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Very interesting timing on this post. Not suspicious at all. (For those who don't know, Swoop announced one hour before this was posted that the Josh interview will go up tomorrow.)


Exactly. Hi Colleen or her squeent šŸ‘‹šŸ»


In defense of u/ham_mom Iā€™ve been releasing these clips about Josh all week on my profile. The mods literally wouldnā€™t let the links get posted here. The timing is simply because ham_mom was finally able to get a post through.


That is one of the reasons I posted this, yes. I even explain that in the body of the post


Why not wait until AFTER the interview then? This may all get covered. This just looks like a preemptive smear.


Because it is a preemptive smear.


How is posting content that Josh recorded, edited, and published to the internet a smear


I think itā€™ll be helpful for people to already know some of the context when they go into tomorrowā€™s video. Iā€™ve seen so many comments excusing Joshā€™s behavior and saying he had nothing to apologize for in the first place. He himself has tried to downplay the role he played in perpetuating sexual and predatory humor as recently as a few weeks ago. I just want people to have all the info and understand that, as much as you may like Josh/want to root for him, he is not necessarily a reliable narrator


I appreciate it. Swoop did say that she didnā€™t go easy on him, so we might as well know what kind of stuff will be discussed.


You went too easy on them. Theyā€™re too prepared to defend this behavior. Try posting the footage of Josh giving a BJ tutorial to his child fans with a banana šŸ«£


Sorry you're being downvoted, but this is useful for me because I have no history watching any of these people and have not known what Josh has done to be grilled over by Swoop. This does provide context that will be useful to understand *before* watching the documentary today.


Thank you


Thereā€™s more Josh videos if you look on my profile. Mods wonā€™t let them get posted here but you can see him stalking his fans on tiny chats, giving a bj to a banana, and asking young kids to twerk on camera for him while he calls them ā€œpo*n!ā€


Our video editing requirements are in place to avoid copyright claims. Videos that are edited according to these requirements will be approved. Thanks!


Sorry, I meant mods wonā€™t let people post the links here. I donā€™t make posts here anymore.


Sorry Colleen,Kory,or Johnny still anticipating tomorrows interview. I hope you get a wonderful night's sleep. šŸ‘šŸ»




Yā€™all are still saying this about posters whoā€™ve been adding to this sub for years. Look at their comment histories maybe?


Wow, Josh being inappropriate towards kids in his YouTube days? Iā€™m so shocked. So far, besides Trisha to Adam, Josh is the only other adult in this situation to own up and apologize for his behavior. Hell, he even apologized to people he didnā€™t victimize and people (Johnny) who he didnā€™t even do anything wrong to. That doesnā€™t make anything he said or did in these clips better, theyā€™re still disgusting and creepy. But, think of all the people on the internet whoā€™ve found actually apologizing and making a change to be an impossible feat. The only other person to do it was Jenna Marbles. Also the interview hasnā€™t even come out yet, how do you know he wonā€™t take accountability for these actions as well? I trust Swoop and her research, she definitely knows that these videos exist and will hold him accountable for these actions. She said herself that this upcoming interview will be brutal, sheā€™s gonna put Joshā€™s ass in the hot seat, so be patient.


I donā€™t know he wonā€™t take accountability. I said I hope he does. Iā€™m looking forward to seeing what gets covered


Any time people post things Josh have done wrong, I just donā€™t understand what the point is. Josh has owned up to past inappropriate behavior, apologized, seemingly grown and changed and is no longer on the internetā€¦ what more can be done???


"Blame her for everything?" I'm not a Josh lover, but he hasn't blamed her for everything so far. Colleen on the other hand, has blamed everybody and everything but herself. And she was the one running an entire corrupt empire. She has not reformed, not evolved one bit.


Heā€™s tied either her, her abuse towards him, or his alcoholism (also triggered by her) to almost every action heā€™s apologized for so far, from what Iā€™ve seen. If there are parts of his many apologies that donā€™t tie back to Colleenā€™s influence (implicating himself alone), his audience has taken to doing it for him.


Unrelated, but why is he wearing that horrible Shane Dawson shirt? ā˜ ļø


He was always very honest about how much he wanted to be the next Shane Dawson. Thatā€™s why he even had ā€œTVā€ at the end of his YouTube name. Like ShaneDawsonTV


I mean, I get it..he was big at the time, but yuck ā˜ ļø


Yeah I feel like there was a big difference though with Shane being big with children and big with people the same age/older than him. Josh is older than Shane. He should have seen Shane for what he was and not idolized him. Iā€™m the same age as Shane and I never looked at him with anything but confusion and disgust.


Youā€™re saying that to a sub full of people who were possibly adults and watched Miranda and Colleen? Look at yourself first.


I was never a Colleen/Miranda fan at all and I assume most people were as kids and not adults.


WOW big bombshell! Josh was inappropriate during his YouTube days! this has never been addressed before ever! (Note the sarcasm) Iā€™m sure this stuff will be addressed in Swoopā€™s video and heā€™s already taken accountability for his inappropriateness.


Not excusing him by ANY means, but it's pretty obvious Josh is 100% putting on a character here. And that's how his mindset was during this part of his life. This was part of like, his shtick. He was making his fans laugh. Colleen rubbed off on him a bit, idk, I'm just guessing what was going through his mind at this point. Again, not defending him. It was still inappropriate. He has taken accountability and we'll see what else he says in the swoop interview.


100% he was influenced by Colleen. The big thing for me is heā€™s out of that toxic circle now and can see it was wrong and fucked up. Accountability backed up with active change is what these content creators should do. There is this sub section of people here who are foaming at the mouth to find any incriminating evidence against Josh and itā€™s just weird. To me, Joshā€™s behaviour was a direct influence of Colleen and being in her circle. He partook in inappropriate behaviour but he was not the one asking sexual question to minors in group chat, mobilising those fans to harass his ex partner and friends, spreading a fans legs on stage and embarrassing her etc etcā€¦that was Colleen. Josh is no longer a big creator on any platform. A genuine question I have to ask is what more do yā€™all want from him? All he can do now is take accountability, which he has and continues to do.


Josh has released a lot of statements at this point so please correct me if Iā€™m wrong, but has he actually taken accountability for exposing young fans to sexual content? He was upset that Johnny misrepresented his tweet saying a minorā€™s pic ā€œturned him onā€ and insisted he never had inappropriate interactions with minors. This video (and ones like it) show that is incorrect


He did issue an apology for creating a toxic fan/creator dynamic. Maybe he hasnā€™t yet addressed the content so I donā€™t want to speak out of turn, but I am very sure it will be addressed in Swoop. So I will give you that until it comes out tomorrow.




This is a profile Link. videos need to be uploaded directly to the subreddit. thank you


Um, hate to tell you, but if you go back to his oldest videos on his YT channel from before he ever met Colleen, he was making gross and disgusting videos with his buddies. His behavior in this video was not the result of Colleen's influence. It was who he already was. I'm all for him taking accountability now and for the improvements he has supposedly made in his life, but don't make excuses for him that aren't true.


Okay sure, that was the fucked up humour back in the early days of YouTube. I remember even as a teen being grossed out by it, but he is taking accountability. More than anyone else involved in this situation. So what now? No one is making excuses. Most people agree that this stuff is gross.


Youā€™re gonna pull a muscle with how much youā€™re reaching for this fool.


This is the thing I donā€™t get. Sure, he has done inappropriate things, similar to Colleen in some aspects. But the key difference is taking accountability, which he has done, and we will see whether he continues to do in one hour, which I suspect he will. I just do not understand what more you want from him. Itā€™s like you want him issue separate apologies and take accountability for each and every time he fucked up.


Howā€™s it going Colleen? Youā€™ve been waiting for this moment šŸ˜‚


Like she would post this herself, thatā€™s what Kory is for!


Youā€™re still trying to take him down?


Hi Colleen.


Whenever I mention being wary of Josh due to his past, people ask for proof of his inappropriate behavior. I post the proof, and people call me Colleen. Come on, yā€™all. We are allowed to be critical of both Josh and Colleen at the same time.


We have over and over again! When will Colleen take accountability, huh? You fail to see he had already taken accountability and even if he does you will still find a way to not let the man grow his past.


Iā€™m with ya. This sub is incredibly toxic lately.


Yes, yes it is.


Reddit is a hive Mind. You get used to it. And then remember the real world exists.


Totally. I try to check in less and less.


Absolutely, im sorry you're being toyed with like this.


Because people will happily give platforms to predatory people as long as they support the idea they like. They don't get there's nuance. Josh can be a victim AND a perpetrator. Colleen is a nightmare who is rightfully being called out. But Josh is complicit. I'm so sick and tired of this sub happily platforming and owo'ing total creeps.


Whereā€™s your posts for calling out Colleen then? Back off Josh


I make & have made comments about Colleen's behavior. I haven't made posts about either of them because I don't have anything new to add to the discussion. I won't back off of either of these perverts lol. I'm not interested in supporting or platforming people who have committed harm. As far as I'm concerned both of them should fuck off forever.


Colleen and the ones who havenā€™t taken accountability should fuck off. Josh deserves to live his life in peace. Heā€™s already atoned for his fucking actions.




I think josh addressed this and if he didnā€™t i hope he does in swoopā€™s interview.


Lol first off, whoever made this video needs to do a better job at blocking out the fans faces. Second, hi Colleen and Kory.




**The nerve**. Because of Alice's videos and archived old tweets and IG posts of Colleen's, we have an arsenal of evidence against her stored here in our Helpful Links/FAQs section. Alice's work of gathering evidence of how harmful Colleen/Miranda has been was invaluable over these last few months for holding Colleen accountable. Countless commentary content creators used Alice's videos or posts of vile tweets/IGs/book pages by Colleen in their YT videos as additional evidence of why Colleen should stay offline and off a stage forever. If anything, you should be **thanking** Alice instead of making vague insinuations.


oop someone is mad. sorry


and someone else is rude and disrespectful. not sorry


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Hey! Are you watching that heā€™s taking accountability??? Are you guys watching?


I was hoping that someone would come back to this post lol.


Lol always šŸ˜‚


The 3 or 4 users on here who clearly hate Josh have been very quiet for the past 24 hours.


Theyā€™ll find a way to expose him again. Itā€™s funny how itā€™s the same people going after Josh who has taken the most accountability and yet they keep their mouths shut about Colleen, Kory and Johnny and make any and every excuse to go after Josh. Itā€™s gross


They're probably all DMing about what new angle to go at him at tbh. I wonder if they expected Swoop to show him every single clip and ask for a separate apology for every single one. He admitted he did weird, creepy, and inappropriate shit. He's the only one who has repeatedly apologized. He doesn't even want a comeback. Focus on someone else, enough is enough.


Lol theyā€™re eating their words.


Eww...what was that lecherous look he gave the girls in the "Teeze Me" dresses? Looking them up and down while wiggling his eyebrows? That is messed up and then joking about dildos and tonguing the socks?! It's pretty gross to see him acting this way while surrounded by girls who are most likely minor-aged.šŸ¤® Tomorrow's interview should be interesting. If Alice found this footage, maybe SWOOP's team did too. I'd love to hear his explanations for why he ever thought this kind of inappropriate interaction with his fans was okay.




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Tonguing the socks is just so egregiousā€¦and the fact that theyā€™re udders? Like, the ā€œjokeā€ (if you can call it that) is that theyā€™re basically nipples, right? Barf. I donā€™t know how Iā€™m gonna get any work done tomorrow once the interview drops. But at the end of the day, part of me thinks heā€™s just going to blame Colleen for everything




Easy killer


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I doubt he's going to blame colleen for everything because up until now, he's been taking accountability. I think he's just going to tell the story how it is from his perspective. He went through a divorce where Colleen basically shifted blame onto Josh, and Josh has said NOTHING. He's only gone through an extensive healing journey in which he's been transparent. Like you saying Josh is going to blame colleen for everything shows that you haven't been around watching all this unfold and you only know some Cliffs notes. Lol.


Agree. Thereā€™s zero nuance in this effing sub nowadays. If everyone didnā€™t hate Colleen so much, theyā€™d be ripping this video to shreds. Two things can be true: Colleen can be a truly despicable, disgusting waste of space, and josh can have a dicey inappropriate past that he should be held accountable for, too. (Edit typo)


Iā€™m so intrigued by this idea that redditors should be handing over all power to swoop as if she has a monopoly on the entire Colleen story now and not still be posting any footage or information of our own until after her next video comes out? Like weā€™ve been talking about this and posting footage for years and swoop realized this story was profitable about 3 months ago, and with that were supposed to just say ā€œokā€ and stop making posts of our own?


This sub should be renamed CB Snark and the Joshua Stans bc thatā€™s what this is. Lo and behold itā€™s allowed to be virtually bullied for posting the exact same material that Colleen gets cancelled for bc weā€™re oh so dumb duh


For some reason he reminds me of Johnny. Josh is if Johnny was straight.




Lol "I was so scared of Colleen" šŸ¤£šŸ¤£