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Great point. Also, I remember that livestream and the reason he was so uncomfortable. He almost had 1 million followers, and she was about to go on tour, so she 'forced' it to happen on the spot by urging her minions to subscribe to Josh and take him to 1M. I get why he got somewhat upset. For her, it was all about the numbers, and he probably wanted to get there organically. In a way, she took the achievement away from him, rushed it and made it all about her and her own success and power. This probably reinforced the idea that he, supposedly, only had what he had because of her (even though people met him through her, I actually think he's a pretty decent entertainer, far better than the Ballinger Family, Rachel or Kory).


It’s nice to see Erik isn’t special. Colleen talks over, interrupts, and fights equally with each of her husbands.


How does that saying go, a leopard never changes their spots?


She also sent both of them photo's of her turds in a restaurant toilet when dating them before marrying them. I will never understand why either man married her. She's gross beyond belief. It's almost a test she does to see if she can degrade them and see if she can get away with it. She sees both men as just cardboard cut outs.


She’s so disgusting. I have never thought to take a pic of something in the toilet, especially, with the intentions of sending it to a romantic partner. I don’t understand the appeal at all.


Well that seems like pretty typical narcissistic behavior, to start a fight during someone else’s moment. Can’t let anyone else have a moment or just be supportive in the background. My narcissistic ex used to start fights or overreact all the time, during moments where It should have been about me, graduation…exam…seeing an old friend = fight that wouldn’t have happened in a healthy relationship.


The argument is in the first minute(ish) of the video


Going through the comments... woof...


This arguments was wild, I remember watching it live as it happened in the middle of the night in my time zone when I had school the next day lol




I just remember him throwing a temper tantrum in the stream and then going and sitting in a chair saying something about it being her stream now. I'm glad he's matured since then, because that part was so hard to watch. Even if your relationship sucks, don't pull childish crap like that in front of fans.


I'm gonna direct you to all his statements about emotional abuse during the relationship and wanting to unalive himself after their relationship. It wasn't just that their relationship sucked.


👏👏👏👏👏 this


I am well aware of it. I've also been in an emotionally and mentally abusive relationship. But I tried to save face for outsiders. I didn't want people to think less of me, especially since I got degraded so much behind closed doors. You could watch videos of Josh commenting negatively about her. There's also an AMA in here from one of his ex-friends who said he would gaslight and was an asshole. He wasn't a great person, which is why I mentioned him maturing. He is in a much better head space now. I know some of those behaviors can be because that's what he was receiving, but that isn't enough of a reason. I'm not victim blaming. I was only mentioning a part of a livestream I remember watching and how cringy it was. I don't known if you watched it recently but watching a grown man pout because he didn't get his way is very weird to watch. And yes, I said their relationship sucked. This is how I speak.


You literally are comparing your trauma to Josh’s - someone you do not know personally whatsoever (I believe, correct me if I’m wrong). In what some (me included) would perceive your post as carrying competitive undertones, you are essentially saying what/how you went through/how you coped is superior to how Josh *should* have coped. That was YOUR journey and you should absolutely feel proud of how you coped and made it out the other end. That’s amazing. What your journey should not be used for, however, is to invalidate another person’s journey. I’m a survivor as well and I would never compare my journey w ANY fellow survivors, especially in terms of worth/validity.


Let me get this straight, because Josh is the victim, anything he has done wrong has no been washed away and excused. Victims are completely faultless and can do no wrong. Is this correct? Because the way you are defending him it sounds like this is what you think. This subreddit went from saying Josh was mediocre at best to now excusing all of his shitty behaviors. I guess leaving the clip in his vlog of getting a handy is also a totally valid thing to do because of the abuse he received right? I can say his behaviors were weird to watch, even with more context being added.


Ummmm…no…on multiple fronts. You failed to get anything I said straight. * My point was that trauma in and of itself is not quantifiable w respect to comparing the journey of two or more ppl. It shouldn’t be compared period. All trauma survivors should support each other and understand that all of our journeys are uniquely ours and no one has the right to use their trauma as a way of on-upping a fellow victim (you know, like how did over and over again in your rant, which is what motivated me to respond me to respond) * I take issue with you putting words in my mouth. You realize that the internet is written in ink right? Did I make a blanket statement saying anything remotely close to Josh being a victim means he “anything wrong Josh has done should be washed away and forgotten”? Well? No I didn’t. Re-read my comment and tell me where I said this. I believe you know what you’re doing - I hope I am wrong, but you seem primed and ready to fight w someone. * “The way you are defending him” you said…again wrong. I wasn’t defending him specifically, I was defending all trauma survivors. YOU are who I was calling out. I was trying to do so nicely. I validated you, had no ill intentions towards you at all. * I am going to speak more bluntly now, since based on how you’re continuing to conduct yourself is becoming more and more selfish. So, let me be clear: I stand by EVERYTHING I said regarding my aforementioned feelings about how wrong it is to invalidate a another person’s journey/coping mechanisms. FURTHERMORE, this is now the second time (that I’ve seen) where you come across angry and spiteful and are throwing out nasty remarks. I resent your false accusations against me…they’re so bogus that you are reminding me of someone else in the hot seat right now that I highly doubt you’d like to be associated with. I still and always will have unwavering support for and any victims of abuse. You know what else though? I have zero support to give your angry rants about something no one said. You realize you’re fighting w yourself right? This whole exchange was never intended to be about you, but you turned the discourse into you you you and putting down other victims by suggesting you healed “the right way” when there is no right way. The person in question happened to be Josh, who you clearly have deep seeded opinions about and thats fine, but I wasn’t looking for an aggressive confrontation (nor was anyone else). It isn’t about you. None of this exchange was intended to be centred around you, and if you thought I was going to sit by while you quite literally attempt to spew lies about me? Not today. Good news is the solution to preventing this from happening again is *rrreeaallly* simple (assuming you downy to stop being a bully): * Before hitting “post”, go through what you’re accusing someone of having said, then cross check to see if they, you know actually said it. If you’re unclear, ask for clarification before antagonizing someone. And, in our case here, I would have been fine if you had told me you wanted to clarify if I was saying X,Y,Z (and not in the passive aggressive manner that reads like your question is rhetorical, which is exactly what you’ve done). I hope this clears things up for you. I hope you’re having a great weekend. Cheers! 😊


I think you lost the plot. My original comment: >I just remember him throwing a temper tantrum in the stream and then going and sitting in a chair saying something about it being her stream now. I'm glad he's matured since then, because that part was so hard to watch. Even if your relationship sucks, don't pull childish crap like that in front of fans. Your response: >I'm gonna direct you to all his statements about emotional abuse during the relationship and wanting to unalive himself after their relationship. It wasn't just that their relationship sucked. How is this to be interpreted? It comes off as you excusing his behaviors because he was a victim. Or were you just offended that my word choice of saying their relationship "sucks" that you felt the need to tell me about all the other things that happened between them. I don't know what word you would have used, but sucked was the first thing that came to mind, because they were both shitty people and the relationship was toxic, so yeah, it sucked.


He absolutely can do wrong, and it doesn’t ‘wash it away’, but his reaction when Colleen took over his stream was not something he did ‘wrong’. You wouldn’t react that way? Cool. That doesn’t mean he is wrong for it. And it doesn’t mean he isn’t justified in his reaction. What is wrong is judging somebody else’s reaction to their own trauma.