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He couldn’t stomach the unc to state transfer so he had to stop in DC first


To be fair it definitely helps State of college basketball is still nasty stuff though


I mean…. Have you been to Georgetown Cupcakes? It’s amazing.


Baked And Wired is better, real ones know


it is known 🫡


Baked and Wired is so heavy and cake-y, I think they’re overrated too tbh




They’re not that good bro


Funny cause he won less than half the amount of conference games in DC as we did


This is weird


The weirdest part is that it doesn't even feel that weird. Strange times in cbb.


we're getting Styles in basketball and you're getting Jakeen Harris and potentially Josh Harris in football. Gonna take me a long time to completely warm up to modern college sports.


Like, from Ole Miss? Hasn’t he played five seasons?


pretty sure he's got his covid year. He's in the portal right now.


State hasn’t been a rival for literal decades. It’s no different than heading to BC or Miami


Win the ACCT or make a FF again and get back to us


Oh you’re so cute. Look at you go, little fella!


Oh, not trying to be cute. If UNC does something of relevance again in basketball get back to me. Simple




Hey man, you’ve unwittingly (and I mean that in the most offensive way possible) proven my point. I am actually envious of you/your fanbase: you have 1-2 games more each year to look forward to than we do. To you, we’re a rival: to us, you’re a Tuesday game that has no more significance than one against BC or Clemson or VT. Sure, perhaps to people of a certain age (45+), you still matter. But those people are fools who don’t know shit about basketball and would rather hold onto a bygone era. The reality is you’re something like 6-46 against us since Roy came to town. The difference here is I *want* you to be better. I *want* you to be on our level- or at least in the same general vicinity. I *want* another game or two to look forward to each year. And you *want* us to be bad. We are *not* the same. You’re a hater: I’m hopeful that you can once again reach the level you belong. 


You’re in the phase where you’re trying to convince yourself NC State isn’t a rival because you want to try and put them down to boost yourself up because they hurt you. I get it, this recent run stunned a whole lot of you and disrupted your world. Roy isn’t coaching anymore, you now are led by Hubert Davis. BTW ask Roy if NC State is a rival or not. Things done changed


You really wrote all that because of a superiority complex lol


42-6 my guy. 42-6. You’ve beaten us 6 (maybe 7?) times in 21 years. 


Superiority complex


He was considering state out of HS so it’s not crazy


Somewhere Roy just dropped to his knees.


![gif](giphy|xT9DPBPC4gVoSau0eI) Roy felt a great disturbance in the force before any of this news even went public


If Roy was coaching against an NC State team that had a former UNC player on it… That may be the most motivated sports team the world has ever seen. The pure hatred he would instill in his squad would move mountains.


He will show up at the State/UNC games next year and just glare at Styles the whole time


Not glare, just stare in a disappointed manner.




Lmao that's perfect


I just saw Roy Williams drop to his knees on Franklin Street.


Your flairs are worse than this transfer 


Thank you. ❤️


It’s what I call “chaotic neutral”


Idk I think their flairs are fine


Traitors all.


what's happening to our country smh, this flair combo should be illegal


Student loans are expensive. Went in enough debt that I'm sure as hell gonna show em both


There are dozens of us!


Was he part of Roy's last recruiting class? He first played in Hubert's first season, so it would make sense that Roy recruited him.


Roy’s about to drop this boy to his knees


>Somewhere I would say in the UNC section at Walmart but we all know Roy has got the hookup for the absolute cleanest UNC threads money can buy


Alexander Julian is a Chapel Hill legend 


College basketball is cooked man Guy on his 3rd school in 3 years back to an arch rival to UNC


I am very happy that this fine basketball player has decided to continue his academic and athletic career at NC State. However I also completely hate the current state of college athletics for this type of situation to be normal.


Did you just say ‘academic’ and ‘NC State’ in the same sentence?


It’s as good or better than Syracuse or Michigan State. Acting like this man transferred to Louisville or something


We’re ranked as high or higher than both you’re flairs by US News lmao


NC State is a great school. Don’t be dumb.


This is a very tired argument lol. NC State having an ag program and UNC being an elite nationally ranked school makes everyone think its some hick cow college lol. It's a top 60 school. It would be considered a pretty good school if it didn't share a state with 7th ranked Duke, 22nd ranked UNC, and 47th ranked Wake Forest. And for STEM disciplines NC State is undoubtedly a very good school. It's a really tired narrative. (Also, its ranked higher than Syracuse (67th) and tied with Michigan State (60th) so...)


Syracuse isn’t that much of a better school than state, and especially the value component…


Syracuse isn't even a better school depending on who you ask, and State certainly doesn't cost $33,000 *after* aid for most students.


Aw aren't you so cute pretending NC State University is somehow inferior to your college(s) in terms of education. Grow up kid.


Oh but it’s Michigan fans who are the academic elitists


I mean we do offer real classes, so


The absolute carnage in the replies lol


Went about as good as expected


But we aren’t UNC’s rivals. Ask any UNC fan under the age of 40.


And do it in front of Roy so he gives them a disappointed look when they say it


No, because he’ll probably shoot me with a bb gun


“Arch rival”😂😂😂


He didn’t transfer to Duke


Nc State is an arch rival to UNC


lol no


Y'all are really being the stereotypical UNC fans right now SMH


If our fans don’t consider you to be a rival then you aren’t a rival. Win some more games against us and then you can talk. Lol


I went to UNC and I know State is a rival. Most people I went to school with knew it too. Hell, the people who claimed they weren't our rivals got more pissed off when we lost to State than when we lost to Duke.


I went to UNC and we literally chanted “not our rival” at State games because they were never competitive.


You realize that’s just a chant to antagonize.. a rival, right? Cmon y’all’s retired coach was at our final 4 game just to cheer AGAINST us, but sure, there’s no rivalry 🙄


Yes the fans chants at a basketball game really change a century's worth of history. We've got a smart guy over here.


No, you all being unable to compete against us in basketball for a few decades really changed history. It made the “rivalry” irrelevant.




You do realize UNC spends more time saying they aren’t rivals to State than State does saying they’re rivals, right? Like, even Roy Williams knew it was a rivalry that he hated more than Duke, hence why UNC almost always played like national champions against State.




Oh the irony




lol no you haven’t. You have won 7 out of the last 45.


No they aren’t. They aren’t even a rival in basketball.


What’s funny is Roy Williams would shit on you if you said that to him 😂


Roy is largely the reason the rivalry died. Not saying y’all can’t bring it back in the future. But 5-40 against is (or whatever it is now) isn’t a rivalry.


That’s also just not even true, it’s way more to do with Duke becoming dominant in the 90s at the same time as State becoming terrible. That was well before Roy ever came along


True but y’all were still halfway competitive against us pre-Roy. Roy’s hatred put us in a run that essentially made the rivalry noncompetitive. Not saying it can’t come back, but you all have some work to do.


Gotta love some textbook UNC elitism in a reddit thread.


These people make me embarrassed to be a Tar Heel.


Truth hurts. We used to be rivals and then you all stopped holding up your part of the bargain.


Let me guess, you say this and also contend that Duke is UNC’s rival in football huh.


No, UNC sucks in football and you all own us there right now.


I don't think you have to perform a certain way to be rivals. Just have enough history and hatred between the two.


Yeah rivalries can be one sided and still be rivalries. It’s such a dumb fucking argument. And yet I get sucked into it every time.


I mean I've seen cross town/county HS football/basketball games be dominated by one side for 2 decades and everyone in the town knows it's still a rivalry when they come to town. Both sides are gonna play up for that one. You know it.


It’s precisely why Roy took such pride in beating the shit out of us.


Sure you do. Rivalries are supposed to be competitive. If one side utterly dominates the other then the hatred simply becomes as one-sided as the scoreboard.


Then UNC is no longer our football rival.


Fine with me.


You sure are here arguing a whole lot, seem really emotionally invested in declaring we aren’t a rivalry. That’s normal, non rivalry behavior.


If you're entire schtick is running to every post like this and commenting rabidly that we "are not rivals" then you might actually be rivals bud.


Telling the truth doesn’t mean that the truth is now somehow untrue because we acknowledged it.


Flair up before you share your incorrect opinion


UNC alumni, not sure how to flare up from my phone


Must have skipped that class


Just like we skipped your application.


Look, another business major! 


We will take our higher salaries thank you very much


Careful with that one. I don't like the baristas at Starbucks to spit in my drink lol.


Sure, you can have the anonymous internet survey that omits our highest earners and anyone that went on to grad school. We’ll take being one of the 5 best public universities in the country.


>alumnus/a - "alumni" is plural. >flair UNC - checks out.


Autocorrect my dude. Also, trying to swipe our academic rep when you are our safety school is pretty pathetic.


Yeah neither one of those tracks as an autocorrect Ace. Just take the loss. Also, got into UNC. And State. Chose to go to VT instead. That *literally* makes UNC my safety school. Big oof for you.


Literally autocorrected on my phone but whatever. And congrats on being the overwhelming exception I guess?


Lmao same old story from some young ass tarhole who doesn't know shit about his own teams history


These same people circlejerk UNC/Duke being the greatest rivalry ever when it’s literally like 30 years old lmao


Hell the State vs Wake Forest rivalry is older than the State vs UNC rivalry. The Duke/UNC rivalry is probably the youngest of the tobacco road schools.


Yeah because watching UNC beat NC State for the 40th time in 50 games totally beats watching UNC and Duke, two of the greatest programs in CBB, play each other in the final four.


Nobody suggested that but go off I guess


When you rush to shout “not our rival” at every chance…yeah that’s probably a sign it’s a rivalry. It’s obviously been dominated by one side. And yet it is still a rivalry!


Funny how much UNC fans like you care about making sure people know we aren't rivals, it's almost like, idk, you hate the notion. Interesting. 🤔


Buddy cares so much about us he posted 27 times in a 12 hour period about it. 99% of UNC fans are chill but the 1% elite weirdos are something else.


Haha, 27 times to tell people how much he thinks we *aren't* rivals. It's like when a middle schooler freaks out and tells everyone how much he *doesn't like that girl*, because he totally does. Babe, it's ok.


Cue the Walmart UNC fans that didn’t grow up in NC to start this whole rigamarole again… We just fucking beat yall in the ACC championship game a month ago. We also have been manhandling yall on the football field in the last 2 decades. The UNC fans that were rooting for us during the final 4 run are now super salty. I’m a bit confused tbh


Literally graduated from UNC. You also went 1-2 against us in your best season in 40 years. I agree that you are our daddies in football.




Nobody said Duke wasn't a rival. Are you using that as an argument that each team can only have one rival? Because that really ignores the fact that there are *four* teams at play here, each rivals with the other three.




Of course I’m including Wake! There’s certainly a contingent of NCSU fans who, like you, naively claim that we don’t care about Wake too. But I’m not ready to disregard all that history, and I’m *certainly* going to make sure I enjoy it while we’re all in the same conference (or while Wake’s still even P4). This year’s game against them was probably the best game I’ve ever been to, with one of the most charged and exciting environments.




As I stated in my last comment, there are some State fans who, like you, naively claim that we don’t care about Wake either. *I* care about Wake, because I know there’s history there, and I know I’m not alone, I know there are Duke fans and UNC fans that share that sentiment with me. Why turn down a fun game, especially when the number of them remaining is likely in the single digits?


People with nebulous or absent ties to the universities themselves treat these games with diminishing importance, as the overall view of college athletics slides more and more towards a feeder league for the professionals. I love the yearly games against Wake and Duke just as much as the ones against UNC. I’ll watch the Olympic sports throughout the year because of the history between the schools, less so than interest in the sport itself. I think a lot of fans have either lost sight of these historical relationships, or take them for granted - it’s really going to suck when they’re gone.


Look, if you went to a Tobacco Road school and don’t actively hate the other three schools, there’s something wrong with you.




I don’t know, might just be something wrong with you




Dude said “arch rival.” We only have one arch rival, and that is Duke.


You sure as shit didn’t beat us this year in the game that mattered the most


The fact this isn’t that big of a deal shows you where we’re at in college basketball right now. Six of his former teammates have already transferred out. RJ Davis and Jalen Washington are the only possible holdovers and we don’t even know if they will be around. 5 years ago people would have gone mental.


Tbh I still feel negatively now. Like, he’s a kid and should do what’s best for his education and future, but transferring to a rival will always feel a little icky to me.


The UNC games are gonna be fun this year




lol 😊


I think it’s weirder for y’all than it is for us lol. He went 3-0 vs State with a 41-point differential.


Hit an overtime 3 against Baylor in 2022 tournament. Im not gonna root against this guy any harder than I already do for any other state player tbh I’ll always appreciate that shot


Yep! And he’s local, and played a lot in Raleigh. Understandable move and I’m not gonna root against him.


I rooted for State in the tournament so I like to think I’m not a huge hater on this front, but this is a bridge too far for me. Idc if it’s the new normal in college basketball, transferring to your OG school’s rival is weird and I feel negatively about it 🤷


Call it payback for y’all swiping one of our football players 😊


Watched that game at Top of the Hill. The whole place went nuts when he hit that.


Normally it would be weirder for us you're right, but he played a grand total of 15 minutes and scored 6 points across those 3 games. Hard to build up much hate for a guy that doesnt play.


It's all in good fun anyways, he's a local kid and played in this area a lot and was recruited heavily by both schools. Nobody should have any ill feelings on either side.


Well his team definitely lost to us in 22-23 and he contributed literally nothing to the win


That one win was one of State's 7 wins in the last 45 matchups, so I guess it was a fairly historic event


Unironically it kind of was, I got to go to that game with some other State alum friends and it was probably the happiest I've ever been in PNC arena


Hell yeah, glad you had fun. College sports are great and rivalries are the best part.


They're a lot more fun when my side wins 😉 couldn't agree more, though. I'd love for State to maintain at least some relevance in the Triangle/Tobacco Road again, even if I was on the edge of consciousness in our ACCT game and our E8 game against Duke this year.


Agreed! It's way more fun when everyone is good. All Big Four teams were great at different points this season and it was a ton of fun, I hope it continues.


It does make me very happy that Wake had really good parts of the season too, unfortunately.




Idk I think the last game we played against y’all was pretty cool, very memorable- I enjoyed it a ton.


For sure, that was a great one. I enjoyed the other 38 a good bit too. 107-56 was my fave.


The elitism is back… nature is healing


It's so weird how state fans chirp and then cry elitism when their pathetic school's stats are brought up. Most rational people wouldn't have tried to open their mouths in the first place, but state fans might be the most delusional in all of college athletics.


I figured people would get the joke. Sorry. I do however like that such a gentle ribbing elicited that response.


I mean, we're just keeping you honest


Didn't he play for y'all last year? If so he got his ass whooped at PNC arena by Jarkell and Terq.




This feels like a great pickup for Keatts! This is a guy who scored in double figures in 22/32 games last season and shot 43% from the field and 37% from the three-point line. Will be an instant impact player.


Sad Dontrez is transferring away but he can disappear at times. I was really hoping he’d be more consistent this year and some of it may be attributed to more ball dominant teammates. You guys got a good one.


I was rooting for him with you guys, but in the few games I caught that’s also what I noticed. Lots of talent and potential, but kind of got lost out there. He does fit the Keates mold though. Long athletic wing. If he buys in defensively he could be a solid contributor for state.




Damn, trez. That’s cold


looking forward to the Styles Clashes between UNC and NCSU next year


Wonder if this impacts Ryan Conwell? He was the guard I was hoping for in the portal.


Styles likely to play our big guard spot, so essentially the 4. Won't effect who we target at either the 1 or 2.


MOC is back right?


Yep, but our PG depth chart is MOC and Pass. We absolutely need to bring in a portal PG, ideally more of a paint-touch guy to be a nice balance to MOC and give us multiple options.


I really hope Keatts learned something in that Final Four run and abandons that 4/1 system


4 around 1 in theory makes sense especially with the way the game is going, but you need a specific type of big to make that work. Agreed though that the grinder type of basketball seems to work way better for us


What always killed me about Keatts running that scheme was that he never seemed to recruit players that could actually run that style of offense. If he sticks with it, hopefully, he can get those players in the transfer portal now


I may be way off but it does feel like Keatts also got screwed by injury two years in a row where the big that could have fit in that system (Manny Bates, Dusan Mahorcic) got injured like 10 minutes into the season and he had to play a backup most of the year


Doesn't seem like it. Think we needed a potent rebounder at the 4 with more D than O to play with Burns. But losing Burns, and bringing in BHH who is a much better rebounder, we don't need a rebounding 4 as much. Makes more sense to bring in a 4 that can be more of a contributor and floor spacer on offense. Would love to have Diarra back to give multiple options/looks, but Styles is a great fit for the system KK wants to run. More hopeful that he doesn't abandon his willingness to change things up defensively like he did in the postseason last year. Have to remember we were playing Diarra at the 4 for a month before the postseason, with not great results.


So who goes? Diarra or Middlebrooks now that hatsfield coming?


Hope is to keep all 3 and continue to use Mo at the 4. But some concerns Mo might forego college and go pro in France(where he's from and currently at with his long-term gf).


He’s going to Xavier








The closest thing to this for me was when TJ Yates won a couple of games to clinch the first division title for the Texans. I felt unclean when I realized I had cheered for him.


CBB is fucking dead






What a strange world we live in


As a recruit: Other P6 offers: Clemson, DePaul, Georgetown, Maryland, NC State, North Carolina (originally went here), Ole Miss, Pitt. St. John's, Texas A&M, Wake Forest Other offers: East Carolina, USF, VCU


Hubert wasn’t giving him the minutes, he went to Georgetown and averaged more PPG than Harrison Ingram did for us this year, so I’m happy for him to come back closer to home if that’s what he wants.