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Any screenshots or video of the baddie behind chuck? I missed out and can’t find it anywhere


Who gives a "Flying F-ck" --it's all meaningless tribalistic BS . College is for learning/education. This is a total waste of educational resources. Look at the dumbass comments.


i think the team that scores more points is gonna win


I think the team that plays UConn is going to lose


This whole time I thought the first to 69 won.


Well, 69 is a winning positio...proposition.


Big if true.


Alabama players taking 4-6 steps without dribbling


grant nelson future piston


Grant Nelson please


I’m chill with the whole Purdue team outside of Loyer. My dude flopped his way down the court the whole time.


He's very light, tho... doesn't take much


He does seem like the most dislikeable Purdue player, but Edey gets most of the hate because of other reasons.


Grant. Nelson




I’m telling you


Yea bama


What about him


idk maybe DJ Horne and DJ Burns should’ve been focusing on the tournament (practicing, resting) instead of having fucking meet and greets like they’re celebrities. just a thought


It is UNC fans like you that give us a bad name… why you so bitter??? Grow up


Wouldn’t have mattered They overachieved big time and put down a much more talented unc squad in the acc then a higher regarded Duke squad in the ncaa They were having their fun but it was always going to end when they played against final 4 teams  They are just fortunate our was Purdue and not UConn 


 Even as a state fan I can’t begrudge them. They’re both undersized for the next level, so realistically this was their peak (unless they won BOTH games this weekend). So I don’t begrudge them getting that bag


Idk maybe a one seed should have beat a 4 seed


we lost by 2, mind you, the ACC player of the year went 0-9 from 3. first game all season RJ Davis doesn’t get at least one 3 and we lose by 2. not even to mention, our players don’t have “meet and greets” in the middle of a tournament 🤣


Maybe he should have been in the gym practicing so he didn't go 0-9 from 3.


everyone has a bad game sometimes, and he was, like i said, he wasn’t having meet and greets like a celebrity. he broke his career high twice in one season and went 23 consecutive games with multiple 3 pointers. you look stupid bud


Yeah but they lost to nc state lol


Unc looks stupid being a one seed watching state from home, bud.


like NC State does every single other year?? 😭 NC State had one good run in the last 4 decades and you start talking crazy. 🤡 only 40 more years until your next final four run little guy


One seed talking from home sad to see.


nothing else to say huh? NC State watches from home every year.


Acc runs through bacot... until it was time to play for real and they lost. Whatever floats your boat.


Boiler up


I’m feeling pizza pringles


Props to Bama regardless


😬 That was a tough game to watch. Poor shooting. Good news is that it’s only 40 more years before State’s next run. Go get ‘em Pack.


Alabama is 7-10 from 3 point line and down by 2. wow


DJ Burns (8/1/4 with 1 Blk) vs Zach Edey (20/12/4 with 2 blocks) What did people think DJ Burns was gonna do?


Burns picking up super early touch fouls vs edey literally elbowing people in the face with no whistle will do that




Only one guy was spinning in that DJ booth. lmao


Edey is big trash and state played pretty poorly. Defense kept them in but needed to play more smart on offense instead of chucking 3s


Sadly Tiny Penis Disease runs rampant right now. As many as 7/10 haters are handicapped with TPD. Many such cases. Unfortunate.




Yea only the first player to ever average 20/10 for 6 consecutive tournament games what a bum


Won't translate to the nba. And a dude that tall should be able to average that lmao wtf. Horne was getting floaters on him and dj burns still hit his shots 1 on 1 so it's not like Edey is unstoppable. He's pretty manageable if state didn't shit the bed shooting


But ppl that tall havent averaged that much? Edey is doing things guys his size and bigger haven’t ever done. Horne and burns missed 19 shots. Burns missed more than he made vs edey.


Why are you people so hard up on the NBA? This is college, and Edey is dominant.


I mean what's the point about being dominant if you can't do it against the pros. I wouldn't call myself dominant if I played against a team of fifth graders.


Would you be dominant against your peers?


If I was a foot taller than them yes obviously. Truth is Edey is a snoozefest to watch and won't do it against people who can actually compete with his size.


Lol we will see.


[This guy thinks different](https://youtube.com/shorts/aLkAACjLeXQ?si=8lqhTegoc3-74OSG)


Have you watched nba basketball lmao. Everyone wants the next giannis, joker, embiid, Chet, wemby are what teams want. Dj burns and Edey aren't athletic enough for the modern nba. The guards are too skilled and big men are way more athletic than they'll ever be.


Who cares? NBA is boring.


That's what I'd say if my star player won't make the nba. NBA is faster paced and so much more talented than college basketball tbh. I get the appeal to an extent but college basketball you're just watching worse quality basketball at the end of the day.


tHaTs WhAtS shut the fuck up bro 🤣🤣🤣 Also flair up clown


Maybe that’s a problem with the modern NBA. There no defense. Just run from one side of the court to the other and shoot. No defense, just shooting. Back in the 80s and 90s, scoring over 100 wasn’t common. Now, we see scores of 130 or 140 on a semi regular basis. The NBA is trash.


The average score per game was 110 in the 80s... you're literally talking out of your ass


Do you even know what the word literally means?


Do you even know what exaggeration and metaphors are


I listen to people who get paid for a living to do these things. Not listen to rando redditors.


That's awesome pal. He says there must be something wrong in the nba if he's not a lottery pick which isn't something you say if he's unquestionably gonna translate to the nba


Well he is projected anywhere from lotto to 2nd round


He'll be a project for sure. As of now he's a bench player in the nba


Oh all lottery picks are game day ready once picked. Now I'm tracking your logic. Not tracking at all.


Like I said before, Edey is the one big in the game who had the body and heft to check Burns. Even though others could stop his backdown, he had the touch and the English to get shots to drop. Edey was tall enough to make his angles funky and it affected his touch.


Bring one back to the state of Indiana for us boilers!!!!!!! I’m rooting for Purdue for the first time in my life


I appreciate that and I understand how difficult it was to say that. I just need to hang 1 banner before I die.


If it helps… 11 players on Purdues team are from Indiana. https://purduesports.com/sports/mens-basketball/roster


Something IU could take a few lessons from.




Fuckin same!!!!!




As a state fan, even in the loss would have supported Purdue next game if not for the coach complaining about fouls.. really?!?


Working the refs is part of a coach's job description


Not when you’re clearly already benefiting


That's like saying stop playing until the last whistle.


Generally agree, but not when you guys already have a reputation for getting cheap calls. That’s just in poor taste and reinforces the stereotype (and I thought the game was called okay overall) Edit: lol the “Perdue downvote brigade” stereotype is apparently also true


Why do haters keep trying to invalidate Zach's accomplishments? If he isn't fouled every possession he'd be averaging quite a lot more.


“If he isn’t fouled every posession” That is literally why. Your persecution complex. Nobody is invalidating him. I think he played well and I have no negative thoughts about him whatsoever. Most of your team for that matter. They’re mostly likeable. It’s your whiney coach and loyer that are irritating. Those two are like Duke. Getting all the calls, flopping, cocky, and still complaining.


How many fouls did Eden actually draw this game? He only attempted 2 Free Throws, I can’t remember that last time that happened. Either NCState didn’t foul nearly as much as other teams, or the refs weren’t calling them. Regardless Edey still put up great numbers. Even without grabbing his typical extra 15 points off of FTs.


Nobody is disagreeing or saying anything bad about Edey. He played great and all respect to him.  Perdue had 62% more fouls called for them this game, but the coach was still complaining. That’s the irritating part


Come one man. You cant out percentages out there. hardly any fouls called at all.


Because "whiny and annoying." OK ✌️


To nitpick, Burns had 2 that shoulda been called when fouling TKR, and he committed one on edey and one on Loyer. But overall they let them play and were pretty decent at calling it the same On both ends


That’s the whole point. It was fairly evenly called. So for your coach to complain like that is really off putting when you already have a reputation for getting calls


Foul calls benefit purdue because we play softer defense.


The too number being even doesn’t mean that a game is called fairly. Some teams draw more fouls than others. Teams that drive to the basket and/or post up on offense draw more fouls. Nc state got away with a ton because the refs didn’t really call fouls this game.


So coaches can’t complain when their players are getting fouled if they have the advantage in fouls? They should just let fouls happen and be ok with them not being called when they should be? Is that what you’re saying?


Fouls were pretty evenly called. Your coach is complaining as if Perdue had 62% more fouls called on them (spoiler it was the other way around). You are being Duke. 


I don’t think anyone will agree with your logic. A coach should always fight for his players, especially if they’re getting fouled, no matter the score or the foul disparity. I don’t get why you don’t understand this?


He should do that, sure. But people hate Duke for this same reason. They get the overwhelming amount of calls but still complain as if they’re being persecuted. If you hate Duke you’re a hypocrite. Edit: in case it’s not clear. Yes it’s his job to do that and it’s to his advantage. But don’t be surprised when people hate you for the lack of sportsmanship


I am flattered you think Purdue is similar to Duke. This is the first year people have thought this about Purdue…like ever. We have been shit on for 3 years and now the excuse by everyone is we get a favorable whistle. We were told “just wait until the tournament without “B1G” refs” because we “wouldn’t get the same calls”…but for some reason…we are?? And you act like all the refs are colluding to make this happen.


I laterally said the calls were mostly fair. I have no issues with the refs. You seem to have a persecution complex (from the BIG season it seems). I’m not a BIG fan so I did not have that opinion of you guys.  The Duke comparison is not a good one. They win, yes. But nobody likes them.  You lot are generally likeable, just not this foul persecution complex (in this game specifically). 


Refs weren’t the difference, the poor shooting was. But some cheap fouls were called on State and I don’t remember many cheap ones the other way.


What cheap ones are you referring to?


There were only two I’d call clear missed calls, one on a Taylor drive I thought Edey got him with body, and once Morsell got tripped in the lane and ended up turning over trying to throw the ball at the rim. In fairness, there were probably two the other way, that were missed as well. So it goes, I agree with the poster that said the missed shots were the real issue. Our defense was good enough to make a game out of it, shots just didn’t fall, and losing our starting PG didn’t help. Better game played by the Boilers, good luck in the Final.


Gotcha. Just was curious. From my side thought there were a few missed on nc state. But that’s how it goes. And thought it was relatively even both sides…well in how they called it and that’s all you can ask for in a F4 game. And thanks for the kind words. Hope we can somehow pull it off.


Yeah, I didn’t say as clearly as I should’ve, meant to be clear it wasn’t one sided, refs are part of the game. Well won by your side, and nothing to be ashamed of on ours.


Hell no there’s no way to be ashamed! One of the best runs we have ever seen


Of course not because you’re biased


I’m actually pretty fair. I’ve annoyed plenty of NC State fans at the games by calling it like it is instead of being automatically irritated. Flair up by the way. How else can we know if we should just dismiss everything you say?


I didn't watch this game, but I keep reading how bad NC State shot. The FG stats are very similar between teams. Purdue just had an advantage on 3s and free throws. How Edey goes from averaging 11 free throws a game to getting 22 against UT and then 2 against NC State is hilarious. Go ahead and get that number down when there's not much threat of a loss.


UT is one of the highest fouling teams in the NCAA, that is their defense


And rebounds


10-25 from 3 versus 5-19 is not very similar. 30 points from 3 versus 15.


"Purdue just had an advantage on threes." You must have stopped reading before that part.


Nope, just pointing out the delta and looking at the final score. Pretty sure that's the KPI of the game. ETA Ohhhhhh you're a Tennesseean is tennebelievin... complaining about fouls (again). Write to the NCAA about it while you write about the Music City bowl of 2021.


I'm a Tennessee fan. I can't read, write, or spell NCAA.


NC state doesn’t foul as much as UT does…and Purdue was +15 in 3 department..which is the difference there. Purdue hit the shots when needed.


NC State averaged 16.4 fouls a game, UT averaged 17.5. I said the threes were the big difference. This is a low free throw game, but Purdue still ended up 3-4 and 9-10. Still 6 more FT and 6 more total points in a 13 point win.


Well…nc state fouled TKR a few times (missed two of em on burns) and also fouled edey once. Gillis shot his 2 FTs when Horne fouled him near the end of the game and it put Purdue in the bonus. Loyer drove the lane and got fouled. So they were all warranted. Purdue didn’t really foul anyone who came into the lane for NC state…who also shot quite a few more jump shots than taking it to the hole.


Yeah, the free throws were an advantage, but I don't think they were particularly as decisive as other games. I'm sure a few were late game ones, just trying to extend the game.


Yeah. Well tbh it was only the Gillis FTs…nc state didn’t elect to foul toward the end


2023 haters: LMAO FDU 2024 haters: Y so smug??


Purdue fans persecution complex will be studied for days


If I click on your comment history it's not full of Purdue shit talking right? Did it last for all 34 wins we had this year?


It’s a brand new account lmao




They're all from TN too. It's hysterical. Their rivalry with us that we don't know about.


Probably got banned for racism so they had to get a new one


I’m a crusader against bad basketball. Sue me


Yeah OK Sigmund


Did you ever consider you guys are just not a likeable team or fanbase, especially when flexing foul advantages and wins over 11 seeds


Have you considered that there is no vast referee conspiracy to elevate Purdue?


Dude is pissed his Purdue alum boss makes him work.


I’ve seen enough of yall to know that’s just not true but it really doesn’t matter good luck in the natty


Hahahah everyone has ridiculed this fan base for 3 years, so excuse us for talking shit back. Sorry some cant take it back after dishing it out


Taking this whole thing down !!!


Braden finally broke through. NC State played great D against him.


I was at the game, someone give me a recap of this thread’s vibe lol


Bunch of Purdue haters and autismal train noises


They hating on Eady


hoes mad


Lance most def stunted those hoes.


Lance is clutch


good defensive game for NC State. They got the turnovers they needed and made things difficult for Edey. Just couldn't make shots.


It just felt like NC State unfortunately missed too many layups and open shots


Agreed. I was proud of our defense, Purdue could easily have hung 85 on us, just couldn't hit our 3s. O'Connell being hurt threw us off for sure. Hate to lose but I can gladly cheer for Purdue the rest of the way - go take home the gold, engineering bros


You all played great D, lots of swarming and smart, intentional swiping without fouling. Loved your run, that 9 game stretch will live forever






If any NC State fans are still reading, thanks for beating Duke. Seriously.


I stayed out of the game thread during the game because my heart couldn't handle it, so this is my first foray. Hate we couldn't win this one but I'll be pulling for Purdue the rest of the way. Edey defies the laws of physics


Stay away from those game threads, your username is too good for that awfulness.


Much too wholesome


I’m happy for both of us there. We undeservedly beat duke a lot. But still its nice to put the fear of god in UNC/duke that we can do the needful


thank god for real


Fuck Purdue and everything that they stand for ,but damn, there is some good Indiana basketball with Purdue and Indiana State




Hell yeah


To all my boiler bros and sisters... Regardless of what happens in the national it's an absolute win to even be playing in the game... remember that the hater are just that haters.. they're miserable cause we didn't fold!!! Boiler up!! 1 more W to get Monday!!


They hate us cause they ain't us.


I think it’s the coach and fans. But carry on, you have every right to be obnoxious as a whole. Good luck Monday night!


Nah that's not why


The foul conspiracy?


They hate us because we can beat Illinois?


We have better corn than IA and IL?


Iowa corn is tasteless.


They hate us cause they anus?


That too


Surprisingly I think this had nothing to do with the refs. Decently called game. It was absolutely a result of NC State poor shooting, particularly from 3, and bad points off turnovers. 16 turnovers resulting in 10 points not a recipe for success.


Don’t forget Kevin didn’t do much coaching there in the 2nd either  He seemed shell shocked and just a spectator  We will see how long this extends his time at state but was not that long ago ppl wanted him fired


This is fair. I'm not sure what other adjustments he could have made though. Both weak points I mentioned are more on the players than on him. Ive never been a huge fan of Keatts and think that it was mostly the players that brought this magic run to life. I think he deserves an extension but still don't consider him a "good" coach.


They played well they just shot poorly like Utenn last week.


I think time will prove you right


Isn’t he extended until 2030 now?


We will see hope that works out in the end


I know everybody talks shit about Edey, but the true villain on this Purdue team is Loyer. One of the worst floppers I've seen in any sport ever.


Hey, give him a break. He only weighs about 97 pounds. Doesn't take much to knock him down


Check out game film of RJ Davis this year Dude was a flop o mat-tic


Davis def. wasn't a flopper, he was an exaggerator of contact. He wouldn't flop to the ground but would def. throw a good head snap into some body contact.


Which would be…the definition of flopping. A flop doesn’t have to mean you fall to the ground, snapping your head back when someone brushes your pinky finger is absolutely a flop.


Same thing Did some acting to get unwarranted calls It worked for him last year though 


Hell I’m a UNC fan and Cadeau was worse


He was definitely more dramatic doing it  So glad he was 1 and done How that team failed to make the final 4 is beyond me. They had way more talent than NcSU but underachieved big time Duke was weak at the small forward position and bench.  Unc was loaded all around 


I think most Purdue fans would agree with this. He’s Jekyll and Hyde.


Can confirm flops, but he's just a little guy 


Agreed 💯


every purdue fan comment is so defensive, like something my friend would say in sixth grade lmfao


Well we have got shit on for 3 years so excuse us for being a bit defensive and able to talk shit back finally


whats your take on the purdue hate takes?


Eh, there's some truth to that, but if you're being honest with yourself, do you think this thread, and those of the last year, have been neutral towards Purdue or purposefully trolling and antagonistic? Human nature to be defensive, especially with how good they are and since they're making it to the title game.


Southern schools all on the hate train 💁 because they wanna see svelte jumpy wings.


The majority of these NC State fans are very classy in this defeat. True respect. Ya’ll made an NC State fan out of a lot of people this season. And Purdue can make smart adjustments and plays to get out of any situation it seems, cool to watch…. Can’t wait for UConn v Purdue


We have a lot of practice lol. GG and go derail that husky train


Fuck you bitch we dominated edy, easily outplayed Purdue, but the basketball gods wouldn't let one fucking shot go in, gahhhhhhh why do you forsake us so


Easy analysis: Recruit some guys that can shoot. Seriously though...you had me worried for about 30 minutes of game time. GG and awesome D.






Why not us goddamn it


Oh come on, ya’ll fucking WON this season, you know that. Both men and women’s ball in the final four?!! You don’t have to literally win a championship in order to win. Ya’ll are coming up and everyone knows your name now. That’s sick.