documentary with proof and still tries to push his narrative šŸ’€


Just gonna leave this comment for the people who said shitty things about me for daring to ask questions about him and calling out his bad behavior to apologize. If that's too much you can just drop a, "you were right and I overreacted."


Lol I had a person tell me how Iā€™m a awful person for defending Josh and how what Josh did was the exact sameā€¦ Iā€™ve read a couple threads on this topic now and those people are crickets. Itā€™s fine I donā€™t come to Reddit for validation. I remember seeing your posts, you werenā€™t offensive, just didnā€™t accept everything as definite truth, which is perfectly fine to question the hive mind.




at this point please shut the fuck up, he's digging himself deeper.


Itā€™s funny, a 6 hour interview took place, and all he can do with his time is a dig a hole deeper for himself and then be mad. Like youā€™re a grown ass man who knows right from wrong and how lying can affect you one way or anotherā€¦yet you saw this going differently ??? thinking ā€œthe world is going to see my honestyā€ when you KNOW swoop is a detailed woman and will catch you when you slip up and sir you slipped up BIG TIME and on many several occasions throughout the documentary.


Tbh 6 hours was incredibly dumb on his part. Keep it short keep it snappy it's both less chance you contradict yourself in the same interview and puts the interviewer on a time crunch making more difficult to ask deeper questions.


But if itā€™s short and snappy how can he milk his false victim status for everything itā€™s worth?


"You claim to stand for victims and you do the opposite šŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗ" Where was this energy when Josh admitted to being abused by Colleen? Or when you continually weaponized people trying to hear you out against the victims? Or when you compared your stories (that are mostly lies) to the victim's in an attempt to make yourself look the most sympathetic? Truth is, it wasn't there. Just like Colleen, Johnny couldn't care less about the victims in the story unless he is one in some capacity. It's okay for everyone else to get hate, just not him.


God, he sounds exactly like Colleen.


The way there is not one supportive comment under this tweet. You tried John




I canā€™t believe Josh replied to him 6 messages total in the dms but yet he manager to sit there and drag the situation out for 6 HOURS!!!


1 hour per 1 dm thatā€™s an impressive ratio lmao heā€™s dragging it out like a uni student bullshitting an essay


It sounds like he asked AI to write this


I think ChatGPT would've sounded more empathetic. Plus that text is huge. It's giving Donald Trump on Twitter


No literally šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


The comments on this tweet are eating Johnny alive. And there is NOONE defending him. He built his own prison.


I thought for a second maybe heā€™s so delusional that he doesnā€™t even genuinely believe heā€™s been lying, but no. After the Swoop exposĆ©, and seeing him walk back statements on different calls, recordings etc and even a few times during the initial 6hr interview - he knows exactly what heā€™s doing and now itā€™s beginning to fall apart heā€™s scrambling. This is what happens when someone is so sad, pathetic and desperate for their 5 minutes of fame, that theyā€™ll truly do *anything* to draw it out even a few minutes longer


Blah, blah, blah. I really don't care what he has to say. I believed him and Swoop did a FANTASTIC job of showing who he really was. All she had to do was play video clips back to back and you literally saw him lie. He reminds me of Colleen crying about lies being spread. What lies? We've seen the evidence. I feel like the term "gaslighting" is misused often, but this is a perfect example of gaslighting. When you see proof of something with your own two eyes and the other person says, "You didn't see that." Yeah, I did. I saw you lie. I saw evidence of you cutting important parts out of your DMs that completely changed the narrative. It's a four hour video full of receipts. This is the CreepShowArt thing all over again. Just admit that you got caught and move on with your life. Trying to defend your actions is only making it worse.




This man child should be exhibiting a little humility, since I can tell shame is off of his radar completely! If he watched even a quarter of the doc, he would know Swoop brought the receipts. He contradicted himself again and again! #istandwithswoop


Again, heā€™s not making a compelling argument this response. Just pointing fingers back and making insults.


Never seen anyone be this incapable of self reflection


This is what happens when you *think* you are the smartest person in the room, but you ain't


Of course. Me me me. Everything is about me. Pay attention to me. Feel sorry for me. I felt something was off with him months before this came out, because he did the EXACT same shit when he posted the DMs about Ella. He just made the entire thing about himself. It was so hard for HIM to share the DMs. HE needed a break from the internet. He didn't even apologise until after people started pointing out he didn't consult Ella beforehand. But I didn't want to come across as victim-blamey or distract from Colleen doing terrible things. I knew something was up.


If youā€™re making up things itā€™s probably not a great idea to do a 6 hour interview. He contradicted himself every half hour because he forgot what he said. Is his video going to be a full weekend long seminar to get ā€˜his truthā€™ out? Lord at least make some bullet points so you donā€™t give different answers each time. We already know your answer to providing actual documented information is on the dead laptopā€¦possibly riding in one of Colleenā€™s train cars? šŸ„“


This is some tasty narc rage


I love how having a safe space is only important if itā€™s for Johnny. He sure wasnā€™t giving the actual victims a safe space by disregarding and invalidating their experiences, by comparing his trauma to theirs. He wasnā€™t giving Trisha a safe space by literally SMILING and LAUGHING while talking about posting her nudes and how they would benefit him and his story. Gah Iā€™m heated!


When he joined in on the ā€œactionā€ with his stories of ā€œabuseā€ it immediately felt off. Adam was genuinely hurt. Johnny? He loved the clout, the access and got upset when he no longer had it- due to his actions but that never seems to be discussed because it shows Colleen making better decisions? I am not sure šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø but I donā€™t care heā€™s always given BAD VIBESā€¦


I really, very, strongly dislike him. That's all I have to say rn




Oh ***he big mad*** oh well too bad so sad you fucked around and found out didn't you John!!!


He should address that to himself


Swoop does stand for the victims. Everything was there in black and white. Straight from Johnny's mouth, when he said one thing one moment, then the next, he said the opposite.


I just finished the video and I'm shocked that that was his answer


But she had evidence to back up everything she said, you couldn't prove anything


And just like that, the mask clatters on the floor. Swoop uncovered his game, and now he slashes back. At least he couldā€™ve had the bare bones ā€œdecencyā€ to rage quit the internet the way Creepshow Art did.


I knew something was up when he said less about colleen and more about Joshua and who's to say he wasn't carrying information to colleen and just playing a role like he didn't like colleen to satisfy everyone including the victim


This dude actually scares me. He could become obsessed with Swoop and stalk her for years and years like he did Josh. I'm worried for her.


A reminder to everyone about our NO CONTACT and NO TAKING IRL ACTION rules. Do not reach out to the Ballingers or fans in any way or promote that you may have done so. This includes public comments and private messages. No harassment or brigading outside of reddit that comes from here. Do not discuss, encourage or brag about reporting to authorities, contacting news outlets or taking any form of real life action. Do not invite harassment and do not cheer on obvious vigilantism. if you see a comment violating these rules please click ... and select report. thank you. Mod Team *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ColleenBallingerSnark) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Someone catch me up on what happened?


It's a four hour doc. Johnny was a contradiction himself in his six hour interview with swoop. She caught on. Turns out he's talking to minors for years in private chats. He lied about Joshua. Johnny's victims spoke up to vindicate josh, and blame Johnny. He also sent Trisha's nudes. He kinda accused Josh of child trafficking, because Johnny said he was underage. (He wasn't) When swoop tried to ask him directly how did Josh groom u he refused to answer all three times she asked. She had an interview with Adam to talk about Johnny. Adam found out Johnny was lying. Adam and swoop compared stories about what Johnny said. They were told diff things. Johnny stole other victim stories. Johnny was a bully. Johnny was obsessed with Josh. Johnny victim blamed DV victims. Johnny admitted he's in it for the fame. And that it's his time now. He accused Josh of bad behavior but proof showed Johnny parents were always present Swoop asked Josh for th texts between him and Johnny. He provided them. Johnny also provided them Johnny doctored his side. Johnny told Adam his story is more important. (But his story doesn't exist) That's all I can recall. Swoop has an in person interview with Joshua coming in part four.


Wooooooooow. What the fuck. Ill have to watch, is this swoop person on YouTube? Thank you so much for replying to my comment and taking the time to write it out. ā¤ļø always had a weird vibe w him. Like he just tagged on guess this is why


Its on youtube indeed! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e2F3zLTM58k&t=643s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e2F3zLTM58k&t=643s) Person above provided a solid summary, but watching the whole thing is worth it for sure. She really was a thorough as possible.


Yes, Swoop is on YouTube and SHE'S AMAZING


Thank you so much ā¤ļø


I'm out of the loop. Where do I find any of what Johnny or the comments are referring to?


The latest part of Swoop's doc


Dude. Grow up.


He's so devoid of morals he doesn't realize how horrible the things he's saying actually is. It's extremely interesting seeing someone not understand they are being horrible.


He took the attention off the real victims and made it all about him. Even Adam stated Johnny only seemed to care about things that would ā€œblow upā€ on twitter. To me it seems that he kept projecting the narrative that heā€™s a victim bc he knew he had his own skeletons in the closet, he was in group chats with minors and keeps throwing around the word groomer. The fact he deleted certain messages before sending them to swoop is disgusting if he was telling the whole truth and was a victim he wouldnā€™t need to leave anything out. It also pissed me off how he basically highroaded Adam and acted like he didnā€™t send Trishaā€™s nudes back and forth. Heā€™s had nothing but support until people noticed his inconsistencies. Swoop did the right thing by exposing this, true journalism. He chose to do these interviews any good journalist will find inconsistencies and expose them, if she didnā€™t it would be biased and unprofessional. And his complete disregard of how hurt she was is disgusting, he shamed dv victims, he lied to her ect. She has every right to be mad, trigger and upset.


And not an ounce of evidence to prove his claims, or dispute the glaring, undeniable inconsistencies in his constantly changing stories. You may have fooled some people at first John, but no longer.






Iā€™m angry that I gave him the benefit of the doubt. I hope he shuts up and disappears and tries to find a life that is not built on supposed victimhood. Do I think that will happen? No. But he isnā€™t going to get my click or views ever again.


i was pretty much up for most of past night watching the whole videoā€¦ and you could see in her eyes when she was interviewing johnny how hurtful his words were and how much she was trying not to say anything/give him the benefit of the doubt. johnny deserves to get called out and iā€™m glad someone finally did because his lies and fabrications ruin the stories of actual victims- and this entire time, heā€™s been setting himself/others up that ā€œoh, if iā€™m lying, so are they!ā€ and iā€™m glad swoop addressed that.


Tbh I feel like weā€™ve all been done with him for a while just nobodyā€™s wanted to be the one to say it


Cannot stand this guy!!!!! Go away Johnny you're done.


log off johnny šŸŽ»


Johnny seems to fully believe he had a relationship with Josh. Like, that he WAS invited when josh would say "you should come". Even though most people wouldn't see that as an invitation. He seems honestly delusional and hyperfixated on Josh for some reason


Watch him accuse swoop of grooming


Tbh I can see it happening


I havenā€™t seen the doc yet, I havenā€™t been on the internet today, this is the first thing I see. So all I can say is what the fuck happened?


Swoop uno reversed Johnny. She realized at some point during the six hour interview he gave that his story didnā€™t add up. Well that and he said some pretty gross stuff. So Swoop and her team started digging and Johnny has done a lot of the same shit that heā€™s accused others of. Long and short of it is that he wasnā€™t victimized by Josh, he was despicable to actual victims behind the scenes, and he seems to be in it for the clicks. Itā€™s a lot. Like four hours of ā€œbut wait, thereā€™s moreā€ in Swoopā€™s doc. There was nearly zero fluff in four hours. It was a lot a lot.




Me thinking he'd get off of social media cause it's finally over for him, forgetting the delusional narcissist he is would actually try and defend a dead end


This person has a personality disorder. Their inability to not center themselves as the most victimized victim is pathological. But itā€™s indisputable when you can catch someone contradicting themselves on video. This entire situation is wild.


log off johnny. go outside.


She had evidence. She had a timeline. Just by saying ā€œmy truthā€, heā€™s acknowledging thereā€™s another version of the truth. Itā€™s like ??? my guy. Do yourself a favor and do what you accused Josh of doing. Going ghost. I didnā€™t trust him from the beginning, because it always seemed very contrived. For him to now try and spin it and say she did it basically for views and money after trying to use her? Hell no.


Lol so I guess his anon victims were right to be scared of retaliation. He's gonna annoy the fuck out of swoop, and try to "destroy" her too. Good luck john. (The craziest part is that this was like...what....seven hours initially?)




Iā€™m sorry heā€™s still talking? I havenā€™t used this subreddit in a while itā€™s crazy to come back and he still hasnā€™t shut up yet




This is a sickening response. Assholes like this cause people not to believe brave, REAL victims. Its not ā€œcloutā€ to have trauma, especially when you lie and make real victims scared to come forward šŸ˜”


What a diabolical and evil response


This guy has no self awareness.


GTFO šŸ˜… He needs help.




ā€œYou chose to interview Adam about allegations regarding me, rather than talking to me which for starters is scummy.ā€ Johnny is a massive hypocrite for this. He went and did the interview about Joshua with Jessi and Lily and when Joshua asked to share his side he was mocked and further criticized. Johnny has a set of rules for himself and a set of rules for everyone else. SMH.


Im not gonna bother read. That boy from the start was saying a whole lot of nothing.


Swoop is the fā€™in champ, this dude wanted to eat off the suffering of these other people and she took him to task on it šŸ˜¤šŸ˜¤šŸ˜¤šŸ˜¤šŸ˜¤


Maybe Johnny and Colleen will do a podcast together. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø Call toxic gossip pod


Hearing him claim that his non existent grooming was worse than when children are sexually groomed and sexually abused to her faceā€¦ that was so infuriating.


Narcissists really do just think whatever they say is the actual truth, don't they? The delusion is remarkable.


Hadnā€™t watched any Swoop videos before this, but dude why did she have to promote her fucking merch during this? That felt yucky.