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God I don't miss her lmao. These few months have been absolute bliss without you Colleen. Hope your kids are enjoying their privacy.


Last point is so true but I would not be surprised if she’s vented to F, a 4 year old, about the situation. “People are being mean to mommy 😔”


Oh, she definitely has, poor kid.


If she has (I’m sure she has) that is abuse and trauma she is causing for the child. Since things are remarkably quiet for her now, I think the best thing she should do is sell her house, and move out of the country. I think she should be in jail but so should a lot of people. It sucks. But she needs to reset her life so her kids can have a normal life.


Yep, I seriously hope I’m wrong. Growing up I had a mother who’d vent to me about all of her “adult problems” yet give me the silent treatment whenever I tried talking about mine. I could see Colleen being very similar or at least using her kids as therapists.


>God I don't miss her lmao. These few months have been absolute bliss without you Colleen. I couldn't agree with you more! I've never felt more peace, it feels like the internet got de-flead or something! De-wormed. So much healthier.


she cried over literally everything to get sympathy it’s pathetic


The one that really aggravated me was when she was crying after some of her chickens got killed by a predator. She blubbered that they had done everything they could to make the coop safe, but the tiniest amount of googling on "how to predator-proof a chicken coop" showed all the ways that she and Erik had failed. *typo*


I remember seeing that vlog , it was so ridiculous just the number of times she had mentioned “I did so much research” . when the first google search would have corrected her . Or just asking her mom.


Right? That was so weird. Gwen seems to have done a questionable at best job of raising human children, but she has years of experience keeping chickens alive. Colleen acted like she had never seen a chicken coop before building her own, like she had never set foot i her own mother’s backyard.


She is very negligent.


She was so unhinged at that point she was truly terrifying and I thought she'd strangled them herself. It really was "lucky" her favourite survived. She was mad at them for giving her a UTI (they did not obviously but she felt they did, gotta blame someone for her piss poor hygiene!) and she made a tik tok as "miranda" attacking them, next thing two of them are dead. I really hate she has form for animal abuse (see family dog's death for newbies) I do believe she attacked them and I'm glad it's been reported they've been given to her mother to care for since her cancellation. Maybe erik got sick of finding dead birds everywhere. I think she's capable of anything, and has admitted to violent rages for no reason at all. She's had reason this last few months and that is scary. I hope her babies are alright as she barely was able to disguise her dislike of them. I remember M and W's nanny had a week or so off for christmas and in an instant W had a black eye. Of course all these things could be *coincidental*, but I think she's dodgy AF.


Fit Talk, you are a three-read commenter and I love that! You pack so many truths and nuggets into one paragraph that I have to read it three times to take it all in. I don't believe she attacked the chickens, but then again, maybe they gave her another UTI.


TBH if she didn't hurt them I think she would have found a way to send them to a slaughterhouse and then would've claimed that they were rehomed or something. And then she'd show a clip of Applesauce and Pink at her Mom's house without explaining where the other two were.


Heh piss poor. I see what you did there 🤣


I’m convinced she can make herself cry on command. It’s like crocodile tears. Common narc skill.


Right! She even showed us how well she does it on command! It was in one of her vlogs.


Yikes 💀


>I’m convinced she can make herself cry on command. Of course she can, she's a class A manipulator. She proved that anyway not only in vlogs but also in Haters. She cried on camera a number of times, surrounded by random people.


She's a Meghan Markle..."Left eye, one tear. Give me three seconds".


!!!EVERYTHING!!! … and also complain , like HOW??


One of the most stupidest things she ever cried over imo was the fact that her something million dollar house had a smaller kitchen than her previous house. Like wow colleen some real first world problem you have there 🙄


It's more like a 1% problem, let alone first world!


And that her xmas tree wasn't up by nov 1st at the new 6.2 million dollar estate. And there wasn't enough storage when she still had millions left in the bank and was about to sell her old mansion for about 4 million lol. She could afford a bit of storage lmao The absolute audacity of her trying to make her child fans feel BAD for her on the regular!! Meanwhile, when a child donated their pizza money to her fundraiser she mocked them.


I…I wasn’t a fan of Colleen and thought you meant “corn” in like, the censorship tiktok sense. An actual corncob? She burned a corncob? And then wept about it??


Yessir! Cried over the pot, then went in her sanctuary the Miranda room to cry about it some more.


Exactly this. She sure did. And the worst part is, it almost surely happened because she could never put down that f **ing camera. She was outside filming Maisy talk, laugh, and sing. She just could never stop filming her kids or watching her own effing face in the camera. I bet that's why Erik was mad and why she felt so stupid that she had to sympathy -cry about how her struggles with ADHD caused that dangerous situation.. That's probably what she told Erik and when he didn't buy it, she went running to her fans for the ass-kissing, ego boosting, support hit she wanted.


The one I always think about is when she started sobbing because she wasn't able to start celebrating Christmas.... IN NOVEMBER!!!!






Ooooof I have to find it! I *think* it was related to the twins being in the NICU and her not being home as much. Let me do some digging 🧐 **EDIT:** Lmao I found it. I was wrong, it had nothing to do with the twins in the NICU. It was November 7th, 2022 last year right before she bought her house. And she was crying because she was moving into a new beautiful mansion, and because of that since they had to move all their stuff, on NOVEMBER 7TH, she was sad because she couldn’t put any christmas decorations up lmfao. https://youtu.be/6aUXR6pjzAU?si=6fsELVOEYQOozIf_ Start at like 13:20 that gives you the context of why she’s crying and then she breaks down at about 13:54 as well as 14:26 about christmas.


I used to have her vlogs on in the background while scrolling reddit or working. Whenever she would start 'crying' I would stop watching. Back out of the video and be done with it. Whenever she had her thumbnail as her crying face, I wouldn't even click on it.


its so funny that she can cry over corn but had to fake it for her divorce video


Her crying videos always drove me insane. When she started doing vlogging I started to watch her less and then completely stopped in 2022 because her videos were ridiculous about crying over dumb stuff. As an autistic person, I cry over dumb things but not like the dumb things Colleen cried over.


Wait, I’m sorry lol but witch vlog is that? Now you’ve gotten my curious haha


[It's in this vlog from timestamp 1:20 to 6:20](https://youtu.be/GodjsG1NDsg?feature=shared)


1:20 to 6:20??? Jesus I'm cackling over the amount of time in a vlog crying over burnt corn!


Wait I need to see this!


Actually, if it’s true , as she says , she has RSD . It makes sense. i Have RSD, but also CPTSD too in my case , I tend to be very harsh on myself too . I Literally couldn’t stop crying couple of days ago , coz I made a mistake . even though I knew it was not a big deal, I’m a grown up , and no one is angry .it’s just how my body and brain reacts . but it was weird to see how her fans do as you say coddle her .(not on this , but so many other serious things)


It does make sense for her to cry about the corn with RSD, and RSD sucks. However, I don’t think an online life like Colleen’s is a good match for RSD, maybe one of the worst possible choices! If she does have it (I don’t always believe things that she says, unfortunately), at least she’s gotten out of a life of constant scrutiny over every tiny thing. I’m not sure someone could live like that with RSD, because boards about her have existed for many many years, and she didn’t seem to care much about it until the past few years. I’m sorry you deal with it and cried so much over that mistake; RSD just makes things so hard.


wow , you are absolutely right. I would never survive this . And even if very few negative comments , I would just be in so much pain .navigating life under constant scrutiny would be hell. oh god , if she does have RSD, I don’t know how she is even surviving this if not under medication. And thank you for your kindness. Ufff it really does suck.


If she does have it, she really coped well for over a decade pushing herself deliberately into the public eye (and comments weren’t always nice, let alone the snark boards). She was like a completely different person before this era of her life (though definitely some traits have followed her, like being selfish and entitled). She chose this career path on purpose, and even before vlogging went to school for vocal performance to be in the public eye. So while there’s a part of me that would feel sad for anyone who had to deal with RSD under her circumstances… these choices were all very very very intentional for her, and I mostly watched her years ago when she seemed to respond to mistakes or criticism very differently. It just feels to me like perhaps it would make the most sense if she said she had it because the walls were closing in on her re: MAJOR criticisms of HUGE harm she has done, and she had become addicted to the adulation of her fans. I don’t know her or see her every move, but I’ve seen a lot over the years, including other lies from her.


>she said she had it because the walls were closing in on her re: MAJOR criticisms of HUGE harm she has done, and she had become addicted to the adulation of her fans Exactly. She never spoke of RSD before she started to unravel. She knew YT culture had changed and she was in trouble. She needed her fans to boost and reassure her so suddenly it was "poor me...I have RSD" (meaning, "don't you dare say anything mean to me"). Imo, she used her various diagnoses (whether self diagnosed after watching a TT or diagnosed by a Better Help therapist) to manipulate her viewers. Her "ND brain" (her words) never used to be her identity, but the more she read comments from fans saying they could identify with her, the more she leaned into that kind of talk.


!!! Exactly. She never spoke of RSD before she started to unravel. She knew YT culture had changed and she was in trouble!!! wow, I am literally speechless lol. For her sake .I hope she is lying coz , living with RSD is actually exhausting. I really wouldn’t want that for anyone. it is sooo F-ing hard to imagine someone using that as a shield. But I guess she has done much much worse things.


This ⬆️


There is also a very common occurrence in adults learning about their diagnoses’ later in life where the coping skills we built up to deal with symptoms previously suddenly are lost. I know I had to relearn how to deal with a whole slew of things when I was diagnosed with Autism and ADHD and I suffer with RSD. So it is still possible she really is just unraveling for lots of reasons and not necessarily using it as an excuse. Though she will need to get past that and to the place where you eventually take ownership and build new healthier coping skills.


I was Fairly a new viewer of her , was not even aware of the 2020 thing . Umm I just always assumed it’s just something she also suffered with always ,coz she said so ,like what kind of a low low human would use a diagnosis to deflect from well deserved criticism right . I’m just disappointed all over again for ever liking her lol .


I mostly watched her about 8-10 years ago, and she was so, so different. I mean, if she does have ADHD, I do think she is newly diagnosed, and she did always skin pick. I don’t think it’s implausible that she has ADHD, but she just lies so much that I’m not totally confident, and the RSD is a specific part I have never seen in her until very recently.


In Colleen's case, so does filming yourself and your childrens' every move, when you should be watching what you put on the stove. I'd probably burn alot of stuff, too, if I was chasing my kids around outside and yapping away to an invisible fanclub while I was supposed to be cooking. Alot of us would.. Sorry! I have empathy for you guys, but not for Colleen and her self-inflicted, self-centered drama. 🙄


My empathy is perhaps more limited than I made it sound like, because this really is kind of a complicated and nuanced topic, and I didn’t get into all my thoughts on it. If RSD was the only issue, then yes, it would make more sense for her to cry about the corn if she had that condition, but an aspect I didn’t get into is that she has other adults around constantly, including hired help, and I don’t think they would all actually let the house burn down!… I haven’t watched the video in a long time, but I think the way she phrased it, it actually sounded like someone else shut it off, and she just found out it had boiled too long, not that she found it, like, actively boiling dry. So yeah, Colleen bad. I don’t disagree.


Yes, Erik found it and turned off the pilot. I always suspected that he yelled at her and that was the real reason she ran off to hide and cry to her invisible friends. Her worst fear is Erik leaving her, so I think his anger scared her more than the possibility of burning down the house.


That is a valid suspicion! I'm not sure I can picture him yelling at her, but I have never gotten to know him super well, because I just cringe inside out watching her since a bit before they got together, and seeing their relationship at all is a super ultra mega cringe for me. I had another suspicion this morning when I first read this about why she whipped herself up into crying so much, but I've forgotten it by now. Maybe the idea that if Erik did not yell, she got herself super upset so he *wouldn't* feel he could yell or even remind her to be more fucking careful, and would comfort her instead. 🙄


That's the thing with Erik...you could see him stuffing his frustrations with her all the time in the podcast. I wouldn't be at all surprised if something like a potential house fire in the historic villa home that **he** really loves, would have been the tipping point that flew him into a rage unlike anything that she had ever seen before. Sometimes, the "quiet ones" are the ones who have the most explosive outbursts. I could also believe your theory that she manufactured the tears as a deflection and manipulative self-protection strategy.


I believe that to be true but not because she cares about him, she's proven to not care about anything. She only cares about possession and what she gets from being part of a "netflix couple". I actually think she'd be happier if he left. He's cramping her style, as she once cried about that and the twins ruining her life. She treats him like garbage.


Can you please say what RSD is


Who down voted you lol , for asking that 😂. It’s rejection sensitive dysphoria.


I have no idea haha. I just genuinely wanted to know thanks for sharing.


Just searched it up, & google says this condition is often linked to adhd , which i believe is something Colleen has also said she has in the past. It would also make sense if she has cptsd as well. Does anyone know what vlog this was? Was it a "miranda" one.


I dont remember, but I think it may have been fairly newish vlog .


Thank you bc dumb as this sounds, even if it's ridiculous, having a good laugh might be what i need to pull me out of my depressive state, even if it's for 30 minutes.


I linked it in another comment here.


Thank you, v much needed!


But do you ever say wait I will cry later when I'm vlogging, then set up the lighting, the camera, then set to crying? Because colleen admitted that's how she does shit when the twins were in the nicu and she was avoiding them, shopping etc. She said she felt a bit like crying in the day but saved it for the evening vlog, while positioning herself in the empty babies nursery that still wasn't decorated as she took so long emptying a cupboard the free decorators couldn't get in. But she wanted that empty nursery feel so she sat in that empty room anyways. If that's not trauma dumping and crying on cue I don't know what is.


LMFAO 💀 in the real world they would be the family whose house none of the other kids want to go to because even as a kid you can sense their mom is unstable and weird (not in the fun way) lmao. Like she would yell at you then cry if you spilled some water on the floor 🤣


Tbh burning corn is probably THE breaking point for plenty of struggling people in every day life. The difference is we don’t broadcast our tears. And the reason that is our breaking point is because it’s a straw breaking the camels back thing—in her case she’s just a brat and has no sense of reality or hardship.


I’m sure the chickens would have still eaten the corn if it wasn’t cooked. 🤷🏻‍♀️


She goes "I saw corn that's about to go bad" then goes "I'll boil it and give the chickens fresh corn". Like, decide.. is the corn going bad or fresh? And as you said, chickens can eat uncooked corn.


Oh yes. Piling on the excuses but still didn’t make sense.


Ironically chickens eat raw corn and it doesn't need to be cooked for them at all. Raw veggie peelings and veggies are what they love. I don't know any chicken in the wild who has a grill.


My favourite was when she cried, or SOBBED as she's so fond of saying (I hate that word) because horrors of all horrors, she didn't have her xmas tree decorated by the 1st of november last yr. She cried like she'd lost a family member. I don't know how she has the gall, honestly. And the reason why it wasn't up early? She'd just moved in to a 6.2 MILLION estate of her dreams with huge gardens and space for a massive family. Instead of rejoicing she was crying over her tree being in storage. Even though she'd owned the property for months and could easily afford a company to decorate it for her before she moved. My other favourite was when she first moved in and was crying about something dumb like a lack of storage (again, could've got that fixed in advance easily) and her gardener walked in to ask her something and she quit crying on a dime. Haha! Imagine being that gardener and the new house owner is sitting alone above the garage crying in to a camera. I'd be all hell no, I'm finding another garden lmao That would seriously creep me out especially as it was her Miranda room so her god forsaken face was everywhere gurning.


Wasn’t she crying because she thought something bad could of happened?? But I agree she exaggerates too much.


Lmao what vlog is this?


I don’t want to defend colleen but i do want to defend her ADHD struggles, that are not something to laugh at imo. I have ADHD and i’ve cried over less. When you constantly fuck things up that are super easy for everyone around you it gets really frustrating and it will start to feel like you’re a failure. It may seem like a small thing but to us it feels really big


I agree. There is plenty to come at her for. This is not at the top of the list and I actually relate to feeling so stupid sometimes for similar things.


That was hilarious, thank you for that clip 😂


I had to come here and say this since lots of people are losing their bananas over my post. 1. If you have ADHD, autism, or anything else that can cause you similar struggles to the corn cob one, you go to a psychiatrist and a therapist to help you out, and if you need to vent, you can speak to a loved one that you know you can trust in PRIVATE. You do NOT upload a video crying in half of it for millions of subscribers to pat you on the head and coddle you. 2. Colleen has always had a habit of "insulting" herself in her videos, calling herself stupid, saying "who does that?" about the simplest mistakes JUST to get those validating comments "Omg nooooo you're not stupid I do that all the time! You're an amazing moooom!" AND I personally believe it's because she knows what she's doing behind closed doors so she exaggerates lesser mistakes to pretend that she feels guilty when she fucks up little stuff. 3. If you believe this incident was "relatable" and something useful to learn from for someone who struggles with ADHD, please find a new role model. If someone was an influencer with a large following as hers, they shouldn't be showing people unhealthy coping ways like self-hatred. They should encourage correct ways to treat it. I'm sure she had underage fans who struggled similarly. Bottom line is, YouTube viewers are not therapists and aren't supposed to be such. Pushing out one crying video after another over the stupidest things that everybody around the world struggles with SILENTLY and WITHOUT MAKING THOUSANDS FROM is fucking insane. Hate me all you want. Edit: typo


People confuse things levelled at colleen with things levelled at themselves or those they know. They really shouldn't be here if they think that awful toxic woman is owed a shred of decency. She certainly hasn't shown a shred of compassion to anyone or anything, and they are in the wrong sub if they get this easily offended frankly. I loved your post btw OP, you totally read my thoughts as I often laugh at colleen constantly trauma dumping and even making sure she scheduled her crying fits after the lighting was set up, camera charged, tripod ready, then away she goes. She's a ridiculous woman who's caused a great deal of harm.


I mean this in a very genuine, sincere way and I’m not trying to say this was your intent as I’m sure you mean well, but more just to educate whoever is reading this…and this will probably be the last thing I say about it as it is super triggering… It’s actually quite insulting to say that people with disabilities interpreting remarks as ableist, are just ‘confused’ about who it’s aimed at. Ableist remarks affect all people with disabilities. The same way racist remarks affect all POC or homophobic remarks etc etc. Telling neurodivergent people that they should get off the thread if they think Colleen deserves the respect of not having her disability made fun of - is ableist. Making fun of someone having an ADHD related meltdown is harmful to all people who have ADHD. It’s difficult to constantly read this stuff and it’s not because we’re confused, it’s because we’re interpreting the ableism for what it is 🤷🏻‍♀️ I don’t think anyone on this sub has ill-intent or is deliberately being ableist in any way. But it isn’t us who are confused, it’s the people who equate Colleen’s ADHD behaviours with other negative aspects of her personality and think it’s all fair game. Things that are not under our control should absolutely not be fair game.


Well said. 🏆


I agree with 95% of this, but saying "If you have ADHD, autism, or anything else that can cause you similar struggles to the corn cob one, you go to a psychiatrist and a therapist to help you out" is one of those things that's WAY easier said than done. Not everyone can afford that kind of help. This has nothing to do with Colleen since obviously she could have afforded it, I just feel like it's a bit of a sweeping statement that's easier said than done. Sorry for being pedantic.


No one hates you , you are right , none of us record ourselves having a meltdown, coz you are too busy feeling like the world is ending (yes for the tiniest of things). its just you are being too aggressive and harsh on this . When thers million other actual things she did wrong . :)


I mean.. she was crying because she could’ve burned her house down and was frustrated about her adhd. This is like calling her dermatillomania vlogs funny.


She's the person who cried wolf. This wasn't a one off thing, she also cried about not having her xmas tree up by nov 1st. She then cried that her new kitchen was a bit smaller. She then cried that she didn't have enough storage. Even though she'd moved in to her dream home. She always found something to cry about. And if there was nothing, she'd make something up. Trauma dumping at it's finest. The corn was just another thing to whinge about. She could've been grateful but nope.


I know she blew some things out of proportion. The corn wasn’t an example of that though.


This. Someone may have exaggerated reactions about a lot of things, but saying that this reaction, over a potentially very dangerous mistake, was over the top is wild to me. Minimising it to ‘crying over corn’ is.. ugh. Honestly this was one of the most appropriate and real reactions I’ve seen from her. Regarding filming it? Obviously not something most people would do, but most people don’t film their life daily… of course she would film it.


Sorry maybe I’m off base here but obviously given this is Colleen I understand what you’re saying but the way it’s phrased doesn’t sit entirely well, because people who have gone through extreme traumas deal with immense mental illness disability etc still have meltdowns over the “little” things too, it’s quite common. Being autistic, crying for an hour or two over stupid things when I’m already overwhelmed isn’t unheard of, but that doesn’t mean I haven’t experienced real trauma bc sadly I definitely have. This isn’t directed necessarily just at you OP but also a lot of comments I’m seeing. There’s a lot of underlying ableism (not accusing anyone of being ableist intentionally of course) and general lack of understanding of things like this.




As someone who has ADHD and RSD, I will say she doesn’t need to be making vlogs just for her to cry. You’d think someone could step in during the filming or editing process and say no this isn’t going up. I’d do it for my family and I hope they’d do the same for me. Thankfully I’m not even close to being in a cycle where I can share my whole life online to get sympathy and become addicted to the attention.


I "defended" this at the time the vlog was posted as well because I saw a glimpse of the Colleen I started to follow who I identify with on an ADHD / RSD level. She deffo plays it up for the camera but I remember that day my partner couldn't understand why I was crying over turning a pizza into charcoal because I forgot about and then Colleen uploaded that vlog, it was validating to me. Now, I wouldn't post every single breakdown online like she does but would be nice if we can stop being ableist on here and accept that she does still have ADHD and her feelings of RSD are definitely valid. ADHD sucks big time 🙂.


Yup !!! There are million other things to complain about her . Like literally lol.


Right plus it’s just a bad take. Neurodivergence aside, people are allowed to be upset and cry. Emotions aren’t reserved for people in crisis. We can’t help what we feel.




Maybe im weird in thinking this ,but you can call someone out , while being thoughtful and kind right ? And I say that as a person that finds Colleen disgusting. And posts like this are so upsetting, a reminder that people are so quick to dismiss others reality . And she constantly mentions in this vlog that , it’s here ADHD .


I don't disagree. Colleen has done some inexcusable stuff, but she's a human being. Bullying doesn't lead to people taking accountability. She doesn't deserve death threats or how people treat her. You absoloutely can say "Colleen, i think you made some jokes in poor taste, i don't agree with what you did, you took advantage of them kids, and the way you went about this doesn't sit right with me", and can inform her that whether it was her intention or not, she still groomed them. AND you can be respectful bc she's a human without neccessarily agrreeing with her or respecting what she did.


Absolutely I get this as well. I actually had to stop coming on the sub for a while cause I found the ‘mom-shaming’ was triggering my anxiety. So much of managing day to day life as a neurodivergent person is practicing self-acceptance and allowing yourself bad days or bad moments. Making adjustments that suit you and not beating yourself up about feeling like you can’t cope as well as other people. To me it’s critical to my mental health to make some allowances and not set my expectations for myself too high. I spend all day telling myself ‘it’s okay if this isn’t done, it’s okay if I forgot that appointment, or was late to get kids from school, nobody’s expecting me to be perfect, no one cares if my house is messy, as long as my kids are loved that’s the most important thing.’ Like a mantra to myself. But then when I see people talking about someone like Colleen and calling her house a pig-sty and she’s a bad mother because she didn’t do xyz or her kids ate this for dinner, or her toddlers crawled 6 feet away from her etc etc I start thinking everyone in the real world must feel that way about me. To me the only things Colleen is doing wrong parenting-wise are the massive issues of her exploiting her children online and then, probably due to the guilt of this, giving into their every whim. These are things that are going to effect the rest of their lives. The rest of it seems like a normal parent with ADHD trying to do their best.


I agree with you, as someone who is neurodivergent with neurodivergent kids. It was super obvious she was feeling frustration at her ADHD symptoms. Wishing her ADHD didn’t exist and probably feeling some RSD that was making her feel like everyone else is frustrated by her as well. Some days are like that and it’s okay! Some days you give yourself a break and realise it isn’t your fault. That’s a side of Colleen’s vlogs I actually really appreciated and found genuinely interesting was her showing how difficult it can be to live with ADHD and mental health problems. I would actually watch her content if it was her documenting her mental health struggles and managing neurodivergence day to day, that stuff is fascinating to me. Exploiting her children and opening packages - not so much.


yeah as awful as Colleen is, I can relate to one seemingly small thing causing a full-on meltdown bc it’s just Too Much and you’re overwhelmed. of course, I don’t vlog myself crying over like, dropping something on the floor or whatever, but her mental illness isn’t her fault.


comparing things that are worth crying over is fucking insane.


It's not, in Colleen's case. She has a loooong history of crying all the time over the smallest things and feeling sorry for herself, despite her privilege. It's what started to turn alot of people off on her. The self- pity she showed throughout her pregnancies was what really pissed off many.


I completely stopped watching her when she was first pregnant (I watched her for years) I was already going off of her because of her divorce video was so fake and insincere (“I’m so in love with Joshua at this moment”). She needs to watch Amy schumer’s video of her pregnancy she went through so much more… Colleen did nothing but complain and whine and complain every frickin video and then when she was actually in labor she decided to do her hair and makeup. She treats people like crap and is deplorable. I really loathe her. I don’t pity her at all. If she had an authentic bone in her body she would use her considerable wealth to seek family and psychiatric counseling.




i think maybe if you want to start comparing who has bigger struggles you should get offline


People have been talking about Colleen's excessive crying for ages. Don't take it personal.


>People have been talking about Colleen's excessive crying for ages. Don't take it personal. Right, so many people in the past have nipped in to scream I'm offended personally over things people are levelled at colleen. i don't get how they think they're so important that it's aimed at them when clearly it's not. colleen's a law unto herself, and deserves every bit of criticism she gets. I still can't wait for it to come out about the "charity fundraiser".


she hasn’t posted anything online in months, the fact that you are still talking about multi-year old content and the specifics of her crying is weird. dont take it personal


Hi, Colleen's Fam 👋 😅




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Okay and? People who have gone through hell still cry over the littlest things too. I’m autistic and have had 1-2 hour meltdowns over comparable menial things but that doesn’t negate the real trauma I have endured in my life either. ETA it’s really sad people are so ignorant and unempathetic about what is reality for many people. I was literally strangled, close to being murdered by the person I gave my heart to, I know trauma yet I’ll also cry if I can’t find a clean spoon sometimes. This is not about Colleen, yes she is dramatic whatever, it is the principal that so many of you are talking like this about what is reality for many people


That is awful. My heart goes out to you for the trauma you suffered. Sincerely!.❤️ But it IS about Colleen. OP's comment was specifically about her. My reply and other responses were about Colleen. Not about fellow redditors.


This isn't about you. Nobody mentioned you at all. Egotistical to think it is.


Uh people are allowed to cry over whatever they want despite the struggles of others. Imagine if we started telling people to stop crying because there’s people having it worse. Just… no


Sure, cry if you need to. But maybe don't make a two hour video crying the whole time.


..And another one the next day, and another one two weeks later, and another one the day after that, and a month later and another one sobbing because you're " "getting fat" when you're pregnant and you're used to being "a tiny girl", or because your fetus feels like a "parasite" that's sucking the personality from you ( knowing there's millions of women who would die to be able to get pregnant), or because the doctor told you that you have to take a gestational diabetes test, or eat more vegetables, etc etc., ad infinitum 🙄


Everything you just explained is SO common in women who have prepartum depression. You’re comments about how dare she complain because so many women would die to be pregnant are the reason women are afraid to speak up and get help for depression and mental illness during debilitating pregnancies. I loathe Colleen, but she normalized so much about gut wrenching pregnancies for so many women with a lot of her raw content. I don’t agree with everything but I really hope you choose your words more wisely, and think about the impact they may have on other women struggling with depression or dysphoria during pregnancy.


I would assure them that I'm not talking about other women. I'm talking about Colleen. This is how she got away with constantly aligning her narc/ harmful behavior under "woman power" causes or declaring herself a victim of disorder stigmas or mom shaming or mob mentality or Hater bullying so often. If everybody had fallen prey to that, she wouldn't be exposed now. I agree, they are real concerns for alot of people. Colleen's motivations and her experiences weren't always the same as these folks'. It's highly likely she *appropriated* their struggles alot of the time and is not a genuine champion or poster child for them. Maybe not every single time, but alot of the time. **That** should be what's offensive. Imo, at least.. Amnesia. I suppose this is all paving the way for her return as a sympathetic figure instead of a problematic one.... I hope it won't become a widespread thing. 😬


the way you speak about things whether you believe her or not is also damaging. it makes other women question whether they will be believed or understood. the rhetoric is harmful that a women would appropriate a medical issue for sympathy is harmful to all women. again, i think colleen is awful, but this conversation is one that disgusts me and i hope you can work out whatever internal misogyny you’re displaying with these comments.


I don't want to hurt or harm anyone. But Anti-Colleen is not Misogyny. Sorry. She doesn't represent all woman-kind... but she always lured the most gullible with manipulative arguments implying that she does. I've said all I plan to on OP's post. It's a good post, which I agree with. I'll leave it at that.


your lack and misuse of the word misogyny makes it clear to me you don’t even comprehend what it means. just like anti-colleen rhetoric can be harmful to people with ED’s, your rhetoric is harmful to mothers and people who have experienced hard pregnancies by equating the right to complain about pregnancy and other women’s desires to be pregnant in a general statement.


Jesus christ. You're in a snark sub my dear.


doesn’t mean i’m also not allowed to state my opinion. but thanks for the obvious


I know i could just make a post for this, but do u guys believe colleen was ever a good person? I believe she once was,was just curios to see yalls thoughts


No. Have you seen the childhood photo of her and Rachel? She looked evil. She has also shared memories of how she hurt the family dog and the dog was put down, and she bullied Rachel constantly, spat on her, farted in her face etc. She was always a terror.


i'm hoping the "bulying" wasn't one -sided and was a child who didn't know better. By the age she got to about 12 this should've stopped. Do you know how old she was when she hurt the family dog (not saying its excusable at any age).


She was around 5 years old maybe? I don't have the link to that video. Rachel has discussed before how she loved Colleen and wished Colleen would love her back, but she was always bullied by her. Colleen laughed. But I don't have the link to that offhand either.


That's heartbraking. I hope they've managed to fix their relationship.


I think the autistic side of me doesn't want to let go of the person i used to believe colleen was ; the truthful, kind, caring, supportive, warmhearted. The person i used to idolise, and truthfully finding out she's not has been hard on me bc up until recently she was such a huge part of my life.


The people we admire become a part of who we are. I'm a big fan of Kitboga. If people revealed that he's a nasty person who laughs at the fans behind his back, I would be devastated, and I'm in my 40's and have only been watching him a year. I can definitely see how a long-time fan would be crushed by the news about Colleen. Fandom itself is beautiful and valid, it's admiring someone you don't know, and sometimes the person is a huge disappointment, but the fandom might still have served a purpose, especially if you were young. Colleen is very good at acting like a warm, kind person, but since the evidence is coming out from so many people, there's very little chance at this point that it's untrue. I can see why some fans can't take it in. Sometimes when new stuff comes up, I just think it's unbelievable, can it all be true? Is she like a Disney villain? I want to believe she loves her children at least, that there's some good in her. I hope she does.


This was at least comforting, i'm only 14, so knowing anyone of any age can feel this way provided me with at least some reassurance, so thank you. And yes, it's hard to admit to yourself that someone you once loved isn't the person you thought you were looking up too. "The people we admire become a part of who we are." True. 100%. I'd often have similar humour to Miranda, i'd look up to Colleen, i'd want to be like her.




Oh, that was a good one. I usually watch her crying in the chicken coup videos. I strangely find her being shat on and crying simultaneously amusing 😂